Many thanks to the wonderful David Shanks who gave his time and expertise to a large group of keen trainee MFL teachers, eager to know how to prepare for their NQT year.
Here are some links:
Transcript pasted into a word document: 2019 A webinar with David Shanks
The ALL London Branch are proud to host this free webinar on behalf of ALL nationally. In this session, David Shanks (@HFLanguages) will focus on advice and practical tips for making the most of your NQT year and becoming an outstanding MFL practitioner. There will also be the chance in the follow-up Q&A to have your MFL questions answered be they on Target Language, managing marking, pedagogy, work-life balance or anything MFL-related!
About David Shanks
David is a Lead MFL Consultant for the Harris Federation and a member of ALL Council, as well as a practising French teacher. He is always keen to promote and support collabortaion between institutions, share good practice and fly the languages flag. To read more about David, follow this link.
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