Recording: (Link to JoeDale100 YouTube Channel)
Links to presentation and references on Sarah Bell’s Wakelet:
Class Photo:
Session Information and presenter:
ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar, held in a Zoom room and also viewable on an unlisted YouTube stream, is open to all MFL teachers. We hope that you will like us and want to join!
We thank Joe Dale for co-ordinating the TiLT (Technology in Language Teaching) series of webinars, bringing together teachers who are interested in developing their use of technology in their teaching. As well as enhancing our skills, we also get to meet other ‘keenies’ from across the globe, and can get to know each other informally by chatting before, during and after the webinar.
We also thank the presenters, who give freely of their time and expertise. Where possible, most sessions are recorded and available for viewing later.
This TiLT webinar is a review of @invacadmfl department’s learning journey over the past 12 months in and out of lockdown; learning, choosing and adapting shared practice from Twitter as appropriate to our context and the challenges we’ve faced as a department. I will cover the various tools and approaches we’ve used this year during the presentation, modelling how to create simple and effective activities using learningapps.org, flippity.net and MS quiz questions amongst other ideas.
I have been Principal Teacher of Modern Languages at Inverclyde Academy since 2013. Having studied French and Italian at the University of Bath, I dabbled with accountancy for a year before returning to what I knew was right for me all along and undertook my PGCE in Manchester. My first post as an NQT was at a tiny school in Special Measures in the Midlands but then, in 2005, whilst on a maternity break from teaching, we relocated to just north of Glasgow. When I returned to teaching, I worked in a range of schools in and around the Glasgow area whilst also studying for the CCEd in Spanish at the University of Strathclyde.
I am enthusiastic about learning and love to share ideas and good practice, whether that is from my own experience or by facilitating others to do so. I love a ‘Teachmeet’ and instigated the inaugural cross-sector authority #TMInverclyde in 2017, followed by a second event in 2019 in addition to organising and leading numerous CPD events at my school. The online teaching community through Twitter has been a huge professional development resource for me in recent years, the #MFLtwitterati of course but also the wider teaching community.
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits! https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/
Joe Dale generously organises these webinars for us ‘for free’. He makes a paid living by supporting teachers. To find out what he can offer, please contact him.
00:30:30 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmIkLZdT3YVpvsG4I8o6gUcahtvPBE1mQEmKI0lt7T8/edit?usp=sharing
00:31:26 Ramesh: Yes I am a member.
00:31:42 anita.welsh: Yes I can’t recommend it enough – brilliant – do join!
00:31:42 helen.farmer: yes I do belong
00:31:43 Clare Deans: We have a membership at school. Looking forward to this one!
00:31:44 Jerome Nogues: I am member! You definitely should join!!
00:32:10 Attilio Galimberti: I am not a member. I have been trying to become a member, but it seems that the website doesn’t accept teachers from outside the UK
00:32:49 lauradanese: I am a member (it has saved me during the pandemic …)
00:34:37 Sandrine Amyot: Not a member yet but I am going to treat myself for my birthday!
00:35:06 ALL London: @Attillo – I will look into that for you as I know we definitely do have members form other countries!
00:35:23 ALL London: Great to hear, Sandrine!
00:35:59 Fatima Khaled: Fatima from London. I am a member of ALL and very proud of being part of this lovely team.
00:36:23 ALL London: Great to have you on the ALL committee Fatima!
00:37:25 ALL London: (Love the colour coordination of Sarah’s background + jumper …)
00:37:32 Sonja Fedrizzi: 🙂
00:38:26 Linda & Peter: Hi everyone – trying to change my name from Linda & Peter to Linda McLean. Sunny here in Airdrie today, but Baltic!
00:38:35 anita.welsh: sounds a similar set up to my area/school – I look forward to this presentation!!
00:40:05 Fatima Khaled: Please could you share your Twitter so I can follow it. Thank you.
00:40:32 Joe Dale: @joedale
00:40:45 Clare Deans: it’s @invacadmfl for Sarah
00:41:11 Joe Dale: @Fatima – Sorry. I thought you meant attendees
00:41:22 lauradanese: Never heard of such a curriculum for languages!
00:42:01 ALL London: https://twitter.com/invacadml
00:42:55 Joe Dale: 🙂
00:43:33 Joe Dale: https://madmagz.com/
00:43:43 ALL London: Thanks Joe
00:44:01 Joe Dale: Everyone will be using Canva now though 😉
00:44:26 Jerome Nogues: They definit
00:44:42 Jerome Nogues: They definitely should have a play with Canva!
00:45:40 Sonja Fedrizzi: I agree
00:45:49 Sonja Fedrizzi: Considering your context is key
00:45:54 anita.welsh: If only – this is brilliant – so my area
00:46:20 ALL London: https://www.menti.com/
00:47:07 helen.farmer: can’t see where to put a code
00:47:14 Sonja Fedrizzi: I really like that Sarah is touching upon these issues.
00:48:02 ALL London: @helen – it should be on the landing page
00:48:04 Joe Dale: Me too, Sonja
00:48:10 ALL London: ‘Please enter code’
00:50:21 Natalie Campbell Bemrose: I’m feeling buoyed up by Sarah’s honesty. Thank you Sarah!
00:50:29 Sonja Fedrizzi: Me too
00:50:50 Keisha Reid: Me too….. so much like my context
00:51:32 anita.welsh: This has cheered me up It is identical to my life!
00:51:37 Helen McFarlane: Sarah’s message is down-to-earth and so realistic! She sees the glass as half full!
00:51:44 lauradanese: I have worked in an independent school in 2016 with very old computers …. Difficult …
00:51:45 Sonja Fedrizzi: I can really relate to Sarah’s experiences
00:52:29 Joe Dale: PT = Principal Teacher = HoD
00:54:40 Fatima Khaled: I totally agree, Twitter is a good resource to learn From.
00:55:07 ALL London: Wakelet – cue Jérôme …..
00:55:16 Jerome Nogues: Yeah! Wakelet is amazing. 😃
00:55:50 Jerome Nogues: 😂@Helen Myers
00:56:08 Fatima Khaled: Wow this is amazing. Are learning how to use Wakelet. Thank you.
00:57:27 ALL London: Love that tweet!!!!
00:57:58 Glenn Cake: @SarahBell26
00:58:05 Joe Dale: This is really useful
00:58:15 Fatima Khaled: It is lake a resources software. Love it.
00:58:49 Jerome Nogues: You can also use the little ‘W’ directly in Twitter bottom right (if you have the extension) to save the Tweets.
00:59:24 Marife Mayayo: My Year 10 students are using Wakelet now to practice their conversation questions – they can listen to it with the correct accent too. I got the idea from Jerome in one of the webinars.
00:59:26 Joe Dale: Yes you can Jérôme 🙂
00:59:36 Fatima Khaled: Amazing to know. Thank you for let us know.
00:59:43 Joe Dale: Here is the Chrome extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wakelet/iomokcfebnfiflpgcpcijfkfmafgkjgh
00:59:59 Jerome Nogues: @Marife Great! 😃
01:00:04 Greg Baxter: Wakelet extension works with Safari, Edge & Firefox too (if you’re an Edge lover like me)
01:00:16 Fatima Khaled: Oh thank you Joe. Always there to be a great support to all of us.
01:00:21 Joe Dale: Thanks Greg!
01:00:23 Clare Deans: thanks Joe and Greg re the extension – didn’t know that.
01:00:31 ALL London: This is so useful. I often want to share Tweets I hav e collected.. this is presumably a way of doing it without revealing too many unecessary tweets.
01:00:40 Heather Irwin: Also easy to share via the Twitter app
01:00:44 Greg Baxter: https://wakelet.com/wake/1fa84053-69ab-4726-be94-0b4425cd48aa
01:00:45 Joe Dale: Thanks Fatima. We’re all in this together 🙂
01:00:51 ALL London: Joe – shall we pause to tell Sarah how to remove the toolbar getting in her way at the top?
01:01:02 Joe Dale: Could do
01:01:20 ALL London: OK .. will wait fo rth enext transition
01:02:34 Joe Dale: Very professional countdown, Helen 🙂
01:02:38 Sonja Fedrizzi: 🙂
01:02:42 ALL London: !!!!!
01:03:24 anita.welsh: love the idea of using forms for pupil voice – in all the panic of new Tech and Teams – I never thought of that. I will use it next term.
01:04:33 Fatima Khaled: Is there a template of these forms for pupil voice ? Thank you.
01:04:34 Joe Dale: I am so pleased Sarah has agreed to present for us. Great tips
01:05:01 ALL London: @Fatima – I am sure we can ask Sarah if she can share template
01:05:10 Joe Dale: @Fatima – I’ll ask at the end
01:05:39 Fatima Khaled: Thank you, that would be great to have. 😊
01:05:42 Joe Dale: Screenity is free and unlimited
01:06:03 Joe Dale: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screenity-screen-recorder/kbbdabhdfibnancpjfhlkhafgdilcnji?hl=en
01:06:16 Rafa: Thank you, Joe!
01:06:30 Fatima Khaled: I love the free apps. 😊
01:06:44 Linda & Peter: Linda McLean you can also go beyond 15 mins with Loom if you sign in with a school Microsoft account
01:07:12 Marie Allirot: New S’cape extension for Learning apps to use genially. It is called Lavar and you can get reward / feedback straight in genially. it is great
01:07:14 Marife Mayayo: I love learningapps! Learned some much from Esmeralda’s webinar. Students really like it.
01:07:30 Noreia Benhalima: Thank you, Joe.
01:07:40 Joe Dale: @Marie – Thank you
01:07:51 Linda & Peter: me too. I used it for a German song on youtube the other week with my senior German class. So easy to use.
01:08:00 Heather Irwin: I love using learningapps as you can put them into the app matrix to ensure pupils do the tasks in the order you want 🙂
01:08:36 Marife Mayayo: This looks great Sarah! Muchas gracias!
01:08:43 Joe Dale: You’re welcome Noreia and Rafa
01:09:46 Noreia Benhalima: I use LearningApps, very good for self- assessments.
01:10:19 Greg Baxter: The cloze texts are brilliant, I used them with my Higher class last lockdown!
01:10:37 Joe Dale: Ooh I like the Character Map shortcut!
01:10:48 Sandrine Amyot: ooh, how do you bring up the symbols?
01:10:56 ALL London: Great participation here this afternoon – thanks!
01:11:08 Alys: You can also get acute accents by pressing ALT GR and the vowel: áéíóú
01:11:32 Sarah Hau: I still like windows key + .
01:11:49 Fatima Khaled: Sorry I am lost here, which app are we using. 😊
01:11:54 Joe Dale: You search for Character Map in Windows 10, right click and click Pin to Taskbar. Just done it 🙂
01:12:07 Joe Dale: @Fatima – learningapps.org
01:12:15 Sandrine Amyot: thanks @Joe
01:12:33 Fatima Khaled: Oh learning app. This is something new to me.
01:12:40 Fatima Khaled: Thank you Joe.
01:12:44 Linda & Peter: yep @Joe Dale- that’s what I have as Windows key + doesn’t work for me
01:12:54 Rafa: LearningApps is great, you can also integrate it into other platforms like genially
01:13:05 Helen McFarlane: @Joe – brilliant – such a timesaver!
01:13:17 Joe Dale: Yes Alys. Good point. I like the Special Characters – Click and Paste https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/special-characters-click/fkjbliednplpohojfpgnbpcppgdnhklb?hl=en
01:13:39 Jo Barber: Never knew about the character map,,,,now I know! thank you!
01:14:27 Joe Dale: @Linda – Are you using Windows 10?
01:14:28 Fatima Khaled: Yes me too. Every day there is something to learn. Thank you
01:16:13 Margarita Mortimer: Q do they all use a PC/tablet/mobile in the lesson?
01:17:06 Joe Dale: LOL
01:17:22 anita.welsh: My dept followed me as did a few other staff but not SLT.
01:17:57 Sonja Fedrizzi: I’ve had the same experience re virtual classrooms and phones
01:18:03 anita.welsh: I found that many pupils did not access it on sharepoint – I keep working on them. Great.
01:18:10 Marife Mayayo: me too
01:18:26 Linda & Peter: Same here @anita.welsh – someone took it a bit far though and has her bitmoji on a water bottle and mug.
01:18:34 Fatima Khaled: Wow this is very clever. Well done.
01:18:42 anita.welsh: Oh I wish I could do that – wow!!
01:19:41 anita.welsh: My pupils loved the virtual trips to Paris etc – so many on TEs/Twitter – excellent
01:19:45 Jo Barber: LOVE scrabble! I use it lots
01:20:13 anita.welsh: Love Flippity – Swavensey school has been excellent
01:20:19 Linda & Peter: “Quelquefois” was our best word with S2 last month – 2 x Qs!!
01:20:26 Marife Mayayo: Yesss! Por favour!
01:20:29 anita.welsh: Yes – please Board game!!
01:20:36 Marife Mayayo: Por favor!
01:20:37 Helen Myers: We love board games!
01:20:58 Helen McFarlane: Love the manipulatives in Flippity – so engaging!
01:21:01 Fatima Khaled: Yes please share it. Thank you.
01:21:04 Helen Myers: Scrabble French: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/520870290/ivory-plastic-tiles-letters-alphabet?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_uk_en_gb_e-toys_and_games-games_and_puzzles-board_games-other&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQjwmcWDBhCOARIsALgJ2Qd2XTm8HqEZ0rAOHDiCWvtDWXbQEqtenjeUS0_2uiSJlqFmA2DgKaAaAsuNEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_6479719811_77722719517_380846644048_aud-1183050946216:pla-314262775187_c__520870290engb_116053766&utm_custom2=6479719811&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmcWDBhCOARIsALgJ2Qd2XTm8HqEZ0rAOHDiCWvtDWXbQEqtenjeUS0_2uiSJlqFmA2DgKaAaAsuNEALw_wcB
01:21:21 Helen Myers: oh dear – sorry for that long address!!!
01:21:43 Joe Dale: There’s always one .. tut tut 😉
01:21:45 Fatima Khaled: Thank you Helen for sharing.
01:21:55 Helen McFarlane: @Helen – you can shrink a long URL into TinyURL – check out the website!
01:22:00 Helen Myers: Ignore it – it was wrong!
01:22:33 Joe Dale: Here is Rebecca Jones’ YouTube tutorial for FLippity Flashcards https://youtu.be/9rnckv-eocg
01:22:51 Linda & Peter: Thanks Joe
01:22:59 Joe Dale: We all talk to our computers, don’t we? 😉
01:23:03 Helen McFarlane: @Helen https://tinyurl.com/app
01:24:19 anita.welsh: I will use this more!1
01:24:47 Joe Dale: You can add in a Vocaroo link and turn it into an asynchronous listening practice
01:25:10 Joe Dale: You can choose your own background image too
01:26:59 Joe Dale: This is great!
01:27:15 gisele Amoros: Genius!!
01:27:32 Linda & Peter: yep – guess what I’m going to be doing in week 2 of holidays!
01:27:38 Glenn Cake: Clever Sarah – thanks so much !
01:27:43 Dorothy Anderson: This is great!
01:27:53 anita.welsh: Oh I am cross – back on Monday and so want to try this – alas!!
01:27:53 Magalie Lalor: C’est génial. On peut l’utiliser avec MS Teams aussi?
01:28:00 helen.farmer: This looks really good – I am about to do home in German! Will be using.
01:28:06 Fatima Khaled: Amazing. I hope we can use it for Arabic language. I will try it. Well done.
01:29:08 Helen Myers: Good advice to publish to the web at a preparatory stage .. also shows that if you edit, the link is the same
01:29:49 Joe Dale: @Fatima – Flippity works in Arabic. See tweet https://twitter.com/flippitynet/status/1228002851194101761?s=20
01:30:12 Linda & Peter: @Magali Lalor – you just need the link and can post in Teams or One Note
01:30:36 Noreia Benhalima: @ Fatima, it works for Arabic as well, I tried it with Randomiser
01:30:58 Joe Dale: Thanks for clarifying Noreia
01:31:11 Fatima Khaled: This was an amazing session, thank you so much. I have to leave now but I can’t wait to watch the video again.
Thank you ALL ( Helen and the team) thank you Joe
01:31:20 Helen Myers: It works also by selecting text from a word table or excel spreadsheet
01:31:28 Greg Baxter: I have to go but thanks so much for this, Sarah – will catch up on the rest when recording is available!
01:31:48 Joe Dale: Thanks for coming Fatima and Greg
01:31:48 Helen Myers: Thanks Fatima and Greg
01:32:12 Noreia Benhalima: @ Joe, you are welcome
01:32:58 Joe Dale: I look forward to seeing the #mfltwitterati sharing all their Flippity boardgames now. Perhaps we need another Padlet?
01:33:32 Jerome Nogues: Easy to set up @Joe dale
01:33:36 Linda & Peter: Definitely
01:33:47 Joe Dale: Cool
01:34:02 Helen Myers: Padlet or wakelet?
01:34:36 Joe Dale: Either, but there are already a few Padlets doing the rounds atm
01:34:37 Jerome Nogues: I would rather use Wakelet!! 😃
01:34:40 Helen Myers: Yellow. Quelle surprise!
01:35:06 Helen Myers: Sarah seems to be a wakelet fan too!
01:35:09 Jerome Nogues: Can set up a Padlet
01:35:16 Joe Dale: This is such good advice
01:35:29 Helen Myers: Brilliant!
01:35:46 Joe Dale: Thanks Jérôme
01:36:11 Joe Dale: MFL Sunderland
01:36:21 gisele Amoros: What are the little “i” for on the board game boxes?
01:36:23 Helen Myers: Textivate makes it really easy to create Trapdoor
01:36:28 Magalie Lalor: Merci!
01:37:10 Joe Dale: @Gisèle You click on the I to see the question I think
01:37:20 Jo Barber: Not seen the game before… wonder what I will be making this afternoon!
01:38:40 gisele Amoros: 👍
01:39:12 Joe Dale: @Jo – Perfect Saturday afternoon activity!
01:39:26 Dorothy Anderson: I think the coaching wheel is brilliant.
01:39:29 gisele Amoros: Blooket!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
01:39:51 Helen Myers: My one and only flippity … must do another! http://helenmyers.blogspot.com/2020/08/flippity-board-game.html
01:40:30 anita.welsh: Teams was dreadful – blood pressure and arm pains!
01:40:31 Jerome Nogues: @Helen Myers SentenceBuiders (out soon) will allow you to do trapdoor very quickly. 😃
01:41:58 Jo Barber: When Sarah reads the chat later she will see we discussed this too – not just limited to the students!
01:42:12 Helen Myers: True, Jo!
01:43:29 Clare Deans: got to head – will watch the end later – thanks so much Sarah, this has been great!
01:43:44 Joe Dale: Thanks for coming Clare
01:44:21 Glenn Cake: Awesome presentation Sarah ! Will rewatch later – thanks all !
01:44:27 Linda & Peter: yep that was the same for Sarah. The lack of peer pressure meant that some pupils answered really well during live lessons
01:45:05 Joe Dale: I love Sarah’s down to earth honesty
01:45:17 Karen Simpson: I have to head now. This has been so informative Sarah. Thanks so much 🙂 Thanks all!
01:45:29 Joe Dale: Thanks Karen
01:45:37 Linda & Peter: it’s working in Scottish schools that makes you that way Joe. Call a spade a spade
01:45:50 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:45:53 anita.welsh: This echoes my experience – a delight to watch.
01:45:57 Joe Dale: Braw!
01:46:19 Linda & Peter: Aye very good @Joe Dale – keep working on it
01:46:31 Joe Dale: 😉
01:46:59 Jo Barber: We also had a structure and we have kept them as we have moved back as well to help with transition…
01:47:20 anita.welsh: love this idea – I tried to do it all myself.
01:49:29 anita.welsh: Brilliant to use the MS Quiz – I got the hang of it!!
01:49:58 anita.welsh: Esther Mercier – ranking to make role plays!
01:50:31 Joe Dale: Great idea for role play practice
01:52:01 Joe Dale: That was Hannah Pinkham’s phrase I think
01:53:36 anita.welsh: Spiral – came to the party late – so easy
01:53:55 Alys: Thank you so much everyone!
01:54:03 Joe Dale: Here is the Genially webinar https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gamify-your-classroom-with-genially-part-2-tickets-146788372975
01:54:07 Linda & Peter: @sarah bell – Classpoint.io is my latest favourite thing!
01:54:46 Lorimer Russell-Hayes: Thank you – brilliant ideas
01:54:50 Jo Barber: Thank you so much – that was brilliant….
01:54:51 helen.farmer: That was really interesting – thank you so much. Lots to consider but I love the idea of taking one thing away!!
01:54:52 Magalie Lalor: Fabulous, Sarah!
01:54:54 anita.welsh: This has been absolutely brilliant – great as it is similar to my school/situation. Cheered up for the return. thank you to all. Wakelet yes!! Thank you Joe and Helen – life savers!!
01:54:58 gisele Amoros: Thank you!!
01:55:00 ECASAS: Graciasssss
01:55:04 Dorothy Anderson: Brilliant Sarah! Thank you! So many brilliant ideas and so inspiring. So lucky to have you in Scotland ❤️
01:55:04 Sandrine Amyot: Thank you Sarah. Your department are lucky to have you.
01:55:09 Rafa: Thank you, all!!! I enjoyed the session!!! Great!!1
01:55:11 Jerome Nogues: Great webinar Sarah! 👏
01:55:14 Noreia Benhalima: Thank you for this amazing webinar!
01:55:17 Margarita Mortimer: thanks Sara so much! I totally agree with all your apps you want to keep.
01:55:23 Helen McFarlane: I just love your straight-talking approach, Sarah – so refreshing – thank you so much! Just brilliant!
01:55:29 Carol Anne: inspired big time Sarah, 🙂
01:55:30 Marife Mayayo: Thank you so much Sarah! Fantástico webinar! Muchas gracias chica!
01:55:43 Kirsten Baird: Thank you very much for a great webinar!
01:55:52 Attilio Galimberti: Thanks Sarah! Great presentation, full of wonderful ideas! Thank you Joe and Helen! Greetings from Italy.
01:56:10 Helen McFarlane: Thank you Helen and Joe – another brilliant webinar! Mille mercis encore!
01:56:10 Rafa: I must leave, not so ugly!!! Bye
01:56:21 Sofia Lopes: Thank you – there were lots of really useful ideas ! These webinars are great 🙂
01:57:26 Jo Barber: It’s a good name! 🙂
01:57:28 Keisha Reid: Thank you. Lovely webinar
01:57:49 Rafa: Now, it’s my time, see you!!!
02:01:47 Linda & Peter: Got to go. Thanks again 🙂
02:02:17 Dorothy Anderson: Need to go now. Thanks again!
02:02:29 Helen Myers: Bye Dorothy!
02:03:08 anita.welsh: I have to go – it was excellent – thank you again
02:04:20 Jo Barber: I think Glasgow have too
02:04:35 Jo Barber: My friend works there and they had them this year…. but it is all new
02:06:29 Jo Barber: Thank you… really interesting and going to go look at making a board game now before tea! Have a good afternoon everyone! Thank you! Bye!
02:06:40 Helen McFarlane: Thank you and must go on my bike, now, to think about everything that Sarah has suggested! Bon weekend!
02:07:58 Sheena Mulholland: Thank you so much!
02:09:42 gisele Amoros: Just thought of another question, sorry, where do you find the slide with the scrabble tiles?
02:11:52 Marife Mayayo: Thank you Helen and Joe for organising another super webinar! 🙂
02:11:56 lauradanese: Grazie mille!!