Many thanks for registering for our event. What a great morning it was! Here is a link to the public webpage which records our thanks and which we will be using to host photos and information relating to The ALL London June Event 2022: https://all-london.org.uk/all-events/the-all-london-june-event-2022/ It includes a link to our Flickr album: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzU5YR
This is a private webpage which includes items which our presenters have generously sharing with participants. Please do not share this as it is only for the ‘in-crowd’! Thank you.
If you registered as non-member of ALL and have now joined the association, you can claim a refund. Please answer this email today to claim this refund, but if you do not have time, let me know later and we can invite you to the next event for free! Here is the link to join: https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/ Remember you can use the code ALLJune2022 to get a 10% discount. (This is valid for one month).
Thank you all for your support, and we look forward to welcoming in future. The next Event is at the BFI. Please put Saturday January 21st 2023 into your diary now!
Presentations for the ‘in-crowd’!
- Steven Fawkes Just making memories: Steven Fawkes Just making memories final
- Jérôme Noguès ‘Recite, Bake, Create’: Jerome Nogues Recite Bake Create IFRU 22