Following a request during our August webinar for trainee teachers about to start their NQT year, we are offering regular opportunities for people at the start of their Languages teaching career to touch base and offer support.
On the first Friday of each month (with some exceptions to take account of holidays) we invite you to relax, share and join in with fellow Trainees, NQTs and RQTs, hosted by ALL members. The suggested format is as follows and can be adapted according to any feedback we get!
- ALL intro + up-date (5 mins)
- A ‘lightly-themed’ presentation by someone (15 minutes).
- Sharing nuggets of success [a couple of brief (6/7 minute) breakout room sessions to help you get to know others – probably maximum 15 minutes to share positive experiences!)
- Some sort of fun activity e.g. game / music (about 10 minutes)
- Chance for those who want to stay behind to continue the chat
We do not want to limit this to ALL members, but really hope that you will like us and want to join! This is all run by volunteers.
The session will not be formally recorded (except possibly presentations in some sessions).
- 02/09/20
- 02/10/20
- 06/11/20
- 04/12/20 – Veronica’s presentation on this page.
- 08/01/21
- 05/02/21
- 05/03/21
- 26/03/21
- 07/05/20
- 11/06/21
- 02/07/21
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits!
Please read the Webinar page of our website for more information about how to join a Webinar. In particular, please read our etiquette on participating in a webinar:
It is very easy – you just click on a link and you can see and hear! Please do not pass the link to people who have not signed up and read the etiquette as this can cause problems. We look forward to seeing you!