Word doc containing brief notes taken by Helen Myers during webinar: Aurelie Charles notes eTwinning
Chat transcript download:eTwinning webinar chat transcript
Presentation download (pdf): etwinning ALL webinar PDF
Useful links from webinar (pdf): USEFUL+LINKS+FROM+WEBINAR+ETWINNING PDF
Welcome to the new TwinSpace (pdf) WelcometothenewTwinSpace_EN
Event description
eTwinning: the tools to manage Europe-wide projects
How can you make the most of the eTwinning tools to set up projects for your students?
Aurélie Charles led a superb session at the 2017 ICT in Language Conference, inspiring us to use the eTwinning portal, giving us information about the tools available, sharing examples of projects including those which she has successfully led, and taking us through the steps needed to join in.
We are delighted that she accepted our invitation to share her experience during a webinar.
eTwinning is a European organisation which was created in 2005 and connects students and teachers all across Europe. It enables participants to create and manage European wide school projects freely and securely.
eTwinning is free and help is always at hand when you need it.
Aurélie will show you around the eTwinning portal and twinspace. You will get a chance to see what tools are available and how to find a partner to start a project. She will show you examples of projects she has led or taken part in and you will get a chance to register on the website.
About Aurélie Charles.
Aurélie Charles teaches French and Spanish and is a Subject leader at Longfield Academy. She is eTwinning/British Council Ambassador for the south east of England.She is keen on using ICT tools in the classroom, especially Google suite and iPads apps.
You can follow her on Twitter @aurelagazelle