PowerPoint presentation: Ofqual detailed proposals for ML for 2021 exams – final
Helen Myers’ grid, analysis + starter list for activities: Proposed criteria Oct 26 + Helen’s observations
Chat download (or read pasted below) ALL Ofqual Consultation Webinar chat
ALL encourages its members to engage actively in debating proposals put out to national consultation.
One of our core missions as an association is to keep members and the language community informed. Therefore, ALL will be running an ALL Ofqual Consultation Webinar on Tuesday 20th October at 8pm, hosted by René Koglbauer (ALL Chair) and Jane Harvey (ALL President).
Following the consultation in the summer, Ofqual announced policy decisions regarding GCSE and AL exams in 2021, including specific proposals for GCSE ML, especially the speaking element.
This webinar is about the detailed proposals they have published in order to implement the policy decision.
ALL has produced a briefing paper on the current proposals, available on the website here.
During this webinar, Helen Myers (ALL) and David Blow (ASCL) will present on the background to these proposals, the wider issues and will explore the proposals in more detail given these exceptional circumstances.
The presentation will be followed by a discussion, initially focusing on questions and answers but then broadening out. As this is such an important matter for the language community, this event is open to members and non-members.
Following the meeting we will keep you informed of any developments by email.
ALL Ofqual Consultation Webinar: Speaking Criteria
Tuesday 20th October 2020
00:21:59 Bewell: Evening all
00:22:17 Laura Simons: lol – Bewell – no first name needed!! xx
00:22:31 Saira Ghani: Hello!
00:22:54 Laura Simons: Hi Saira x
00:23:01 Rene Koglbauer: @Emma Lyon – good to see the youngest linguist joining us today 🙂
00:23:03 Rosemary Hicks: Good evening everyone
00:23:19 Steven Fawkes: Hello Rosemary
00:23:39 julia: hello
00:23:47 Rosemary Hicks: Hello Steven
00:24:56 Bewell: @laura reputation precedes me! 😊
00:25:10 Laura Simons: indeed!
00:34:53 Laurence Gillham: Helen, you might get on to this anyway but I have received a letter from AQA this morning. It states that the “common assessment criteria will be published shortly by Ofqual”. Q: Have you heard about a “common assessment criteria”?
00:36:00 Rene Koglbauer: The common assessment criteria are part of the consultation. Helen and David will share these in a few minutes.
00:36:06 Saira Ghani: Laurence, there is a copy of the “common assessment criteria” in the latest Ofqual consultation.
00:36:11 Steven Fawkes: The criteria have come out. There will be a link to the ALL Briefing you can download
00:36:22 Steven Fawkes: coming up
00:36:25 Laurence Gillham: Thank you all/ALL!
00:36:37 leonora chandler: does anyone know how native speakers would be assessed who don’t attend lessons?
00:36:38 Rene Koglbauer: Important: these criteria are subject to this consultation
00:37:06 Deborah: is there really no requirement for any evidence? If so, could they not all get distinctions?
00:37:19 Crista Hazell (ALL): ALL released a Teacher Briefing which you can view and download here.
00:38:13 Eleanor: Could this ppt be shared afterwards please?
00:38:55 Stephanie: Will we have to submit evidence? thank you.
00:39:00 Steven Fawkes: It will be in the recording
00:39:03 Adam Selby: yes this would be great to read again after if this could be shared?
00:39:07 ALL London: no evidence needed
00:39:10 Adam Selby: ah thank you!
00:39:19 Luis Baena Luengo: Thank you 🙂
00:39:20 Heather: Thank you!
00:39:34 Stephanie: Thank you.
00:40:02 DFrost: yes
00:40:56 Pamela Tosh: apologies if the answer to this is obvious. I am more familiar with the Scottish system but have GCSE in Polish and Arabic. I have seen the speaking criteria groups. Is it necessary to record pupils speaking or is teacher judgement to be accepted?
00:40:56 N Hele: Thanks for these ideas. We need to keep them speaking. It’s the most interesting / fun part for most students and key to their future use of it, also probably effective retention.
00:41:27 Rene Koglbauer: For June 2021 exam period no recordings required.
00:41:29 ALL London: teacher judgement enough
00:41:32 Steven Fawkes: No evidence required , no recording of speaking
00:41:57 Pamela Tosh: thank you
00:43:09 Pamela Tosh: Is an exam timetable available yet? Just realised that our term finished mid June and pupils will be on holiday possibly when the exams are happening.
00:44:10 Tracy Williams: I think the French GCSE is on the 9/12th June
00:44:24 Laura Simons: It will be interesting to see whether there will be a return to the conventional speaking exam in 2022…
00:44:26 Heather: Do you feel that the fact that the speaking exam has been removed at A Level and GCSE level suggests that the DfE does not value the skill of speaking as much as it does other skills in MFL?
00:44:30 Pamela Tosh: Thank you. I will have to check this.
00:44:45 N Hele: It hasn’t been removed from A-level, has it?
00:44:51 Bewell: it hasn’t been removed at a level to my knowledge
00:44:55 Rene Koglbauer: Careful: this is only for GCSE and not A-level
00:44:59 Kiren Samira Azam: I don’t think it’s been removed at a-level
00:45:01 Tracy Williams: Spanish GCSE: 15/23 June – I think.
00:45:02 Jane Harvey: no, it is still there for A level
00:45:02 Bewell: 👍
00:45:04 Crista Hazell (ALL): This is only for GCSE
00:45:13 Stephanie: No changes at A Level so far
00:45:14 Steven Fawkes: and only for one year
00:45:44 Heather: Ok so it is for GCSE, my question still stands (I am a trainee teacher so not currently in the classroom)
00:45:45 Kiren Samira Azam: Also, I think the speaking isn’t seen as less important, I believe they have made the assessment flexible due to COVID and people’s safety.
00:45:51 Alda whaley: Can you give link to document svp
00:45:53 amy brightwell : does this mean that every pupil passes the speaking element this year? as there is only pass merit and distinction
00:46:08 Crista Hazell (ALL): And here it is again:
00:46:11 Jane Harvey: there won’t be any changes this year to A level + that decision has already been made
00:46:17 Alda whaley: merci
00:46:21 Florence Barats: They can still get unclassified!
00:46:26 syanes: will the slides be available after to reread? Thanks
00:46:44 Jane Harvey: slides will be in the recording
00:47:51 N Hele: Good luck with your training Heather – strange times but we need more languages teachers so well done!
00:48:51 Heather: Thank you! It’s a very difficult time for us all and despite it all I’m happy to be starting a career as a secondary French teacher
00:49:12 Kiren Samira Azam: Snap Heather 🙂
00:49:35 Adam Selby: I’m also a trainee teacher, great to be part of talks like this!
00:50:05 Heather: Good luck Kiren and Adam as well! 🙂 definitely a pleasure to be a part of this talk
00:50:19 Laura Simons: This is really useful Helen, thank you.
00:50:34 Alda whaley: super merci
00:50:44 Stephanie: Even though no evidence is required, would it make sense to match the level given for speaking with the predicted attainment in the other skills?
00:50:47 Steven Fawkes: adaptation also manipulation of language?
00:50:59 Alda whaley: yes please
00:51:07 Mandy Jenkins: Yes, I agree, Thanks Helen.
00:51:30 Rene Koglbauer: Heather, we don’t see that this as a statement of the value of speaking skills for DFE or Ofqual. It is an extraordinary measure in challenging times. We have been assured that this will only be for summer 2021 examination.
00:51:43 Dominika: Yes, please! A copy of this would be marvellous. Looks very comprehensive.
00:51:50 Steven Fawkes: We are developing an ALL Page on the website about Endorsement . I will ask Helen to put the grid there
00:51:50 CRZ: Is anyone considering training and using their Foreign Language Assistants to use the criteria and assess their students throughout the year ?
00:52:07 Jane Harvey: the speaking endorsement allows for a spiky profile. it is not related to what they get as a 1-9 pass
00:52:09 Heather: Thank you, Rene, for your reassurance and clear explanation
00:52:10 Dominika: Yes, I am
00:53:16 Rene Koglbauer: It makes perfect sense to utilise Foreign Language Assistants.
00:53:40 N Hele: One school near us has its assistant grade students P,M,D each time the students go, although not sure how they were doing that before these were published…
00:53:43 Rene Koglbauer: and they will be hopefully sympathetic native speakers 🙂
00:53:49 Steven Fawkes: Hurrah for the sympathetic Native Speaker!
00:54:18 Tracy Williams: I wish we still had language assistants in my schools!
00:54:42 Gemma R: would love to have FLAs!
00:55:18 Florence Barats: Do we dismiss the intonation?
00:56:04 Crista Hazell (ALL): This is perfect for Foreign Language Assistants to help and support, providing they are clear on the criteria. This can easily be a departmental training session / discussion so everyone in the department and team are clear how to apply this and what does in fact hinder to ensure consistency. This will help everyone from the outset.
00:56:24 N Hele: Ours still love going to the assistant – not sure I’d want to spoil that with her grading them.
00:56:25 Bewell: totally agree Crista
00:56:26 Nina: It feels like there is a lot to judge students on in normal lessons when we are so busy getting through content!
00:56:58 Catherine Mwamatandala: I agree Nina
00:57:04 Elin Jeanmaire – MFL: I agree Nina
00:57:13 Rene Koglbauer: For me it wouldn’t be grading them every time … it is much more about a holistic view of their performance
00:57:30 Nina: so many different elements to consider though
00:57:40 Dominika: I agree, Rene. That’s how I see it too
00:57:47 Bewell: it would also be a good tool to use to train up y10 even though they won’t be assessed in this way next year
00:58:08 N Hele: Q Has anyone mapped the standard for speaking against P M D? Is D a 9?
00:58:30 Nina: also hard if you only took on a year 11 class just before lockdown (like me) or a year 11 class in year 11…where you don’t know their ability as much as others already know about their students!
00:58:39 Crista Hazell (ALL): There are some schools who believe that there should still be a speaking test – can someone clarify this please?
00:58:40 amandawarne: Q Too many criteria.
00:58:42 Joanne Mimnagh: thank you so much. That was superb
00:58:45 Bewell: I doubt it and it’s not as clear cut as that N Hele
00:58:48 Elin Jeanmaire – MFL: A lot to consider and what about that quiet child who doesn’t want to talk at extended lengths in front of peers but would be happy to do it just in front of 1 other in a partner task or in front of the teacher?
00:58:49 Chris Jadav : It would be interesting to hear how many times people will be recording evidence/marks?
00:58:56 Dominika: Don’t envy you, Nina. That’s really hard
00:59:02 Crista Hazell (ALL):
00:59:03 Sue Clare: Q The descriptors are great. However, I am struggling with the format of this way of testing. With a classroom full of 30 speakers and not being able to circulate around the room, it will be difficult to assess the shy, perfectionists in front of the whole class over time. How will you ensure that all have been heard enough to make sure they have an accurate descriptor?
00:59:03 Kirstine Smith: Very useful, thank you
00:59:24 Bewell: Elin opportunity to use technology with quieter students?
00:59:24 Nina Elliott: Super useful! Thanks so much 🙂
00:59:25 Elin Jeanmaire – MFL: I agree with Sue Clare
00:59:26 Julie Hall: I like that this encourages us to incorporate lots of speaking in lessons, in a more natural way, rather than something overly choreographed in a speaking exam. We should embrace the opportunities this allows us, and encourage students to value this and enjoy developing these skills
00:59:36 Elin Jeanmaire – MFL: We don’t have access to technology
00:59:38 Bewell: hear hear Julie
00:59:47 Bewell: does the student at home?
00:59:56 Elin Jeanmaire – MFL: We aren’t allowed to do live lessons using technology and we don’t have access to laptops or computer rooms
01:00:00 Crista Hazell (ALL): Please do join us and become one of our many powerful voices engaging in debate and engaging with DfE, APPG and many others the link is here
01:00:01 Nina: I think incorporating speaking is great and less constraints as per speaking exam but Ii have so much content still to get through!
01:00:01 Mary Heath: Q: What would constitute enough “evidence” of each criteria? Would it be enough to have a “one off comment”?
01:00:06 Chris Jadav : I did a Year 9 speaking assessment at break time with 4 girls who would refuse in main class, it only took 10 minutes.
01:00:27 Bewell: my sixth form send me voice memos using mobile phones
01:00:57 Florence Barats: No it helped!
01:01:03 Elin Jeanmaire – MFL: Breaktime? We all have breaktime at different times depending on year group. I thought this was meant to be easier for teachers not take up more of teachers time.
01:01:07 amandawarne: Q what if a student fluctuates between pass merit and distinction?
01:01:11 Saira Ghani: I prefer your broken down approach Helen. To me it’s made the criteria much clearer.
01:01:12 Joanne Mimnagh: I liked it, it was easy to understand Helen
01:01:22 Nina Elliott: No Helen! I love a grid 🙂 It was great!
01:01:22 Bewell: @Elin consider
01:01:28 N Hele: They were helpful in picking out differences.
01:01:30 Tracy Williams: Really easy to understand. Thanks Helen.
01:01:30 Claudia Azevedo: hear hear
01:01:41 Jo Fenny: I agree. It really helped, thank you Helen
01:01:42 Mary Heath: Q: Is the “marking” always positive? Ie if a student demonstrates a high level of language in one activity but then 10 minutes later does not, would you just
01:01:45 Stewart Dearsley: Colleagues will need to emphasise the disconnect between the P/M/D and the 9-1 grade. Some schools I have spoken to are thinking that there will be a connection P/M/D and 1-3,4-6 and 7-9.
01:01:59 syanes: thank you for sharing and preparing this, one person department, useful to share ideas, views.
01:02:04 DFrost: Can’t go round a classroom listening to students speaking at present due to covid restrictions…
01:02:06 Nina: Hard though when we can’t circulate to listen
01:02:37 Francesca Lintern: Are foundation students limited to what they can achieve in the endorsement?
01:02:55 Mary Heath: Apologies original question was not finished – is the marking always positive? Ie does a less good performance on another day make any change to previous judgements?
01:02:56 Gemma R: I liked the grid as it helped me clarify in my mind what I will be looking for. However, like others say I still worry how to manage this in a large group of students when we can’t move round much and many are too shy to speak in front of the class
01:03:00 amandawarne: great question: Are foundation students limited to what they can achieve in the endorsement?
01:03:17 Elizabeth Corrigan: Brilliant! Thanks Helen
01:03:17 Chris Rimmer: I loved your grids, Helen! 🙂
01:03:22 Tracy Williams: Q. Do you know when the final version of the criteria will be available?
01:03:27 Rosemary Hicks: I like grids Helen so it will help me
01:03:27 Deborah: We have to maintain social distancing between the students who sit at the front of the class and it’s nearly impossible to hear what the students at the back are saying as we aren’t allowed to wander round the class like before
01:03:40 Katie Williams: are we allowed to let students prepare their answers before we do any speaking with them or does it have to be spontaneous, can they have notes like they would for the role play/photo card or not?
01:03:43 Rene Koglbauer: No foundation candidates are not limited
01:04:06 Mary Heath: Q: Would we need to expect students to show all four criteria at all times – or might they show different elements at different points?
01:04:16 melaniesherry: That’s clear Steven.
01:04:25 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks for this webinar in such uncertain times. I did find the grid incredibly useful, Helen. Thanks so much! Knowing my students, some of them will benefit from having it presented that way 🙂
01:04:26 Laurence Gillham: I think that it is amazing that “free” speaking is encouraged but ultimately it does not count towards students’grades. Helen, your table was lovely and clear. I also like your idea Helen of using apps to help. This being said, listening is a traditionally very hard skill to be successful at and it is now 33% of the mark. The same for reading. We still have to make the decision of entering students for higher/foundation… so speaking feels like it will be at the bottom of my priority.
01:04:29 Pamela Tosh: It was good to hear the comment about native speakers and allowing them to do some kind of speaking assessment. We have pupils working towards GCSE Polish and Arabic but the teacher only sees them once or twice a month. Was wondering how the teacher would have time to assess speaking. Bit being able to do some kind of assessment will help.
01:04:30 Crista Hazell (ALL): These are available in Steven’s Teacher Briefing document – available here:
01:04:36 N Hele: I imagine work from notes is unlikely to evidence spontaneity and natural interaction.
01:04:48 Nina: Grids are useful but I still think it’s hard to see how we will be continually assessing this with so much else to get through (content) and covid restrictions (and potential lack of prior knowledge of students as in my case!)
01:04:58 Maria Gomez: I have set homework where they record themselves answering a set of questions. This helps me assess their speaking progress. The students like this and put a lot of effort into it.
01:05:26 Kiren Samira Azam: That’s a nice idea Maria
01:05:26 Steven Fawkes: That’s nice Maria
01:05:32 Stephanie: Do we give a grade 1-9 + a pass/merit or distinction or no grade and a pass/merit or distinction?
01:05:42 Julie Hall: To ensure coverage of this, it’s easier to think about how you might incorporate activities which cover these criteria in your lesson, rather than worrying about ticking off individual student grids
01:05:45 Alda whaley: can steven share his slides svp
01:05:56 CoDodge: So best fit
01:06:14 Laura Simons: So in the final awarding of the P/M/D it is the majority which is given? what happens if two are pass and two are merit?
01:06:41 Laura Simons: thank you 🙂
01:06:51 Steven Fawkes: Mine aren’t slides. I was just sharing the Briefing
01:06:56 Mary Heath: Thanks for the answer; very helpful.
01:07:21 Steven Fawkes: Briefing is here
01:07:22 Crista Hazell (ALL): The briefing link is here to anyone who would like to see all that Steven has just shown and more!
01:07:24 Ann Pugh: I am concerned that this will add to teacher workload. I can see conscientious teachers doing more marking and more assessments.
01:07:25 Bewell: speaking as part of HW this year for my classes
01:07:46 Ms Bravo: we have decided to produce a similar table to Helen a tick across a series of tasks/assessment points until we get an overall picture of where a student is. Every new task will be marked with a different colour (we anticipate 3 rounds will suffice). Tasks will be pre=planned to meet specific aspects (ie, specific use of polite forms to demonstrate use of language in different purposes). Roughly we know where they are at but this can be a real challenge for a teacher who has just picked up a new year 11
01:08:09 Gemma R: Q If this is already been done in English, does anyone know how their English department manages the recording of what they see in the classroom over the course of the year?
01:08:19 Laura Simons: that would be a great help.
01:08:27 N Hele: Q Can home-recorded tasks count towards this? Keen to clarify as possibly hard to tell how much support…
01:08:29 Chris Jadav : that will be helpful, thanks
01:08:31 CoDodge: Communication was worth more previously? So more weighting on a best fit scenario?
01:08:35 Chris Rimmer: That grid sounds very helpful. Anything that fits on one page is helpful!
01:08:37 Florence Barats: I thought that English had to do a sample of speaking…
01:08:39 iPad: thank you very much for both the grid and descriptors. edexcel had an online meeting on the 30th September to guide for the speaking endorsement.they gave some good ideas on activities that can be done. they were still waiting for ofqual however.
01:08:45 Florence Barats: to send or keep
01:08:59 Stephanie: Sorry I am still not clear if teachers have to submit a grade 1-9 for speaking or only a pass/merit or distinction?
01:09:02 Rosemary Hicks: I’ve picked up a Year 11 class this year and I have a group of really quiet girls who don’t answer any questions in class so will do via speaking homeworks
01:09:06 amandawarne: Yes but we need to be seen to be fair – parent’s will complain if we can’t justify ourselves!
01:09:28 N Hele: Stephanie – just P M D for speaking. Exams in L R W will lead to 1-9 grade
01:09:31 Tracy Williams: Thanks Jane for following my question up.
01:09:46 Stephanie: thank you N Hele
01:10:50 Ms Bravo: I like the idea of giving them 2 photocards to prepare for homework and issue 4/5 questions so that they have 1 unseen question ….
01:11:03 Crista Hazell (ALL): Agreed Helen – it’s about getting the learners to show you what they know!
01:11:08 Mary Heath: Q: Would it help teachers to keep a record throughout the year on this to ensure that we can remember accurately what students have done?
01:11:19 Shannon Shields: Q Can home-recorded tasks count towards this?
01:11:26 Mary Wood: I think there will be an issue of standardisation across different groups. We have 10 classes, across 3 languages – we need to ensure consistency across the year group and different languages
01:11:38 Steven Fawkes: Home-recorded – great evidence
01:11:43 Carmen Aguilar: Q: Should/Could the mark be a compendium of various tasks set throughout the academic year, rather than something happening only towards the end of the year?
01:11:57 Steven Fawkes: Yes carmen
01:12:11 Carmen Aguilar: 🙂 gracias
01:12:13 Crista Hazell (ALL): Home recorded – great use of out of lesson time and opportunities to show you what they know and can do!
01:12:47 Elin Jeanmaire – MFL: If it’s home recorded, they could just be reading it. So this might give some evidence of pronunciation but if this was the only way you assessed I would feel that it wasn’t a good representation of how they actually can interact and respond
01:12:58 Ms Bravo: my issue with home recorded tasks is that they are more tempted to read rather than speak (we had to ask students to close their eyes or look at the ceiling during their speaking exam conducted over zoom which was rather shambolic….)
01:13:08 m.strong: Q: How do we keep up motivation on speaking? Some students have expressed that they will be focusing on the skills that are getting a 9-1 grade.
01:13:21 melaniesherry: If students have tablets, they can also keep a “diary of evidence” of different tasks throughout the year of activities done in class.
01:13:31 Crista Hazell (ALL): @suzibewell said that she was setting speaking exercises and practice as homework to ensure this was not a neglected skill. @bewell
01:13:35 Maria Gomez: Home recordings work well – they can prepare it in detail and you can listen to it easily. Make sure that they so several recordings as they need to cover a range of topics.
01:13:49 Stephanie: Thank you Helen and Stephen for the assessment grids, it will guide and help pupils and teachers 🙂
01:14:10 Tracy Williams: Surely home recording only works with smaller classes. If you have two or three groups of 30 students this isn’t feasible…
01:14:33 Stephanie: I agree with Tracy
01:15:02 Julie Hall: I think we need to think about how we encourage speaking activities we do at KS3 – use the same kind of thing with yr 11 to give an idea of these skills
01:15:03 iPad: it is excellent preparation for written tasks
01:15:29 Crista Hazell (ALL): Q: What about home or community languages. Students are usually native speakers Question from Ahmed Seedat.
01:15:30 Bewell: yes using phone memo to my school email or using the website if no tablet/devices
01:15:31 Carmen Aguilar: This could be a good opportunity to do quite interesting and creative things with the students. For example, a pair could do question/answer about certain topics and record themselves (even on video)
01:15:34 Chris Jadav : I guess that’s easier with smaller groups, I only have 14 students so ok, but harder for those with bigger groups
01:15:38 CRZ: Q : Would you recommend training and utilising Foreign Language Assistant to assess students against the criteria throughout the year ?
01:15:58 Maria Gomez: Remember that the marking only has to be pass, merit or distinction. It does not take long to mark.
01:16:39 Catherine: Q – what about the very quiet pupils who are great at the other 3 skills but say nothing in class or are reluctant to speak out? Not SEN pupils, just very quiet.
01:16:46 Ruth Bravo: yes, we will be training the assistants as they have 1:1 with them every week
01:16:53 Chris Jadav : Could they just do the R/W/L e.g. for Polish?
01:16:59 Gemma R: although the marking wouldn’t take long even just a 2 minute piece would be an hour of listening to the students for just one class.
01:17:01 Joanne Mimnagh: thank you so much. I will use this now to inform our trainee teachers. Excellent presentations, thank you for your time
01:17:03 Julie Hall: we have some community language speakers who will wait another year before to do their GCSE under normal circumstances
01:17:13 Bewell: agree with creativity comment
01:17:44 Carmen Aguilar: A ‘fail’ seems something we could avoid by getting the students to do some regular basic oral practice…
01:17:46 Tracy Williams: Thank-you so much everyone.
01:17:51 Pamela Tosh: Thank you very much. This session has been very useful.
01:17:54 Christine Mills: Thank you all
01:17:59 Crista Hazell (ALL):
01:18:01 Deborah: thank you
01:18:01 Sabine Pichout: Thank you. This was very useful
01:18:02 Mariu.Hurriaga: Thank you
01:18:03 Carmen Aguilar: Very helpful. Thanks 🙂
01:18:03 melaniesherry: Thank you.
01:18:04 Laura Simons: Thank you everyone, lovely to see you all – take care.
01:18:04 Rosana Dzienis: Many Thanks
01:18:05 Espanol con Rosa: Thank you!
01:18:07 DFrost: many thanks to you ALL
01:18:08 Alice: Thank you!
01:18:08 Crista Hazell (ALL): Please do joins us!
01:18:09 Cristina Andueza: thank you very much. Really useful
01:18:10 amandawarne: Thank you so much!
01:18:11 Dominika: Thank you. This was a very useful presentation.
01:18:11 Lucy Nott: Many thanks for another excellent webinar
01:18:12 Tim Crapper: Thank you – really useful!
01:18:13 Mandy Jenkins: Really helpful and thought provoking – brilliant!
01:18:14 Luis Baena Luengo: Thank you ALL !!
01:18:15 iPad: thank you as always for your support.
01:18:15 Gemma: Thank you!
01:18:16 Laila El-Kheshen: Thank you!!!
01:18:16 Saira Ghani: Thank you, very reassuring.
01:18:17 N Hele: Thank you
01:18:18 Vicky Melia: Thank you very much- very useful!
01:18:18 Florence Barats: Q A quick question about the weighing of the other skills?
01:18:19 Heather: Thank you so much for this presentation and for inviting new teachers as well
01:18:19 Gurneet Chagger: thank you
01:18:19 Bewell: must dash…thank you – bake off calling! 🍰
01:18:19 Elizabeth Corrigan: Thanks for all of your hard work and input everyone – very useful and informative evening – yes, webinars are super-helpful!
01:18:20 Mauro Ferreiro: A true pleasure!!
01:18:21 Raf de Souza: Thank you very much
01:18:21 Alex Brown: thank you very much – very informative
01:18:22 Catherine Mwamatandala: Thank you!
01:18:22 syanes: Good luck everyone!
01:18:23 Nina: yes, please, great idea!
01:18:24 Nina Elliott: Fab as always 🙂
01:18:24 Cassie Turner: what does BC stand for ? regarding trainee teacher membership?
01:18:26 Louise Higgs: very useful thank you
01:18:26 Natalia Herrera: Thank you
01:18:27 Andrea Hudson: Thank you so much.
01:18:28 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks so much and have a nice Half Term when it arrives! Buenas noches 🙂
01:18:29 Nina: thank you
01:18:29 Manuela Arias: Thank you!
01:18:30 Alicia Rubio: thank you, very useful.
01:18:34 Crista Hazell (ALL): More details are available here:
01:18:34 MAGALY -FERNANDEZ: Thank you very much
01:18:35 Marisa Amboage: Thanks! definitely interested in another webinar!
01:18:35 Aurora Garcia de Veas: Yes, thank you. Very helpful.
01:18:36 Laura Hill: Thank you, lots to think about, really helpful
01:18:36 Angela Velasco: very useful-thank you
01:18:38 Katie Williams: thank you so much. this has really helped me to get my head around this and I feel less worried about it all now
01:18:41 Maria Gomez: It would be great to have another webinar.
01:18:43 Sarah Hau: Thank you, very insightful 🙂
01:18:43 Stewart Dearsley: Thank you.
01:18:43 Josh: thank you so much. Great for an NQT like me
01:18:46 Carmen Aguilar: So nice to be with all of you again…even If only virtually!
01:18:47 Stephanie: Yes to another webinar please! Thank you 🙂
01:18:48 Simone: Excellent! Really helpful. Thank you.
01:18:50 Sue Clare: Many thanks- plenty of food for thought!
01:18:50 F-Bhutta: really useful ideas and info-merci/ vielenDank!
01:18:59 Georgina Anson: Thank you so much!!
01:19:05 J Skitt: Thank you very much, it’s all been very useful and given me a lot to think about and discuss with my department
01:19:05 Sarah Noble: As usual, thank you so much for doing this.
01:19:06 Mariu.Hurriaga: Very useful and clear. Thank you very much
01:19:08 Emma Lyon: Thank you so much
01:19:10 Laurence Gillham: A huge thank you!
01:19:12 Shannon Shields: Thank you for your clarity – I found this webinar very useful and answered lots of my questions.
01:19:14 Muriel Couturier: Thank you so much, very helpful! Going to try to get membership for my team
01:19:15 Stephanie: Very helpful to listen and exchange!
01:19:16 Joanna: This has been so useful – thank you very much.
01:19:18 Marie’s iPhone: many thanks
01:19:18 Gillian Webb – iPad: Really helpful – many thanks
01:19:24 Alda whaley: really useful further webinars would be great merci
01:19:24 Raymond E: Thank you.
01:19:27 Helen Hodson: Thank you so much !
01:19:29 Trisha Stringer: Thank you.
01:19:30 Steven Fawkes: This is what OFQUAL says about a ‘Fail’ a Learner who does not meet the criteria to be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction, or who has not been exempted on grounds of disability from the assessment but who does not take it, is issued a result of ‘not classified’
01:19:30 Jo Patisso: Thank you!
01:19:31 Crista Hazell (ALL): Of course if any of you have any further questions following this evening please do email with the subject: ALL Webinar / Speaking Endorsement with your question and we shall do our best to answer these as soon as we have clarity.
01:19:31 Mandy Jenkins: Great idea
01:19:32 Natalie Boniface: thank you for reassuring ideas that we can implement easily in the classroom. Good to know we are singing from the same songsheet.
01:19:34 Mary Heath: Thank you for the very detailed and helpful presentation here, Helen, David, René and Jane. Very useful information, thank you.
01:19:34 Debbie Jack: Thank you – and we love your tables Helen, really useful.
01:19:36 Alyson Coombes: Another trainee teacher here – so useful and interesting, thank you! (And thanks to all the teachers who are mentoring trainees despite everything else that’s going on, you’re amazing!)
01:19:42 Joanna Barber: Danke 🙂
01:19:45 Cassie Turner: What does BC mean when clicking on the membership
01:19:46 Rosemary Hicks: Thank you Helen and David for all your hard work in putting this together and to the rest of the ALL team involved tonight
01:19:47 Fi Barringer: thanks everyone
01:19:48 melanieoloughlin: Thank you, very reassuring listening to you all. Great to have this platform.
01:19:49 Chris Jadav : THanks
01:19:55 Florence Barats: Thank you!
01:19:56 Myriam: Thank you for this presentation – really helpful going forward.
01:19:59 Nichola Hardy: Thank you very much, everyone!!! 🙂
01:20:07 Claudia Azevedo: Thank you very much! This was extremely helpful
01:20:11 Hayley Gould: Thank you !
01:20:14 Maxime Jabado: thank you !
01:20:29 Chris Rimmer: Thank you all. Have a lovely half-term.
01:20:29 Cassie Turner: Q: What does BC mean when applying for the membership as a teacher trainee?
01:20:41 Ree: Thank you 🙂
01:20:41 Mary Heath: Thank you for the briefing as well.
01:21:08 xmbanos: Thank you, it was very helpful.
01:21:12 Crista Hazell (ALL):
01:21:17 Gemma: If you’re a trainee teacher do you choose NQT then instead of BC?
01:21:28 Cassie Turner: if you’re not a british council delegate, which one do we click on? apologies
01:21:59 Gemma: student/NQT year 1 or year 2 I think it says
01:22:15 Gemma: Okay perfect thank you!
01:22:18 Cassie Turner: but we’re not NQT’s?
01:22:34 CA-IPAD-01530: Thanks Helen, David, Rene, Steven and Jane. A very useful session Thanks, Dom 🙂
01:23:02 Rene Koglbauer: @Cassie Turner
01:23:12 Rene Koglbauer: does this make sense! Thanks for pointing this out
01:23:19 Roberta Miles: Thank you very much! Have a lovely evening everyone 🙂
01:23:26 Petits Poussins: Bonsoir
01:23:37 Cassie Turner: So we click on Student/NQt year 1?
01:23:46 Steven Fawkes: Yes Cassie
01:23:52 Rene Koglbauer: Yes, please, Cassie!
01:23:54 Cassie Turner: ok fab 🙂 thank you very much
01:24:05 Rene Koglbauer: We will change this ASAP to trainee teacher
01:24:16 MG Browning@Bury St Edmunds: Thank you for lots of great ideas and support
01:24:40 Steven Fawkes: Hello Mary Grace!
01:26:07 Andy Pugh: Sorry my internet crashed, and I have to leave now, but thank you for a very useful webinar