‘How to sharpen your Microsoft tools and related apps for teaching and learning!’ – Part 2
Monday 13th April 2020 8 pm – 9 pm
- Recording on Joe Dale’s YouTube channel here.
- Chat download in word doc here: Jane Basnett webinar 2 Public Chat
- Supplemetary video on using whiteboard in Flipgrid on Jane Basnett’s YouTube channel here.
- When you have seen the video, please head over to Microsoft in Education training and enter achievement code T-JBBBB9B20 in order to reward Jane, and gain 750 points for your own profile.
Class photo: (There are others!)
We had a packed session for Jane’s first webinar on Tuesday April 7th 2020
She complemented Sandra Aktas’ superb session by giving further examples of using and setting up Teams, Assignments and Grades to help collaboration with colleagues and monitoring of pupils.
In this ‘TiLT extra’ session, Jane demonstrates some of the elements within the Microsoft Office 365 suite in more detail . These elements include
- Creating and Saving resources to Stream (e.g. PowerPoint + audio)
- Creating forms and quizzes (participants will see one created, receive a link, and complete it so as to see the pupil’s perspective
- Flipgrid
Jane is Head of Department at Downe House School. She has an MA in Dig Tech. and she is an MIE Expert 2019-20 and Microsoft Certified Educator.
ALL London TiLT Webinar
13th April 2020
A webinar with Jane Basnett: Show to sharpen your Microsoft Tools – Part 2
00:34:26 Vincent Everett: I’ve been a member for 25 years I think
00:34:35 Karine: I am a member too
00:34:50 Elodie: Hi, I’m Elodie, member of ALL, HoD for French and Spanish in a prep school in Kent
00:34:56 Anna Grainger: I need to renew my membership. Just haven’t gotten round to it yet
00:35:26 Joe Dale: @basnettj
00:35:32 lauren crawley: We have been a member for sometime but haven’t renewed this year YET
00:36:54 Vincent Everett: Oooh! I didn’t know that. I do it a different way completely!
00:37:01 Marta Eulalia: I can´t see anything
00:37:14 lauren crawley: I can’t enable this on a school laptop 🙁
00:37:14 ALL London: Lovely to see your excitement Vincent!!!
00:37:36 Vincent Everett: Marta Eulalia says she can’t see?
00:37:39 lauren crawley: Will badger ICT!
00:38:33 ALL London: Marta – I expect you have us uder a window somewhere?
00:38:45 ALL London: If you can see this chat, we must be there somewhere!
00:38:51 Vincent Everett: I have seen people using loom and other things because they like having their picture on the recording. Turns out you can do it just in ppt!
00:40:32 Ramesh: Q how do you disable the video of yourself and just get the PP with your voice?
00:40:56 lauren crawley: You can deselect the video in the bottom right
00:41:08 Ramesh: thanks Lauren
00:41:10 Vincent Everett: Should I know what stream is?
00:41:19 lauren crawley: It’s Microsoft’s Youtube
00:41:35 lauren crawley: Should be private to your school though
00:41:36 Joe Dale: Stream is like a private YouTube for your school
00:41:45 Vincent Everett: Oooh!
00:42:43 Vincent Everett: Is this recording happening in powerpoint or are we in stream now?
00:42:50 ALL London: I love the font here!
00:43:45 ALL London: (I am noting all quesitons)
00:43:50 Miss Dos Remedios: q> how did you insert the word document so that students can edit it.
00:44:47 ALL London: So Vincvent.. that ha spublished to Jane’s microsoft stream ..
00:45:03 ALL London: she did not need to upload to YOuTive to save it to YouTube stream ..
00:45:24 Catherine Filée: Q can you only record screen from PowerPoint?
00:45:30 Vincent Everett: Not quite believing what I just saw though. Was that all recording in powerpoint including annotating other docs and then it all saves in powerpoint?
00:45:45 Joe Dale: I think so Vincent
00:46:15 ALL London: It;s saved it as a video file which is stored in the school’s stream
00:46:22 ALL London: Just as with screencastify
00:46:34 ALL London: (I believe!)
00:46:43 MrSimpsonMFL: This is all very interesting. I never knew you could screen record or screen record yourself!
00:47:15 lauren crawley: This is painful because I don’t have the option but it’s brill!
00:47:35 Ramesh: same here Lauren
00:48:52 ALL London: (Jane has offered to show us how to make a form later if you want.. we did it in th elast webinar,, but if yo;d like her to show again, let us kinwo here ….
00:49:03 Joe Dale: Branching is great for Choose your own adventure activbities
00:49:03 ALL London: (so sorry about the rubbish spelling)
00:49:32 Vic Earl: thank you!
00:49:33 Elodie: yes please
00:50:11 lauren crawley: Jane explained it really well on the last Webinar. There are also some modules on Microsoft Educator that I have watched.
00:50:48 Karine: Q Can you share your form with your colleagues?
00:50:48 lauren crawley: Like this one: https://education.microsoft.com/en-us/course/ac59d6bc/overview
00:51:23 Elodie: sure
00:51:44 Susan French: Q: So to be clear, you can use the PPT screen recording to record other apps and then publish to Stream – not just Powerpoint? Could I use it to record ‘how to’ videos for colleagues for IT, about Teams, OneNote etc?
00:51:55 Sarah Hau: @Karine – there is an option to share your form as a template or even work collaboratively
00:52:03 Anne McCambridge: Thank you, Lauren!
00:52:06 ALL London: Yes Susan!
00:52:23 Karine: Merci Sarah
00:52:25 lauren crawley: The Microsoft modules are short and really clear
00:52:26 Susan French: That is FANTASTIQUE 🙂
00:52:33 ALL London: Jane showed last tiem how she used a ppt to give the pupisl an overview of what they needed to do onr the onenote page
00:52:54 ALL London: en effet, Susan!
00:52:55 Anna Grainger: Just lost my internet connection – grrr. Good job this is being recorded so I can catch up tomorrow.
00:53:46 ALL London: I wonder whether we could create these and share.. those of us using the same course book / the same stimulus?
00:53:47 Helen McFarlane: If we didn’t register for the previous webinars, can we still access them on the ALL website?
00:53:55 ALL London: yes Helen
00:54:11 Helen McFarlane: Thank you – I should have added “Q” for Question – sorry!
00:54:27 ALL London: YOu are forgiven Helen!!!!
00:54:39 Helen McFarlane: Merci beaucoup!!
00:54:40 Vincent Everett: ALL London TIlt webinars is what I google to find the previous webinars
00:54:50 Joe Dale: Hi Helen, the recordings are on my YouTube channel. Search for joedale100
00:55:03 ALL London: All webinars future veents / past listed here wiht linsk to everything you need.. goign back to 2011! http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/webinars/
00:55:04 Helen McFarlane: Okay – thanks, Joe.
00:55:34 lauren crawley: This is brilliant!
00:55:35 Julia Morris: what is quite cool as well: you could embed a youtube video into OneNote and then have a form right next to it, so they answer questions about the video while watching.
00:55:50 Helen McFarlane: Good idea. Thanks,
00:55:51 ALL London: Yes Julia.. really good
00:56:16 Ramesh: Q Can we see what happens at his point in the video when the form/quiz becomes available?
00:56:23 Ramesh: this even
00:57:33 Vincent Everett: Mine’s frozen a bit
00:57:37 MrSimpsonMFL: Same
00:57:51 Julia Morris: is there a way of getting the results of a quiz that is on a onenote page into assignments in teams so I have an overview of all their results in one place?
00:59:12 Helen McFarlane: Q – do the Office 365 Forms and Quizzes share the same or similar functionality as Google Forms and Quizzes? We use Google Classroom as a shared platform.
00:59:17 ALL London: Yes Julia – Jane showed us this last week .. we can ask again
00:59:39 Helen McFarlane: Sorry – I didn’t see the webinar last week – I’ll have to watch the video recording. Thanks.
00:59:47 Joe Dale: Yes Helen. Microsoft copied Google’s idea
00:59:51 ALL London: No problem – absolutely fine to ask!!
01:00:09 Helen McFarlane: Great – I’ll experiment further.
01:00:39 Julia Morris: I watched last week’s but I think she only showed how a quiz is assigned in teams, not at part of OneNote
01:00:53 ALL London: (On the ALL weboage I have included a long 30-page document ‘summarising’ everyhtign form last week!!
01:01:07 Helen McFarlane: Thanks, Helen.
01:01:57 Uxía: Q: Is flipgrid free to use?
01:02:06 Joe Dale: Yes it is
01:02:10 ALL London: Thansk Juia – we iwll ask!
01:02:15 Uxía: Thanks, Joe!
01:03:49 Gordon’s iPad: on flip grid can they do it so we can’t see them in their house?
01:04:19 Joe Dale: They could point the camera at the wall or face down
01:05:07 Julia Morris: would it then not be easier to just use audio recording in Onenote?
01:05:15 lauren crawley: Ah that’s nice they can put an emoji over their face
01:05:21 Joe Dale: You could Julia yes
01:07:06 Vincent Everett: bottom of screen you can unclick video for zoom
01:09:06 Uxía: Bravoooo, Annie!
01:10:57 Helen McFarlane: Q – do you need the student’s permission to “spark” the video before sharing?
01:10:58 ALL London: (For another time .. https://classroom.synonym.com/use-two-webcams-one-computer-windows-10072.html) )
01:11:24 2 Elisabeth: What is the maximum length of a Flipgrid video?
01:11:34 lauren crawley: 10 mins
01:12:17 lauren crawley: I’ve asked Upper 6th to record their IRP for future L6 so they feel as though all of that research wasn’t in vain
01:12:31 MrSimpsonMFL: Would be perfect for students to practise speaking topic questions!
01:12:43 Helen McFarlane: Good idea.
01:13:31 Karine: yes please
01:13:35 Uxía: Yes to the quiz!!!
01:13:36 ALL London: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=OXeJPwBFlkqYvIr4Pn29DMz6wa73btZPgdxPOuczKJdUMjgzNzdVSldQV0hZUUtJMllCNTU1U0JVWS4u
01:13:50 Joe Dale: Did you know you can screenrecord in Flipgrid now
01:14:21 2 Elisabeth: How does Screenrecording with Flipgrid work?
01:14:39 Susan French: Q Does anyone else find their students are reluctant to share their videos on Flipgrid? Mine will only upload a video to Flipgrid if I restrict it so that only I can see them…
01:14:54 lauren crawley: Oh no! 3/5!
01:14:59 lauren crawley: That was tricky!
01:15:10 lauren crawley: But I was listening! Promise
01:15:13 Joe Dale: When the recording page comes up you select the three dots to the left of the record button and share your screen
01:15:35 Vincent Everett: Q The recording in powerpoint thing. Can that be done from other office applications eg word?
01:15:49 Anna Grainger: I got 5/5 but that was very lucky as I’m trying to make cards to support the NHS whilst I listen and watch! I can multitask, I promise!!
01:15:53 Uxía: I thought I was listening well too… Oooops!
01:15:56 ALL London: actuaky no, Jane – I’m happy to be anonymous here
01:16:13 MrSimpsonMFL: Full marks, yay! Never been so happy haha.
01:16:16 Vincent Everett: So if you don’t ask for name it’s anonymos
01:16:23 Vincent Everett: It told me the score when I submitted
01:16:25 Julia Morris: could you post the Microsoft education number in the chat please?
01:16:33 Elodie: Great that you see the correct answers
01:17:01 ALL London: here is the link for screen sharing https://twitter.com/mtholfsen/status/1245725860599980033?s=21
01:17:42 Anna Grainger: Really really useful, thank you so much Jane. Whilst I don’t use Teams with my classes, there is so much that I can take away that can still be used in my classes 🙂
01:17:43 Joe Dale: There’s also now a Chrome extension and Edge extension for FLipgrid
01:17:50 Ester: Q: I have a OneNote Q – is it possible to insert a listening file (from textbook for instance) without having to leave OneNote?
01:18:13 Catherine Filée: @Jane Basnett: I am so grateful. Thank you so much for sharing.
01:18:21 Vincent Everett: Yes, thanks
01:18:47 Joe Dale: Could we see how the whiteboard works quickly?
01:19:01 Vic Earl: Can you edit a Form once it’s been made? I,
01:19:09 Vic Earl: thank you.
01:19:18 MrSimpsonMFL: Great job @Jane Basnett. Thoroughly enjoyed and very clear.
01:19:39 Vincent Everett: And you can then save the powerpoint as a video
01:19:44 lauren crawley: Yes thank you, Jane – I have learnt a lot from you these two webinars
01:20:10 Susan French: @Ester I couldn’t crack this one, then I found a way around it by going onto the OneNote app on my phone, insert audio, and playing the audio on my computer so it recorded straight in…
01:20:50 Ester: @susan – clever! Thank you. I will try that.
01:21:15 Miss Dos Remedios: q> I’m having issues organizing my notebook and then distributing to students. how do you recommend organizing your files .
01:21:37 Miss Dos Remedios: Thanks Jane 😊👸🏾
01:21:45 Catherine Filée: Q on your video recording can you blur the background behind you?
01:22:03 Anne McCambridge: Thank you so much, Jane! 😊
01:22:26 Elodie: you can for Teams too
01:23:57 Ramesh: wow!
01:23:58 Joe Dale: unscreen.com is a new website which lets you remove the background of your video
01:24:01 lauren crawley: I love this!
01:24:10 lauren crawley: Like EdPuzzle but much better
01:25:54 Julia Morris: ok, thanks I’ll try it out
01:26:10 Anne McCambridge: Etienne /Stephen Langlois asked me to say hello and that he is also doing webinars – his webpage is Edurock. He has made a series of videos using animated characters, where the pupil interacts with the help of a script, which allows them a choice of answers and parents see them speaking French successfully at home. Hope you don’t mind my mentioning this here but I promised I would let you know!
01:26:48 Joe Dale: Just search for Google Quizzes on YouTube
01:26:49 lauren crawley: Noooo
01:26:50 lauren crawley: sorry
01:26:55 lauren crawley: it is LIKE edpuzzle
01:27:05 lauren crawley: but MUCH better 🙂
01:27:36 lauren crawley: …and I thought EdPuzzle was a revelation this time one month ago …
01:28:52 Julia Morris: can you see on stream who has watched the video and how much of it?
01:29:42 Susan French: @julia you can see how many views but not who has seen it
01:30:37 ALL London: After this seciton, I’ll ask if anyone has anyfurther questions
01:30:46 lauren crawley: @julia @susan that is why putting a form in would be useful … to check who has seen the video – even a simple 5 question quiz
01:30:47 Anna Grainger: Ha ha be careful what you ask Jane!!!
01:31:58 Ester: Q: At the start of the negative video that Jane showed there was like a puzzle for pupils to translate a sentence, where can I get those puzzle grids from?
01:32:14 Elodie: thank you Jane
01:32:31 Elodie: yes, thank you
01:32:49 Uxía: Wow, Jane! Your explanations are so clear and comprehensive. Thank you so much!
01:33:16 Julia Morris: how did you do a “bring the words in the right order” question in forms?
01:33:16 Vincent Everett: puzzlemaker
01:33:30 lprobert: Thank you! Very useful!
01:33:31 Helen Molloy: Thank you, Jane, Helen & Joe. That was fantastic.
01:33:57 Joe Dale: Our pleasure Helen. Jane is awesome!
01:34:15 Karine: Thank you Jane, always a pleasure to join your webinars. Merci Helen and Joe. And do join ALL 😉
01:34:21 Vincent Everett: these are very hard these fallen letter ones
01:34:33 Ester: Great!! Thank you so much! I love it!
01:34:33 Vincent Everett: I have only had one pupil who can do tehm ever
01:34:59 Susan French: So many fantastic nuggets of information – lots to think about – thank you so much Jane, Joe and Helen!
01:35:16 Ester: But I wondered an audio file, not something that I record
01:36:01 Helen McFarlane: Thank you, Jane, Helen and Joe. Merci mille fois!
01:36:04 Isabelle Wallace: Thank you for organising this! So much to take in…Will definitely look into the Microsoft training.
01:36:15 Gordon’s iPad: Q just wondering if you integrate Kerboodle books into one note and how would you deal with the audio?
01:36:27 Anne McCambridge: Merci encore! 😊
01:36:32 Kerry Phipps: Thank you Jane, Joe, Helen, ALL and Linguascope! Really clear and valuable. We are so fortunate to have these great quality webinars!
01:36:32 Jacqueline Young: Such a useful webinar, Jane – thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience!
01:36:33 Joe Dale: COuld we see the whiteboard option quickly?
01:36:42 Joe Dale: OK
01:36:44 Miss Dos Remedios: sounds like a plan. Thanks Helen. and a huge merci Beaucoup to Jane.
01:36:48 Ramesh: Thank you very much!
01:36:50 Gordon’s iPad: thank you for everything
01:36:52 Elodie: Thank you very much!
01:37:18 Ester: Very inspiring! Thank you!!
01:37:48 Jay Simmonds: Many thanks for sharing your expertise.
01:38:09 stellakeenan: Thank you again Jane.
01:38:30 Vincent Everett: spot the skimbles
01:38:35 N Shabestari: thank you very much.
01:38:43 Julia Morris: thank you
01:38:53 Marta Eulalia: Thank you very much!
01:38:58 Ana Lopez Reyes: Thank you, amazing!
01:39:08 Sarah Hau: Thank you Jane – I’m even more inspired than before! Now playing about with OneNote and everything in Office 365 🙂
01:39:13 Vincent Everett: clashes with Bootstrap Jack’s new cooking show!
01:39:51 Vic Earl: What an inspirational session. Thank you, Jane!
01:39:57 Uxía: So many amazing webinars… thank you very much for organising them!
01:40:04 Jane Basnett: Thank you everyone.
01:40:07 Wilfrida Akala: Thanks a lot Jane, Hellen and Joe