A Webinar with Charlotte Ryland and Katrina Barnes: Creative Translation in the Classroom

Monday 29th June 2020


Presenter photos:


ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar is open to all MFL teachers.  We hope that you will like us and want to join!

Charlotte Ryland runs two organisations that promote language-learning and multilingualism: the Stephen Spender Trust (SST) and the Translation Exchange (QTE). Katrina Barnes is a secondary MFL teacher with expertise in using translation creatively and dynamically in the classroom.

Our webinar will introduce you to the pleasure and practicalities of creative translation. We’ll talk through the benefits, and the ways it can be introduced into MFL learning throughout the key stages (including primary), and we’ll give you some activities to try out in breakout rooms during the session. Charlotte will also talk briefly through SST’s and QTE’s new initiatives and resources for MFL teachers, and show you how to get involved.

Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits!  https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/


What a lovely evening!  Thanks SO much to Charlotte Ryland and Katrina Barnes for a superb presentation which engaged us all.

The chat is full of excitement, summed up at the end by Jonathan Peace: ‘Not just an academic exercise…. real room for creativity. I say it again. Languages are SO MUCH FUN!’

PowerPoint presentation: ALL translation webinar Ryland_Barnes_29June2020 compressed

Handout task + useful links: Handout_Translation_Ryland_Barnes

Chat: Chat – A Webinar with Charlotte Ryland

Class photos:


A Webinar with Charlotte Ryland + Katrina Barnes

Training available from Joe Dale:
01:04:21 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmIkLZdT3YVpvsG4I8o6gUcahtvPBE1mQEmKI0lt7T8/edit
01:04:34 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: I AM!!!!
01:04:37 Ann-Gaëlle Cox: Yes I’m a member !
01:04:37 Lucy Nott: I’m a member!
01:04:40 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: I am!
01:04:40 Esmeralda Salgado: Yes, I am!!!!
01:04:40 Pilar Navarro: I’m a member
01:04:41 Rebekah Willett: I’m a student member and it’s great!
01:04:42 Anne-Marie Lawlor: I am a happy member!
01:04:43 Chloe Martin: me too!!
01:04:43 Hazel Aslan: Not a member yet but thinking about it.
01:04:43 Franck Nhanak: I have been a member now 13 years
01:04:44 Noria: a very happy member
01:04:45 Esmeralda Salgado: Please, join!
01:04:45 Katie: I’m a member
01:04:45 Barbara Llabata: not anymore
01:04:45 Anna Grainger: I’m a member. Join if you haven’t already!!
01:04:46 Liz Fotheringham: I am a member
01:04:46 Lynne Coulthwaite: yes I joined this year
01:04:48 Joanna D: Yes, I’m a member
01:04:49 Becky Jones: Swavesey VC is!
01:04:50 Florence Barats: still trying to get it as a department as we used to!
01:04:50 Jo: ALL is great. lots of local events too
01:04:51 Jo Marshall: Yes I am! 🙂
01:04:51 eileen williamson: Absolutely! Thank you for everything you do !
01:04:53 Mart Wilmin: yes I am
01:04:53 George: I am a member. It’s a great organisation.
01:04:54 Rebecca Wilcox: Join ALL!!!! Yorkshire branch with Queen Eva Lamb!
01:04:55 Sally Hendley: dept are a member
01:04:55 MPocceschi: yes i am!
01:04:57 Jennifer Wozniak Rush: Yes I am and I highly encourage people who are not to join in ASAP
01:04:58 Camille Brignolle: I am a member 🙂
01:04:58 Paula Mourelle Calvo: yes I am
01:05:16 Jonathan Peace: MFL dept membership 🙂
01:05:18 Fatima Khaled: I am a member and I always encourage people to join as it is amazing. you will feel as in a family team.
01:05:23 Sabine Pichout: Hi Katrina!
01:05:25 Helen McFarlane: Yes, I am a member, and it is worth every penny, centime and sou!
01:05:26 eileen williamson: How can you NOT be a member ???
01:05:46 Claire Robinson: I’m a very happy member and committee member in Eastern region and proud of all the great professional work ALL members are doing in lockdown!
01:05:52 Katrina Barnes: Hi everyone!
01:06:39 Barbara Llabata: Hi
01:06:48 Deborah Monroy: Hi and thanks in advance!
01:07:58 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: Routes int Languages East is a member!
01:09:04 Ann Coulter: creative translation – you can play around with words
01:09:26 Ann-Gaëlle Cox: I can’t see the whole slide – is it just me?
01:09:31 Simon Baron: Translation beyond just grammar/vocab testing!
01:09:42 Deborah Monroy: I can see it all
01:09:44 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Anything to do with running translation?
01:09:58 George: 1. German
01:10:01 ALL London: It is a wide-style slide
01:10:04 Sabine Pichout: 2
01:10:06 Lilliam Camacho: yes
01:10:10 Esmeralda Salgado: yes
01:10:10 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: 3/5
01:10:11 Claire Robinson: German Dutch French Italian
01:10:12 Gemma: 2, 3
01:10:13 edith: 2
01:10:13 Sabine Pichout: 3
01:10:14 Amelia Anson: Yes 🙂
01:10:14 Ester Borin Bonillo: yes
01:10:14 Hazel Aslan: German, French, Italian, Dutch
01:10:15 Yolanda Ruiz: 3/4
01:10:16 Sadie Thompson: Yes!
01:10:17 Noria: german, Italian, mandarin
01:10:20 Florence Barats: German, French, Italian, dutch, mandarin
01:10:21 Amy Taylor: German, French, Italian, Finnish???, Chinese
01:10:23 Rachel Vause: 1d
01:10:25 Sabine Pichout: 2b
01:10:25 Alex Wachter: 2b
01:10:27 Mathilde Bouquin: 1d
01:10:27 Simon Baron: 2b
01:10:30 Katie: 1. German, 2. French, 3. Italian, 4. Dutch, 5. Mandarin?
01:10:30 Rachel Vause: 2b
01:10:30 Laurence Gillham: 2B
01:10:30 Gemma: 3a
01:10:31 Mathilde Bouquin: 2b
01:10:32 Amy Taylor: 1a
01:10:32 Fatima Khaled: French German
01:10:32 Ester Borin Bonillo: 2b
01:10:32 Sabine Pichout: 3a
01:10:33 Simon Baron: 3a
01:10:34 edith: 2.b
01:10:34 samia saci: 2b
01:10:34 Laurence Gillham: 3A
01:10:35 Amy Taylor: 2b
01:10:36 Alex Wachter: 1d
01:10:36 Isabelle Pan: 1d, 5c, 3a, 2b, 4e
01:10:39 Gemma: 2b
01:10:39 Liz Fotheringham: 1d
01:10:43 Hazel Aslan: 4e
01:10:43 Mathilde Bouquin: 3a
01:10:43 Amelia Anson: 1d 2b 3a 4c 5e
01:10:44 Ester Borin Bonillo: 3a
01:10:45 Amy Taylor: 5e
01:10:46 Fatima Khaled: mandarin
01:10:46 Bella: 1d 😉
01:10:48 Liz Fotheringham: 5c
01:10:59 David: 2-b c-a 4-e
01:11:00 Katie: 1. d, 2. b, 3. a, 4. e, 5. c
01:11:01 Yolanda Ruiz: images?
01:11:06 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: rabbit
01:11:09 Sabine Pichout: visuals
01:11:09 Rachel Vause: photos
01:11:13 Lilliam Camacho: Images
01:11:15 Katie: viuals or miming
01:11:16 Amy Taylor: An English meaning of the idiom…
01:11:17 Ester Borin Bonillo: with a picture
01:11:17 Daniele Bourdais: b He’s making a meal of it
01:11:17 Lucy Nott: synonyms
01:11:18 Esmeralda Salgado: put them in context in a sentence
01:11:19 Ann-Gaëlle Cox: Find an equivalent
01:11:19 Laurence Gillham: find the equivalent idiom
01:11:21 David: picture
01:11:22 Simon Baron: He’s making baked beans about it?
01:11:22 Catherine Foster: images
01:11:23 Helen McFarlane: 1 d 2b 3a 4e 5c
01:11:24 Bella: 1D: You are getting on my nerves
01:11:28 Isabelle Pan: explain how an idiom has come about
01:11:29 Florence Barats: 1c. 2b 3a
01:11:29 Ester Borin Bonillo: put in context into a sentence
01:11:31 David: realia
01:11:36 Fatima Khaled: 2 with b
01:11:42 Ricardo: 3a 2b 5c
01:11:46 Mart Wilmin: e let cat out of bag
01:12:19 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: you take the biscuit!
01:12:20 Florence Barats: to make a meal out of it
01:12:20 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: But buiscuits make you feel relaxed.
01:12:41 ALL London: Exactly, Jessica!!!
01:12:45 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: like slapping
01:13:26 Jonathan Peace: Aren’t languages great FUN!
01:13:31 ALL London: ahhh!
01:13:38 ALL London: YES Jonathan!
01:14:45 ALL London: So true
01:15:33 Helen McFarlane: Languages are the spice of life, to be sure!
01:15:50 ALL London: ‘the spice of life’ .. a lovely expression!
01:15:56 Helen McFarlane: :-))
01:16:18 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Traduttore es un traditore.
01:16:36 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: We have to be very careful when translating.
01:17:16 samia saci: dynamic translation is a theory too
01:17:25 Becky Wilcox: My favourite is “te reconozco bacalao aungue vengas disfrazado”
01:17:33 samia saci: pioneered by Eugene Nida
01:17:44 Becky Wilcox: aunque!
01:18:10 ALL London: Intrigued, Becky …
01:18:16 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: That is why poetry is so difficult to translate.
01:18:20 Jonathan Peace: With students I say they have to use the ABC of translation – their translation has to be Accurate BUT Correct – they have to convey all the key messages ‘Accurately’ BUT in ‘Correct’ and meaningful English – that’s true translation.
01:18:25 Becky Wilcox: A wolf in sheep’s clothing!
01:18:40 ALL London: Thanks!
01:19:54 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: There are different definitions of “resilience”. Which one do you use?
01:20:21 ALL London: What are thre three definitions, Jessica?
01:21:02 Noria: recovering quickly from difficulties
01:21:44 Simon Baron: YES! Empower students \o/
01:25:01 Amy Taylor: saw this in Studio AQA textbook the other day hehe
01:25:15 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: The definition depends on the theorist/academic groups/subject area. There are many different definitions.
01:25:55 Charlotte Ryland: HANDOUT:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YSWOrXBzv4b2p5gBEy4poCO7myTDssGc/view?usp=sharing
01:30:01 Simon Baron: 1/2/3/4 Section 1 5/6/7/8 Section 2 9/10/11/12 Section 3 13/14/15/16 Section 4 17/18/19/20 SSec 5
01:34:44 Anna Grainger: I keep losing my internet connection
01:38:39 Lynne: that was great
01:38:56 Amy Taylor: That was so cool! Wish I knew how to use zoom like that..
01:39:54 Claire Robinson: Friday. Mum and I were invited to Aunt Zohra’s to eat her signature couscous. We caught the early morning train so we could spend all day at hers.
01:40:17 Charlotte Ryland: Love it! Do add in your versions here.
01:40:38 Simon Baron: Auntie Zohra has big green eyes and she laughs all the time. She’s West-Algerian from the region of Tlemcen.
01:41:00 ALL London: Amy – I have done a slow walkthrough on zoom breakout groups here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8HbHeyUIFM
01:41:07 Jennifer Wozniak Rush: Lucky charm baby
01:41:07 Claire Robinson: the word ‘son’ with couscous in section 1
01:41:09 Franck Nhanak: On est
01:41:11 Amy Taylor: Merci!
01:41:15 Catalina Petre: The part about ‘une vraie femme’
01:41:16 Fatima Khaled: do we add we after mum and I
01:41:18 Sadie Thompson: En plus
01:41:19 Anne-Marie Lawlor: We spent time on son couscous and felt it was emphatic so arrived at her signature couscous.
01:41:26 S Arnold: vraie femme
01:41:27 Gemma: Public works – we found it didn’t really work in English
01:41:35 Julie Gourdon-Kelly: Mum and I or mum and me
01:41:38 Franck Nhanak: On set after maman et moi
01:41:45 ALICE Semple: Interesting discussion over putting for years at the beginning
01:41:55 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: No debate but the realisation that in English we wouldn’t say Aunt Zahra, she but Aunt Zahra has
01:42:25 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Paying attention to the idiolect
01:42:45 Jo: we say auntie up north anyway
01:43:07 Simon Baron: Aunt vs. auntie (to keep coherence with “maman”)
01:43:09 Lauren Mitchell: Aunt Zohra sounds ok to me
01:43:26 Chris Sutcliffe: Une histoire marrante – funny background?
01:43:28 Amy Taylor: We looked at how to translate l’enfant symbole’ as keeping it as a noun phrase or turning it into a verb sentence – which we did 🙂
01:43:34 Charlotte Ryland: Yes! You might think about where in the UK the voice might be from…
01:43:48 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: ‘Aunt Zohra, she…’ might jar on English ears…
01:44:04 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: It could be auntie or aunt depending on the affective meaning.
01:44:04 Laurence Gillham: au pays – back home rather than back in Algeria?
01:44:14 Lauren Mitchell: là-bas au pays
01:44:23 Catherine Filée: histoire marrante: interesting background
01:45:04 Helen McFarlane: She is forever laughing!
01:45:10 Charlotte Ryland: We went with “Mum and me, we were invited….”
01:45:50 Charlotte Ryland: “the poster child for freedom” ! Love it
01:46:17 Jonathan Peace: You need to read the WHOLE passage to get the full context, as this will have a bearing on how you translate words in every sentence.
01:46:37 Katie: We were discussing how to translate “reste”, would we use “stays”, “spends”, “lives” or “splits his time”
01:46:37 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: He spends 6 months in Algeria and six months in France. Therefore, he has 2 homes.
01:46:42 Simon Baron: Civil service?
01:46:49 Catherine Filée: is poster child not to do with advertising rather than symbolising?
01:46:59 Deborah Monroy: over there
01:47:00 Ester Borin Bonillo: civil service= public works?
01:47:07 Laurence Gillham: highway maintenance is what our best suggestion for travaux publics was
01:47:12 Simon Baron: “Au pays” is definitely linked to Algeria in particular / maybe Maghreb
01:47:16 ALL London: Really enjoyable to see this discussion
01:47:18 Anne-Marie Lawlor: I wonder about child mascot, or even just mascot.
01:47:19 Florence Barats: over there at home?
01:47:30 Amy Taylor: travaux publics was on the handout – it means roadworks 🙂
01:47:53 Laurence Gillham: yes but he retired from roadworks did not make sense
01:47:55 Ester Borin Bonillo: I see, cool, thanks!
01:48:01 Claire Robinson: this work is sometimes best done by our native speaker English students rather than our TL native speakers!
01:48:31 Chloe Martin: totally agree!!
01:48:50 Chloe Martin: As a French speaker, I miss the English side to make it really English!
01:49:32 ALL London: Has anyone here been involved in these activities -the Stephen Spender Trust?
01:49:37 Daniele Bourdais: I did the training with Sam and Sarah
01:49:39 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: Which make it perfect to do with a native English speaker student..!
01:49:44 Florence Barats: never
01:49:52 Ester Borin Bonillo: I think this kind of translations, MFL into English. English native speakers are better. On the other side, from English into MFL are better the students who are native speakers from the MFL
01:50:15 MPocceschi: we are this year. We offered our Y11 ,12 and 13 to take part
01:50:25 Daniele Bourdais: unfortunately had to stop – also my local schools not interested in paying anything for having me in!
01:50:56 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Q: How many languages are included?
01:51:17 Fatima Khaled: yes good question. thank you.
01:51:59 ALL London: http://www.multilingualcreativity.org.uk/
01:52:25 ALL London: http://www.multilingualcreativity.org.uk/resources
01:54:03 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Camus
01:54:42 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: You need to understand the author’s mind which is unique.
01:54:52 Simon Baron: Miam!
01:55:12 Charlotte Ryland: Hi Jessica, our various projects deal with different languages, but at core everything we do can be applied to any language
01:55:58 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Thanks. I suppose that indigenous and aboriginal languages would be much more difficult to translate.
01:58:34 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Be careful with some words which have very different connotations in the same language.
02:00:13 Jo: Danke vielmals!
02:00:20 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Q: Do you think that indigenous and aboriginal languages are much more difficult to translate?
02:00:23 David: Merci beaucoup
02:00:34 Paula Mourelle Calvo: Many thanks for a great presentation! Gracias 🙂
02:00:42 Lynne: Thank you. Lots to think about. Really enjoyed it and v insightful
02:00:42 Noria: Thank you very much Katrina, Charlotte and ALL London
02:00:43 Rachel Vause: thank you so much ladies 🙂
02:00:43 Marie Berthold: Merci beaucoup
02:00:44 Joanna D: Merci beaucoup!
02:00:44 Bella: Danke 🙂 Very interesting webinar.
02:00:51 Naomi: Thank you!
02:00:54 M d’Aversa: Merci beaucoup
02:00:55 Pilar Navarro: Thank you very much
02:00:56 Marian Cid: Gracias 🙂
02:00:57 Ana: Thank you very much! Really interesting
02:00:59 Clare: Thank you! Awesome, as ever
02:00:59 Alex Wachter: Vielen Dank!
02:01:00 Sadie Thompson: Thank you for your time!
02:01:01 Franck Nhanak: Merci
02:01:02 alessia: Thanks, brilliant content and wonderful delivery
02:01:03 Hazel Aslan: Merci! Très intéressant encore une fois!
02:01:05 frankmacinnes: Muito obrigado!
02:01:07 Sarah Hau: Thank you 🙂
02:01:10 Becky Jones: merci de SVC!
02:01:11 Jo Marshall: Thank you for a really interesting webinar – so many good ideas!
02:01:11 Jennifer Wozniak Rush: Thank you so much, that was great!
02:01:11 Katie: Danke sehr! That was wonderful!
02:01:12 Lucy Nott: Thank you, such an interesting evening
02:01:12 Laura: Thank you all. I really enjoyed this!
02:01:12 Georgina Anson: Thank you so much – super interesting and thought provoking!
02:01:13 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: Thank you very much!!!!!
02:01:15 S Arnold: thank you very much, lots to take away and try!!
02:01:16 Barbara Llabata: muchas gracias!
02:01:18 Simon Baron: Merci beaucoup ! 🙂
02:01:18 Rebekah Willett: Thank you! Very interesting
02:01:18 edith: merciii
02:01:19 Chloe Martin: Loved it!!
02:01:20 Angie Grau: Thanks very much!!
02:01:20 Florence Barats: Thank you so much for everything!
02:01:21 Liz Fotheringham: Thank you for such an inspiring evening
02:01:21 hbrighton: Thank you very much! A pleasure to attend
02:01:22 Ester Borin Bonillo: Muchas gracias
02:01:22 Gemma: Many thanks – been trying to bring some more authentic texts/poems into my SoW and this session has given me a few more ideas for how to exploit them 🙂
02:01:25 Fatima Khaled: Thank you so much for the extra learning you added to my knowledge of translation. this is amazing. I loved it
02:01:27 Camille Brignolle: Merci beaucoup!
02:01:29 Lauren Smith: Thank you so much 🙂
02:01:30 AG Cox: Thank you !! Lots of really interesting ideas.
02:01:32 Fi: thanks for an inspiring session
02:01:34 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: Hear her, Helen!
02:01:36 Jenny: merci
02:01:38 Jane Mooney: Absolutely brilliant and inspiring!
02:01:39 Lucy Nott: Could have done with a day, not an hour!
02:01:40 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: Hear her!
02:01:44 Ann Coulter: sorry hi Charlotte thanks for the shout out!
02:01:46 ALICE Semple: Merci beaucoup, I felt like I was back at uni
02:01:46 Deborah Monroy: Thank you all. Such fun
02:01:46 Ester Borin Bonillo: It was really inspiring
02:01:47 Anna Grainger: Thank you. That was really interesting. Sorry I missed the breakout rooms but I lost my internet connection 🙁
02:01:50 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: Hear hear
02:01:51 AHategan: Thank you so much. Very interesting and lots of opportunities out there for our students!
02:01:54 Claire Robinson: it’s so great in these times to be in the role of student experiencing great teaching!
02:01:55 Valérie Smith: thank you so much! loved your session!
02:01:56 Amy Taylor: Merci!!
02:01:58 Margaux: merci pour tout!
02:02:00 Helen McFarlane: I love the way you use metalanguage with such passion! Thank you for a brilliant session!
02:02:08 Laura McEwan : Thank you so much – very interesting !
02:02:10 Catherine Filée: So nice to think about languages in such depth. very many thanks for sharing.
02:02:13 Anne-Marie Lawlor: Really enjoyed this. My ‘other’ main language is Latin, and I am used to poring over the nuance of every word there. Tonight made me realise I tend to be more slapdash in French, but it’s wort being just as precise.
02:02:18 Jonathan Peace: Not just an academic exercise…. real room for creativity. I say it again. Languages are SO MUCH FUN!
02:02:18 Camilla Howard: thank you very much! loved it
02:02:19 Margaret Stewart: Thank you, so useful for our MFL classrooms.
02:02:23 Vanessa Perrott: Thank you very much
02:02:30 Chris Sutcliffe: Really enjoyed the session and the challenge is to try and bring some of the ideas into my teaching! Thank you.
02:02:36 Laurence Gillham: Un grand merci!
02:02:36 Amelia Anson: Thank you 🙂
02:02:37 Daniele Bourdais: The Y6 kids seemed to have good fun when I did the workshop with them. All were really engaged and discussed all the issues involved with really surprising insight .
02:02:41 Glennis Pye: Thank you so much!
02:02:48 Yolanda Ruiz: iGracias! I’ll share this with my department 🙂
02:02:48 Becky Wilcox: This has been fab. Thank you!!
02:02:51 Esti Zabalia: Thank you so much!! Really inspiring!
02:03:18 Sabine Pichout: Thank you so much! really inspiring. Cant wait to send all the entry from my student to the Stephen Spender prize
02:03:32 Hala Alani: Merci infiniment
02:04:14 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: I mean, those communities where there is a strong relationship with nature.
02:04:43 Simon Baron: Q. Would you do written translation before going into interpreting with a class, or the other way around? Not sure which scaffold the other.
02:04:57 Chloe Martin: It also depends on the number of words in the language, because the variety might be different and on different words
02:05:20 Hazel Aslan: Q: How long would you usually spend on a translation task with your students? (for the type of tasks you mentioned)
02:07:26 Simon Baron: That’s for next week!
02:07:29 Jonathan Peace: You need to watch the Star Trek Next Generation episode ‘Darmok’ where the alien race speaks only in metaphor and the crew have to translate – an excellent watch for translators – IMHO 🙂
02:07:29 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Interpreting is so difficult when you have to remember names.
02:09:08 Daniele Bourdais: That spacing makes of the stages of the workshop makes sense as doing it all in one session was so rushed when I did the TiS workshop
02:09:49 Daniele Bourdais: Sorry, that spacing of the stages of the workshop…!
02:10:37 Hazel Aslan: Thank you! 🙂
02:12:13 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: I will have to watch it!
02:12:19 Helen McFarlane: Remember Game of Thrones, too! Interpreting can be a risky business!
02:13:59 Claire Robinson: Arrival
02:14:22 Helen McFarlane: Thank you so much for an inspirational evening, Katrina and Charlotte.
02:14:39 Daniele Bourdais: Using translation mishaps is great fun!
02:15:22 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: Cornflake packets are great!
02:15:39 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: I have had EAL students who have improved massively.
02:15:47 Fatima Khaled: Amazing ideas.
02:17:39 Helen McFarlane: Thank you, Joe and Helen, too!
02:18:39 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Did you bring all that to the classroom?
02:18:52 Katie: Picking apart song translation is great fun, did a project at university of the translations of Disney songs
02:19:45 Florence Barats: Thank you so much again. One question…. How wold you translate les gestes barrière which the French are using to talk about covid-19?
02:20:46 Daniele Bourdais: What I found fascinating in the Translators in Schools workshop I did was how kids realised they could use their “home” language as well as English to help them understand the text – and some kids seemed to discover that some of their friends could speak 1 and sometimes several other languages…
02:21:29 Jonathan Peace: On a trip to China I founf lots
02:21:52 Jonathan Peace: On my trip to China I found lots of mistranslations – here’s my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H16uPTrzyb0&t=1s
02:22:30 Jonathan Peace: Live long and prosper everyone – thanks for this evening. Wonderful!
02:25:17 Claire Robinson: battery says time to go – thank you all so much, very refreshing and inspiring session!
02:25:22 Pilar Navarro: Thank you again. Have a good evening everyone
02:25:45 Helen McFarlane: Thanks again for a great evening! Good night, everyone!
02:25:47 Lucy Nott: Many thanks, such an interesting evening
02:26:43 Florence Barats: Thanks again, have a lovely evening.
02:27:48 Jessica Hermosilla Magana: Muchisisisisimas gracias. Que tengan una muy buena tarde.
02:28:54 Lynne: Merci beaucoup
02:31:55 Camille Brignolle: A great article in reference to the translation of the first line of L’étranger : https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/lost-in-translation-what-the-first-line-of-the-stranger-should-be
02:34:50 Becky Jones: I’m sure there was something about that on Horrible Histories! Victorian times maybe – the poor threw cats and dogs at the bourgeoisie.
02:36:07 Anna Grainger: I think I heard it was something about small animals keeping warm in thatched rooves and when it rained they got washed off the roof.
02:37:29 Chloe Martin: Thanks a lot!
02:38:05 jayne: Thanks to all.
02:38:08 Daniele Bourdais: Thank you for tonight everyone! Rumbling French bellies are calling!
02:38:18 Amy Taylor (@MissTayMFL): Bonne nuit!
02:38:33 Anna Grainger: Thank you so much. I will catch up with the recording as I kept losing my internet connection and being thrown out!
02:38:34 Sarah Schechter – Routes into Languages East: That was great! Many thanks!!!
02:38:43 Katie: Danke sehr, es war absolut fantastisch! Ich habe so viel gelernt
02:38:52 Glennis Pye: Thank you again – what a lovely positive place to be! Enjoy the rest of your evening!
02:38:52 Becky Jones: thank you! Good to see you!
02:39:07 Joe Dale: Thank you. Very interesting
02:39:18 Sabine Pichout: Thank you everyine