Many thanks to Sophia Mavridi for an outstanding presentation about possible scenarios for ‘hybrid learning’, the pedagogies of hybrid learning and a sample interactive activity using ‘Wooclap’! A ‘must-see’ for all those involved in planning for the uncertainties of the academic year 2020-2021.
Here is her write-up of the session which includes a link to the slides which she is generously sharing with us. Invaluable. It is lovely to see how much she enjoyed the company of the extremely appreciative participants!
Chat (also copied and pasted at the end of this page) : Sophia Mavridi Webinar Chat
Class photo:
ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar is open to all MFL teachers. We hope that you will like us and want to join!
The lessons learnt during the first phases of Covid-19 have provided schools systems with the opportunity to proactively plan and design the next phases. One of the many re-entry scenarios is moving to a hybrid-learning model which, in general terms, aims to combine face-to-face and online/ remote tuition into a coherent whole. What will the implications be for the teacher and the student? How can we plan and prepare for it? Informed by digital learning pedagogies, this session will look at effective and practical ways of planning and integrating hybrid-learning models in language education.
Sophia Mavridi is a digital learning specialist and a lecturer in English at De Montfort University in the UK. She has a Master’s degree in Educational Technology & TESOL from the University of Manchester and she’s currently working on her doctoral research with Lancaster University. Sophia provides in-service training for institutions and publishers around the world and her latest co-edited volumes are ‘English for 21st Century Skills’ (Express Publishing, 2020) and ‘Digital Innovations and Research in Language Learning’ (IATEFL, 2020) both of which reflect her keen interest in innovative pedagogies in language education. She regularly posts about digital learning on her blog and social media. Follow her here:
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- Twitter @SophiaMav
- Instagram @sophia.mavridi
- Linkedin Sophia Mavridi
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits!
CHAT pasted below:
Sophia Mavridi Webinar 28/07/20
00:32:03 N Shabestari: Hi to everyone, I am from London and teach French in Primary. I am a member of ALL. It is a wonderful community.
00:32:34 N Shabestari: Oh Deborah my close family leave in North Carolina!
00:32:50 Sophia Mavridi: Virginia 🙂
00:32:51 Joe Dale:
00:33:03 Virginia Fernandez Lopez: Hi sweetiee!!!!!
00:33:47 Georgios Kormpas: Hello everyone
00:33:50 Noria: I am a very happy member
00:33:51 Rebecca Jones @SVC: yes 🙂
00:33:53 SVC.SPichout: I am a member and very grateful
00:33:59 Joanna D: I’m a member
00:34:00 Armony B: Member of ALL
00:34:01 Deborah Monroy: @NShabestari – situation is not good here … Educators scared to death about idea of being in classroom in view of the spiking figures for Covid and people not wearing masks as a political statement …
00:34:07 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Yes, I am a member! I am happy to be part of this!
00:34:07 Georgios Kormpas: Not a member 🙂 Connecting from Saudi Arabia
00:34:08 Julia Morris: Yes, ALL go, and you even get someone to bring you coffee if you join!
00:34:13 Fiona Winstone: I’m an ALL member!
00:34:21 Alexandra’s iPhone: hello from Greece not a member
00:34:24 Higinio Ordoñez: Not a member
00:34:28 Negin Shabestari: Helen, been here so many times! Many thanks for all of these wonderful webinars. 🙂
00:34:47 Isabelle Jones: Hello from sunny Macclesfield
00:34:55 Melissa Gould-Drakeley: I am a member of the NSW MLTA and it’s been great for PL and networking
00:35:09 Caroline Okerika: I’m a very happy member too.
00:35:09 Eva Buyuksimkesyan: Hello from Istanbul 🙂
00:35:16 Fatima Khaled: I am a member and can’t emphasise the importance to be a member because you will benefit immensely from ALL. GO ahead and you will thank me.
00:35:19 İ.OKŞAN YAĞAR: hello from Turkey Istanbul
00:35:20 Sophia Mavridi: Hi Eva 🙂
00:35:22 Andrea Peterlicean: Greetings from Romania 🙂
00:35:30 Deborah Monroy: Those are both awesome people
00:35:32 Isabelle Jones: Join ALL… It is a no brainer!
00:35:36 Lidia Casalini: Hello from Argentina. Not a member
00:35:44 Chryssanthe Sotiriou: Hello from Greece!
00:35:45 Negin Shabestari: @Deborah, I was feeling like that a while ago too.
00:35:54 Kerry Phipps: I am a member of the ALL. Do join today- it is a fantastically supportive network with great regular events, weekly newsletters, informative website, excellent magazine and much, much more. Lovely friendly people too. Really worthwhile!
00:35:57 İ.OKŞAN YAĞAR: Hi from Istanbul, Turkey
00:35:59 Eva Buyuksimkesyan: Hello Sophia 🙂 It’s a pleasure to attend this session 🙂
00:36:04 Maria Eugenia Ianiro: Not a member!
00:36:35 Negin Shabestari: @ Oksan, what a wonderful city you live in.
00:36:51 Georgia Liakou: Mrs Sophia is the best 💖
00:37:06 Sophia Mavridi: Gina mou 🙂
00:37:12 Euge Dell: nNot a member (yet?), Eugenia Dell’Osa from Argentina
00:37:53 Farida Eshtiwi: Hello from Libya
00:38:31 Lidia Casalini: YAY!! My book is arriving, Sophia! Can’t wait to read it!!!
00:38:58 Sophia Mavridi: Great Lidia 🙂
00:39:14 Maria Marta: Hi from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I’m Maria Marta Mora
00:43:06 Negin Shabestari: Wow another interactive platform!
00:43:29 Joe Dale: Yes and Wooclap is free for educators
00:45:21 Julia Morris: what a depressing thought….
00:45:35 Negin Shabestari: Thanks Joe.
00:45:48 Joe Dale: You’re welcome 🙂
00:46:22 Helen McFarlane: We’ve lost the sound
00:46:24 Deborah Monroy: just bought my own plexiglass shield as kids are going to eat in my room it seems …
00:46:45 Helen McFarlane: Okay – sound is back – thanks!
00:46:47 Deborah Monroy: Plexiglass for students is a dream!
00:47:00 Joe Dale: That’s a first, the presenter mutes herself 😉
00:47:16 Helen Myers: (Apoogies- just realised that my mic was open – I am taking copious notes from this talk and I type loudly)
00:47:34 Joe Dale: 🙂
00:47:42 Negin Shabestari: @ Joe 🙂
00:47:45 Julia Morris: I didn’t hear any typing, Helen
00:49:30 Helen Myers: Thanks – sorry for interrupting with an apology then…!
00:49:30 Deborah Monroy: Yes – this is what I need to know how to do …
00:50:30 Julia Morris: would it not work better if it is very teacher centred?
00:51:39 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: This is so interesting… but worrying at the same time!
00:51:53 Carine Alves: first one I think
00:52:01 Chryssanthe Sotiriou: Scenario 3
00:52:04 Francisca G.: Third
00:52:05 Deborah Monroy: We are like 3.But then fully online after two weeks.
00:52:09 Julia Morris: no3 most likely for us
00:52:10 Karine Cook: 3
00:52:11 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: One or two, I think
00:52:13 Higinio Ordoñez: 3
00:52:14 Georgios Kormpas: 3
00:52:15 Helen Myers: Scenario 1 is the one we have used
00:52:16 José Erguera Guerrero: 1
00:52:16 Sadie Thompson: 1
00:52:19 Dervilla Fastner: two
00:52:19 Andrea Peterlicean: We’ll probably be fully online
00:52:20 Audrey Lux: In France, when we started it was scenario 1 and it is likely to be 1 again in September
00:52:21 Panos Paraskevopoulos: 3
00:52:21 Stefania Ballotto: three
00:52:21 Cathy Salonikidis: 3
00:52:22 samia saci: 3
00:52:22 Joanna D: 1
00:52:22 Melissa Gould-Drakeley: Scenario 1 – Melbourne (current), Scenario 2 (NSW in our first term) – it made it hard for parents with children assigned different days as even though they could request 100% attendance, they were encouraged not to; Scenario 3 is an exciting model as there could be opportunity for student from other schools where a language can’t run to join them, Scenario 4 – Melbourne (current)
00:52:25 Maria Kisiel-Cservenak: 3
00:52:26 Fatima Khaled: 3
00:52:30 Negin Shabestari: 1
00:52:31 Jenny Chart: Synchronous and asynchronous
00:52:32 Julia Morris: I think it depends on private or state school maybe?
00:52:37 Helen McFarlane: I hope that it is number 3 – I’ve done this before, but before Covid-19 – and it’s great
00:52:49 Cecilia Pirchi: In Argentina all of them are difficult. maybe 3
00:53:01 Alexandra’s iPhone: scenario 4
00:53:13 Melissa Gould-Drakeley: 3 is great for possibly schools joining human resources
00:53:14 Milica Zimonjic: 3
00:53:14 Alexandra’s iPhone: greece
00:53:27 Abbie Law: scenario 4 here in NZ
00:53:43 Maria Eugenia Ianiro: Maybe scenario 2, but working on different weeks
00:53:44 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Wow, I cannot imagine scenario 4 in my school
00:56:16 Helen McFarlane: I like Sophia’s sensible advice – very reassuring for both students and teachers
00:56:36 Joe Dale: Me too. She’s amazing
00:56:43 Helen McFarlane: 🙂
00:56:59 Jenny Chart: I agree!!
00:57:01 Negin Shabestari: So true Helen.
00:57:01 Deborah Monroy: I feel calmer already.
00:57:09 Joe Dale: 🙂
00:57:21 Chryssanthe Sotiriou: I completely agree Sophia!
00:57:24 Shkendije Emrullahu Kasumi: I couldn’t agree more
00:57:25 Isabel: Absolutely agree about the training! The students don’t know how to work online!
00:57:36 Maria Kisiel-Cservenak: Great!
00:57:51 Helen Myers: This is so true.. danger that we believe that pupils have the skills already because they are on their phones all the time…!
00:57:52 Melissa Gould-Drakeley: Sophia is so right, my 18 year old niece stayed with us during COVID and I was surprised that she didn’t have skills in digital tools (even though she was an expert in snapchat
00:58:01 Helen McFarlane: @Joe Can you ask Sophia to move the Apple page?
00:58:36 Joe Dale: What do you mean Helen?
00:58:46 Helen Myers: I think it must be on your screen Helen
00:58:46 Helen McFarlane: We can’t see the slides behind
00:59:08 Joe Dale: You can see her slide though, no?
00:59:15 Negin Shabestari: Yes it is your screen
00:59:20 Helen McFarlane: Yes-thanks, Helen – I don’t have Apple, so a little confusing?! It’s gone now.
00:59:24 Eva Buyuksimkesyan: I see the slides. They’re OK
00:59:25 Euge Dell: yes. slides are ok
00:59:28 Joe Dale: Phew
00:59:40 Chryssanthe Sotiriou: The question is what about parents?
00:59:48 Helen McFarlane: Thanks, Joe and Helen 🙂
00:59:50 SVC.SPichout: totally agree with this… it has been such a steep learning curve and only received great support form the MFLTwitterati community
00:59:51 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I am not surprised about these statistics… all I learnt was thanks to ALL’s webinars! Thank youuuu
01:00:00 Lidia Casalini: Can’t agree more!
01:00:09 Deborah Monroy: @Joe Dale and Helen – so you see how important you are to so many …
01:00:09 Helen Myers: (YouTube viewers are contributing in chat by teh way: Nora Touparlaki Hi! Greetings from Thessaloniki! TERESA ISABEL SANDOVAL MUÑOZ Greetings from Barcelona! TERESA ISABEL SANDOVAL MUÑOZ Nothing for sure, but probably hybrid
01:00:14 Maria Eugenia Ianiro: I cannot agree with you more!
01:00:31 Joe Dale: @Deborah – Thank you
01:00:38 Eva Buyuksimkesyan: can’t agree more
01:00:48 Isabel: We are not prepared here, and we have no news from the Administration so far!
01:01:04 Stefania Ballotto: Absolutely agree !
01:01:12 Maria Eugenia Ianiro: Not even students!
01:01:15 José Erguera Guerrero: I agree
01:01:23 Lidia Casalini: Absolutely! It isn’t just the tech, but how to teach and learn by using technology!
01:01:28 Joe Dale: @Isabel – You can watch 40+ TiLT webinar recordings on my YouTube channel. Search for joedale100
01:01:45 Joe Dale: Definitely Lidia!
01:01:46 Fatima Khaled: very useful information. linking technology to the need of our students.
01:01:56 Francois Stalder: This is a great presentation. I want to share it with my school admin. Thank you for organising it.
01:02:06 Jenny Chart: It came today!! Will start reading it tonight!
01:02:20 Lidia Casalini: Pedagogogy is always first
01:02:29 samia saci: I like the quotes “teachers where asked to build the plane while flying it” I took up the chalenge, it was very hard at the beginning
01:02:30 SVC.SPichout: Definitely @francois Stalder
01:02:55 Negin Shabestari: Yes Francois, I will share it with my school too.
01:03:11 Deborah Monroy: and will be more open to learning them through necessity!
01:04:04 ASMAA H Mohammed: hi everyone ,Asmaa from Egypt
01:04:12 Negin Shabestari: 🙂 I want macaroons!
01:04:45 Helen Myers: me too Negin!
01:05:07 Negin Shabestari: 😉
01:05:18 ALICE Semple: Paul macarons
01:05:36 Negin Shabestari: We are off track !
01:05:38 Maria Marta: We must be fair to those students who have slow connectivity or no connectivity at all
01:05:51 Francois @mrsalder: Good question: Which technologies?
01:06:18 Helen Myers: Such good advice
01:06:44 Francois @mrsalder: It’s a good ideas to categorise them.
01:07:15 Roseli: Knowing one or two tools very well before moving to another one is wise. Agreed!
01:07:19 Mel Buendia: This categorization is great….at least I know Im doing something well! 🙂
01:07:23 Lidia Casalini: Sure!!
01:07:43 Roseli: Yes! About categorization!
01:08:34 Maria Marta: True
01:08:51 Maria Marta: No pairwork at least in the next few months!
01:09:09 Jenny Chart: My students complained that they spent too many hours a day on their computer and many of them had to share their computers with their parents and siblings so they couldn’t attend all the lessons
01:09:44 Armony B: Same here @jenny
01:10:16 Roseli: I think it’s the reality in many countries. It’s the same in Brazil.
01:10:43 Armony B: And finding ways of using less bandwidth as most of them were using their phone data
01:11:05 Euge Dell: it’s similar to mentimeter, isn’t it?
01:11:19 Joe Dale: Yes, but has a few other features
01:11:37 ASMAA H Mohammed: the voice is weak
01:11:44 Euge Dell: thanks @joe
01:11:56 Francois @mrsalder: So Wooclap fits in the ‘Interactivity’ category, right?
01:12:09 Joe Dale: Yes
01:12:18 Francois @mrsalder: It’s not an LMS, then.
01:12:23 Deborah Monroy: Any advice for teaching online and in class at the same time? can’t quite get my head around it … Presenting slides, for instance … on board and online
01:12:31 Euge Dell: I work with VERY… EXTREMELY YOUNG LEARNERS… 2 to 5 yo
01:12:31 Joe Dale: No. It’s like Mentimeter
01:12:51 Armony B: Sharing your screen and wearing the mic feeding the sound for the meet / zoom call.
01:13:08 Joe Dale: Great question Deborah. we can explore this later
01:13:17 Armony B: You could ask a student to monitor the chat to see if there are questions from pupils at home
01:13:44 Joe Dale: Good idea Armony
01:13:58 Deborah Monroy: @ Joe Dale – would be so grateful
01:14:19 Negin Shabestari: So one pupil will be Joe!
01:14:22 Lidia Casalini: @Armony, yes! I’ve done that way! It works well and students love being the teacher’s assistant!
01:14:40 Joe Dale: No problem. I’ve copied and pasted it into my Google Doc. Will ask at end
01:16:17 Joe Dale:
01:16:38 Helen Myers: I like the music
01:16:47 Joe Dale: Groovy!
01:17:04 Helen Myers: how many of you are dancing along?
01:17:05 Deborah Monroy: This is great – so helpful
01:17:17 Karine Cook: moi 🙂
01:17:20 Mel Buendia: Im moving my head!!
01:17:25 Francois @mrsalder: Some great troubleshooting advice to students there.
01:17:30 ALICE Semple: Tapping feet
01:17:34 Helen Myers: main bien sûr Karine!
01:17:44 Chryssanthe Sotiriou: Last tip difficult.. if mom is a teacher
01:17:44 Negin Shabestari: Nice music and I was Helen.
01:17:45 Karine Cook: 🙂
01:18:28 Francois @mrsalder: QR codes are great for remote learning.
01:18:28 Higinio Ordoñez: DONE
01:18:34 Melissa Gould-Drakeley: @Deborah – it’s pretty challenging – having a structured lesson is the key. Can use pre-recorded videos with all at the beginning. It’s helpful to have a back channel or chat for feedback and a student could moderate. Give students the lessons in advance.
01:18:44 Roseli: Done
01:18:47 Mel Buendia: Hello Maestro Higinio!!
01:18:59 Higinio Ordoñez: Hola!!
01:19:55 Lidia Casalini: Brilliant!!
01:20:37 Deborah Monroy: join ALL London
01:20:45 Faisal Ibrahim Al-Shamali: hola
01:21:23 Mel Buendia: I liked this one!! 🙂
01:21:25 Francois @mrsalder: I like the combination of the the video and the survey to check understanding.
01:21:32 Negin Shabestari: this great
01:21:37 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Me too!
01:21:58 Fatima Khaled: this is amazing
01:22:53 Negin Shabestari: Is Sophia going to show us how to add the clip?
01:22:55 Francois @mrsalder: Looks like this is more straightforward than Mentimeter. I’ll be interested to explore further.
01:22:56 Audrey Lux: This is so good! Thank you Sophia!
01:23:04 Faisal Ibrahim Al-Shamali: great session
01:23:07 Negin Shabestari: Oh she is now
01:23:20 Jenny Chart: Thank you for this information! Very useful
01:23:23 Faisal Ibrahim Al-Shamali: any certificates of attendance ?
01:23:25 Shkendije Emrullahu Kasumi: Fantastic
01:23:36 Roseli: Excellent session! Love it!
01:23:38 Cecilia Pirchi: This is great, thanks for sharing!
01:24:00 Francois @mrsalder: Ask students to use their phones in combination with their computer. Good idea!
01:24:15 Joe Dale: K12 = primary and secondary
01:24:22 Negin Shabestari: @ Faisal, no certificate
01:24:43 Julia Morris: do students need an account? can I see who has answered what?
01:25:10 Joe Dale: @Faisal – we are volunteers working for the love of sharing and supporting colleagues 🙂
01:25:25 Francois @mrsalder: This looks straightforward.
01:25:30 Negin Shabestari: @ Julia, we didn’t have an account.
01:25:50 Mel Buendia: does wooclap gets along with Google Classroom??
01:25:57 Julia Morris: yes, I wanted to know if there is an option that lets me see who has participated
01:26:03 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: There are so many options! Thanks for showing us, Sophia, it looks great
01:26:17 Helen Myers: BTW I had to find out the meaningof wooclap: 4. What’s the meaning of “Wooclap” one may wonder? Since we get asked the question on occasion, we thought we’d put it to rest once and for all 😁. The name Wooclap is a reference to the fact that using the platform during a presentation leads to a combination of cheers (woo’s) and applause (claps). Much like using the platform, it’s just that simple!
01:26:21 Francois @mrsalder: Looks like all interactive tools available on the web have been combined in this platform.
01:26:45 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Haha! Thanks Helen! Good to know 🙂
01:26:54 Karine Cook: Thanks Helen
01:27:03 Negin Shabestari: Thanks Helen, I was wondering about the name.
01:27:38 Francois @mrsalder: Now we can wooclap for all of you!
01:27:42 Fatima Khaled: Thank ms Helen, we will not forget the name after knowing the meaning.
01:28:04 Fatima Khaled: can you send it here please.
01:28:15 Joe Dale:
01:29:16 Joe Dale: Pity 🙁
01:29:47 Francois @mrsalder: You can submit as many answers as you want
01:30:25 Faisal Ibrahim Al-Shamali: love the idea of Wooclap
01:30:33 Fatima Khaled: can we use it for Arabic language. thank you.
01:30:33 Helen Myers:
01:30:38 Francois @mrsalder: I want to know how you find the names of the person who gives a certain answer.
01:30:47 Faisal Ibrahim Al-Shamali: especially in teaching reading
01:30:56 Chryssanthe Sotiriou: Have just signed up. Thank you Sophia
01:30:56 Joe Dale: I don’t think that is possible Francois
01:31:11 Francois @mrsalder: 🙁
01:31:21 Jenny Chart: Thank you!! Amazing!
01:31:29 Mel Buendia: I met you at BBELT Mexico 2020!!
01:31:41 Noria: Thank you very much Sophia! What a fantastic and very inspiring presentation
01:31:58 Audrey Lux: very useful and interesting, thank you so much for this session!
01:32:02 Cecilia Pirchi: Thank you very much!!!
01:32:06 Fatima Khaled: totally agree, Sophia. Thank you.
01:32:08 Isabel: Thanks so much Sophia, as always a pleasure to be in your class! A big hug!
01:32:13 Karine Cook: LOVED IT
01:32:13 Francois @mrsalder: Yes, Sophia is good. Thank you!
01:32:13 Maria: Thank you so much, Sophia!
01:32:17 Alexandra’s iPhone: thank you Sophia! I recommend your website and the book to everyone!
01:32:18 Rebecca Jones @SVC: Would love for every teacher in our school to see this! A wake-up call and yet so reassuring and helpful
01:32:19 Maria Kisiel-Cservenak: Thank you very much, it was amazing and very useful 😉
01:32:21 Euge Dell: thanks!
01:32:24 Deborah Monroy: Thank you Sophia
01:32:28 Dervilla Fastner: Excellent. Thank you Sophia
01:32:30 Maria Marta: Thank you for such an enlightening sesión, Sophia
01:32:32 Roseli: Thank a bunch, Sophia!
01:32:38 Ann Oliver: Thank you Sophia this was a really helpful session!
01:32:39 Roseli: Thanks a bunch
01:32:40 Cathy Salonikidis: Very informative,,Thank You Sophia!!!
01:32:44 Pranvera Kabashi: thank you 🙂
01:32:46 Isabelle Jones: Many thanks Sophia
01:32:47 Melissa Gould-Drakeley: Thanks Sophia – I loved your clear explanation and inspiring ideas
01:32:48 Mel Buendia: Thank you so much!!
01:32:55 Roseli: Tank you too, Joe!
01:32:55 Chryssanthe Sotiriou: Sophia you are an excellent presenter! Thank you for your interesting ideas. Would love to know more on how students learn on line
01:32:56 Jen Dobson: Excellent session! Thanks
01:32:58 Euge Dell: could you repeat where we can find the recording?
01:33:00 Michele: efkharisto!
01:33:01 Milica Zimonjic: Thank you Sophia
01:33:01 SVC.SPichout: Thank you so much
01:33:02 Noria: A massive thank you to Helen and Joe again for organising brilliant webinars
01:33:02 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thaaaaaanks!
01:33:03 Stefania Ballotto: Thank you so much, Sophia! Most informative
01:33:05 Eva Buyuksimkesyan: Thank you dear Sophia, it was very useful 🙂
01:33:06 Lidia Casalini: Thank YOU!!! You are so inspiring!!
01:33:07 SRomero: Thank you
01:33:07 Shkendije Emrullahu Kasumi: Thank you so much!
01:33:10 Elizabeta Aleksovska: Thanks!
01:33:11 Francois @mrsalder: I follow you on Twitter now, Sophia.
01:33:13 Padma Maharjan: Thank you very much
01:33:14 İ.OKŞAN YAĞAR: Thank you so much
01:33:15 Higinio Ordoñez: Thanks a lot! Excellent presentation!
01:33:17 Andrea Peterlicean: Thank you very much 🙂
01:33:17 Karine Cook: in a kind way
01:33:18 Francois @mrsalder: Thank you!
01:33:19 Faton Ratkoceri: Cheers
01:33:19 Maria Eugenia Ianiro: Thanks a bunch for this presentation! It was a real pleasure to have the opportunity to listen to you!
01:33:19 Jenny Chart: Thank you!!!
01:33:20 Helen Myers: Recording will eb on Joe Dale’s YOuTube channel joedale100
01:33:22 José Erguera Guerrero: Thank you. I enjoyed this webinar.
01:33:26 Panos Paraskevopoulos: Thank you, Sophia! Very informative!
01:33:31 Faisal Ibrahim Al-Shamali: what is the best way to teach Idioma in a more interactive way online ? and are Gujrat essay ?
01:33:31 Katerina Kiriacopoulou: Ευχαριστούμε!!!!!
01:33:41 Christiane Cartwright: Are all video platforms suitable for all educational providers ? Are there any major differences? eg. primary vs adult education
01:33:42 İ.OKŞAN YAĞAR: Amazing presentation
01:33:43 Delfino Taboada: Thanks! Brilliant webinar
01:33:43 Natalie Lackovic: thank you so much!!
01:33:53 Negin Shabestari: Thanks Sophia. It was great.
01:33:58 Faisal Ibrahim Al-Shamali: fabulous session
01:34:00 Melissa Gould-Drakeley: Thanks Sophia – not normally a morning person but wanted to get up for this. 5am start in Sydney. Very happy that I did!
01:34:11 Faton Ratkoceri: enjoyed it very much
01:34:14 Roseli: Good to see you all here, guys!
01:34:25 Francisca G.: Thank you
01:34:26 kristina smith: Thank you very much Sophia. So many great ideas. Looking forward to reading the resources.
01:34:27 Meryl Wakeman: Thank you for making something that feels overwhelming suddenly feel maybe manageable!
01:34:43 SVC.SPichout: I LOVE the ZOOMFIE
01:34:59 Valérie Smith: very informative and so useful. Thanks so much Sofia. Thoroughly enjoyed your excellent presentation
01:35:07 Helen McFarlane: Thank you, Sophia! Such sound advice.
01:35:10 Lidia Casalini: Thank YOU!!
01:35:17 Isabel: Lovely session, thanks everybody!
01:35:19 Negin Shabestari: I love Zoomfie!
01:35:25 Isabel: lovely!
01:35:29 Faton Ratkoceri: thank you very much!
01:35:32 Valérie Smith: sorry Sophia! (not Sofia)
01:35:32 samia saci: Thank you all. I enjoyed the session
01:35:35 Lilliam Camacho: Thank you for much for organizing this webinar and to Sophia for sharing all her expertise.
01:35:57 Negin Shabestari: A great thank you to Helen, Joe and ALL.
01:36:15 Helen McFarlane: Thanks Helen and Joe for hosting and organising so brilliantly, too.
01:36:16 Eva Buyuksimkesyan: yep, very informative and answered a lot of questions we have in mind
01:36:24 Helen Myers: all our webinars are listed with links to recordings
01:37:12 Euge Dell: any special suggestions for Very Young Learners? (4 or 5 year-olds)
01:37:27 Deborah Monroy: Thank you for that, Sophia.
01:37:28 Francois @mrsalder: Thank you, Helen. Sophia was a great presenter tonight. Thanks to you and Joe for all your work!
01:37:28 Vanessa Perrott: Thank you so much for an informative webinar. I really enjoyed the session.
01:37:46 ALICE Semple: Sharing slides first great idea
01:38:04 Armony B: @Euge, use your bitmoji on your presentations so the kids can relate better
01:38:08 Helen Myers: Thsi si the ALL page that will eblive as soon as I hav e added the link to the video:
01:38:09 Francois @mrsalder: It’s nice to see we’re on track for the new year. Very reassuring.
01:38:22 Ruta Dulbinska: What a pleasure to be here! Thank you!
01:38:32 İ.OKŞAN YAĞAR: I have a question for Sophia !!Our ministry of Education told that only basic lessons will be taught in person at school , the others will be remote.Do you think English will be accepted as a basic lesson?
01:39:26 Armony B: In the UK, when they say basic lessons, they usually mean English, Math and science.
01:39:30 Catherine Filée: I am very grateful for this webinar, so much excellent advice and a reminder to focus on pedagogy. Much food for thoughts and MANY thanks to Sophia and to Joe and Helen.
01:39:47 Mel Buendia: Thank you for answering my question. 🙂
01:40:01 Karine Cook: interesting
01:40:09 Lynne Brady: Thanks to all of you for this great webinar. Very clearly outlined ideas and the focus on pedagogy is so important and a great reminder to teachers who get stressed with the technology.
01:40:38 Helen Myers: Lovely to read your comments which Sophia will be able to see later
01:40:54 Karine Cook: can you remove the name?
01:41:11 Faisal Ibrahim Al-Shamali: it should be anonymous for motivating shy students to participate
01:41:26 Francois @mrsalder: Good point, Faisal.
01:43:06 Francois @mrsalder: But how do we make sure everyone participates then?
01:43:39 Francois @mrsalder: I suppose you would only used Wooclap punctually for some quick activities then.
01:43:44 Faisal Ibrahim Al-Shamali: guide encourage them
01:44:54 Melissa Gould-Drakeley: I agree that anonymous quizzes can encourage students who wouldn’t normally participate – good for quick teacher feedback. I would use non-anonymous ones to check specific student answers
01:45:35 Deborah Monroy: Wooo! Clap !!!!!
01:45:37 ALICE Semple: Thank you, very thought provoking
01:45:52 Francois @mrsalder: Bravo & Thank you Sophia, Joe and Helen!
01:45:55 Karine Cook: Thank you JOe
01:45:56 Valérie Smith: Bravo!