Many thanks to Wendy Adeniji for her presentation and willingness to answer questions from those who attended the webinar on the 2019 Ofsted framework and MFL. Thanks also to David Shanks who was the perfect host!
How can you as an MFL teacher prepare in the best possible way for an Ofsted inspection?
What are inspectors really looking for?
If you’re a head of department how can you give a rationale for your subject’s curriculum?
This webinar will look at what inspectors expect to see in lessons and books and will also focus on some of the relevant features of the new 2019 framework.
Wendy Adeniji is Principal at Bradford Forster Academy, a teacher of MFL, trainer and author of language teaching resources. She has worked recently for Ofqual and as a school inspector. We have been delighted to have Wendy as a speaker at our events, and are very grateful to her for leading this webinar.
Wendy Adeniji
Wendy is a teacher of languages, Author of language teaching resources and a headteacher. She has previously been an OFSTED inspector and is committed to excellence in the teaching of languages.
We have been delighted to have Wendy as a speaker at our events, and are very grateful to her for leading this webinar.