Wednesday 27th January 2021
Link to downloads in a google drive.
ALL London hosts webinars for the MFL community and this webinar, held in a Zoom room and also viewable on an unlisted YouTube stream, is open to all MFL teachers. We hope that you will like us and want to join!
We thank the presenters, who give freely of their time and expertise. Where possible, most sessions are recorded and available for viewing later.
Most primary schools in Scotland now introduce 2 languages to their learners – this is called the 1+2 language policy. The programme has been most successful in schools where practitioners have embedded the target language into their learning context.
Through a selection of resources developed by PowerLanguage and used widely in Primary and Secondary Scottish schools, find out how embedding resources as a first step towards CLIL will free up some time for modern language teaching, thus enhancing the language provision in your school
The resources used during the session will be shared with all participants and can be used for blended learning.
Come and find out more during our Webinar on Wednesday 27th January. A fun and interactive session from the partners of the ELAPSE project ( and the creators of the popular Online course for families (French and English)
Themes for the evening: Health and Well being and Ancient Egypt.
Audience: This session is suitable for Primary and secondary school teachers.
Languages: French and Spanish although examples will be presented in French.
Richard Tallaron. Director LFEE Europe.
Nadine Fraize
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits!
00:28:02 Helen Myers: Lovely to see you all – and Jennifer, looking forward to hosting you at a future webinar!
00:28:55 SSamia Saci: All brilliant! it has been a good guide for remote teaching from last year….I received my latest issue magazine today. Thank you ALL
00:29:26 Helen Myers: Great to hear!
00:32:54 lisibo: Beautiful eyelashes!
00:33:09 Helen Myers: I’d like Richard and Nadine to be in my lessons please
00:33:49 lisibo: Richard is the best teacher. I went on a course he led in Salignac a loooong time ago (he was child obviously!) and he is brilliant!
00:34:15 Jennifer Eddy: moi aussi đ yo Tambien
00:34:20 lisibo: contente
00:34:23 Victoria Ortega: contente
00:34:24 GĂ©raldine: contente
00:34:27 Beulah-gail Adzo: contente
00:34:28 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: contente
00:34:28 Morag: contente
00:34:32 Helen Myers: bravo!
00:34:33 Thierry Gentil: YeahâŠ
00:34:33 Jennifer Eddy: contente
00:34:34 Nicky Fisher: contente
00:34:38 maria kimpton: contente
00:34:45 lisibo: en colere
00:34:46 GĂ©raldine: en colĂšre
00:34:49 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: en colĂšre!!!
00:34:49 Helen Myers: en colĂšre
00:34:53 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: En colére
00:34:59 Thierry Gentil: super véner
00:35:16 Jane Harvey: en colĂšre
00:36:09 Thierry Gentil: confined
00:36:22 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: we too
00:36:52 lisibo: Je chante
00:36:57 Nadine Fraize: quand je me sens seul, je fais une promenade
00:37:26 Gillâs iPhone 6s: je regarde le film français
00:37:44 Nadine Fraize: quand je suis fatiguée, je regarde un film à la télé
00:37:46 Beulah-gail Adzo: yo duermo
00:37:54 Gillâs iPhone 6s: je dors
00:38:00 lisibo: Cuando estoy cansada, escucho la mĂșsica
00:38:00 Nicky Fisher: je me couche et je lis
00:38:00 Victoria Ortega: Je faire la peinture
00:38:06 Thierry Gentil: when I’m tired, I go to bed
00:38:15 Morag: cuando estoy cansada, me voy a la cama
00:38:19 Josie Crossley: quand je me sens seul, je joue du piano
00:38:21 maria kimpton: quand je suis fatiguee je lis un livre
00:38:23 GĂ©raldine: Quand je me sens fatigue et seule, je suis un super Webinair đ
00:38:31 Geraldine: Je fais la sieste
00:38:36 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: Descanso en el sillĂłn
00:38:43 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: quand je me sent seule je regarde des photo
00:38:49 lisibo: Cuando estoy enfadada, corro en el parque
00:38:50 Helen Myers: Excellent, Geraldine!
00:39:04 Thierry Gentil: excellent @marie-dominique
00:41:07 lisibo: My friend is a Brown Owl and asked me to record some phrases in a language the Brownie wouldnât know so that they could try and guess the emoji that corresponded with the phrase simply by the intonation and the way the words were said.
00:42:05 Josie Crossley: I’m a Brownie leader too! (Red Squirrel, not an owl) but this is a great idea
00:42:45 lisibo: Iâm stealing it for my classes – but I thought it was really good as it shows the importance of listening to HOW people speak as well as their words.
00:44:26 lisibo: I think the emotions activity is really useful _ Iâll be doing that tomorrow when I have y3 online for Spanish.
00:44:32 lisibo: Definitely good for PSHE
00:45:10 Victoria Ortega: Way of sharing British values
00:45:16 lisibo: Iâm currently teaching online but have to go in next week as the bubbles are getting too big at school and they need more staff!
00:45:23 Gillâs iPhone 6s: morning check ins in French
00:46:20 Thierry Gentil: Nice way to start
00:46:37 Nicky Fisher: I like the idea of emojis because the children relate to them
00:46:39 lisibo: I also think that resources would certainly support non-specialists as here are sound files I noticed.
00:46:40 Josie Crossley: Could link it to Geography topics
00:47:03 Helen Myers: Excellent idea to bring in la francophonie
00:47:06 lisibo: Thatâs the thing that my colleagues worry about most./ Theyâre enjoying my lessons at the moment if theyâre in school as theyâre learning with the children
00:47:19 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: We can use with sports too
00:47:47 lisibo: The Francophonie is also very important – and the Hispanic world – so ch know that French/Spanish are spoken elsewhere – less eurocentric
00:47:57 Morag: I really like the Francophonie document – in my KS3 groups I have interested a country-theme for each year. It has worked really well- also helped with embedding culture into the classroom. In primary, we do short topics, often alongside the topics being done in other lessons
00:48:01 GĂ©raldine: It makes the children want to communicate!
00:48:19 Victoria Ortega: I think it is also a nice way to support low ability EAL students, to keep revising common English vocabulary of feelings etc
00:48:22 Jennifer Eddy: Because it is relevant to other aspects of the curriculum and extends to real life.
00:48:23 Helen Myers: It shows you are interested in them!
00:48:37 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: And the DACH countries, Deutschland, Austria and Schweiz
00:49:05 lisibo: Thatâs true – I just got on and did my Spanish lessons live – and iâve lead the way so they darenât cancel me đ
00:49:18 Jane Harvey: using languages to express emotions and widen horizons inlckdown
00:50:23 Morag: Teaching live – the students don’t all log on at once, so there is time to do more of this with individuals
00:50:38 Thierry Gentil: brain storming
00:50:47 Beulah-gail Adzo: pyramid
00:50:51 Thierry Gentil: Hi Richard !
00:50:55 Beulah-gail Adzo: river
00:50:58 Victoria Ortega: momias
00:50:59 lisibo: Mummy Pharaoh pyramids sarcophagus
00:51:02 Morag: arena, camellos,
00:51:02 Beulah-gail Adzo: pharaoh
00:51:03 Geraldine: Pharaon
00:51:05 SSamia Saci: La civilisation
00:51:08 Beulah-gail Adzo: river Nile
00:51:09 lisibo: River Nile
00:51:13 Victoria Ortega: comida
00:51:13 Thierry Gentil: Sand
00:51:17 Beulah-gail Adzo: crocodiles
00:51:18 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: vallée des rois
00:51:19 Geraldine: tresor
00:51:20 lisibo: transport
00:51:22 SSamia Saci: chameaux
00:51:22 lisibo: civilisation
00:51:24 Thierry Gentil: Champolion
00:51:29 Beulah-gail Adzo: delta
00:51:53 Jennifer Eddy: gatos
00:52:22 Victoria Ortega: jeroglificos
00:52:24 Beulah-gail Adzo: the sphinx
00:56:03 Thierry Gentil: That’s the firtst version of sketchnoting !
00:56:10 Helen Myers: Beautifullu clear
00:56:25 lisibo: very clear and simple enough o follow
00:56:28 Geraldine: simple
00:56:35 Morag: Calm, masculine/feminine forms, pictures helped you get vocab
00:56:36 Victoria Ortega: Very clear and scaffolded, introducing first the main vocabulary then adding more info
00:56:38 lisibo: helped that the numbers were in numbers
00:56:47 Josie Crossley: Quite high level and topic-specific words for 8 year olds!
00:56:50 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: Itâs easy to follow pictures, text and sound
00:56:52 Victoria Ortega: Very visual!
00:56:53 lisibo: Short sentences
00:56:54 SSamia Saci: Proper names seen in history classes
00:57:21 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: they speack slowly
00:57:28 Thierry Gentil: low speed vocal
00:58:06 lisibo: very important facts are shared – balances language and history
00:59:44 Victoria Ortega: I think this kind of lessons should be taught more often even during face-to-face teaching. I think it would increase studentsâ enagagement
01:01:44 Victoria Ortega: Moi!
01:01:51 lisibo: Non MOI!
01:01:56 SSamia Saci: 1600m
01:02:06 Victoria Ortega: 6670
01:02:08 lisibo: 6670km
01:02:10 SSamia Saci: km
01:02:12 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: B
01:02:13 Barbara R: B
01:02:14 GĂ©raldine: 6670
01:02:15 Geraldine: 6660 m
01:02:16 Thierry Gentil: B
01:02:18 Thierry Gentil: C
01:02:22 Jane Harvey: 6670kms
01:02:28 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: 6650
01:02:34 lisibo: yes
01:02:52 Victoria Ortega: En pierre
01:02:52 GĂ©raldine: en pierre
01:02:53 lisibo: en pierre
01:02:55 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: en pierre
01:02:55 Geraldine: en pierre
01:02:57 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: a
01:03:00 Jennifer Eddy: A
01:03:04 SSamia Saci: pierre
01:03:16 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: faux
01:03:17 GĂ©raldine: Faux
01:03:18 SSamia Saci: non
01:03:18 Victoria Ortega: faux!
01:03:19 lisibo: faux
01:03:20 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: b
01:03:21 Geraldine: faux
01:03:23 Jennifer Eddy: faux!
01:03:33 lisibo: oui
01:03:36 Thierry Gentil: Louvre
01:03:36 Geraldine: vrai
01:03:40 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: vrai
01:03:42 SSamia Saci: vrai
01:03:48 Thierry Gentil: Don’t know
01:04:00 Thierry Gentil: with the noz?
01:04:02 Thierry Gentil: or not
01:04:05 Helen Myers: Le pauvre THierry
01:04:10 lisibo: a
01:04:12 Victoria Ortega: A
01:04:14 GĂ©raldine: A
01:04:14 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: a
01:04:15 Thierry Gentil: A
01:04:16 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: A
01:04:17 Geraldine: a
01:04:17 SSamia Saci: A
01:04:40 lisibo: en bois
01:04:41 GĂ©raldine: B
01:04:42 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: b
01:04:42 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: B
01:04:43 SSamia Saci: EN BOIS
01:04:45 Geraldine: en bois
01:04:50 lisibo: une momie
01:04:51 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: a
01:04:52 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: momies
01:04:52 Victoria Ortega: Des momies
01:04:52 SSamia Saci: A
01:04:53 Thierry Gentil: du caviar
01:04:53 Geraldine: des momies
01:04:53 GĂ©raldine: des momies
01:05:02 lisibo: a
01:05:03 GĂ©raldine: A
01:05:05 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: A
01:05:05 Geraldine: a
01:05:07 Thierry Gentil: A
01:05:21 lisibo: recall
01:05:23 Victoria Ortega: assessment for learning
01:05:23 lisibo: understanding
01:05:35 lisibo: not just of facts but also the French
01:05:37 Jane Harvey: reading
01:05:38 Thierry Gentil: mental feedback
01:05:56 Victoria Ortega: To make students to reflect on their own learning
01:06:13 lisibo: exactement
01:07:22 Thierry Gentil: Content…
01:07:26 Geraldine: Content Integrated
01:07:30 lisibo: Content and Language integrated learning
01:07:32 Thierry Gentil: Language
01:07:36 Geraldine: language learning
01:07:37 Jane Harvey: content and language integrated leaning
01:07:56 Thierry Gentil: Madrid sessionâŠ.. Yeah !!!
01:11:47 Thierry Gentil: This app really exists…
01:11:56 GĂ©raldine: Q: How many hours of French do the children have in the schools using Power Language?
01:15:17 lisibo: Whoop for Scotland!!!
01:15:28 lisibo: I am half Scottish đ
01:16:38 Gillâs iPhone 6s: sounds great in Scotland
01:17:33 Thierry Gentil: oui mais pas en classe
01:19:38 Thierry Gentil: je rigoleâŠ. if you want them to learn, you need to create a emotional Bubble, and laugh and drama situation helps !
01:19:56 lisibo:
01:20:35 GĂ©raldine: Would a team of specialists French teachers be able to use your topics to make links with what the children are learning in class? I would love to have a kind of table of content to present in my school.
01:21:18 Gillâs iPhone 6s: what is Elapse website please
01:21:24 Nicky Fisher: Merci ! That was great
01:21:26 Geraldine: Merci!
01:21:28 Victoria Ortega: Thank you so much. A lovely session đ
01:21:34 Morag: Gracias!! Lots of lovely ideas
01:21:35 Nicky Fisher: Love these webinrs
01:21:36 Victoria Ortega: Merci beaucoup
01:21:41 Gillâs iPhone 6s: merci beaucoup
01:21:43 lisibo: Merci beaucoup
01:21:45 Barbara R: Merci!
01:21:47 Richard Tallaron:
01:21:48 Beulah-gail Adzo: muchas gracias!
01:21:48 Caroline Smith: Thank you so much! Really useful.
01:21:49 Jennifer Eddy: Take care, Thank you so much. I enjoyed learning with all of you!
01:21:50 Rosa Gonzales Skinnari: Thank you, it was very practical and useful information
01:21:51 SSamia Saci: Thank you too Richard and everyone else
01:22:08 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: Thank you so much Richard, I was very enjoy to see you again!
01:22:28 Nicky Fisher: Au revoir et Ă la prochaine !
01:23:19 Marie-Dominique LACORTE: see you later
01:23:20 lisibo: Especially the canopic jars and pulling our brains
01:23:50 Gillâs iPhone 6s: bonsoir numeric