We were delighted to be able to invite people to the annual ALL London June Event which this year was due to be hosted by our good friends at l’Institut français but instead was held online in our large Zoom room with its video, audio and chat facilities. The event was still run in association with l’Institut français who will contribute to the welcoming address.
Here is our Flickr album with some screen shots taken during the conference:
Obviously we were disappointed that we could not all meet face to face, as this is the very special ingredient of any ALL event. But we were determined to continue the tradition of having an event with the usual aim of principally being a focal point for mixing together and celebrating being part of the ALL family, but at the same time listening to brilliant speakers. The event was ‘live’ and we did not intend to record it in order to make it as relaxing an experience as possible for all concerned and as close to the original event as possible.
The event normally makes a small charge for ALL members and a larger one for non-ALL members. Given the circumstances, we did not charge anyone and carried the cost of small token payments to speakers and the extra payment for a large Zoom meeting ourselves, as well as volunteers giving freely of their time to coordinate the event. So we very much hope that people who came along and are not ALL members will feel moved to support us by joining up! Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits!
All speakers who had been asked to present in London have agreed to appear ‘online’ instead, and we are really grateful to them. They were absolutely SUPERB!
Here is the outline of the programme with links to any presentations / notes available.
9.15 Room opens – Open chat
9.45 Welcome from ALL London, supported by Benoît Le Dévédec of l’Institut français [We are going to pretend we are in South Kensington!)
See Benoit’s presentation here: IFRU Education Updates ALL June Event
10 – 11 Dr Rachel Hawkes: ‘Old dogs can learn new tricks: research- and practice-informed ideas for language teaching’
See and download Rachel’s presentation here: Link to NCELP site
11 – 11.30 Coffee break: Open chat / breakout rooms / offline
11.40 – 12.40 Nadine Chadier: ‘LabelFrancEducation!’ Nadine will share some of her superb practice which led to the recent award of ‘Label France Education’ to St Jérôme School
12.40 – 1.30 Lunch break: Open chat/breakout rooms / offline
1.40 – 2.40 Wendy Adeniji: ‘Marginal gains in MFL’
Speaker Bios:
Wendy Adeniji
Wendy has been a loyal ALL London supporter and we are delighted that she can be with us for this event. She is a teacher of languages, Author of language teaching resources and a headteacher. She has previously been an OFSTED inspector and is committed to excellence in the teaching of languages.
Nadine Chadier
Nadine’s website introduction gives you a flavour of her experience:
As I have had the pleasure of being brought up bilingual from the age of 6 and to experience different cultures and languages, I wish to share those enriching experiences with my learners, whilst still understanding the difficulties they might encounter.
Over the last twenty years, I have always been striving to adapt my teaching to the personal needs of my learners by providing them with mnemonic links, images and colours to involve their learning effectively and affectively.
On a weekly basis, I am lucky and honoured to be teaching KS2 French in a primary school as well as helping adults in the world of the Arts and in museums to improve their French language skills
But for us. her most important characteristic is that she is part of the ALL London Committee, always ready to encourage and inspire!
Rachel Hawkes
An ALL London calendar is not complete without Dr Rachel Hawkes! She is an influential and renowned speaker as well as past President of the Association for Language Learning (ALL), and an experienced Head of Modern Languages, AST and SLE. Rachel has both MEd and PhD from Cambridge University, focusing on teacher and learner interaction in the secondary languages classroom. She is currently Co-Director NCELP, the National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy.
Please read the Webinar page of our website for more information about how to join a Webinar. In particular, please read our etiquette on participating in a webinar.
It is very easy – you just click on a link and you can see and hear! Please do not pass the link to people who have not signed up and read the etiquette as this can cause problems.
We look forward to seeing you!
Summer soirée
As a follow-up we invite you to enjoy social time together an online summer soirée on Saturday 11th July 8 pm – 9.30 pm. We already have some ideas for entertainment in the evening: music, games, and chat. If anyone has anything to offer or suggest, please let us know on the separate registration form for this event.