The Roadshow webinar gets a reboot! Steven Fawkes presents highlights from this term’s ALL Roadshow for Local groups, and responds to Helen Myers’ questions. Join the conversation !
This time the themes include : re-evaluating the scheme of work, cultural capital, and online activity.
Thanks so much to Steven for preparing such a useful session giving up-dates on what is available to teachers via ALL and inspiring over 100 of us with practical ideas for engaging our learners through speaking events. It is always a treat to hear him! Thanks also to Crista Hazell who was able to give instant answers to the chat questions.
There were many proud ALL members attending, but we were also delighted to welcome newly-joined ALL members and to witness a conversion on the night! Please read the chat in order to to meet us and to pick up extra ideas which were offered as Steven spoke: Chat Webinar with Steven Fawkes Q and A June 20
Here are the follow-up notes as promised:
Here is the recording.
Apologies: when Helen speaks there’s a bit of a buzz (there was a reason – the microphone had been left at arm’s length behind her following a recent Zoom ‘cello lesson!) but when Steven speaks, it’s fine.. so please bear with the recording and skip Helen’s 3 minute intro to get to Steven’s . Also – slight hiatus 36:17 – 37:43 when Steven’s PowerPoint went into hiding …
Class photo: