A Webinar with Emma Ferris: An introduction to BookWidgets for MFL teachers
July 6 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Chat (pasted below) : Chat Emma Ferris
ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar is open to all MFL teachers. We hope that you will like us and want to join!
BookWidgets is an interactive tool which allows you to create fun interactive exercises for any device (chromebooks, smartphones, tablets, PCs). You can also create automatically graded tests and give students feedback very easily. It integrates fully with Google Classroom.
In this session, we will explore some of the 40+ widgets (interactive exercises) you can create with BookWidgets, including audio tasks and self marking quizzes.
Emma Ferris is a full time teacher of Modern Foreign Languages at a Google Reference School in Hertfordshire. She quickly embraced G Suite and chromebooks when a one-to-one chromebook scheme was introduced and is now a Google Certified Trainer. In addition she has the role of “Google Leader”, leading staff and student training in the use of G Suite and chromebooks. She is excited by the opportunities education technology can offer.
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits! https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/
Chat – Emma Ferris – BookWidgets – Monday 6th July
00:30:24 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmIkLZdT3YVpvsG4I8o6gUcahtvPBE1mQEmKI0lt7T8/edit
00:31:05 Joe Dale: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/all-in-mfl-language-learning-for-2020-tickets-112458745134
00:31:36 Pilar Navarro: Yes, I am a member
00:31:45 Helen McFarlane: It’s the best investment you’ll ever make!
00:33:22 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I have never heard about this, which makes it very exciting!!!
00:33:24 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Never heard of BookWidgets
00:33:26 Bella Bennett: know it and use it too
00:33:28 Tracy Anderson: Never heard of these before !
00:33:37 Emma Ferris: bit.ly/tiltbw
00:33:40 kimg: Never heard of it
00:33:58 Isabelle Jones: Hi there I am Isabelle, a French and Spanish teacher from Manchester. Never heard of BookWidgets.
00:34:39 Beata KOVACS: Bonjour, I cannot hear very well and my volume is at max
00:35:01 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: same!
00:35:10 SK: Same, I’m struggling to hear
00:35:28 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Much better, thank you!
00:35:33 Beata KOVACS: thank you
00:35:38 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Thank you!
00:35:43 Joe Dale: Thank you Helen!
00:36:45 ALL London: Freemium .. a new word for me!
00:37:28 Helen McFarlane: Q Emma, is the school prepared to pay, or do you pay out of your own pocket?
00:39:04 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Wow, there is so much to explore!
00:39:29 ALL London: I think it is already sold to me …!!!
00:41:25 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Yes, please!!!
00:41:38 Emma Ferris: https://www.bookwidgets.com/play/H997HY?teacher_id=5764445413310464
00:42:00 Joe Dale: Ooh. I have mine on my second screen 😉
00:42:41 Helen McFarlane: Me, too! 🙂
00:44:44 Helen McFarlane: Q – Emma, which questions? Are we naming the rooms of the house?
00:46:36 Helen McFarlane: Sorry, I can’t see any questions
00:47:36 Helen McFarlane: No joy, sorry 🙁
00:47:50 Helen McFarlane: Oh, at last! Got there!
00:47:58 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: So many different activities, it’s great!
00:48:02 Joe Dale: Phew
00:48:33 SK: Can there be listening activities? What about speaking?
00:49:07 Joe Dale: Yes, Emma will show us
00:49:10 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I like that you can see the answers at the end
00:50:00 Gemma Hope: would this be used for remote learning then? as students need to be on a device?
00:50:41 Gemma Hope: 🙂 thank you!
00:50:48 ALL London: I agree Uxia .. and I like the idea that it is possible for them to delete then do again
00:51:22 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Yes, it’s true, they can have another go!
00:51:35 kimg: Are you limited to a particular number of students who can use it please ?
00:53:41 ALL London: https://www.bookwidgets.com/pricing
00:53:56 ALL London: @kimg – unlimited it seems
00:54:53 kimg: Thankyou for asking Joe
00:55:04 Joe Dale: No problem
00:55:18 Helen McFarlane: Q Would you say that this is also suitable for Year 12 and Year 13?
00:56:15 Joe Dale: I’ll ask
00:56:31 Helen McFarlane: Thanks, Joe-I think we’re losing Emma!
00:57:21 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thank you Joe, I thought it was my INternet signal…
00:57:32 Fatima Khaled: can I use it for Arabic languge. thank you
00:57:52 Helen McFarlane: OK – great, thanks!
00:58:14 Fatima Khaled: thank you fir asking joe.
00:58:21 Joe Dale: 🙂
00:58:49 SK: What is Hotspot similar to? I didn’t catch it
00:59:08 Joe Dale: Thinglink
00:59:34 Una: Very interesting Emma
00:59:44 SK: Thank you
01:00:13 Joe Dale: See Francois Stalder’s TiLT webinar https://youtu.be/vPOsVloVWqk
01:02:13 Fatima Khaled: really like it. thank you Emma. I really hope I can use it for Arabic languge.
01:02:27 Caroline Okerika: Helen or Joe
01:02:42 Caroline Okerika: This link is not working:
01:02:46 Caroline Okerika: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-tilt-webinar-with-melissa-gould-drakeley-remote-teaching-and-assessment-registration-112353743070
01:03:25 ALL London: It[s because it has not been made live yet .. sorry! Should not have made ALL page live yet ..!
01:03:37 Caroline Okerika: Ok, no problem.
01:03:46 Cecilia Giordano: This is very interesting! Thanks for sharing. I need to go but will watch the video on you tube @ joe dale 100
01:03:52 Helen McFarlane: Q Can the students work synchronously in pairs, or is the question task an individual response?
01:04:07 ALL London: WE are waiting to see if we are alllowed ti livestream it
01:05:47 Helen McFarlane: OK – thanks Joe and Emma
01:06:01 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:07:40 Helen McFarlane: I really like this – I can see how adaptable this would be for A-level teaching.
01:09:41 ALL London: Yes Helen .. 6th formers like game activities too!
01:09:57 Fatima Khaled: Thank you so much for this Emma. I will definitely contact you to ask about Arabic language if you don’t mind. amazing interactive activities.
01:10:32 Helen McFarlane: I know! This is the first time I’ve seen Book Widgets in action – I think my students would love this!
01:10:51 Joe Dale: Cool!
01:11:40 ALL London: These could be incorporated into escape rooms couldn;t they?
01:11:41 Ursula M: wow this is amazing… anybody using it for Primary students? I currently use Kahoot..
01:12:05 Joe Dale: Yes, probably Helen
01:13:12 SK: Can Kahoot be used for other things than quizzes?!
01:13:41 Joe Dale: The Jumble activity in Kahoot is good for word order
01:13:57 SK: right , thanks
01:15:07 Joe Dale: Nice
01:15:43 SK: This is really good!!
01:15:58 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: So good for speaking practice!
01:16:05 Joe Dale: Defo
01:16:15 kimg: Is there a shelf life for how long pupil responses are kept for and is there a limit imposed do you know ?
01:17:12 Ursula M: I am sold… does it work with MS Teams?
01:17:40 Joe Dale: I would imagine
01:17:42 Helen McFarlane: Q – sorry, but I missed this. Can the teacher provide audio feedback to a student’s audio recording?
01:17:55 Joe Dale: Will check
01:18:14 Helen McFarlane: Thanks, Joe
01:20:57 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:21:50 kimg: So student need to sign up with an email if you want feedback ?
01:23:21 kimg: Thanks for asking again Joe
01:25:26 Ursula M: can you duplicate a quiz?
01:25:39 Joe Dale: Good question
01:26:10 kimg: I’m very pleased I attended this tonight . Very exciting and I am keen to have a play with this
01:27:45 Darnelle Constant-Shepherd: Thank you Emma and Joe too. Really great resource.
01:28:10 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Me too, I am so happy I made it. It was so interesting and Emma has explained it really clearly. Thanks so much for your time!
01:29:17 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks to Joe and Helen for organising it and running it so nicely!
01:29:28 kimg: Thank you to Emma , Joe and Helen for hosting this tonight 🙂
01:29:30 Pilar Navarro: Amazing resource
01:29:38 Helen McFarlane: Is this a live link, Emma, on the webinar presentation slides?
01:29:55 Helen McFarlane: Oh, thank you!
01:29:56 Darnelle Constant-Shepherd: Brilliant Emma!
01:30:00 Helen McFarlane: Hahahahah!
01:30:23 Emma Ferris: bit.ly/tiltbw
01:31:27 Pilar Navarro: Q- Looking at the pricing options, will the basic teacher option be enough?
01:31:55 Helen McFarlane: Would you do a CLIL session with your colleagues?
01:35:56 Darnelle Constant-Shepherd: I am still here Helen. my camera and audio not working. /I suspect over used..
01:36:58 Caroline Okerika: Thank you so much!