ALL Ofsted Curriculum Research Review Webinar


Part 1

It was great to see so many people at our webinar where we talked about the Ofsted MFL Curriculum Research Review with particular reference to the National  Curriculum.  We hope that this gives a helpful context to preparation for a conversation with an Ofsted Inspector about your curriculum choices.

This was a fast-paced presentation.  We recommend that you download the associated PowerPoint which summarises the issues and adds commentary.  We are deliberately sharing this as an editable PowerPoint so that  you can pick amend / delete according to your needs.

Follow-up webinars for ALL members only have now taken place when we can discuss and rehearse our own ‘narratives’ in preparation for Ofsted Inspections.

Link to Part 2.

Please join our Association!  ‘Don’t delay – join today’, as Jane Harvey said …!




ALL Ofsted Curr Research Review Webinar V4


Link to Helen’s script for her slides: ALL Ofsted Review script

Link to Helen’s blog:


00:23:39 Lynn Youdale: Good evening from Nottingham
00:23:43 Debbie.Smith: Bonsoir from Nottingham
00:23:47 Dylan Brown: Evening all-Alex Brown from KDHS Liverpool here
00:23:57 Kirstine Smith: Hi Kirstine from North Lincs
00:24:26 Carla Parry: Hi Carla from Merseyside
00:24:30 Antony Simpson: Hi all, from Mirfield near Huddersfield
00:24:38 Chloe Jones: Hello, Chloe from Shrewsbury
00:24:50 Hilary Attlee: Hello from the Cotswolds
00:25:11 Antonio Alcala: Hi, Clare Lorimer from London here.
00:25:49 debrawroblewski: Primary French R-Y6, Parbold, West Lancashire
00:26:14 Ruth Hedley: Great to be a member if you’re a small department and want to network
00:26:28 Joe Dale: Don’t delay! Act today! Love it!
00:26:32 Stewart Dearsley: Well worth it!
00:26:34 Rosemary Hicks: I’ve been a member of ALL for lots of years. It’s such a helpful organisation
00:26:40 Jago, Martine: Early Years and Primary Language Specialist in California. May I join ALL?
00:26:45 Elaine Gelder: Been a member for 34 years and always renew my membership
00:26:54 Sadie Thompson: Can I tweet the discount code out?
00:27:03 Laura Simons: A proud member of the ALL Council 🙂
00:27:04 Steven Fawkes: Yes Sadie
00:27:11 Laura Hill: so important to be a member, get info, network, share ideas
00:27:12 Sadie Thompson: Thank you!
00:27:42 Anita welsh: it is brilliant and I am delighted to be a member
00:27:49 Steven Fawkes: ALL has members beyond the UK
00:27:50 Nina: What was the code mentioned?
00:28:03 kerrylees: Ofsted10
00:28:08 Silvia Bastow: proud member of ALL council. Great organisation to join. So many benefits, great support and network of colleagues. Definitely worth becoming a member!
00:28:12 Nina: Thank you
00:28:13 Steven Fawkes: Discount on ALL Membership – code Ofsted10
00:29:10 Steven Fawkes: High quality teaching may ….
00:29:55 Steven Fawkes: HoDs and Language coordinators in Primary
00:35:32 Ruth Bravo: any chance to go slower so we can read it?
00:36:06 Jack Walker: Hi- is it going to be possible to receive these slides so that we can read them after- this is
00:36:15 Jack Walker: this would be great for me any my team
00:36:20 Steven Fawkes: You will get the slides to read later on
00:36:28 Jane Harvey: We will send the slides to read – this is an introduction
00:36:49 Noria: Many thanks
00:37:55 Jane Harvey: Slides and recording of webinar will be available soon after webinar
00:38:20 Vincent Everett: Interesting the Programme of Study says communication, pupils’ ideas, authentic texts… That’s not what we are hearing from the GCSE panel or Ofsted research review!
00:38:20 Beatriz: Ok, thank you so much
00:41:35 Debbie.Smith: are ofsted inspectors human???
00:49:23 Katie Thorpe: Alexander@@1
00:51:08 Vincent Everett: As a profession, we need to be able to see that the cognitive science and the “knowledge curriculum” are not one and the same.
00:54:45 Sadie Thompson: I have concerns about ‘logic behind progression’ in phonics… how are we supposed to evidence/demonstrate that, if we teach phonics early? A sound approach to phonics in year 7 for example, how can we prove this is logic behind progression? One sound a term…?!
00:55:05 Vincent Everett: I agree.
00:55:05 Sadie Thompson: A rhetorical question perhaps. 😉
01:00:09 Vincent Everett: There’s a bit of a fundamental problem if the KS2 National Curriculum wants pupils using their language but the ofsted review say that is reserved for “expert” which I think they say is Higher GCSE.
01:01:10 Sadie Thompson: Exactly that. Oh and design exams which even native speakers often can’t accurately select the correct answer for…
01:03:07 Gillian Green: I think I’m being a bit dim, but in theory we should be judged against the NC, not the review? All the “should” statements, rather than the “may” statements?
01:04:07 Gillian Green: THank you!!!! I was getting a bit worried- I think I need to re-visit my NC docs…
01:04:32 Sophie Newnham: What would we be judged against in a deep dive conversation? The NC ‘should’ or the review ‘may’ statements? Or is that over simplifying the process?
01:04:45 Steven Fawkes: The NC Programme of Study is brief but full of joy 🙂
01:04:47 Cat & Phil Cripps: It’s interesting that the review also seems to be in conflict with the Ofsted ‘MFL in outstanding primary schools’ blog, which was also written this year…
01:05:03 Vincent Everett: I think after this you’ll be better armed to put your case and show where you are basing your priorities.
01:05:37 Steven Fawkes: What Vincent says is what ALL means by your ‘narrative’
01:06:09 Sophie Newnham: Thank you 🙂
01:06:51 Cat & Phil Cripps: Do we know which schools Ofsted visited and got their ‘good’ practice from for the review? Can ALL visit these schools as research?
01:08:22 lcattell: Thank you
01:08:59 Vincent Everett: Literary texts: On the front page of the National Curriculum it says Great Works of Literature. (On the inside page it turns into songs, stories and poems.)
01:09:25 G. Campello: They also seem to ignore the fact that students don’t even know words IN ENGLISH as the reading age of some gcse texts could be as high as 17yo and the average reading age of students is much lover than that
01:10:00 G. Campello: Lower *
01:12:41 Vincent Everett: Am I right in thinking they say expert happens for some pupils at higher levels of GCSE? Until then all our pupils are novice?
01:13:42 Silvia Bastow: that is how I have understood the document, only the very competent students are classed as experts – grade 8-9s???
01:14:44 Silvia Bastow: most students according to it will be classed as experts when reaching A-Level
01:15:05 Vincent Everett: We’ve got a lot of homework to go through and look at the detail. But I think you’ve given us the general picture. National Curriculum says skills, authentic texts, use of language. Ofsted research review says micro planned step by step basics of phonics, grammar, vocab but not communication.
01:15:33 Rosemary Hicks: Definitely lots of food for thought
01:15:53 Suzanne O’Farrell:
01:16:16 Gillian Green: Agreed – I think I will be referencing the NC carefully in my SoW, where I feel the need to “defend” myself
01:16:52 Kate Dolman: Helen, I also found your blog on the review with possible questions and answers really useful, thank you 🙂
01:16:53 Vincent Everett: One thing we’ve not mentioned is the Ofsted webinars that accompany the research review, on things like Curriculum planning, which go even further than what’s in the review in spelling out that the language is there to practise micro grammar points, not for pupils to be able to say things.
01:17:38 Jack Walker: Thank you very much for this- it has been very insightful.
01:17:41 Rob: Thank you so much – it has been really useful.
01:17:55 Claire Blackburn: Looking forward to the follow up webinars.
01:18:00 Caroline Young: Thank you so much for this. Much appreciated.
01:18:01 Miss de la Cadena: Ours in imminent, in the next 2 weeks 🙁
01:18:04 Sophie Newnham: Super useful, thank you!
01:18:08 Lisa Claydon: Great stuff thanks
01:18:19 Rebecca Stevens: many thanks 🙂
01:18:19 Silvia Bastow: thank you very much for another insightful webinar. Lots of work went into preparing it.
01:18:24 Liz Roberts: Thanks, that has all been so helpful.
01:18:25 Jill Rowell: thank you, very informative
01:18:26 Claire Blackburn: Even though I do feel rather confused now😯
01:18:27 S.Khalifa: Thank you 🙂
01:18:30 JSK: Many thanks for all this from Janine in Staffordshire
01:18:35 Anna Stubbings: Thank you very much for this. Very helpful.
01:18:36 Dani: merci
01:18:38 Matthew Rushton: many thanks!
01:18:39 Karen: Looking forward to the Primary follow-up webinar. Thanks!
01:18:40 Amy: Thank you very much for the talk 😀
01:18:40 Lily Harris: Thank you, very helpful!
01:18:40 Duncan Munro: This was an excellent webinar – so useful. I do feel rather confused but forewarned is forearmed!
01:18:41 Monica: Thank you
01:18:44 Ruth Hedley: Thank you all – good to be part of the ALL community listening together
01:18:47 Kirsty Thathapudi: Thank you. Very useful.
01:18:47 Sheraz Ali: Thank you very much!
01:18:48 Verónica González: Thank you very much
01:18:48 Laura Hill: Thank you!
01:18:48 Mel Sartore: Thanks very much!
01:18:50 Suzanne O’Farrell: Thank you – brilliant as ever!
01:18:53 Sarah Noble: Thank you very much!
01:18:55 Janet: Thank you very much for this – it has been very useful
01:18:56 Cat & Phil Cripps: One thing to think of… there has been a model music curriculum produced by Ofsted which, although hasn’t officially replaced the NC, seems to be the document that supersedes the NC as it goes into more detail. Do we think that something similar is on the way for languages?
01:18:56 Jenni Collins-Dodd: Thanks so much!!!
01:18:57 Rosemary Hicks: Thank you so much for all your hard work David and Helen
01:18:58 JuggL: Thank you very much!
01:18:59 stGarciadeVeasGimena: Thank you.
01:19:01 Nathalie: Thank you very much, it was really useful
01:19:01 Hannah Raymont: Thank you so much for your hard work
01:19:04 Stewart Dearsley: Many thanks, very helpful.
01:19:04 Heather Cross-Costello: Thank you very much, I’m a recently appointed HOD with two upcoming mock deep dives and our OFSTED window wide open. I’m feeling better equipped!
01:19:04 Charlie Berney ML Tutor: Hugely informative, Helen & David. So so useful!
01:19:04 Myriam: Thank you very much, very informative 🙂
01:19:05 Matthew Oldroyd: Thank you!
01:19:07 Cristina: Many thanks for this insightful presentation!
01:19:09 nualas: Thank you very much. It was a whistle stop tour but very informative.
01:19:09 Clare Wright: Thank you so much!
01:19:10 Emmanuelle Labeau: hi
01:19:12 fi.barringer: thanks so much for all your hard work
01:19:16 Larigos: Many thanks indeed…again !
01:19:21 Joanne: Thank you – so useful – shame it wasn’t longer! 🙁
01:19:22 Duncan Broe: Big thank you to Helen and David. Very helpful. @Helen Myers – can you send your link to your blog please? Thanks
01:19:23 Ana Priestley: Gracias ☺️
01:19:23 Victoria Seaton: Thank you all, very useful summary.
01:19:23 luis: Thanks
01:19:27 Sam: Thank you so much!
01:19:30 Kate Percival: Thank you so much has gone into this!
01:19:33 Katie Thorpe: Thank you very useful from Katie, Sophie and Alexander. Very informative
01:19:35 Isabelle Lee: Thank you
01:19:35 debrawroblewski: Thank you ALL, always useful.
01:19:37 Sara: Thank you
01:19:38 Debbie.Smith: Thank you – where will the presentation be found, please?
01:19:39 Antony Simpson: Thank you so much!
01:19:43 Mel O’Loughlin: Thank you, very informative and useful as always.
01:19:43 Sarah.Cheney: Thankyou for this
01:19:44 Laura Simons: Thank you, as always! 🙂
01:19:45 F.Clough: Thank you!
01:19:45 Lynn Youdale: merci
01:19:46 Anita welsh: thank you. it has made it clearer.
01:19:50 HBerry(WOL): Many thanks
01:19:53 Tanya Riordan: I have really appreciated this webinar, I have felt so alone in my cynicism of this review and now find myself surrounded by like-minded colleagues! thanks everyone
01:19:57 Emma Kirby: Thank you for such a detailed and informative session
01:19:59 Anna: Thank you!
01:20:05 Katherine Collings: Thank you everyone.
01:20:10 lesleyhagger-vaughan: Thanks very much – much needed !
01:20:11 Maria Stevens: thank you, lots to digest
01:20:11 M Kingsbury: Thank you
01:20:11 Beth Seymour: As a trainee daunted by the research review I am so relieved that many colleagues have the same reservations about some of the observations that I do!! Thank you for tonight!
01:20:12 Leia Maras: Bye everyone. Thank you 💛
01:20:13 Axelle: thank you
01:20:14 charlene: Thank you so much
01:20:15 Claire Hackney: Many thanks!
01:20:16 Esperanza: Thank you very much.
01:20:17 Sarah Baker: Thank you all!
01:20:22 Sadie Thompson: Thank you so much everyone. I tried to tweet a few thoughts out. Very insightful!
01:20:23 Sam Butler: Thank you very much, good night!
01:20:23 Cat & Phil Cripps: Thank you Helen and David
01:20:25 Chloe Jones: Thank you very much!
01:20:30 Stuart Rubenstein: Many thanks.
01:20:30 Christine – Heathside: Thank you
01:20:30 Carla Parry: thank you 🙂