Many thanks to Steven Fawkes and Crista Hazell who have worked long and hard to produce the 35th edition of our fantastic association’s termly magazine entitled ‘Languages Today’. Thanks so much also to the generous contributors who share a wealth of ideas and represent the spirit of the ALL family in which members from across the spectrum in the language teaching world, whether teacher, manager, publisher, trainer, examiner or inspector pull together to help others. This edition focuses especially on diversity, and illustrates the breadth of our ‘Language World’.
This is an example of the quality magazine you receive termly as an ALL member, and we hope that seeing it will entice you to join us if you are not already a member!
You can download it here as a pdf (all the links work) from the ALL site (and see other useful links on the same page) or read as an e publication on Yumpu below. Happy reading!