- ALL is holding two webinars on the GCSE content review.
- The first one is open to everyone and will look at the proposals in the review and the questions on both the DfE and the Ofqual consultations. The second webinar will take place after the Spring break (date to be confirmed – provisionally Thursday 22nd April) and will give ALL members the opportunity to share their views, informing ALL’s response to the consultation, which closes on May 19th.
- The ALL website has a very useful Briefing Paper on the subject
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits! https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/
The presentation is based on Helen Myers’ personal understanding of the documents.
On listening back to this unscripted webinar, I realise that there are some errors in my verbal description of the document. I will review this tomorrow! Helen.
DfE consultation document: https://consult.education.gov.uk/ebacc-and-arts-and-humanities-team/gcse-mfl-subject-content-review/
DfE consultation online: https://consult.education.gov.uk/ebacc-and-arts-and-humanities-team/gcse-mfl-subject-content-review/consultation/intro/
OFQUAL consultation: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/revised-gcse-qualifications-in-modern-foreign-languages/revised-gcse-qualifications-in-modern-foreign-languages
Helen’s working documents for reference
- Link to pdf of presentation here: GCSE MFL Content Review 2021
- Helen’s comparison 2015 / 2021 working document downloadable from Helen’s G Drive (NB this is a working document and will be up-dated to correct any errors / add sections. Currently only French grammar analysed.) Comparison between GCSE Subject content documents 2015 – for website
Helen’s initial analysis of omissions/amendments/additions with the Subject cOntent 2015 and 2021 side by side:
- Subject content 2015: MFL GCSE Subject content 2015 for website
- Subject content 2021: GCSE MFL Content 2021 for website
The chat from the webinar on Thursday 25th March has been collated by Steven Fawkes: Content Chat 1 for the website
We are doing further preparation for the webinar part 2 picking up on points raised in the chat on Thursday 25th March and are making arrangements for further points and questions to be submitted to ALL.