Thursday 14th May 2020
Thanks so much to Paco for an inspiring session! We look forward to another webinar when you can make it!
Class Photos:
Another welcome ‘first-timer’ for our conference, Paco will share apps and ideas for making the most of songs. Experience how the elements of music – melody, rhythm, repetition – make language even more memorable and enjoyable.
In this session, he will be exploring 4 music-based apps: Lyrics Gaps, where homework can be set by selecting specific songs for students to listen to at home, which also allows teachers to track students’ progress; Lyrics Translate, containing the biggest song database, offering easy and practical ways to create gap-fills; Lyrics Translate, which can be used to promote independent and creative writing and Genius/Musixmatch, which supports the addition of real-time lyrics on Spotify on phones and tablets.
Paco Fernandez
Paco Fernandez is a primary and secondary MFL Teacher and Lead Practitioner currently working for the Cam Academy Trust. His area of research revolves around the link between music and memory in language learning. He is about to embark on a PhD project entitled “Monitoring second-language learners’ out-of-school exposure through online music streaming services and music-based language-learning apps”.
Paco Fernandez TiLT Thursday 14th May
01:01:09 alisonbibby: I’m a member
01:01:10 Ann-Gaelle Cox: I’m a member
01:01:12 Anna Grainger: I am a member 🙂
01:01:13 Karine Cook: I am a member, please join
01:01:13 Ruth Hedley: Join! 🙂
01:01:15 Angeles: I am a member
01:01:17 Oussama Boukhelkhal: How can I be a member?
01:01:19 Negin Shabestari: i am a member
01:01:22 Daniela Thacker: I am member
01:01:26 Julie Gourdon-Kelly: Not a member but thinking of joining as it is my 2nd webinar and I find them great!
01:01:28 Sam: I’m a newish member.
01:01:29 Mart W: trying to persuade my school to let us have Dept membership
01:01:40 HELEN Stokes: I’m a member
01:01:43 Rosemary Hicks: I’m a member and it offers you so many opportunities for bespoke MFL CPD
01:01:49 julie.morgan5: All of my dept are members, well worth it
01:01:50 Ellie Fitzgerald: I joined last week. Amazing resources available. Thank you.
01:02:01 Negin Shabestari: booked for apps a shin and quizzes
01:02:35 Rachel Moyse: I’m an NQT member
01:03:18 Joe Dale: Here is how you join ALL
01:05:00 Rachel Moyse: Will these slides be shared on the website?
01:05:33 Negin Shabestari: you will get it in an email
01:05:44 Rachel Moyse: Great, thank you!
01:05:47 Negin Shabestari: i mean the recording
01:05:59 Negin Shabestari: sure
01:06:15 Deborah Monroy: Hello from Charlotte USA
01:06:34 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Yes, I love this one!
01:06:48 Joe Dale: Hi Deborah!
01:06:55 Céleste Robillard: I’ve learnt English with Lyrics training when I was younger 🙂
01:07:07 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Some students ask for Lyrics training
01:08:10 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I use it sometimes when I have ten minutes left at the end of a lesson and do it as a competition in two teams to see who can pick the most words of the song.
01:08:16 Karine Cook: I agree Paco
01:08:21 Deborah Monroy: Been following you a while Joe ! Nice to “see” you
01:08:57 Charlotte Rayner: It’s a good engagement activity.
01:09:44 Joe Dale: You too Deborah 🙂
01:09:45 Negin Shabestari: i can’t see the french
01:09:46 Chiara: Q-Does it also have children songs?
01:09:52 Laurence Gillham: I am only seeing the “acepto Milagros” screen, am I missing something?
01:10:01 alisonbibby: me too
01:10:03 Charlotte Rayner: we can’t see what you are showing us
01:10:04 DurbanoR: me too
01:10:06 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: We cannot see what he’s explaining…
01:10:07 marisa: Me too.
01:10:07 sandra: The screen is not changing
01:10:08 Laura Colagrossi: same here
01:10:09 Mart W: my screen has froze too
01:10:14 Isabelle: me too
01:10:15 Valérie Smith: same
01:10:16 Deborah Monroy: same here
01:10:18 Karen McMillan: LOL I was wondering what was going on then
01:10:19 Severine Perrot: me too
01:10:20 Veronique Parrott: I can’t see what Paco is describing
01:10:20 Pilar Navarro: same here
01:10:28 Daniela Thacker: nor me
01:10:28 Hayley Brighton: Nor me
01:10:29 Céleste Robillard: Same
01:10:31 Negin Shabestari: joe please help
01:10:40 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Q: did you get the name of the French song?
01:10:47 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Ah, got it now
01:10:50 alisonbibby: that’s it now
01:11:05 Negin Shabestari: yhanks
01:11:10 Negin Shabestari: thanks
01:11:15 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks Joe!
01:11:22 Hayley Brighton: What is the name of the song, I can’t see?
01:11:32 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: “Un fou de toi”
01:11:36 Hayley Brighton: Merci!
01:11:38 Severine Perrot: un peu de toi
01:11:40 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: De rien!
01:11:41 Negin Shabestari: un peu de toi
01:11:44 Karine Cook: un peu de toi
01:11:48 Céleste Robillard: Un peu
01:11:48 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Oooups, pardon
01:11:57 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I need new glasses
01:12:04 Charlotte Rayner: we missed how you to the print page
01:12:20 Laurence Gillham: I did not know you could save it, that is great!
01:12:34 Negin Shabestari: can Paco go back a bit because we didn’t see where he got the worksheet
01:12:44 Charlotte Rayner: I shall try saving it.
01:13:01 Laurence Gillham: when you select a song, scroll down and it will say print lyrics
01:13:13 Negin Shabestari: thanks again joe
01:13:45 Negin Shabestari: great
01:13:48 Charlotte Rayner: thank you Joe and Paco
01:14:04 Candida Javaid: Q Do you need to have an account to be able to create exercise?
01:14:14 Laurence Gillham: no you don’t need an account
01:14:56 Candida Javaid: I can’t see the option to create a WS.
01:15:15 Alexandra Jarry: I believe so
01:16:33 Joe Dale: @candida You click Print lyrics
01:16:57 Céleste Robillard: will Paco share his presentation with us as well? Sorry if it’s been answered
01:17:12 Candida Javaid: I saw that but Paco had this additional box where you could create a WS.
01:18:01 Joe Dale: I’ll ask him at the end
01:18:36 Candida Javaid: Thanks @joedale
01:18:53 julie.morgan5: sorry been called away
01:19:08 Rachel Moyse: Do any of the sites group exercises depending on what you want students to achieve – i.e. near future, adjectival agreement etc?
01:19:44 Karine Cook: Q Would Paco be able to share his playlist French/Spanish per year group please? I feel I am always using the same songs…
01:19:53 Laurence Gillham: Do students have to have accounts?
01:19:57 Rachel Moyse: Q Do any of the sites group exercises depending on what you want students to achieve – i.e. near future, adjectival agreement etc?
01:20:36 Joe Dale: I don’t think so Rachel
01:20:38 Negin Shabestari: wow that is great feature
01:20:57 Ruth Hedley: yes, love that
01:21:09 Chiara: Q-Can you change the language in WR on lyricsgaps?
01:22:48 joanna chambers: I’m new and I’m finding this really useful, thank you.
01:22:56 Deborah Monroy: @Chiara – or is it automatic?
01:24:47 ALL London: It’s a great forum for discussing translation with others
01:24:56 Negin Shabestari: Persian and turkish! 🙂
01:29:43 ALL London: I love Paco’s stylish presentation!
01:30:24 Helena Ortega: Brilliant ideas 🙂
01:32:47 Mrs Flint: Love that!
01:33:30 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I agree! It’s very well organised to help us follow. Thank you!
01:35:59 Joanna Barber: +++
01:36:25 Anna Grainger: what is the app called please?
01:36:36 Joe Dale: Musixmatch
01:36:40 Anna Grainger: thanks Joe
01:37:17 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:37:44 Marta Eulalia Martín: “Tu enemigo” is a really nice song to talk about immigration – A level Spanish
01:37:57 ALL London: Paco’s website:
01:39:27 Mrs Flint: I try to use Teachvid but my pupils struggle to login
01:40:31 Karine Cook: yes
01:40:57 ALL London: (34 watching on Livestream)
01:41:22 Candida Javaid: what is the link to the livestream?
01:41:34 ALL London:
01:41:38 Candida Javaid: Thanks!
01:42:14 Deborah Monroy: yes – iit’s great
01:42:23 CoDodge: Love Edpuzzle
01:42:34 ALL London: Apologies.. it was not in the invitation. I’m kicking myself as I spend tiem settign it up .. then omitted the stage of actually telling anyone the address …
01:43:03 María Victoria Castanedo: Thank you so much!
01:43:42 CoDodge: If video disappears from you tube then so does your work 🙁
01:43:58 Karine Cook: excellent
01:45:14 ALL London: This is amazing! New to me.
01:46:17 CoDodge: ojo meant if video disappears from youtube for copyright purposes
01:46:54 Deborah Monroy: yes – always check the activities! sometimes all kinds of errors
01:48:20 Deborah Monroy: If the student does not like their score you can reset and they can redo. Or even easier, make a second copy that they can go to
01:49:13 CoDodge: Edpuzzle is great for any video work
01:49:27 Deborah Monroy: I like the notes … if the vid is of a grammar point. You can guide them in their note-taking
01:49:31 Negin Shabestari: Again! so sorry 😊
01:50:56 CoDodge: remember doing a series of video training with them when first used which was useful for feature use
01:51:11 ALL London: From livestream: cecilia giordano wow! this is amazing! Elpiniki Fragkouli Fantastic! Edpuzzle!
01:51:41 Grace: Thank you!
01:54:21 Candida Javaid: Thank you Paco for this inspiring presentation! I unfortunately have to go but certainly feel a real motivation to use more music videos!
01:54:51 ALL London: Great, Candida .. Paco will read this later!
01:56:14 Julie Gourdon-Kelly: That’s such a good option!
01:56:22 Deborah Monroy: One thing to remember: you cannot correct if you make an error once you have assigned it
01:56:30 ALL London:
01:59:30 Laurence Gillham: Q: does the gradebook then tells you how your class has done?
01:59:49 Deborah Monroy: yes it does
01:59:51 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I didn’t know Edpuzzle either. Thank you for another great tool to create resources!
02:00:01 Laurence Gillham: Thank you 🙂
02:00:16 Deborah Monroy: YOu can tell them that they need to get at least 80 per cent or something or they have to redo
02:00:22 Anna Grainger: can you see students’ marks in edpuzzle if they enter with a link and don’t have an account?
02:00:32 Isabelle: Merci .
02:00:32 Anna Grainger: Sorry that should have had a Q by it
02:00:46 Anna Grainger: Q – can you see students’ marks in edpuzzle if they enter with a link and don’t have an account?
02:00:52 Joe Dale: I don’t think so Anna
02:00:53 Tatiana Quevedo Guerra: gracias
02:01:14 ALL London: I think we will need a ‘part 2’!
02:01:28 costcla: Thank you Taco. I had heard about edpuzzle before, but didn’t know how to use it, or if it was really useful for my students. I can now see it is 🙂
02:01:40 Joe Dale: Sounds good to me!
02:01:43 Anna Grainger: OK thanks Joe
02:01:58 María Victoria Castanedo: That would be great!
02:01:59 Joe Dale: I think you mean Paco not Taco 🙂
02:02:18 costcla: Yes, Paco it is 😀
02:02:24 Joe Dale: 😉
02:02:40 ALL London: EdPuzzle says on the site that it;s used by more than 50% of US schools.
02:06:27 Angeles: This is really good. Thanks Paco.
02:06:53 Rachel Moyse: This was so useful, but I have to go. Thank you Paco and ALL this was brilliant for me and will be wonderful for my students
02:07:00 Amy MacMahon: Gracias, lots to play around with!
02:07:07 ALL London: Thanks Rachel
02:07:14 ALL London:
02:07:36 ALL London:
02:07:56 ALL London:
02:08:01 Ruth Hedley: Huge thans
02:08:06 Christine Webb: thank you Paco
02:08:13 Mrs Flint: This is amazing
02:08:36 Julie Gourdon-Kelly: As it is recorded, will the whole webinar available to rewatch on your ALL website?
02:08:57 Ruth Hedley: woops! Huge thanks to Paco and ALL, Helen and joe et al – so useful and inspiring but must go. Gracias! 😀
02:09:03 Corinne Donaldson: So engaging! And will really inspire some hard to focus pupils!
02:09:19 Joe Dale: Yes Julie. They are on my YouTube channel
02:09:25 ALL London: Thanks Ruth
02:09:30 Mel: Thank you -so useful
02:09:36 ALL London: Yes this i sall being recorded
02:09:51 ALL London: Joe Dale will upload to his channel
02:10:11 Laura Colagrossi: Thanks so much Paco, very interesting and useful!
02:10:25 ALL London: From YouTube livestream Micaela Jefferson Brilliant ideas! I thoroughly enjoy assignments that involve music! Love this!
02:11:53 joanna chambers: Thank you for a really interesting and thorough presentation
02:12:41 Chiara: Thank you so much! Inspiring presentation
02:13:40 Severine Perrot: thank you very much I will try them 🙂
02:13:43 Valérie Smith: Fabulous presentation! thanks so much
02:13:43 alisonbibby: Muchas gracias Paco. Muy interesante.
02:13:46 Karen McMillan: Excellent, thanks. Got to go, but really enjoyed this.
02:13:54 Ann-Gaelle Cox: Very useful and inspiring, thank you Paco!
02:13:59 Mrs Flint: Excellent – thanks so much for sharing – cant wait to use soon with my pupils
02:14:01 Lois: Thank you!
02:14:01 Veronique Parrott: wow lots of ideas! Thank you so much
02:14:02 Deborah Monroy: Muchísimas gracias
02:14:06 Laurence Gillham: Thank you so much! Can’t wait to try to play with some of these apps!
02:14:10 Alan Lee: Buenísimo
02:14:16 Julie Gourdon-Kelly: Thank you!
02:14:16 María Victoria Castanedo: It was amazing, Paco!!!
02:14:16 Negin Shabestari: A great thank you to Paco, ALL, Helen and Joe. it was fabulous webinar.
02:14:18 Alexandra Jarry: Muchas Gracias
02:14:20 HELEN Stokes: Muchas gracias Paco
02:14:21 Hayley Brighton: Thank you so much. I will definitely be trying your ideas with my students.
02:14:24 Orla Nagle: Q – does the teacher get a record of the score from ISL or would you have to ask the students to screenshot it to let you know?
02:14:28 Bella Bennett: muchísimas gracias 👏
02:14:31 Sarah Long: Mil gracias, Paco! Ha sido muy útil!
02:14:31 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Muchas gracias por tanta información, Paco!!! Entraré en tu página web a explorar y usaré sin duda las herramientas de las que nos has hablado.
02:14:39 nualas: Thank you
02:14:47 Iryna: Great. thank you!
02:14:55 Pilar Navarro: una presentacion fabulosa
02:14:58 ELE LONGO: Thank you
02:15:02 CoDodge: So many great ideas… thank you x
02:15:09 Maria: Muchas gracias Paco! You’re so inspiring!
02:15:55 Korina Topalidou: Muchas gracias!
02:15:56 kimg: Thankyou Paco , thoroughly enjoyed it . Lots of ideas to play and experiment with . Muchísimas gracias 🙂
02:16:07 Alan Lee: I better go – gracias Paco.
02:16:11 Esther Mallol: Thank you
02:16:58 Dawn Eyre: Muchísimas gracias Paco, inspirational!
02:16:58 susan.zammit: Thank you very much 🙂
02:17:33 ALL London: Thanks everyone .. we understand if you hav eto leave now! I am still recording this
02:18:26 Daniela Thacker: Thank you so much 🙂
02:18:36 Marta Eulalia Martín: Muchísimas gracias
02:19:13 ALL London: From lovestream: Elpiniki Fragkouli Thank you so much! Christina BALSOM So many brilliant ideas, can we have him back? Micaela Jefferson Fantastic! Brilliant practical ideas x Elpiniki Fragkouli Μπράβο! Rachel Grice Thank you….after a panic of not being able to get on – it was worth it thank you! Rachel Grice Already set the Stromae on Edpuzzle for my students as I know one of them loves that song! 😀 Charlotte White So many great ideas! Thank you
02:19:45 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Gracias de nuevo. I need to go!
02:20:59 ALL London: From Erwan on YOutune stream,: Thank you so much! The webinar was great, lots of inspiring ideas to take back and try with our students. I thought that Paco Fernandez was amazing, so clear and well structured, a great speaker. Thank you very much for responding to me so quickly with the link.
02:23:04 Joanna Barber: Thank you – lots of really interesting ideas. Have a nice evening everyone.
02:23:53 Alexandra Jarry: Q: how do you introduce all these websites to your classes
02:24:42 Alexandra Jarry: Q: do you have a letter introducing them at the beginning of the year and ask approval to all parents? As they need their first and surname (GDPR issues?)
02:27:48 Laurence Gillham: Once again, huge thanks! It has been eye opening! Have a lovely evening!
02:27:58 Deborah Monroy: Thanks so much!
02:28:10 ALL London: Thanks Laurence
02:28:18 Mart W: thanks Paco, thanks ALL. see you again
02:28:34 Helena Ortega: Thank you so much
02:28:35 Karine Cook: thank you so much
02:28:47 Victoria’s iphone: when you sign up in one of this website with your personal email, can students see your email?
02:28:51 Anna Grainger: Thank you. Really great ideas.
Helen Myers
Welcome to the livestream!
cecilia giordano
Hola! Thanks Helen for sending then link.
Juana Berriel
Helen Myers
I am sooooooo sorry … I looked at the conformation and realise that I did not update with the link. PLease forgive me!
Ricardo V
It s ok, no worries
Juana Berriel
No worries. So happy I can at least join the webinar. thank you
Claire O’Brien
No problem, we’re all doing our best under online pressures. Glad to be here and thanks for making it happen. 🙂
Christina BALSOM
is Joe Dale putting it on his youtube channel so we get to see the start?
Helen Myers
Thanks. I sent an email to the list and quickly copied n dpasted the address to the questions which came flooding in.
Helen Myers
As soon as this is over it will render then you can see the start straight away (it starts about 50 minutes in as th estream has been going since 7.30 I think)
Helen Myers
I am recordin git on zo then O pass it to Joe who will upload it in a neater format
Christina BALSOM
Thank you so much!
Helen Myers
well done if you can interpret my typing!
Lucia Rottava
Hello Antonio
Helen Myers
If you have any questions or comments, type them here and I can convey to Paco
Lidia Bugia-Garrido
Hola! Happy I can join now 🙂
Helen Myers
Great, Lidia!
Juana Berriel
Hola Lidia:)
Lidia Bugia-Garrido
Hola amiga
Helen Myers
Paco’s website:
Helen Myers
his is amazing! New to me.
Helen Myers
cecilia giordano
wow! this is amazing!
Elpiniki Fragkouli
Fantastic! Edpuzzle!
Helen Myers
Helen Myers
I have pasted your enthusiasm into Zoom room chat!
cecilia giordano
I feel like opening another screen and start creating one!
Helen Myers
Exactly Cecilia! So inspiring!
Micaela Jefferson
Brilliant ideas! I thoroughly enjoy assignments that involve music! Love this!
Helen Myers
Yes Micaela .. I feel language and music go together perfectly
Elpiniki Fragkouli
Thank you so much!
Christina BALSOM
So many brilliant ideas, can we have him back?
Micaela Jefferson
Fantastic! Brilliant practical ideas x
Elpiniki Fragkouli
Rachel Grice
Thank you….after a panic of not being able to get on – it was worth it thank you!
Rachel Grice
Already set the Stromae on Edpuzzle for my students as I know one of them loves that song! 😀
Charlotte White
So many great ideas! Thank you.
Helen Myers
Excellent .. thanks so much for your comments .. Paco will see them!
Mrs KCJ Padidar
So helpful-muchas gracias!
Mrs KCJ Padidar
Do you have to have Twitter for LyricsGaps?
Rachel Grice
[message retracted]
Rachel Grice
[message retracted]
Juana Berriel
Fantastic ideas! Thank you so much.
Mrs KCJ Padidar
Thank you very much for sending the link quickly!!
Christina BALSOM
Don’t worry at all, we got to see it and have a chance to catch up later.
Lidia Bugia-Garrido
Brilliant! Thank you!
Christina BALSOM
Thank you so much!