Lessons learnt while distance teaching
Chat transcript here: TiLT Show and tell chat
Class Photo (These were the really resilient ones who stuck it out to the very end .. !!)
Thanks so much to Joe Dale who co-ordinated it all and has listed the items in his YOuTiube description as follows:
Topics covered include: Screen sharing in Zoom – Helen Myers – Radio Garden for Language learning – Pip McDonald – PuppetPlay – Lavinia Dos Remedios – Security Features in Zoom, Microsft Teams and Google Meet – Joe Dale – Whiteboard.fi to practice speaking and listening skills through drawing and video feedback with Screencastify – Joe Dale – Wheel of Names and Gimkit – Vincent Everett GimKit – let’s play! – LauraSimons- Exam.net – Paul Evans – Lockdown Distance Learning Ideas (Quizizz, JigsawPlanet, Crosswordlabs.com – Ceri Anwen James Quizlet – Anneliese Yafal This is Language, Epic and Rockalingua – Paula Mourelle
A big thank you to all presenters for sharing their ideas around remote teaching.
ALL London and Linguascope hosted about 20 webinars within a space of 4 weeks, led by people who generously and expertly shared their ideas and their experience of using technology to teach at a distance. To refresh your memory, take a look at these links:
- ALL Webinars
- Linguascope webinars
So now the stage was set for teachers to share their own plans / experiences / light-bulb moments in the context of online learning.
The ‘real life’ TiLT conference [which was due to be on Saturday 25th April] always ends up with about 20 die-hards gathering in the sixth form common room at Ashcombe ready to extend the 6-hour training day into an evening, sharing ideas and laughter over nibbles and drinks, to the background hum of the vending machine which Helen always forgets to unplug.
We tried our best to recreate this atmosphere online (hopefully without the hum) by encouraging people to ‘take the plunge’ – to share what has worked for them, however big or small. We deliberately didn’t record sessions unless asked to.
TiLT webinar
Show and Tell Chat
Saturday 25th April 2020
00:28:06 Catherine Filée: Helen : you rock!
00:30:15 Vincent Everett: Join ALL!
00:30:17 Catherine Filée: Thank you to Helen, Joe and Linguascope team
00:30:21 Karine Cook: join ALL
00:30:25 Joe Dale: 🙂
00:30:29 Vincent Everett: Yes, I have been a member for 25 years…
00:30:33 Madamoiselle Dos Remedios: Au au – I am a member
00:30:35 Kerry’s iPad: invaluable!
00:34:45 Vincent Everett: So is that All participants or is it an individual you can allow to share?
00:35:24 Joe Dale: An attendee or just the host I think
00:35:54 Vincent Everett: sorry. I meant can the host enable just one participant to share screen? Or all?
00:36:11 Joe Dale: All I think
00:36:41 Senay OGATLAR: We have been providing our students with online education for 1 month via zoom 🙂
00:36:52 Joe Dale: Great
00:37:10 cecilia giordano: I am a member, please join if you are haven’t yet. ALL and Joe always organise lovely, useful and friendly meetings/training/social events. I have benefit recently from lots of webinars (also from Linguascope!!). What I would share is what I learnt from here!!… please see the past webinars in Joe’s youtube channel. I have to go now as we have a zoom birthday with family in Argentina! Enjoy the session.
00:37:48 Vincent Everett: The Languages Today magazine from ALL is out soon too. It’s online for this one not posted because of current situation
00:38:23 Senay OGATLAR: I am not member :/ okay I will 🙂
00:38:49 Vincent Everett: I don’t know if there is a special Overseas Membership rate ?
00:39:21 Kerry Phipps: Not sure…
00:40:13 Stéphane Derône: https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/
00:40:15 Vincent Everett: pardon?
00:40:21 Vincent Everett: unfly?
00:40:42 Joe Dale: on the fly
00:40:48 Vincent Everett: on the fly!
00:40:50 Catherine Filée: Q: does MS Teams meeting have an optimise button?
00:41:09 Joe Dale: I don’t know
00:41:54 Paul Evans: Not Optimise on MS Teams I don’t think but you can share your computer sound
00:45:32 Ruth Hedley: I went to one of your sessions at Sunderland uni Pip – thought I recognised you! Fab 🙂
00:45:41 Catherine Filée: Q: do people mostly PowerPoint for remote teaching?
00:47:03 Fatema Mansoor: I use PPT and record via loom
00:47:07 Heike Philp: how cool is this!
00:47:48 ALL London: Love the presentation stye here as well as content
00:47:58 Joe Dale: It’s a great app
00:48:43 Vincent Everett: I like radio ranchito in Mexico. They sing the time. In harmony.
00:48:54 Furfaro Giorgia: I’ve been using it for a while, pupils love it!
00:49:33 Lou Smith: love the post-its
00:49:34 Ruth Hedley: great for cross-curricular
00:49:45 Ceri Anwen James: For remote teaching we use Google Slides and Docs and share resources with pupils on Google Sites
00:49:57 Vincent Everett: is it just radio.co?
00:50:00 Heike Philp: haha
00:50:04 ALL London: 🙂
00:50:13 ALL London: Joe is already a DJ!
00:50:19 Heike Philp: tilt.fm
00:50:30 Heike Philp: bravooooo
00:50:36 Heike Philp: wonderful
00:50:45 Ruth Hedley: Thanks 🙂
00:50:49 Guiomar Mancho: Thanks! Very nice resource
00:50:54 Kerry Phipps: thank you
00:50:58 Madamoiselle Dos Remedios: Wow! So many great ideas! Well done Pip
00:52:07 Vincent Everett: Have you adjusted the speed of the wheel or is it Zoom making it look slow…
00:52:21 ALL London: Thansk Pip! So sad we can;t all see each other ‘for real’ this year // buit this makes up for it.
00:52:43 Ceri Anwen James: Joe – can you embed your completed wheel in another site?
00:53:16 ALL London: Perhaps get rid of me?!
00:53:28 Pip: https://radio.co/
00:55:42 Pip: Excellent idea Puppet Play!
00:55:51 Fatema Mansoor: Love it
00:56:42 Ruta Dulbinska: Excellent! Not only little ones love puppets!
00:57:08 Pip: brilliant idea to use mask
00:57:20 Pip: removes fear
00:57:25 Catherine Filée: possibilities are endless! thank you.
00:57:33 ALL London: Great ideas .. we must havce a recording of Lavinia with puppets at the end
00:57:39 Candida Javaid: That’s so clever! Masks are relevant in every culture!
00:57:56 Ruth Hedley: I find boys will have a go at anything with a prop – masks great idea
00:57:59 Vincent Everett: On flipgrid can use images to “mask” pupils faces if they don’t want to be seen in the video
00:58:04 Paul Evans: Could work well with Flipgrid
00:58:10 Ruth Hedley: ah good idea
00:58:31 ALL London: I love this!
00:58:31 Ruta Dulbinska: Cool!
00:58:37 Catherine Filée: Also good because activity away from screen
00:58:39 Pip: great
00:58:42 Vincent Everett: How long will it be before they start drawing mouth pictures on their face masks when we go back.
00:58:42 Pip: 🙂
00:59:35 Madamoiselle Dos Remedios: Flipgrid
01:00:17 Pip: this is very useful indeed
01:00:20 Pip: great table
01:00:30 Pip: Oh flipgrid is fab tool
01:00:36 ALL London: This is so usefu;.. so many quesitons about this at the moment and in our webinars
01:00:44 Ceri Anwen James: Google Meet is disabled for all pupils in Wales
01:00:52 Candida Javaid: That’s really, really useful!
01:00:54 Ruth Hedley: Really comprehensive, thanks
01:00:57 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_CnkC534QD4Eed-1p4edBO4D2wtRAKikgt_qrmrcxno/edit?usp=sharing
01:01:26 Joe Dale: https://whiteboard.fi/d67
01:02:13 Candida Javaid: What’s the code?
01:02:16 ALL London: I love all these interactive bits!
01:02:17 Sarah Flint: Q: I’ve had a few issues with not being able to see what all of the pupils are writing – not sure what they are doing wrong? Thanks
01:03:33 Karine Cook: can you type or just draw?
01:03:47 Vincent Everett: code is d67 I think – that’s the last bit of the link above
01:03:49 Vincent Everett: https://whiteboard.fi/d67
01:04:06 Karine Cook: Q can you type or just draw?
01:04:26 Ramesh: You can type
01:04:29 Catherine Filée: can type
01:04:30 Ceri Anwen James: Mine is just happy loops!
01:04:34 Vincent Everett: click on the Aa
01:04:44 Catherine Filée: see Aa on the side of board
01:04:59 Madamoiselle Dos Remedios: Super cool! Students will love this : )
01:05:11 Karine Cook: Thank you. Long week
01:05:21 Karine Cook: 🙂
01:05:46 Vincent Everett: I will have to watch this again to work out what was in whiteboard.fi and what was in screencastify
01:05:52 Joe Dale: https://whiteboard.fi/d67
01:05:58 Joe Dale: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aBhUDpvN-76NYa04R8_Ltl7HnVB8Afuc/view
01:06:09 Laura Simons: Q can more than one student draw on one whiteboard?
01:06:16 Laura Simons: or just host?
01:06:44 Ceri Anwen James: Joe you have more tabs open than me. I have never met anyone before with more tabs open than me!
01:06:54 Catherine Filée: I think every one has their own
01:11:42 Sarah Flint: ooh bonne idee
01:12:04 Candida Javaid: That’s so clever!
01:12:18 ALL London: Great idea here. Vincent is master of the long sentence!
01:12:20 Pip: really good adaption of resource
01:12:35 ALL London: yes, Pip
01:13:57 Karine Cook: I have never played
01:14:20 Ceri Anwen James: pronounced gym-kit, surely?!
01:14:38 Ceri Anwen James: Our pupils really love Gimkit
01:16:55 Ruth Hedley: Didn’t know about exporting from Quizlet – thanks for that
01:17:29 Joe Dale: You can print off worksheets as well, can’t you Ceri?
01:18:26 Ruta Dulbinska: Due date – 2033! LOL
01:35:55 Ruta Dulbinska: It’s great that we can see how the games are played and try them out here. Thank you.
01:36:58 Pip: useful tool!
01:39:22 L Noyau: does this work on ipads/android? for monitoring the screen
01:39:38 ALL London: This is the answer to quite a lot of quesitons at the moment
01:39:41 Joe Dale: I think so
01:40:11 Ruth Hedley: Q Do students do this at a fixed time or can they log on at any time?
01:40:16 Candida Javaid: Can you link this to Teams?
01:40:57 Joe Dale: Yes. Paul uses it through Teams
01:41:09 Candida Javaid: That’s good to know.
01:41:13 ALL London: https://exam.net/en Free to use during 2020
01:41:41 Vincent Everett: So this is normally for doing exams on?
01:42:04 Joe Dale: Yes, but you can use it in a remote teaching context
01:42:07 Ruth Hedley: Q – does it have to be done live?
01:42:09 Karine Cook: I love it
01:42:18 Candida Javaid: This is so much more useful? I tried to do it with microsoft forms and it totally fell flat on its face.
01:42:19 Laura Simons: could this not be used for lesson activities?
01:42:22 Philippa’s : great
01:42:37 Ceri Anwen James: Thanks Paul, this looks really handy!
01:42:38 Candida Javaid: Mine wasn’t a question, sorry.
01:42:48 Anneliese: Q – is this free?
01:42:51 Ceri Anwen James: Especially if this lockdown goes on …
01:43:00 Anneliese: Q – can you get a progress report from anywhere?
01:43:00 Vincent Everett: What happens if their dad wants to use the laptop and you’ve locked it for an exam
01:43:07 Ruth Hedley: Great, thanks for answering that
01:43:24 Joanna Barber: can you extend the exam time once they have started for those with extra time?
01:44:07 LadyLavinia: This could be game changer for setting worksheets. 🙂 Thanks Paul
01:44:14 Ceri Anwen James: What stops them stopping the exam, checking their notes, and then resuming the exam later?
01:44:33 Ruth Hedley: Really good you can tell if they’ve come away from the page
01:45:05 Vincent Everett: Still struggling with the idea that you can do surveillance on a computer in a pupil’s house? Or am I confused?
01:45:29 Ruth Hedley: Would also be good in-class in computer room for assessments, not just for remote exams
01:45:35 Joanna Barber: thank you
01:45:50 Philippa’s : excellent
01:46:15 Karine Cook: is Paul on twitter?
01:46:16 Candida Javaid: Thank you Paul!
01:46:20 Philippa’s : thanks Paul
01:46:20 Anneliese: Amazing thank you
01:51:04 Paul Evans: Meant to say, try it first on a low stakes assessment so you can trial it without too much stress and let the kids get used to it.
01:51:11 Joe Dale: The audio questions are amazing
01:52:16 Laura Simons: Due in 40 years lol
01:52:49 Philippa’s : awesome
01:52:52 ALL London: 40 years … !!!
01:54:02 ALL London: https://crosswordlabs.com/
01:54:33 ALL London: Lovely ideas
01:54:43 LadyLavinia: Ooo that’s great team work
01:54:51 Candida Javaid: Cool ideas!
01:56:33 Ceri Anwen James: This is a jigsaw example!
01:57:50 Ceri Anwen James: This is numbers and München
01:57:52 Ceri Anwen James: https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=122a0f1e5de1
01:58:17 Ceri Anwen James: A crossword looks like this
01:58:18 Ceri Anwen James: https://crosswordlabs.com/view/ansodd
01:58:28 LadyLavinia: I didn’t know about importing ! Yeah time saving
01:58:47 Ceri Anwen James: This is an 80 piece jigsaw
01:58:48 Ceri Anwen James: https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=1d88f91448a1
01:59:05 Candida Javaid: I really like this puzzle maker.
02:00:06 LadyLavinia: Great tip
02:00:09 Laura Simons: that’s great!
02:00:09 ALL London: Really good ideas for using Quizlet independently
02:01:30 Laura Simons: thank you
02:01:31 Philippa’s : excellent
02:03:08 Ceri Anwen James: Quizlet is great, thanks Anneliese
02:04:04 Paul Evans: thisislanguage.com is great. Especially for higher classes
02:04:28 Paul Evans: Nice grammar section too
02:04:40 Ceri Anwen James: LadyLavinia – the animation workshop is in Welsh!
02:04:42 Anneliese: I agree! My students love nutty tilez
02:04:47 Joanna Barber: we are using the free trial of this and the higher ability stundets have really liked it.
02:06:24 Paul Evans: It’s 1am here so I need to get to bed! Goodnight all and thanks for the tips.
02:06:35 Joe Dale: Thanks Paul!
02:06:37 Anneliese: Thanks Paul! loved your session
02:06:46 Karine Cook: Thanks Paul
02:06:59 Ceri Anwen James: Good night Paul!
02:08:01 LadyLavinia: My Y7’s love their colour song: https://vimeo.com/69091841
02:08:39 Anneliese: Thanks Paula 🙂
02:08:40 LadyLavinia: Muchas gracias fauloso!
02:08:44 Guiomar Mancho: It’s free
02:08:45 Anna Grainger: My children love Rockalingua
02:08:50 Anna Grainger: not everything is free
02:08:56 Anna Grainger: usually anyway
02:16:41 Christine Ugur: Very interesting webinar . Very advanced technology . It is a minefield for me to learn. Thank you everyone. Good night . Christine Ugur
02:17:37 Joe Dale: Thank you Christine. You will be able to watch the recording back too to help you recap
02:17:44 Philippa’s : Google expeditions is a good tool
02:17:52 Joe Dale: Yes
02:18:24 Georgina Anson: Thank you so much Helen, Joe and all the people who have contributed tonight! Great ideas!! Thank you again!
02:18:38 Joe Dale: Thanks Georgina
02:18:46 Richard Evans: Many thanks to all, such great ideas, happy continuation! It means a lot particularly given the situation we are all in! Have a good evening!
02:19:00 Joe Dale: Thanks Richard
02:20:58 Myriam: Thank you for brilliant ideas everyone. Have a lovely evening!
02:21:59 Joe Dale: Thanks Myriam
02:23:25 Karine Cook: Thank you everyone, Sleep well
02:23:59 Lou Smith: Thank you very much everyone
02:24:00 Philippa’s : thanks very much
02:24:01 Senay OGATLAR: Thanks for all amazing ideas, it was so benefical, good night 🙂
02:24:10 Candida Javaid: Thank you everyone!
02:24:15 Sarah Hau: Thanks all for the wonderful ideas! x
02:24:16 Philippa’s : thanks Helen and Joe
02:24:46 LadyLavinia: Muchas gracias everyone. What a wonderful evening, packed with ideas.
02:24:48 Philippa’s : is there a link to the event?
02:24:48 Senay OGATLAR: Thanks for everything
02:25:20 Paula Mourelle: Thanks so much everyone! and thanks for organising!
02:25:29 Heike Philp: www.virtual-round-table.com
02:25:37 Philippa’s : thanks
02:25:57 Heike Philp: 8-9th May
02:26:21 Ceri Anwen James: Thanks Helen and Joe for a great evening! It has been great!
02:26:33 Ceri Anwen James: Still waiting for my pizza, though!
02:26:35 orlamccarthy: Thanks, was great
02:26:41 Laura Simons: thank you all!
02:26:48 Candida Javaid: You are a star Joe!
02:26:49 Anneliese: Can we do another one in a few weeks 🙂
02:27:21 Lou Smith: got to go… bye and thanks
02:27:31 Ubed Amrullah: Thanks. Awesome talks
02:27:32 Candida Javaid: I can’t see myself
02:27:49 Candida Javaid: Oh I can!
02:28:09 Caroline Okerika: Thank you all so much!
02:28:13 Anneliese: One of my favourite so far!!