TiLT Thursday with Sandra Aktas

The Paperless classroom. How can digital learning improve Teaching and Learning?

In this TiLT Thursday Webinar, Joe Dale hosts Sandra Aktas.

Sandra works at Wellington College a Microsoft Showcase School and a leader in Digital Learning. Since joining the school in September 2019 Sandra immediately decided to create a paperless classroom, teaching exclusively from OneNote.  During this session Sandra demonstrates her use of Microsoft Teams and OneNote Class Notebooks.

She will concentrate in particular on how she uses Microsoft Office 365 OneNote Class Notebook to create engaging and differentiated resources, manage them efficiently and engage with her students in a now exclusively online environment to teach, monitor and assess them.

Even if you operate in a different environment (non-Microsoft) we are sure that there will be ideas managing online learning which you will be able to apply to your own context.

Recording here on Joe Dale’s YouTube channel.

Chat transcript here: Chat Sandra Aktas

Notes taken during the webinar (Helen Myers):Sandra Aktas Webinar content public

Screen shots referenced from notes:
TiLT - Sandra Aktas



Sandra Aktas became the Head of French at Wellington College in September 2019, having previously worked five years in the state sector as a Head of Languages and as a French teacher. Before becoming a qualified teacher, Sandra worked as a private tutor while studying part-time. She has a passion for Sciences and the French language, she holds a BSc in Biology and a BA in Linguistics. Sandra believes that Education is a key to success, and she would like to see every student in the UK achieving their full potential.

Chat transcript

00:39:04 SConroy: hello from Kendal
00:39:08 LadyLavinia: Muchas gracias @ Kate : )
00:39:15 ManuelBache: Many thanks Joe!!
00:40:04 Clarke-e: Hello from Doune in Scotland 🙂
00:42:37 9069498: Hello from Limekilns in Scotland!
00:47:01 Ramesh: Are these live lessons?
00:49:37 Elisabeth: I use the calendar with all the classes but the students only see the information that is for them right?
00:49:52 HLY: Do the students get quite a rigorous induction of teams when they start in Y7?
00:51:44 Heike Philp: How many can join a Team meeting
00:51:56 Rachel Vause: how many can you have on Team video conferencing?
00:52:19 Catherine Filée: why do you have to record every lesson?
00:52:31 Cecile Bernard: We do assemblies with 130 students on Teams at my school.
00:52:32 Kate: We have to record any lesson we do live too – safeguarding too
00:52:38 Heike Philp: wow
00:52:54 Sarah Bailey : Good for behaviour too…
00:53:13 Ramesh: are you allowed to do mock speaking 1 to 1 or with another teacher present?
00:53:40 Heike Philp: we managed to duplicate Helen three times now… hehe
00:54:28 konspy: hi, I thought we could not be able to connect…
00:54:42 Kate: Google says the maximum is 250 people for a Team meeting!
00:54:47 konspy: so… is the webinar going to be delivered?
00:54:56 SMorgan: Can you explain how One Note works?
00:55:14 Sheryl: so there are no back channels for students to private chat with each other
00:55:20 Elisabeth: Sorry I did not get the bit regarding the calendar. What can the students see? My calendar as well?
00:55:25 ALL London: The session covers teams then onenote..
00:55:59 ALL London: There will be about 20 mins on onenote later
00:56:00 Kate: @Elisabeth they can see that you are busy, but they can’t see the details
00:56:07 Clarke-e: Have you used this to show Powerpoints yet?
00:56:10 noemie: How do you mute pupils if needed?
00:56:14 Lauren: I think it’s up to 250 for a meeting and after that it has to be an event
00:56:51 Catherine Filée: did you show how to take over someone’s screen?
00:56:56 LadyLavinia: You can use wewatch2gether for you tube videos – it’s like a video watching room
00:57:13 Sarah Bailey : Can we find out how to take over a pupils screen’?
00:57:15 9069498: If you share your screen and are showing a powerpoint, how do you see the answers they are typing whilst, still showing a powerpoint?
00:57:18 Heike Philp: what a great idea!
00:57:24 Sheryl: I am concerned about back channels and students being able to chat privately with each other like we can do on zoom. Is that possible on teams?
00:57:32 Rachel Vause: Does it only show 4 faces at a time?
00:57:40 Elisabeth: better! Thank you!
00:58:23 ALL London: 4 is th emaximum.. so zoom better if you need more faces. But the beauty of team sin sthat it is in a private space
00:58:53 Elisabeth: Can I mute and unmute the students?
00:59:18 Elisabeth: Can I forbid them to make recordings of the live event?
00:59:45 Jacqueline Young: I’ve played quizizz live with pupils, so they can see the leaderboard on my computer. Works well.
01:00:16 Kerry Phipps: is it possible for students to mute teacher?
01:00:31 cbolton: Please could you explain how to link Teams to OneNote and how to show OneNote resources whilst teaching on Teams.
01:00:31 susan.mahiva: Please show how you mute the students.
01:00:32 Elisabetta: Students can record but you can stop them from meeting options
01:00:40 Jacqueline Young: We have given our pupils a code of conduct – no recording allowed
01:01:32 Jun’s iPhone: any tips for giving students a test on Teams ? how do you supervise them not cheating?
01:01:43 Sheryl: as a teacher, can you see if students have muted YOU?
01:02:15 Sheryl: so the host can’t be muted?
01:02:28 Ramesh: Are you all allowed to deliver live lessons in your schools? We are not currently and no plans to change that.
01:02:50 Sheryl: but you will never be aware if you’ve ever been muted or not…
01:02:51 Kerry Phipps: after muting all students can you call them back in individually?
01:03:06 Rachel Pickering: @Ramesh no live lessons for us either.
01:03:07 Kate: Are all teachers in your school expected to do live lessons?
01:03:11 Sarah Bailey : Id still like to know how you take control of their screens at some point please
01:03:13 David Shanks: you can mute all through “Manage Team” but students can unmute themselves. however, you can make students “attendees” in participant window which demotes students so they can only listen 🙂
01:04:11 Frank Graeff: We all do live lessons on Teams, too. Works quite well. Calling them back – you can unmute them or in our setup they can unmute themselves to give answers. I ask them to type “pick me” or similar if they are keen or I just pick on them.
01:04:38 Sarah Bailey : thank you
01:05:58 9069498: How do you see pupils’ answers (if they are using the chat on Teams) at the same time as sharing your screen?
01:06:26 Heike Philp: No powerpoint – this is smart!
01:08:36 Ramesh: Can you use this to present on the white board or do students need to access this on devices?
01:08:37 Kate: OneNote is the app, Class Notebook is the name for the same thing, but for schools
01:09:56 Frank Graeff: As for seeing the students’ answers – I squeeze up Teams on one half of the screen (or a quarter) while working on OneNote. If they have quiet work, they do it in their Classnotebook and I can flick through and have a shuftie. I use OneNote on the whiteboard a lot… works well with handwritten annotations. I had mixed classes with some online and some in class, which worked surprisingly well.
01:11:10 Catherine Filée: is this your template or is there a bank somewhere?
01:11:41 HLY: Are devices compulsory for students in all lessons at your school then Sandra?
01:12:42 LadyLavinia: How did you create the template for collaborative writing.
01:13:37 LadyLavinia: How did you get such a big document for collar space?
01:15:11 Alexandra: Does she have a normal PC? I am amazed by the digital pen?
01:15:13 ManuelBache: Are there any mock test/premade test to personalise or to directly assign to the students as reinforcement learning?
01:15:39 Frank Graeff: I think Wellington still run Surface PCs. The Pens are great, as are Apple Ipad pens, apparently.
01:15:43 Sheryl: so can the students edit each other’s work on the collaborative space or is it their independent essays?
01:16:07 Frank Graeff: There is a collaboration space, which everyone can edit, and then each student has their own area
01:16:25 Kate: Yes, she said they have Surfaces at the beginning, I think
01:16:44 Elisabetta: Do you use a drawing tablet to write on OneNote?
01:17:17 Frank Graeff: I use a drawing pad to mark students’ work from home. Works pretty well.
01:18:35 Catherine Filée: all your booklets are PDF and students write on with pen?
01:18:42 noemie: Is it possible to “lock” the document once you have enough answers in the collaborative space?
01:19:05 Ester: Can anyone that that uses Class Notebook share ideas on how to they have organised the students sub folders?
01:19:16 Elisabeth: Basic question to be probably just answered later: when shall I use TEAMS when shall I use OneNote?
01:19:37 Ramesh: Can you import PowerPoints as well as Word and PDFs?
01:20:08 Clarke-e: The volume seems to have dropped off
01:20:15 Georgina Anson: In One Note you can input Documents as files or as a printout version so it looks like the word document not just the file
01:20:20 Frank Graeff: OneNote is the area where you share documents and where they do their work. Teams is where you teach face to face (voice, video). I usually share my OneNote screen in Teams to use it as a whiteboard / visualizer
01:20:45 David Shanks: can you push a document/task to students’ individual areas for the whole class in one action?
01:20:48 Ramesh: Can you add a PowerPoint as a printout version or just as a file?
01:20:50 SMorgan: Can you copy and paste from other sources?
01:21:03 ALL London: @SMorgan – yes
01:21:04 Kate: @Ester I have class notes and handouts. I deleted everything else, since we are teaching remotely at the moment. I prepare a page for them to work on, then set it as an assignment and attach, then distribute the answers for the previous lesson into their Handouts tab
01:21:10 Frank Graeff: Powerpoint can be added as file or printout.. same with pdfs etc
01:21:39 Ester: Thank you, @kate
01:21:45 Georgina Anson: On teams you can give assignments and also store files for students as well as One Note
01:21:49 Kate: I’d like to know how you do the cool rainbow writing! – is it just one of the pen options at the top?
01:21:53 Sheryl: so you cannot write over the word document using the digital pen??
01:21:57 Ramesh: would you recommend one note once we are back in the classroom teaching normally and students don´t have devices?
01:22:41 Frank Graeff: I would recommend Onenote for everyone all the time… it’s great for kids who are slow at note taking or miss lessons, too.
01:22:45 Heike Philp: how did you learn how to organize this as a teacher
01:24:00 LadyLavinia: How do you add the video from 1 jour 1 ? into the doc
01:24:21 Kate: @Sheryl no – you’re better off just pasting the contents of your word doc into the page
01:24:50 Sheryl: thanks Kate
01:25:01 Kate: @LadyLAvinia you just paste the link into the page, and it comes up – I discovered this last night, and I think it’s a brilliant feature! Same with youtube videos!
01:25:02 Sheryl: what about copyright?
01:25:05 cbolton: Please could you explain how you made the teacher section that the students can’t see.
01:25:06 Ramesh: Is there a way of using the clicker to move through content as you could in PowerPoint?
01:25:09 Heike Philp: hahaha
01:25:40 Rachel Vause: Do they do this at their own pace then?
01:26:23 Kate: @cbolton, you click on “manage class notebook” then there is an option to add a teacher only section
01:26:49 ALL London: This is a fantastic thing in notebook … especiially for languages
01:28:45 maryline: is there a timer on there then?
01:29:23 ALL London: Brilliant – I didnt reall y knwo what the ‘insert space’ was for.. and now I can see
01:29:30 Sarah Bailey : can you freeze the screen?
01:29:37 cecilia giordano: Sorry I came late, family commitments… look forward to watching the full video on Joe’s youtube later…
01:30:09 ALL London: Welecome Cecilia!
01:30:40 Paula V: For KS3 I’ve created the following sections: Independent work, Vocab learning (you can embed Quizlet into the notebook), HWK, assessments, cover work & distance learning -recently created for the current situation 🙂 . We don’t have 1:1 devices in my school but OneNote is fantastic as a learning journal. I hope that helps 🙂
01:30:45 cecilia giordano: Thank you.
01:31:06 Ester: Thank you @Paula
01:31:38 ALL London: (12 are watchign on YoTUbe livestream by the way!!! -thanks for hosting there Heike!)
01:31:56 Rachel Vause: How do you add the lesson to lots of students? or do you hav eto copy one by one?
01:32:19 Cecile Bernard: Can you insert a whole PowerPoint?
01:32:44 Cecile Bernard: I mean so the students see PowerPoint slides
01:33:21 Clarke-e: You can present Powerpoint via Teams
01:33:40 Heike Philp: Where did you learn all of this?
01:33:43 Sheryl: @clarke-e , yes you can
01:34:23 Heike Philp: Q: How long did this take you to learn and how did you learn it?
01:36:56 David Shanks: Have you experience of setting “Assignments” in Teams that are linked to/completed in the Class Notebook?
01:36:58 Clarke-e: HOw do you add the jotter format?
01:37:25 noemie: Are you using paint or any other software to select a part of a digital textbook before including it on your one note?
01:37:47 Kate: I use snip to cut pictures from our textbooks
01:37:59 Frank Graeff: Snipping tool is great to grab short excerpts from books …
01:38:32 Kate: How do you get the background for the page? (The squared paper?)
01:38:54 Uxia: This is super useful, thank you! Totally new for me…
01:38:57 Frank Graeff: View Menu on OneNote – page colour etc can be selected there
01:38:59 Alex Bellars: c’est absolument fabuleux, tout ça
01:39:01 ALL London: These are the videos I| wen through at the weeken dto learn how to use notebook .. you hav eto select which verison you ar eusing .. Windows 10 or Class |Notebook 2016 https://education.microsoft.com/en-us/course/e597ca7b/overview
01:39:02 Aurelie Debruyne: How do you insert the accents?
01:39:53 Alex Bellars: so many great ideas… merci infiniment, Sandra…
01:40:11 Alex Bellars: Are you on Twitter, Sandra?
01:40:15 ALL London: .. but really good to knnow people who can help you when you get stuck, wonderful people like Sandra an d Jane Basnett (Jane is her enext Tuesday)
01:40:17 konspy: It looks interesting, but I think that not having a digital pen limits you a lot
01:40:23 Kate: Yes – how do you do accents on the surface pro? There’s no number pad to do the alt codes, so I’ve been having to use an old program called AllChars. It works, but wondered what you do?
01:40:30 LadyLavinia: Do the this is language videos insert the same as you tube ones. Do you copy and paste their activities?
01:40:45 Alex Bellars: yes Jane Basnett is a OneNote legend too
01:40:51 ALL London: Twitter: @Sandraaktas
01:41:08 Alex Bellars: merci @ALLLondon
01:41:54 Ramesh: Is there a quick way to quiz students live (via Teams) for you to see whether their answer is A, B, C or D if for instance you were using the multiple-choice quiz on Quizlet?
01:41:55 Cecile Bernard: How can they add accents easily?
01:41:55 Clarke-e: HOw do you add accents?
01:42:31 ALL London: @davidshanks .. I think Sandra will come to this, and if not, Jane Basnett is definitely doing thison Tuesday evening
01:43:42 Hannah White: yes we can see it
01:44:21 Frank Graeff: It’s called the “touch keyboard” and can be used with a mouse, too.
01:45:45 David Shanks: Fab, thank you @ALL London! Thanks so much Sandra & Joe, Helen 🙂
01:46:21 Alex Bellars: bonne soirée à toutes et à tous… #mindblown 🤓
01:46:50 Clarke-e: Merci mille fois!
01:46:52 Uxia: So much for us to practise… MERCI!
01:46:53 Jun’s iPhone: thanks so much
01:47:13 etta.brunton@ntlworld.com: Thank you … it’s been great!
01:47:16 LadyLavinia: Merck beaucoup
01:47:18 elodiedehaan: Thank you Sandra, Joe and Helen, very inspiring!
01:47:23 SMorgan: Thank you so much! Merci beaucoup 🙂
01:47:27 CMitchell: Thank you so much!
01:47:40 aliso: muchas gracias
01:47:44 Heike Philp: Q: May I ask whether you have been considering to change teaching methodology now that the students are allowed to use the internet.
01:47:45 herefordadmin: Merci beaucoup. Isabelle
01:47:49 Ian Dalgleish: Thank you very much! Lots of interesting stuff
01:47:50 Rachel Vause: merci mille fois 🙂
01:47:56 cwebb: merci beaucoup . so much info
01:47:59 Catherine Filée: so useful! Thank you for sharing your work and expertise. Much appreciated.
01:48:03 maitecolell: Many Thanks
01:48:12 Elisabeth: Would it be possible to ask further questions if they pop up on the way of the learning process. If yes, to whom may they be asked?
01:48:46 noemie: Merci !! 🙂
01:49:08 Kate: Merci mille fois!
01:49:11 Ramesh: Thank you very much! Fantastic stuff and lots of food for thought.
01:49:12 Jacqueline Young: Absolutely fantastic, Sandra – definitely something to experiment with over the Easter holiday! Thank you, and many thanks to ALL too!
01:49:15 HLY: Lots to learn! Merci!
01:49:16 ManuelBache: Thanks Sandra!!
01:49:17 Martina: Thank you!
01:49:17 Elisabetta: Thank you so, so much! Brilliant session!
01:49:18 Frank Graeff: Thank you – some really good takeaways.
01:49:18 Georgina Anson: Thank you very much Sandra! Great!!!
01:49:23 Ester: That was inspiring! I’m excited to plan my remote lessons! Thank you!
01:49:25 Lynne Coulthwaite: merci beaucoup
01:49:27 Sarah Bailey : merci beaucoup 🙂
01:49:27 Adeline: Many thanks for this webinar!
01:49:29 Cecile Bernard: If you record something on a student’s page can you lock it so they can’t delete the recording by accident?
01:49:33 tlaCMK: Thank you so much, lots to think about!
01:49:49 Adam: Merci Sandra, very inspiring!
01:50:10 Mila: Thank you so much Sandra, wow ! Busy day tomorrow trying to apply all you have shown us 🙂
01:50:11 carma: Thank you so much for sharing your expertise.
01:50:24 SConroy: thank you!
01:50:41 Josefina: Thank you to everybody. Now we need to pratise on our own.
01:50:54 Gillian Webb – iPad: Thank you so much – this is really helpful!
01:51:02 Melanie Davies: thank you so much, great ideas
01:51:12 Rachel Vause: Really useful, thank you
01:51:18 cbolton: Yes – thank you – that was very helpful
01:51:26 Elisabeth: Where will we find the recordings?
01:51:29 Joanna Barber: Thank you to all of you – much appreciated.
01:51:29 Rachel’s iPad: thank you very much – lots of ideas and very useful
01:51:45 Mila: Joe, where will the video be please , I missed the start ?
01:51:46 Liliana Roudaut: Thank you so much!
01:51:46 Uxia: Graciaaaaaaaaas!
01:51:54 konspy: Sorry, do you already know the topic for next week?
01:52:10 konspy: are you going to talk about Teams again?
01:52:24 konspy: to add a bit of depth…
01:53:04 Catherine Filée: you have certainly helped!
01:53:21 cecilia giordano: Thanks!!
01:53:28 Hannah White: thank you!