‘How to sharpen your Microsoft tools and related apps for teaching and learning!’
7th April 2020
This webinar is part of out TiLT webinar series. Click here for more information.
- Click here for the recording on Joe Dale’s YouTube page.
- The webinar generated a lot of chat. Here it is: (8 pages’ worth!) Jane Basnett Webinar Chat public
- Notes + screen shots from Helen Myers which may help as an aide-mémoire to those who have watched the video and want to draw attention to some aspects. [Revised 10th April]. Webinar with Jane Basnett notes V4
Jane has built up an enormous amount of knowledge about how to use Microsoft for the classroom and shares widely on Twitter. She was due to give a session at the ‘real world’ TiLT conference this year, and we are delighted that she is willing to deliver it online with us!
In this session she will supplement Sandra Aktas’ 2nd April session on the Microsoft classroom by sharing some of her own examples of using teams for assignments and grades, as well as using Class Notebook and apps including for example ‘Flipgrid’, ‘Whiteboard’ and the ‘Dictate’ tool.
Jane is Head of Department at Downe House School.
She has an MA in Dig Tech. and she is an MIE Expert 2019-20 and Microsoft Certified Educator
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 07:50 PM
hi# thanks a lot
From sean_ to Everyone: 07:50 PM
excited to see what I can learn today, thank you!
From Rachel Vause to Everyone: 07:51 PM
Hi everyone. Thanks for this 🙂
From Phil Longwell to Everyone: 07:52 PM
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 07:52 PM
sooo happy
From Phil Longwell to Everyone: 07:57 PM
40 and rising
From Jo to Everyone: 07:58 PM
hello from the North East!
From Uxía to Everyone: 07:59 PM
Hi from the South West 🙂
From Sheryl to Everyone: 07:59 PM
Hello, London here.
From Jane Basnett to Everyone: 07:59 PM
Hello Everyone
From Jo to Everyone: 07:59 PM
don’t you mean London calling? 🙂
From Jacqueline Young to Everyone: 08:00 PM
Good evening from Scotland
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 08:00 PM
hi from Frankfurt
From Jason to Everyone: 08:00 PM
hi from Southampton
From Sheryl to Everyone: 08:00 PM
lol, yes, Jo!
From Gordon’s iPad to Everyone: 08:01 PM
hi from Lincolnshire
From Crista Hazell (ALL) to Everyone: 08:01 PM
Hi Everyone – Great to see you Helen, Jane and Joe….
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 08:01 PM
Hello everyone 🙂
From Julia Morris to Everyone: 08:01 PM
From Isabelle Wallace to Everyone: 08:02 PM
Hi everyone! Looking forward to this 🙂
From Ramesh to Everyone: 08:02 PM
Hi from the Midlands
From Jane Basnett to Everyone: 08:02 PM
Hello Crista and all my twitter friends. So nice to see you here
From Crista Hazell (ALL) to Everyone: 08:03 PM
Yay Joe!!
From LAETITIA TESSIER to Everyone: 08:03 PM
Hi from Ireland 🙂
From Crista Hazell (ALL) to Everyone: 08:03 PM
Lovely to see you too Jane! And everyone. Joe what you don’t know about Technology isn’t worth knowing!!
From Julia Morris to Everyone: 08:03 PM
are there 2 webinars per week now?
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 08:04 PM
I can see the ppt 🙂
From Joe Dale to Everyone: 08:04 PM
Thanks Crista 🙂
From Uxía to Everyone: 08:04 PM
Yes, we can
From Jacqueline Young to Everyone: 08:04 PM
From secqs to Everyone: 08:04 PM
From Phil Longwell to Everyone: 08:04 PM
From Noreia Benhalima to Everyone: 08:04 PM
From Jo to Everyone: 08:04 PM
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 08:04 PM
From Sheryl to Everyone: 08:04 PM
From Joe Dale to Everyone: 08:04 PM
Atm Julia yes
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 08:04 PM
From Rachel Vause to Everyone: 08:04 PM
From cwebb to Everyone: 08:04 PM
Hi From Wilthire
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:04 PM
evening all
From Crista Hazell (ALL) to Everyone: 08:05 PM
Wow 96 participants!! Woweeee!!!
From Dr Judith Rifeser to Everyone: 08:05 PM
Good evening everyone!
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 08:05 PM
amazing 98 participants
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 08:06 PM
Buenos noches todo el mundo!
From Dr Judith Rifeser to Everyone: 08:06 PM
Wow! Incredible!
From Jane Basnett to Everyone: 08:06 PM
Fantastic to see so many people.
From Crista Hazell (ALL) to Everyone: 08:06 PM
Yay!! Exciting that there are sooo many folk here this evening! 100 people now! Woop !
From Joe Dale to Everyone: 08:06 PM
Where is everyone from? I’m from the Isle of Wight
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:06 PM
hi @janebasnett… looking fwd to this a lot
From Sara French to Everyone: 08:06 PM
hi everyone.
From Joe Dale to Everyone: 08:06 PM
Thanks Helen
From Esmeralda Salgado to Everyone: 08:07 PM
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 08:07 PM
Hello everyone! I’m Laura in Wiltshire
From Crista Hazell (ALL) to Everyone: 08:07 PM
Hi I’m Crista, in Bristol.
From Catherine Filée to Everyone: 08:07 PM
Hurray for Joe!
From Giulia to Everyone: 08:07 PM
Hello everyone PGCE students!
From Joe Dale to Everyone: 08:07 PM
From Phil Longwell to Everyone: 08:07 PM
100 in the room.
From Ester to Everyone: 08:07 PM
Ester in Cheltenham! Hola!
From Jacqui to Everyone: 08:08 PM
Hi all from sunny Worcestershire.
From Dr Judith Rifeser to Everyone: 08:09 PM
Hi, I am Judith. I am in London but originally from the German speaking area of Italy. Good evening everyone.
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:09 PM
hallo Judith
From Dr Judith Rifeser to Everyone: 08:09 PM
Guten Abend
From Ramesh to Everyone: 08:09 PM
N´Abend Judith
From Crista Hazell (ALL) to Everyone: 08:10 PM
Yes she (Jane) absolutely does have lots of knowledge – her Masters work is incredible!!
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:10 PM
#edchatDE in da house… 😎
From Ramesh to Everyone: 08:10 PM
great to hear Crista; really looking forward to this
From V’s iPad to Everyone: 08:10 PM
Hi , Vanessa here, from sunny Yorkshire.
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:11 PM
Helen’s MOTD knowledge ftw
From Laura Simons to Me: (Privately) 08:13 PM
Hi Helen, lovely to see you! x
From Me to Everyone: 08:13 PM
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 08:13 PM
From Joe Dale to Everyone: 08:13 PM
From Me to Everyone: 08:15 PM
Thanks Heike T-JBCF56420 (Maximim number in the room now .. if anyone hears of people being rejected please reassure them that we love them and they will be able to see the video later!)
From Phil Longwell to Everyone: 08:17 PM
Q. How can you avoid feeling overwhelmed by the number of teams that you are part of? Q+. Is there a way to keep things simple and manageable?
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:18 PM
good question!
From Me to Everyone: 08:18 PM
I am copying and pasting all; quesitons to ask at the end .. please keep them coming
From Ramesh to Everyone: 08:18 PM
Does it remember your login details like a browser would to access websites within OneNote?
From V’s iPad to Everyone: 08:18 PM
How does this compare to Edmodo?
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 08:19 PM
Q: To set up a team is it only the administrator that can do it? (Our IT team has done ours so far so does that mean I can’t set my own up?)
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 08:19 PM
And can we set up our own ‘teams’ even if our school hasn’t got that far in setting them up for all classes?
From Me to Everyone: 08:20 PM
@Laura – at our school, admin need to turnon permissoon for pupils to access a team
From Ramesh to Everyone: 08:21 PM
or indeed if students have not been set up, how, or even if at all, would they be notified? would they need to install OneNote?
From Me to Everyone: 08:21 PM
@Ramesh – students receiev an email
From Ramesh to Everyone: 08:22 PM
From Sheryl Anne Spanish/French to Everyone: 08:22 PM
The assignment function is very similar to ShowMyHomework
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 08:22 PM
Q: Once an assignment is set, can the resources be amended? ie I uploaded the wrong ppt the other day and I couldn’t find out how to delete that and replace it with a different one – without deleting the entire thing if that makes sense?
From Me to Everyone: 08:25 PM
Brillian tto see how you can turn a class notebook page into an assignment this way – and they can just fdo it in their class notebook Good to see theat you can edit the format of the rubric
From Sara French to Everyone: 08:25 PM
sorry – novice here. What or why wd one create a rubrique? A mark scheme?
From Me to Everyone: 08:25 PM
@Sara so that they knwo how it is goign to be marked
From Jacqui to Everyone: 08:25 PM
And you can use it to mark the assignment then.
From Sara French to Everyone: 08:25 PM
thank you
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 08:27 PM
The rubric helps the teacher to grade the student work – kind of achievement criteria wow, that is impressive an assignment with Kahoot, wow
From Rachel Vause to Everyone: 08:27 PM
love this!
From Laura Simons to Me: (Privately) 08:27 PM
That’s fab!
From Alex Bellars to Me: (Privately) 08:27 PM
the Kahoot integration… wow
From Cristina Sanchez to Everyone: 08:27 PM
to Jane, can you do a kahoot if teacher is not sharing her screen?
From Me to Everyone: 08:27 PM
Yes Heike! Reall ygood to see how all these apps can be somehow embedded into an overall sequen e
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:27 PM
the Kahoot integration… wow!
From eric turpin to Everyone: 08:28 PM
I teach in High school to EFL students. Can I generate email accounts for my students, specifically for integrating a team ?
From Uxía to Everyone: 08:29 PM
To Cristina: yes, you can do that now with Kahoot premium. It is free during the Coronavirus crisis…
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 08:29 PM
Jane will you demonstrate how the form part is created?
From Ramesh to Everyone: 08:29 PM
Is there a quick way to create quizzes on forms uploading an excel document as you can on kahoot?
From Me to Everyone: 08:30 PM
@LADYLAVINAI.. NOTED didn;t mean to shout!!! oh dear!!
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 08:30 PM
Thumbs up- thanks
From Me to Heike Philp: (Privately) 08:31 PM
If I| mute all, will that mute Jane?!
From Heike Philp to Me: (Privately) 08:32 PM
no but I am watching Bella closely if you mute all, yes, you will mute Jane
From Ramesh to Everyone: 08:32 PM
Can they disable this?
From Heike Philp to Me: (Privately) 08:33 PM
all open mics are at the top of the list, you cant miss them you can very quickly disable open mics
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:33 PM
brutal, Jane! 🤣
From Me to Heike Philp: (Privately) 08:33 PM
From secqs to Everyone: 08:34 PM
If they get an email every time the system is updated and in every subject, aren’t they in danger of getting overloaded and missing vital assignments?
From elodiedehaan to Everyone: 08:34 PM
I am lost: Q is the grades option on Teams or One Note?
From Julia Morris to Everyone: 08:34 PM
how do I get the grades from teams into onenote?
From Me to Everyone: 08:34 PM
Grade s= teams
From elodiedehaan to Everyone: 08:35 PM
From Me to Everyone: 08:35 PM
but you can link with class notebook to provide th epage oin which they do the assignment
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 08:35 PM
Does the ‘grades’ function on teams have anyway of importing grades from websites such as ‘conjugemos’ that have their own grades section?
From 2 Elisabeth to Everyone: 08:35 PM
Is there a possibilty of keeping a register?
From Me to Everyone: 08:36 PM
@julia, noted the question
From 2 Elisabeth to Everyone: 08:36 PM
What would I use a private chanel for?
From Me to Everyone: 08:36 PM
do you mean , how does thepupil knwo the grade receievd via notebook?
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:36 PM
average time for feedback lol
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 08:36 PM
Jane – do you think you will move away from using physical exercise books and doing everything on the students’ surface pro’s (or is this something that you already do)?
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:37 PM
v brave to show us that, Jane 😉
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 08:37 PM
Q: I sometimes whether whether Teams was created by engineers rather than educators… *wonder
From 2 Elisabeth to Everyone: 08:37 PM
How did you create the little pics in front of the chanels?
From Phil Longwell to Everyone: 08:37 PM
Q. Any advice on how you could simplify things for lower level learners? I teach refugees and migrant workers at Entry Level 2 only and with low level tech skills. But I’ve have been asked to use Teams as my VLE.
From Me to Everyone: 08:37 PM
Jane does use ex books as well.
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 08:37 PM
Ok thanks, I’d be interested to know how she combines what is done in ex books and what is done on teams / online
From Me to Everyone: 08:38 PM
Q noted
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 08:38 PM
@2 Elisabeth- at my school we have used the assignment feature as a register. as you can see who has viewed the assignment. You can call the assignment register. Just ask students to check in. ( You could also use the assignment to send any links or docs students would need for the lesson. )
From Cecile to Everyone: 08:38 PM
Q: Is there a way to prevent students from writing in the chat during a team meeting?
From Jacqui to Everyone: 08:39 PM
Yes – you can mute them
From Helen to Everyone: 08:40 PM
Is Jane going to show us how to set up class notebook. Apologies if she has already – I had trouble joining the webinar.
From eric turpin to Everyone: 08:40 PM
what’s an ex book please ?
From Isabelle Wallace to Everyone: 08:40 PM
In Google, there is Google doc that enables group work if needed (‘Students edit file’. What is the equivalent for Microsoft?
From Me to Everyone: 08:40 PM
exercise book – theboook they take notes in
From Sara French to Everyone: 08:40 PM
can you insert a ready made audio file from a coursebook??
From Susan French to Everyone: 08:40 PM
How come you have record video in the Class Notebook? We only have record audio….
From eric turpin to Everyone: 08:41 PM
From Me to Everyone: 08:41 PM
@Isabelle – colaboration space @susan thisis Notebook 2016 Windows 10 notebook does not allow video @sara – yes
From Julia Morris to Everyone: 08:42 PM
can the students record spoken answers and upload them as well
From Me to Everyone: 08:42 PM
:julia – yes!
From Jacqui to Everyone: 08:42 PM
You can paste in video from elsewhere though or link to a youtube channel
From Julia Morris to Everyone: 08:43 PM
does setting work in teams make sense if they don’t use onenote? How would they hand in work and how could you mark it?
From Jacqui to Everyone: 08:44 PM
They can upload WORD docs or screenshots
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 08:44 PM
what we have done so far is that they can amend the document or PowerPoint or they’ve taken a photo of work in their books
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:44 PM
so the highlights are timed to appear as you mention them, in the page?
From Me to Everyone: 08:44 PM
@Helen – not planned fro today, but we can do this another time.. and there are great microsoft ‘how to ‘ videos
From Helen to Everyone: 08:44 PM
Ok, thanks for that.
From Phil Longwell to Everyone: 08:45 PM
Do you use the transcription feature in Microsoft Stream? That works fairly well if the audio input is clear, I’ve found out recently.
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:45 PM
so this is a built in screen recorder?
From Jacqui to Everyone: 08:45 PM
Stream is one of the Office 365 apps
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 08:46 PM
How do you import a pre-recorded video from stream onto the one note page?
From Phil Longwell to Everyone: 08:46 PM
‘streams’ can only be shared within your organisation, as far as I am aware.
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 08:46 PM
oh ok
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:46 PM
is this a bit like Screenr or Loom?
From Me to Everyone: 08:47 PM
@alex – yes – but I think importantly kept within your organisation (am I right ?)
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 08:47 PM
ok, cool
From Phil Longwell to Everyone: 08:47 PM
I guess if you use Office 365 (One Note, Teams etc) it is easier to use Streams for doing any screencasting / screencapture as it is already integrated into the package.
From Cecile to Everyone: 08:47 PM
Q: How do you create this video?
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 08:48 PM
Do you use a digital pen to write on these whiteboards?
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 08:48 PM
Is there a way to auto mark forms? Can you please demonstrate how to use the streams function- looks super cool
From Me to Everyone: 08:49 PM
@LADY – YES! whoops- shouted again! NotebookWindows 10 vs Notebook 2016 Windows 10 – tabs on left 2016 – tabes at top
From Julia Morris to Everyone: 08:50 PM
in teams, when students ask a question, are there options to ask the whole class or the teacher privately
From Me to Everyone: 08:50 PM
Thsi bit is the best bit I think!
From Julia Morris to Everyone: 08:50 PM
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 08:50 PM
If you are using one note, but not connected to teams, is it any different or does it not make any difference?
From Esmeralda Salgado to Everyone: 08:51 PM
Madeleine, it does not make a difference you can use One Note independently
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 08:51 PM
thank you Esmeralda!
From Anna to Everyone: 08:51 PM
Q how are you writing on the notebook?
From Cristina Sanchez to Everyone: 08:51 PM
sorry, I have missed it, how do you add the review student work box?
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 08:51 PM
Is this annotated marking taking into the grades book?
From Dan to Everyone: 08:51 PM
what is your school’s policy regarding safeguarding and live lessons?
From Me to Everyone: 08:51 PM
@Heike – no
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 08:52 PM
Do you find it sometimes takes quite a while for their work to sync, which makes marking it during the remote lesson more tricky? I’m having a few issues with my one note syncing at the moment (even having left it for quite some time to catch up!)
From Cecile to Everyone: 08:52 PM
Q: Can you review student work on OneNote whilst they are still working on it? Can you see what they do appear live as you are marking a page?
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 08:52 PM
thx Helen
From Anna to Everyone: 08:52 PM
how do you allow students to pair up and work?
From Jacqui to Everyone: 08:52 PM
Normally you can work on it whilst they are. Since lockdown this has not always been possible. Microsoft have removed some features also temporarily to make it all work a bit faster.
From Me to Everyone: 08:52 PM
@cristina – you;ll see it on the replay and we can ask again at the end!
From Heike Philp to Everyone: 08:53 PM
@Jane, do you also teach synchronously in real-time?
From Me to Everyone: 08:54 PM
@Heiek – yes @Ceciel – yes! I am looking forward to sharing this notebook!!
From Susan French to Everyone: 08:57 PM
I’d also like to know how to get them to pair off in a Teams Meeting – in Zoom there is the Breakout Rooms function – is there an equivalent in Teams Meetings?
From Cecile to Everyone: 08:58 PM
Q: If I edit a page from Content Library after I share it with students, do they see the changes?
From Me to Everyone: 08:59 PM
@ceceile – no -it; pwn;t change their version . but they can go into the library and ciy and paste it into their area if you ask them to!
From eric turpin to Everyone: 08:59 PM
Can I pick ( with permission ) content from a colleague’s notebook and share with my students ?
From Catherine Filée to Everyone: 09:00 PM
like Susan asked: is there equivalent of zoom break out room?
From Sara French to Everyone: 09:00 PM
Sorry. Not raised on purpose.
From Me to Everyone: 09:01 PM
@susan and catherine – def possible to have breakouts with a page .. using collabiration space
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 09:02 PM
Why do you set the word document that you have embedded into the one note page as a background?
From Me to Everyone: 09:02 PM
@erci – yes! @eric – yes @madeline – so that you can write over it
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 09:02 PM
thank you
From Me to Everyone: 09:03 PM
Excellent idea to have a master notebook –
From Catherine Filée to Everyone: 09:03 PM
über steep!
From Me to Everyone: 09:03 PM
cliff face learnign curve
From Susan French to Me: (Privately) 09:03 PM
I meant on Teams Meeetings (ie live classes) not in OneNote
From Me to Susan French: (Privately) 09:04 PM
ok susan – noted|!
From Cristina Sanchez to Everyone: 09:04 PM
@jane, do you have a master notebook per year and then distribute to your teams?
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:04 PM
as with Sandra’s webinar last week, I’m *definitely* going to need to go back through all this and try it for myself! So much to take on board… thanks, a *Jane
From Susan French to Me: (Privately) 09:04 PM
Thank you! This is all so helpful! 🙂
From Me to Susan French: (Privately) 09:05 PM
Jane is going to stay on to do ‘extra time’ .. I:ve collected your quesitons”!
From Dr Judith Rifeser to Everyone: 09:05 PM
Thank you, Jane, so much to take in and learn!
From Me to Susan French: (Privately) 09:05 PM
But yes, really good to watch it again an dpause, and copy!
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 09:05 PM
Wow!!! Super cool tag is awesome!
From Me to Susan French: (Privately) 09:06 PM
Yes – I was wondergin whether to use tags for topicvs? If you haven;t seen this.. be prepared to be amazed ….!!!
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 09:06 PM
Game changer!
From Me to Susan French: (Privately) 09:06 PM
(drum roll …..)
From Susan French to Me: (Privately) 09:06 PM
From Isabelle Wallace to Everyone: 09:06 PM
My initial question was…why would you go with Microsoft instead of Google? Now I can see why!…So much to learn. Exciting times indeed!
From eric turpin to Everyone: 09:07 PM
where do you set the language please ?
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 09:07 PM
Q: How do you change the language please?
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:07 PM
c’est incroyable yes, what Laura said!
From Me to Susan French: (Privately) 09:07 PM
@isabelle – you need to be on a microsoft advert!!
From Joe Dale to Everyone: 09:07 PM
There is a picture dictionary too
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:07 PM
From Me to Susan French: (Privately) 09:07 PM
From PRivaldi to Everyone: 09:08 PM
That’s great!
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:08 PM
From Susan French to Me: (Privately) 09:08 PM
I think you’re replying just to me when you want to reply to everyone
From Me to Susan French: (Privately) 09:08 PM
Oh – sory!
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 09:09 PM
A picture dictionary – love that. You will have to tell us where! . Yesss
From Jo to Everyone: 09:09 PM
this is the bit that I’m so looking forward to. We’re moving over to TEAMS next year
From Susan French to Me: (Privately) 09:09 PM
Don’t apologise! 🙂
From Crista Hazell (ALL) to Everyone: 09:09 PM
Jane, what a spectacular session – really clear and you make it so easy talking us through it so calmly and carefully. I have to go now but thank you so very much! You are a star – I’m looking forward to rewatching this when Joe sends out the link. Merci mille foes Jane, Joe et Helen! xxx
From Jacqui to Everyone: 09:09 PM
You just hover over the words
From Galiya’s iPhone to Everyone: 09:10 PM
From RB.Burns to Me: (Privately) 09:10 PM
Q- do you add all the lessons to the pupils individual sections, or do you keep all the lesson worksheets in the content library?
From Rachel Vause to Everyone: 09:10 PM
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 09:10 PM
Thank you Jane!!
From Jo to Everyone: 09:10 PM
merci! Thank you so much!
From Cristina Sanchez to Everyone: 09:10 PM
well done @jane!!!
From Esmeralda Salgado to Everyone: 09:10 PM
Many thanks, JAne!!!!
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:10 PM
From Julia Morris to Everyone: 09:11 PM
clap clap
From Uxía to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Bravoooo! Merci bien, Jane!
From secqs to Everyone: 09:11 PM
really interesting!
From delphine to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Incredible info thank you!
From Julia Morris to Everyone: 09:11 PM
very useful!
From Richard Hastings to Everyone: 09:11 PM
From RB.Burns to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Q- do you add all the lessons to the pupils individual sections, or do you keep all the lesson worksheets in the content library?
From Dr Judith Rifeser to Everyone: 09:11 PM
From eric turpin to Everyone: 09:11 PM
thanks a lot !
From Georgina Anson to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you so very much! Amazing!!
From Dan to Everyone: 09:11 PM
thank you so much – so helpful!
From Susan French to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you so much Jane – so much to think about!!
From Madeleine Hyman to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you SO much Jane – just so great!
From Helen to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you!
From RB.Burns to Everyone: 09:11 PM
thanks so much!
From stellakeenan to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you – lots to take away
From Sarah Hau to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Merci Jane! 🙂
From Jacqueline Young to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you so much, Jane – really inspiring!
From Lynne Coulthwaite to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Very informative. Thank you .
From elodiedehaan to Everyone: 09:11 PM
What a star you are Jane, so clearly explained, thank you so much!!!
From Hazel Wilson to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you so much, lots of new ideas!
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Merci beaucoup – amazing . I have learnt so much.
From holly to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Apart from the word doc grid, what do you use as mini whiteboards? Can students interact with the whiteboard in Teams? Thank you!
From Letty to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Amazing ! So many tips and tools. Thanks a million Jane !
From Sarah Sayer to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you very much – absolutely amazing and awe inspiring!
From Paula Hevia-Pacheco to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you!
From Jason to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Excellent! Thanks!
From Isabelle Wallace to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you! You have such a calm approach;)
From Louise Ballantyne to Everyone: 09:11 PM
amazing! thank you!
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:11 PM
From Catherine Filée to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Extremely useful, thank you sooooo much!
From carma to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you!
From Grace Benati to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you!
From PRivaldi to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Many thanks – I look forward to using this.
From cwebb to Everyone: 09:11 PM
so much to take in . thank you so much Jane
From Jacqui to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thanks!! My favourite new thing was Insights
From bei yu to Everyone: 09:11 PM
From Pilar to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Many thanks
From Bella to Everyone: 09:11 PM
thank you
From Sam Matthews to Everyone: 09:11 PM
Thank you very much!!
From Cristina Sanchez to Everyone: 09:12 PM
very useful, indeed!
From holly to Everyone: 09:12 PM
Thank you – very useful!!
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:12 PM
thanks very very much… see you in the ether, Jane
From carma to Everyone: 09:12 PM
Very useful!
From bouclierC to Everyone: 09:12 PM
thank you very much, very useful
From cbolton to Everyone: 09:12 PM
Thank you so much!
From Ester to Everyone: 09:12 PM
Inspiring! Thank you. Really looking forward to get planning!
From Anna Grainger to Everyone: 09:12 PM
Thank you Jane. So interesting and useful.
From Melanie Davies to Everyone: 09:12 PM
so very useful, thank you very much!
From Rachel Vause to Everyone: 09:12 PM
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:12 PM
maybe we could try an #mfltwitterati Team?
From Jules’s iPhone to Everyone: 09:12 PM
Fantastic – thank you so much, really useful and great to see in action!
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 09:12 PM
great idea Alex!!
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:12 PM
why not, Helen? 😉
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 09:12 PM
Count me in!
From Rachel Vause to Everyone: 09:12 PM
wow yes
From Dr Judith Rifeser to Everyone: 09:12 PM
Great idea, Alex!
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:12 PM
From Helen to Everyone: 09:12 PM
Will we have access to the video after this session?
From Jane Basnett to Everyone: 09:13 PM
Thank you everyone.
From Gordon’s iPad to Everyone: 09:13 PM
this was amazing, thank you very much.
From V’s iPad to Everyone: 09:13 PM
thank you! very useful !
From Gordon’s iPad to Everyone: 09:13 PM
I was wondering if you had used the strip bingo?
From Alex Bellars to Everyone: 09:13 PM
on that note… I’m ducking out! Brain frying! thanks, everyone, and thanks especially Jane
From eric turpin to Everyone: 09:19 PM
What happens if I want to set up a team but my school has not ( and won’t ) embreced office 365 ? embraced
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 09:21 PM
I had issues with deleting it and replacing it id uploaded a ppt but it was the wrong one – I had trouble changing it
From eric turpin to Everyone: 09:22 PM
I meant : do you need to set up your team with students’ personal email addresses ?
From Me to RB.Burns: (Privately) 09:23 PM
ok eric – I understand – will ask
From Me to Everyone: 09:23 PM
ok eric – I understand – will ask
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 09:24 PM
My students go nuts for Quizlet lIve teams….It’s great fun, and great team work and support Individually they play same game and are competing against each other as an individual. Also good fun and super competitive.
From eric turpin to Everyone: 09:24 PM
ok thanks !
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 09:25 PM
Sts prefer team option. Though individual one is great for AFL
From Gordon’s iPad to Everyone: 09:26 PM
I could do with a bit of help on integrating the u
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 09:27 PM
Thanks for the forms tutorial.
From Gordon’s iPad to Everyone: 09:28 PM
interactive textbook, Kerboodle, I saw you had snipped page? what about linking to the audio?
From Susan French to Everyone: 09:28 PM
Use ‘Chat’ for individual teacher – student messages
From Louise Ballantyne to Everyone: 09:29 PM
yes you can disable chat
From Cecile to Everyone: 09:29 PM
From Me to Everyone: 09:29 PM
Louise – can yuoui turn on mic and explain
From Helen to Everyone: 09:30 PM
You can also upload a picture for your Team and add it to the selection
From ALL London to Everyone: 09:31 PM
How to disable chat in Teams https://youtu.be/oBfgQL7EkfU
From Gordon’s iPad to Everyone: 09:36 PM
using normal ex book, would they then take a photo of the work and upload into their notebook for you to mark? would you then mark on it? I could use my Apple Pencil? not been used till now …
From Susan French to Everyone: 09:38 PM
Yes please another Webinar on Stream!
From Catherine Filée to Everyone: 09:38 PM
yes please: steam please! stream
From Joe Dale to Everyone: 09:39 PM
In Immersive Reader how do you change the language and enable the picture dictionary?
From Rachel Vause to Everyone: 09:40 PM
on the left
From Susan French to Everyone: 09:41 PM
But can you pair off in a Teams Meeting, ie a live lesson?
From Isabelle Wallace to Everyone: 09:41 PM
Q Can you recommend a good Youtube link to go over the basics of Micosoft 365?
From Me to Everyone: 09:42 PM
@Isabelle – I’ll get lnk an dadd to webpage where we put this webinar Microsoft has exceellnt videos – no need to gp to YOuTube
From Helen to Everyone: 09:42 PM
You said they can write on it if you set it as a background
From Me to Everyone: 09:43 PM
I’ll ask, Helen
From Joe Dale to Everyone: 09:43 PM
@Isabelle – I’ve collected some here is.gd/TILTTHURSjoedale
From Catherine Filée to Me: (Privately) 09:45 PM
please can we have a webinar on MS whiteboard? Wiith example of how colleagues are using it and how they work with OneNote?
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 09:46 PM
Still here! Thank you!
From Joe Dale to Everyone: 09:47 PM
Picture dictionary?
From Catherine Filée to Everyone: 09:47 PM
Thank you Jane, so generous with your time!
From 2 Elisabeth to Everyone: 09:47 PM
Without being too impatient when approximately will the session on STREAMS take place?
From LadyLavinia to Everyone: 09:48 PM
J’adore picture dictionary.
From 2 Elisabeth to Everyone: 09:49 PM
A session on accessibility and inclusion would be wonderful.: languages, reader, dictation, audio, video …just as brainstorms for a diverse community 🙂
From Me to Everyone: 09:50 PM
Great ideas Elisabeth
From Jo to Everyone: 09:50 PM
Thank you and wow! 🙂
From Rachel Vause to Everyone: 09:50 PM
Thank you so much 🙂
From eric turpin to Everyone: 09:50 PM
@joedale : thank you for the link !
From Helen to Everyone: 09:50 PM
Thank you again for this. It has been extremely useful 🙂
From Isabelle Wallace to Everyone: 09:51 PM
Thank you! I think I need a glass of vin rouge maintenant!
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 09:51 PM
Thank you everyone!
From Rachel Vause to Everyone: 09:51 PM
From Charlotte to Everyone: 09:51 PM
Thank you very much!
From Gordon’s iPad to Everyone: 09:51 PM
that was amazing, not had any cpd living in rural area having moved from a large city!
From Karine to Everyone: 09:51 PM
Thank you Jane
From Louise Ballantyne to Everyone: 09:51 PM
Thank you so much 🙂
From 2 Elisabeth to Everyone: 09:51 PM
FAB! Thank you ALL 😉
From Karine to Everyone: 09:52 PM
Keep up on your dance move on Quizlet remote learning 🙂
From Helen to Everyone: 09:52 PM
Sorry, I don’t have a video camera
From eric turpin to Everyone: 09:52 PM
thank you everyone ! no video sorry 🙁
From carma to Everyone: 09:53 PM
Thanks again!
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 09:53 PM
take care everyone!
From Ramesh to Everyone: 09:53 PM
Thanks very mcu much! Bye take care everyone
From bei yu to Everyone: 09:53 PM
bye, thank you again
From bouclierC to Everyone: 09:54 PM
thank you again.
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 09:54 PM
The questions at the end was a great idea
From Me to Laura Simons: (Privately) 09:55 PM
Thanks Laura! Are you goign to do a webinar for us?! I hav ean idea for a social … an Adam and Laura houseparty ….!!!
From ALL London to Everyone: 09:56 PM
From Laura Simons to Me: (Privately) 09:56 PM
I messaged Joe to say that we will hopefully be able to do one at some point! Yes we should have a social and all get a Chinese in!
From Me to Everyone: 09:59 PM
From Laura Simons to Everyone: 10:01 PM
Nice to see you all, take care and stay safe everyone xx
From eric turpin to Everyone: 10:13 PM
thanks a lot , take care and be safe
From bei yu to Everyone: 10:14 PM
have a good night 🙂
From Dan to Everyone: 10:15 PM
thanks very much for this – it was brilliant 🙂
From Jane Basnett to Everyone: 10:16 PM
thanks to you all
From eric turpin to Everyone: 10:17 PM
will participants of this webinar be informed by email of upcoming webinars please ? thank you !