TiLT Webinar with Esmeralda Salgado

“Some of my favourite ICT things” 16th April 2020

Recording Link:

Chat Transcript: Esmeralda Salgado chat public


Esmeralda Salgado

Esmeralda was looking forward to presenting at the real life TiLT conference in April 2020, but unfortunately this could not take place.  Fortunately for us, she was really keen to present online during our TiLT Thursday webinar series.  What a great session, and what great audience participation!

She concentrated on ICT classics and how to revamp them in minutes for high impact lessons.  She  also showed how she   used these apps for distance learning using One Note and her  Youtube channel.

She focused on Padlet, Learning apps, Mentimener, Flipgrid, Wheelofframes, Forms on Microsoft, quizizz and screencasting and how to integrate all of this using One Note.


King’s Ely, Head of MFL

Esmeralda is Head of MFL and Spanish at King’s Ely, in Cambridgeshire and responsible for the MFL Erasmus programme in her school. She is passionate about “taking languages outside the classroom ” and making the learning of MFL a skill for life in students, for which IT represents the perfect vehicle! Previously to her current position, she was an Advanced Skilled Teacher for Medway and Head of Spanish at Chatham Grammar school for Girls.


Class Photos


Esmeralda Salgado
Webinar Thursday 16th April 2020
‘A few of my favourite ICT things’
Chat transcript.

00:42:23 Jane Basnett: Uxia – I love Galicia.
00:42:45 Vincent Everett: Join ALL!
00:42:56 Karine: Yes Join ALL
00:43:11 Kate Bird: I’m a member!
00:43:20 Ann-Gaelle Cox: I’m a member 🙂
00:43:23 Vincent Everett: I’m a member too
00:43:24 Anna Grainger: I need to renew my membership. I will do it, I promise!
00:43:27 Ceri Griffiths: yes join. I’m a member
00:43:28 Simon Smith: I’m Aafje, maskerading as Simon Smith. I’m a member
00:43:37 Jo: Fully paid up and signed up member 🙂
00:43:46 iPhone: I’m a member
00:43:54 Uxía: Me too, Jane 🙂 I loved your two webinars, so thank you! I’ll buy you a few glasses of Albariño in my homeland;)
00:44:11 HELEN Stokes: I am too
00:44:49 Helen McFarlane: Fab webinars, thank you. I’m a member, too.
00:45:10 Cristina Sanchez: yes, your videos are great!
00:45:30 Jane Basnett: I’m blushing
00:45:38 HELEN Stokes: Fantastic webinars, I have learnt so much recently.
00:45:47 Vincent Everett: Can we have the link to the youtube channel in the chat?
00:46:04 ALL London: Yes – we have been SO lucky to have these great presenters!
00:46:35 Jane Basnett: I’ve loved watching on catch up
00:46:52 Joe Dale: Here is the channel https://www.youtube.com/user/joedale100/videos
00:47:07 Vincent Everett: thank you
00:47:28 ALL London: I lov eseeing the way that different people name their sections
00:48:02 Jane Basnett: good idea for the online resources – like that
00:48:11 ALL London: Lesson / Links / KNowledge Organisers / Sentence BUilders / Grammar
00:48:12 Vincent Everett: I have googled Esmerelda’s youtube but I can’t find it
00:48:52 ALL London: We’ll include it on the page
00:49:38 Liliane Shillcock: am a member
00:50:04 Sarah Hau: 1 very enthusiastic OneNote convert here – I’ve also added a comprehensive grammar section for my newly built Y10 French class notebook!
00:50:23 Jane Basnett: that sounds good Sarah
00:52:26 Vincent Everett: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeXIpIU-2nI-_UZVGNXATJQ/videos is Esmeralda’s youtube
00:54:33 Vincent Everett: I think there has to be at least 2 players even though it’s now “individual” game
00:54:44 Chris Fry: I’m going to have to leave now. I’ll catch up later
00:54:47 Miss Dos Remedios: my students absolutely love the teams version of Quizlet live!
00:54:48 Michael Wright: Ok, thanks, Vincent
00:54:53 Glenn Cake: >Yes – mimimum of 2 players
00:55:07 ALL London: (We have 91 peolpe here!)
00:55:27 Jane Basnett: amazing numbers. 🙂
00:55:47 Ramesh: Q any tips for encouraging students to engage with ClassNotebook/OneNote?
00:56:25 Glenn Cake: Awesome idea !
00:56:30 ALL London: I am noting questions, but others feel free to answer each other
00:57:13 ALICE Semple: Q for Quizlet live any suggested number of vocabulary items?
00:57:23 Jane Basnett: Ramesh – make it your main way of delivering lessons. like if you want to use a worksheet but now you have to use CN
00:57:23 Uxía: Q: Is the list of students on Memrise of the ones who log into the set you create? Just wondering how you can see your students only…
00:58:00 Jo: I am a memrise convert… I have a couple of classes on memrise and their aim is to be ahead of me every week! I also like it as you can see what they have done…
00:58:20 Uxía: Bless you…
00:58:21 Marcio: Uxia, you can create your class and add students
00:58:43 José Alcaraz-Gómez: but do they need an account
00:58:44 Uxía: OK, thanks, Marcio!
00:58:59 José Alcaraz-Gómez: or can you just give them the link
00:59:05 Jo: yes – they need an account to start with and then you send them an invite to a group you create
00:59:14 José Alcaraz-Gómez: thank you Jo
00:59:15 Marcio: You can set targets for them like on Duolingo
00:59:26 Michael Wright: Quizlet Live works with any number of terms, with a minimum of about 12.
00:59:38 Mr Gorse: bonsoir
00:59:52 Jane Basnett: wheel of names looks fun
01:00:02 Vincent Everett: Good evening Mr Gorse
01:00:08 Joe Dale: It’s great and you can images too
01:00:11 Henrietta Brunton: Hi, I can’t see what is being described???
01:00:31 Vincent Everett: If you open 3 (or more) wheels in separate windows you can use it as a sentence builder
01:00:53 Joe Dale: Can you not see the wheel of names site Henrietta?
01:00:54 Jane Basnett: good old google
01:01:01 Jane Basnett: and nice idea Vincent
01:01:23 ALL London: Vincent is King of Spin!
01:01:40 Michael Wright: Ooh, 4 wheels!
01:01:51 Vincent Everett: Ooooh I didn’t know about screen splitting.
01:02:11 Joe Dale: That was my suggestion Vincent 🙂
01:02:12 Michael Wright: I missed how the split screen command is done. Is that Windows or Mac?
01:02:12 Jane Basnett: Tab Resize in google chrome
01:02:20 Michael Wright: Got it.
01:02:24 Jane Basnett: looks good
01:02:41 Rachel Vause: is the audio blurry on occasion for others or just me?
01:02:54 Joe Dale: You can turn off the sounds in options
01:02:56 Mr Gorse: just yiu
01:03:03 Ramesh: blurry for me at times too
01:03:05 Jesus: Amazing! I love the idea
01:03:07 Glenn Cake: This jogged my memory of a clever Jeopardy style classroom quiz game – https://www.playfactile.com/
01:03:25 Rachel Vause: Thank you
01:03:33 Jane Basnett: Just added the tab resize – what a great tool
01:03:39 Joe Dale: You can use Tab Scissor and Tab Glue too to split the screen
01:03:40 Cristina Sanchez: how do you split the screen
01:04:02 Jane Basnett: definitely going to do this in teams.
01:04:07 Michael Wright: Still looking for ‘Resize Screen’ in Chrome…?
01:04:08 Joe Dale: @Cristina – You can use a Chrome extension like Tab Resize
01:04:38 Joe Dale: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-resize-split-screen-l/bkpenclhmiealbebdopglffmfdiilejc
01:04:58 Joe Dale: Here it is Michael https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-resize-split-screen-l/bkpenclhmiealbebdopglffmfdiilejc
01:05:21 Jane Basnett: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-resize-split-screen-l/bkpenclhmiealbebdopglffmfdiilejc
01:05:23 Michael Wright: Thanks, Joe
01:05:39 Miss Dos Remedios: fab Idea for the fun wheels
01:05:54 Miss Dos Remedios: thanks @ Jane solves my next ?
01:05:59 Miss Dos Remedios: solved
01:06:55 ALL London: @Ramesh .. you asked earlier about how to engage pupils with OneNOte etc .. here’s a good way … embedding videos / lively teacher!
01:07:24 Mike Elliott: Split screen thing is great. Can definitely see me using this! Top tip.
01:07:27 Uxía: What a good way to make the most of those wheels!
01:07:28 Michael Wright: I like the look of video on one side, lined writing-paper on the other. So they can watch one while writing on the other.
01:07:47 Joe Dale: Yes Michael
01:08:19 Joe Dale: They could have cueprompter.com one side and SpeakPipe Voice Recorder in the other
01:08:24 ALL London: We’ll include all these links on the webpage
01:08:36 Uxía: I love that app! Learning apps is amazing!
01:08:40 Sebastian Gluzman: What webpage?
01:08:42 bbennett: @ALL Thank you
01:08:52 Jane Basnett: 💖 learning apps
01:09:34 Joe Dale: https://learningapps.org/
01:09:58 ALL London: Thsi si where I will put the links – it;’s obviousl ynot ready yet: http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/webinars/tilt-webinar-with-esmeralda-salgado/
01:10:01 Sebastian Gluzman: Gracias Joe!
01:10:08 ALL London: I will send link in follow-up email
01:10:30 Joe Dale: De nada Sebastian!
01:10:40 Uxía: This was my best discovery of the lockdown so far, because we are not doing online teaching, so you can create so many activities for students to practise vocab and grammar and since you type the answers yourself they get the answers straight away.
01:11:41 Jane Basnett: It’s definitely worth investigating and you can add audio
01:11:45 Uxía: You can include listening and videos for listening practice. It’s brilliant!
01:11:59 bbennett: Looks amazing! I haven’t seen this one before
01:12:10 Elisabetta: Thank you Glenn and Joe for the suggestions!
01:12:18 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:12:49 Clarke-e: Is it easy to record the audio files?
01:13:10 Glenn Cake: This is tremendous Esmeralda !
01:13:17 Ann-Gaelle Cox: Q will the audio files play on any device, ie MAC vs PC?
01:14:01 Jane Basnett: I like the idea of the initials as clues
01:14:03 Vincent Everett: This looks very useful.
01:14:16 Jane Basnett: I think Ann-G C that it is possible on any device
01:14:33 Melanie Davies: Q: can all pupils work on the same language app at the same time?
01:15:03 Jane Basnett: yes Melanie – you give them a link and it opens up on their device. they work individually
01:15:36 Miss Dos Remedios: Did anyone catch the song title?
01:15:44 bbennett: resistiré
01:15:47 José Alcaraz-Gómez: Resistire
01:15:49 Vincent Everett: resistiré
01:16:00 José Alcaraz-Gómez: its an old song
01:16:14 Vincent Everett: recorded by lots of people remotely from their own homes I think
01:16:23 Miss Dos Remedios: Muchas Gracias
01:16:37 Joe Dale: Yes
01:16:42 Uxía: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl3B4Ql8RtQ
01:16:50 Joe Dale: My pleasure
01:16:58 Jane Basnett: I’m liking Esmeralda’s energy. Wow!
01:17:01 ALL London: Joe Dale are you available for bookings?!
01:17:14 Joe Dale: YESSSSSSSS! I am!
01:17:15 Vincent Everett: I always think menti metre is a lie measurer/detector
01:17:16 Uxía: You’re right, Vincent. This cover was done by loads of Spanish musicians during lockdown.
01:17:23 ALL London: 🙂
01:17:42 ALL London: LOve that Vincent!!!
01:20:25 Cristina Sanchez: is this the paid version?
01:20:29 Jane Basnett: I’m liking these ideas. great
01:20:55 Uxía: Me too!
01:21:02 Ramesh: Q Does it block rude words, or could they write rude words which might appear in the word cloud?
01:21:21 HELEN Stokes: I like them too
01:21:38 Joe Dale: @Ramesh – There is a profanity filter, but you can’t remove words which get through
01:21:55 Ramesh: Thanks Joe
01:22:33 Jane Basnett: Q. can you look back and see what they have written (like in padlet)?
01:22:52 Jane Basnett: Q. and do you know who has written which text?
01:22:56 Joe Dale: Yes, but it is anonymous
01:23:02 Chiara Bendiscioli: I LOVE padlet!
01:23:16 Joe Dale: It’s meant to be anonymous
01:23:25 Jane Basnett: Ok – thanks
01:23:25 Michael Wright: Suggestion was that children could put their initials
01:23:45 Jane Basnett: Oh yes – initials – great.
01:24:33 Vincent Everett: A year 9 who likes death in paradise?!?!
01:25:45 Joe Dale: Yes. Her session went down a storm
01:25:49 Glenn Cake: And you get them to record audio/video – fantastico !
01:26:07 Joe Dale: Yes Glenn. Padlet is amazing
01:26:15 Chiara Bendiscioli: Iuse Padlet a lot to assign audiovideo task
01:28:34 ALL London: (By the way, I like the way Esmeralda is doing her presentation fom Notebook .. as did Sandra and Jane …)
01:28:54 Michael Wright: Beetroot!
01:29:23 Rachel Vause: me too
01:30:34 Ramesh: Q is it possible to open these pages from within Notebook as we saw Thisislanguage inserted in Notebook?
01:30:43 ALL London: :Ramesh – yes
01:31:24 ALL London: Ramesh – or di you mean can Padlet be embedded?
01:31:32 Joe Dale: Les Lissa Cook and Jane Basnett have covered Flipgrid
01:31:39 Joe Dale: I mean Yes
01:31:51 Ramesh: so that you don´t need to open a new window
01:33:41 ALL London: @Ramesh – I suppose Padlet take sup[ more space.. so perhaps better to open another window?
01:33:49 ALL London: we can ask ..
01:34:17 Jane Basnett: the links in OneNote will open in the browser and will not be embedded.
01:34:24 Jane Basnett: I don’t think
01:34:49 Glenn Cake: Good place to students to “rant” on a given topic too
01:36:06 ALL London: @Jane – I suppose it depend on the app. Thisislanguage can be embedded
01:36:49 ALL London: Brilliant!
01:36:50 Jane Basnett: cool – look at that – it’s embedded.
01:36:54 Ramesh: yes
01:37:08 Jane Basnett: will that be the same with padlet. certainly learning apps opens full screen
01:37:08 ALL London: Such excitement here!!!
01:37:47 ALL London: Joe Dale is omnipresent
01:38:10 Uxía: Quizizz is excellent!
01:38:31 Joe Dale: Here is a great description of how to use the whiteboard in FLipgrid https://practicaledtech.com/2019/09/30/how-to-create-whiteboard-videos-in-flipgrid-and-wakelet/
01:38:39 Uxía: You can record now
01:38:40 bbennett: Loads of activities to explore and enjoy 🙂
01:38:50 Mike Elliott: Thanks joe
01:39:04 Jesus: My brain is going to explode hehehehehe
01:39:17 Ramesh: lol Jesus
01:39:20 Jesus: wonderful ideas!
01:39:26 Vincent Everett: Can it work for dictation?
01:39:40 Miss Dos Remedios: Fab idea!
01:39:49 Jane Basnett: liking the new options in quizizz
01:39:53 Joe Dale: I don’t see why not Vincent, but it’s only 10 seconds per question
01:39:55 Elisabeth Schaludek: Is Quizizz free of charge?
01:40:02 Uxía: Yes
01:40:06 Joe Dale: Yes Elisabeth
01:40:13 Elisabeth Schaludek: Thank you!
01:40:15 Ramesh: Q Can you upload questions in bulk by uploading an Excel?
01:40:23 Uxía: De nada 🙂
01:40:29 Joe Dale: You can assign HW for independent tasks
01:40:34 ALL London: Esmeralda told me that she was gooing ot deliberately demo all free things (even though she does pay for some resources)
01:40:47 N Shabestari: mine has already exploded! Jesus
01:40:49 Joe Dale: I don’t know Ramesh
01:40:59 ALL London: I have noted all Qs
01:41:15 ALL London: So far, Ramesh top of th eclass at being the most wonderfully curious!!!
01:41:23 Joe Dale: I demoed the audio questions at The Language Show 2019 🙂
01:41:50 Jane Basnett: Q. can they reply with audio?
01:41:58 Jane Basnett: in quizziz
01:42:15 Joe Dale: No Jane
01:42:21 Uxía: I don´t think so
01:42:44 Mike Elliott: Quizizz looks great
01:42:45 Elisabeth Schaludek: The Language Show – never heard. Is this an annual event? Who is the organizer?
01:42:47 Joe Dale: @Jane – You could replicate that functionality with Showbie
01:43:01 Jane Basnett: thanks Joe
01:43:23 Joe Dale: Yes Elisabeth. Jonathan Scott is the organiser. It takes place in Olympia
01:43:54 ALL London: https://languageshowlive.co.uk/
01:44:35 ALL London: ALL London has a show and tell and a social evening after the Language show
01:45:21 Joe Dale: I would suggest having the their name as the first question so you can put them into alphabetical order when you export the answers to an Excel spreadhseet
01:45:29 Elisabeth Schaludek: Thank you Joe. Sounds fab 🙂
01:45:38 Ramesh: Q Is there not a way to do this automatically (their name to be recorded) given that they will have logged into their microsoft account?
01:45:54 Joe Dale: I don’t know Ramesh
01:46:16 Jane Basnett: If it’s Microsoft form you can set it up so that their name is recorded
01:46:35 Ramesh: how would you do that Jane?
01:47:00 Jane Basnett: In the settings tab
01:47:10 Chiara Bendiscioli: Q: how do you create this “Room Scape”?
01:47:17 ALL London: I love the idea of excape rooms
01:47:28 Ramesh: Thanks Jane
01:47:38 Jane Basnett: no problem Ramesh
01:50:11 Elisabeth Schaludek: How do you set up an Escape Room with Microsoft Forms? I might have missed this bit. SRY!
01:50:59 Joe Dale: See link https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/fa/ICTFalkirkPrimaries/cracking-the-code-to-break-out-and-escape-solving-the-puzzle-classroom-activity-using-onenote-passcode-feature/
01:51:06 Jane Basnett: I’m not sure it’s possible in Microsoft Forms – but I’m going to investigate
01:51:13 Elisabeth Schaludek: THANK you very much!
01:51:31 Vincent Everett: Genially is what lots of teachers in France use to make escape rooms
01:51:34 Glenn Cake: Fantastico Esmeralda ! Thanks so much for an awesome presentation ! I have to run 🙂
01:51:50 Jane Basnett: oh – yes, in One Note Joe – is that right?
01:51:59 ALL London: Grerat to see you here Glenn – Esmeralda will be able to read all this later!
01:52:14 Sarah Hau: Oooh – it’s like Lyrics Training too – my classes love it
01:52:29 Vincent Everett: You used to be able to get drop down menus like that in Word. Is that still a thing?
01:52:37 Uxía: Me too! But I didn’t know this one, so happy days!
01:52:40 Sarah Hau: https://lyricstraining.com/fr
01:52:42 Vincent Everett: Yabla is good – free offer at the moment
01:53:12 Vincent Everett: And there is an app called lirica that is also free at the moment (Spanish)
01:53:51 Uxía: Cuerdas is great, but so sad…
01:54:14 Miss Dos Remedios: Agreed, it’s beautiful but a tear jerker.
01:54:54 Joe Dale: FluentKey is a little like This is Language and is free
01:55:43 Uxía: Another one to write down, thanks, Joe!
01:55:52 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:56:54 Rachel Vause: I am loving this but my mind is blown ha ha
01:57:05 Joe Dale: Whiteboard.fi is great for whiteboards in a remote learning context or Charlala.com or yoteachapp.com
01:58:26 Jane Basnett: Loads of great ideas today. thanks so much Esmeralda (and Helen and Joe for organising). ciao.
01:58:59 Elisabetta: I’m absolutely sure to need to view another time this webinar! And I use many of these tools, but it’s a really rich lesson! How can I visual another time the comments, so as to take note of all your suggestions, please?
01:59:31 Ramesh: Look at Joe´s YouTube channel, Elisabetta
01:59:34 Ruth: It’ s the first time I’m here and I’m totally amazed by the outstanding presenters we can listen and learn from here for free. Thank you so much to the hosts!
01:59:55 Mike Elliott: Didn’t know you could move the presenter’s face in Loom…
02:00:04 ALL London: I publish all the chat so all your thanks can be seen by the presenters .. thanks!
02:00:06 Elisabetta: Yes, Ramesh, for the video, not for the comments
02:00:31 tlaCMK: So many fantastic ideas, thank you!
02:01:29 Mike Elliott: Great ideas. Thank you for sharing!
02:01:40 Vincent Everett: And all the ideas hold together and follow through, with coherent development of language they are learning, not just for the sake of technology
02:01:51 Bina Patel: some great ideas. thanks.
02:01:59 ALL London: I hav e afeeling th enumber of subscribers is going ot explode!!!!
02:02:10 Cristina Sanchez: you are a star!
02:02:30 Uxía: Wow, so many things! This webinar has been excellent, Esmeralda! Muchísimas gracias!
02:02:48 V Parrott: It’s simply amazing!
02:03:08 Joe Dale: QR Code Monkey is great too
02:03:11 bbennett: So many incredible ideas! Thank you
02:03:39 Vincent Everett: qwiqr is another one
02:03:52 kimg: You have completely blown me away !! So many amazing ideas ! I’m in awe of how you teach !! I will definitely be looking into and trying some of what you have spoken about tonight . Thank you so much , very informative
02:03:58 Joe Dale: Adobe Spark Video is great for talking walls
02:05:00 Ruth: Well, I made a mistake… I’m the third time here… Just never had time to chat. Have always been too excited, ha-ha. Thanks a lot.
02:05:23 Georgina Anson: This has been incredible! Thank you so much to the hosts and also to Esmeralda for so many amazing ideas and great examples!
02:05:27 CoDodge: Thank you sooooo much. have an amazingly long to do list now!
02:05:30 Rachel Vause: I wonder if there is a virtual version of this
02:05:35 Mart’s iPad: this has been amazing – I’m just getting into google classroom with the lockdown but I’ve got some great ideas from here tonight
02:06:05 Janelle Wood: Muchas gracias
02:06:10 N Shabestari: Such a great session, definitely have to watch it again to absorb all the information. Many thanks.😊
02:06:17 Marcio: Muchisimas gracias, Esmeralda! Really enjoyed your presentation.
02:06:18 Uxía: Bravooooooo
02:06:19 Rachel Vause: Wow!
02:06:24 Rachel Vause: amazing!
02:06:31 Ann-Gaelle Cox: All very helpful, thank you so much !!
02:06:32 AranchaLorente: She is amazing
02:06:33 Cristina Sanchez: bravoooo
02:06:33 N Shabestari: Wow!
02:06:35 Rachel Vause: Thank you so so much
02:06:35 Anne McCambridge: Many thanks, Esmeralda!
02:06:35 Cristina Sanchez: oleeee
02:06:35 ALICE Semple: la bomba
02:06:39 Liliana Roudaut: Thank you so much!!! So useful!
02:06:40 Lizzie Whitlock: Q: is the Querdas worksheet available on TES?
02:06:41 Orla McCarthy: Thanks so much.
02:06:43 Ayfer Civisilli: Great Ideas!
02:06:43 Lizzie Whitlock: This was amazing!
02:06:44 Sarah Hau: Thaaaaanks! Very inspiring!
02:06:45 cecilia giordano: Fabuloso!!!!!!!!!! You are amazing!
02:06:46 bbennett: languagenut free at the moment too but you have to get in touch with them and they get you to sign up temporarily
02:06:47 Michael Wright: Loved your enthusiasm and creativity. You are a fast learner and a fast teacher!
02:06:52 Angela: Thank you so much! Some fantastic ideas.
02:06:53 Clarke-e: Fenomenal!!
02:06:53 Lizzie Whitlock: So many brilliant ideas
02:06:55 Helen McFarlane: Such energy and enthusiasm! Thank you sooo much!
02:06:56 Liliana Roudaut: All ideas were absolutely amazing!
02:06:56 Jo: Brilliant ideas…. thank you!
02:06:59 Chiara Bendiscioli: GRAZIE!!!
02:07:05 Simon Smith: so many ideas. Thank you! I’ve got time to try some out now!
02:07:05 Jesus: a video to rewatch and rewatch!!
02:07:07 Heike Philp: Stunning
02:07:09 Dawn Eyre: Alucinante! I’m blown away by your ideas. Gracias.
02:07:09 ALICE Semple: Thanks so much, I am exhausted too!
02:07:10 bbennett: Wow Wow Wow
02:07:10 Clarke-e: Muchisimas gracias!
02:07:10 Gillian: Thank you so so so much! You are very inspirational and have given me lots of news ideas and techniques to try. Such a legend! Enjoy your drink after all that talking! You are brilliant! Take care and stay safe x
02:07:11 ester borin: bravooooooooooo
02:07:12 Melanie Davies: wow, so many great ideas 👍 thank you
02:07:12 Caroline Skeels: Congratulations Esmeralda!
02:07:12 Mart’s iPad: thanks soooooooo much
02:07:13 V Parrott: Lucky students of yours!
02:07:20 asmahakhtar: How amazing! Thank you so so much. I am blown away. Lots of ideas to try – I’m looking forward to it. Mil gracias Esmeralda x
02:07:28 Alexandra Töniges: thanks soooooo much from Auckland!
02:07:29 Cristina Sanchez: lots of great ideas. I hope we can get the video so that I can pause and get all the details. many many thanks
02:07:31 Henrietta Brunton: fenomenal! Gracias – great ideas and lots of fun.
02:07:34 Bina Patel: excellent !! thanks
02:07:43 ALICE Semple: un millón de gracias, muy inspiradora
02:07:47 Miss Dos Remedios: lo pasé bomba! that was so inspiring. ¡ increíble!
02:07:56 Miss Dos Remedios: muchas Gracias Esmerelda
02:08:00 Uxía: Haha:)
02:08:01 Elisabetta: Great, Esmeralda, thanks a lot!
02:08:01 Liliane Shillcock: Brilliant, thank you so much and your learners are very lucky.
02:08:10 Henrietta Brunton: Would be great to access this webinar again later.
02:08:12 Ramesh: great stuff! muchas gracias Esmerelda!
02:08:14 Caroline Okerika: Excellent suggestions-absolutely amazing!
02:08:29 Pablo Crehuet Flores: Muchas gracias! Amazing session, Esmeralda. Thank you all
02:08:54 bbennett: Fanita, si te conozco!!!
02:08:57 asmahakhtar: absolutely agree
02:09:22 Aleksandra Maddocks: muchas gracias, very inspirational!
02:11:43 Joe Dale: @claganach
02:12:12 Elisabeth Schaludek: Brilliant. THX!
02:12:38 Joe Dale: @MissGEnrique