A TiLT Webinar with Mark Connolly. “Keeping Connected in Complicated Times: Using Audio Tools to Support Remote and Hybrid Language Learning”



ALL London organises webinars for the MFLcommunity and this webinar, held in a Zoom room and also viewable on an unlisted YouTube stream, is open to all MFL teachers.  We hope that you will like us and want to join!

We thank Joe Dale for co-ordinating  the TiLT (Technology in Language Teaching)  series of webinars, bringing together teachers who are interested in  developing their use of technology in their teaching.  As well as enhancing our skills, we also get to meet other ‘keenies’  from across the globe, and can get to know each other informally by chatting before, during and after the webinar.

We also thank the presenters, who give freely of their time and expertise.  Where possible, most sessions are recorded and available for viewing later.


Language learning is a presencial, participatory act. We listen. We learn. We share. What happens when we can’t be together? How can we give our students opportunities to listen to each other and connect around topics they care about? Mark will explore ways to record, edit and share audio using Soundtrap, Google Drive and Google Slides. These tools and techniques can be used in remote, hybrid or traditional classrooms to give students ways to communicate and collaborate.


Mark Connolly has taught high school Spanish in independent schools in the US since 1997. In that time, he has worked with beginners up to advanced language and literature students. Since 2015, Mark has also served as an Instructional Technologist, supporting teachers in all subjects as they innovate curriculum and integrate technology. He is currently working to prepare himself and his Milton Academy colleagues for a remote opening of school.

Mark received his undergraduate degree in Spanish and English from the College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA) and his graduate degree in Hispanic Studies from Boston College (Boston, MA). Mark lives in Woburn, MA with his wife and two children.


Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits!  https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/

Please read the Webinar page of our website for more information about how to join a Webinar.  In particular, please read our etiquette on participating in a webinar: http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/webinars/webinar-information/

It is very easy – you just click on a link and you can see and hear!  Please do not pass the link to people who have not signed up and read the etiquette as this can cause problems.  We look forward to seeing you!


Joe Dale generously organises these webinars for us ‘for free’.  He makes a paid living by supporting teachers.  To find out what he can offer, please contact him.

CHAT  download and pasted below.  CHAT – Mark Connolly

00:35:16 NJA Library: Hello every one, Wilfrida, French teacher from Nairobi
00:35:47 Ismat Zarin: Hello, Helen
00:35:49 Negin Shabestari: WOW, 50th! 🎊🎈🎉🎂🍷
00:35:49 Sabine Pichout: Wow 50! Thanks for all the support.
00:35:55 Ismat Zarin: Hi Joe!
00:36:02 Elsa: Hello from West Midlands
00:36:04 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmIkLZdT3YVpvsG4I8o6gUcahtvPBE1mQEmKI0lt7T8/edit?usp=sharing
00:36:06 Julie Daye: hello
00:36:13 marilyn: I have some catching up to do 🙁
00:36:58 Tina Killackey: Hi From south east of Ireland!
00:37:17 Sabine Pichout: My department has a membership- it is great!
00:37:25 Negin Shabestari: I am a very proud member of ALL.
00:37:26 Julie Daye: hello from Argentina
00:37:29 Dawn Eyre: I am an ALL member.
00:37:29 Deborah Ondet: Hello from North East Scotland
00:37:42 Isabelle Jones: Do join ALL if you have not joined already…
00:37:56 Joanna Barber: ALL member – really important – especially after what has been happening recently! Brilliant ALL letter today 🙂
00:38:06 Negin Shabestari: WowHelen, but I am pretty sure I would have done the same! 😊
00:38:13 Helen McFarlane: ALL is such an amazing organisation for all language teachers – join the family!
00:38:15 Isabelle Jones: It is the most supportive Languages staffroom you will ever get!
00:38:43 Catherine Horner – Childers, QLD, Australia: Member of MALTQ in Queensland..great way to keep connected.
00:38:44 Sabine Pichout: I am booked! very excited about the next webinar!
00:39:54 Saci Samia: from my car in North London
00:40:20 ALICE Semple: What time is Priscila’s session?
00:40:21 Melanie Pearson: Helen, what was the discount code again, please?
00:40:22 Tim: Sorry I arrived late. My lap-top is working on its own time zone 🙂
00:40:50 Joe Dale: WEBINAR10
00:40:57 Saci Samia: I have attended most Tilt Webinars. they have been very useful
00:41:16 Joe Dale: Priscila’s session is 20.00 BST
00:41:28 ALICE Semple: Thank you Joe
00:43:17 Т. Тупаров: hello!nice to meet you!I am vanya from small Bulgaria!
00:46:01 Helen Myers: Pictures speak volumes!
00:49:46 Joe Dale: https://online-voice-recorder.com/
00:51:06 Ismat Zarin: Interesting reaources
00:51:57 Helen Myers: Love this – transcontinental podcasts!
00:52:06 Joe Dale: Love this too
00:54:50 Helen Myers: m4a/ wav / mps
00:55:41 Joe Dale: Vocaroo is a great way of submitting audio into a Google Form
00:56:37 Tim: Will this be the same for Microsoft ?
00:56:51 Helen Myers: Yes Tim… you can set up folders
00:57:03 Tim: 🙂
00:57:04 Helen Myers: In Sharepoint
00:57:52 Joe Dale: I’m a big fan of Greg Kulowiec too. He invented the term appsmashing
01:00:18 Helen Myers: What a great idea – very short stories. Any authentic examples for other languages I wonder? Has anyone copied Monterosso?!
01:00:33 Helen Myers: Monterroso (sorry)
01:00:40 ALICE Semple: V cool and modern!
01:01:58 Helen McFarlane: Aesop’s Fables in the target language, Helen??
01:02:28 Helen Myers: Good idea, Helen
01:03:00 Helen McFarlane: Thanks, Helen – there is a certain flow about these metaphors which is very appealing.
01:03:45 Catherine Horner – Childers, QLD, Australia: Perhaps just a jumbled sequence of a day’s routine or even a paragraph split would work too.
01:04:55 Helen Myers: This is a lovely idea
01:05:18 Isabelle Jones: Really like how Art is being used here as a stimulus for speaking… Very inspiring!
01:05:38 Helen McFarlane: I love this idea – this would be fantastic for the A-level project on French-speaking culture and communities! Thanks, Mark!
01:05:52 Florence Barats: could be very easily applied to describe the photo
01:06:00 Ismat Zarin: Guided audio tour is also a great idea
01:06:17 Helen Myers: .. and there are some great sites where museums have opened their collections to view
01:06:39 ALICE Semple: Could be good for adult ed too
01:06:52 Helen Myers: Yes Alice
01:07:28 Helen McFarlane: This chimes extremely well with developing critical thinking skills – such a practical approach! Brilliant idea – and also for CLIL subjects.
01:08:13 ALICE Semple: Liking the colours of the audio
01:08:51 Sabine Pichout: You can also change the color on PPT for the audio buttons!
01:08:52 Helen Myers: ‘an interactive garden’.. what a lovely image
01:11:26 Catherine Horner – Childers, QLD, Australia: Sabine can you change it to an image in PPT too?
01:11:37 Sabine Pichout: I am not sure!
01:12:19 Helen Myers: I presuem you can take any image and add audio to it Sabine?
01:13:01 Joe Dale: Yes, you can add audio into an image in PPT
01:15:15 Sabine Pichout: Yes you would need to put the audio onto your Bitmoji photo but cant replace the button though. Am I right?
01:16:56 Joe Dale: I think you can, but I’d need to have a play. You use Thinglink too
01:17:20 Florence Barats: I don’t think you can change the icon of the sound into a picture in ppt, well have not manged it yet! so if there is a trick…. I’ll have it!
01:18:00 Rebecca Jones @SVC: You can if you right click and go to format shape > fill > select image etc
01:18:02 Joe Dale: You can attach audio to a picture so it plays when you click on it
01:18:08 Helen Myers: (Format / send back)
01:20:24 Florence Barats: Thank you!
01:20:42 amelie silvert: @florence you may, just right click on the audio and modify image and choose whatever image you want
01:22:59 Helen Myers: Joe has a second screen, just in case you hadn;t realised this ….
01:23:11 Sabine Pichout: Has he?!
01:23:20 Helen Myers: 🙂
01:23:34 Helen McFarlane: You cannot be serious, Helen!!! 🙂
01:23:52 Joanna Barber: What’s that Helen? two screens… really – well I never 🙂
01:23:56 Helen Myers: LOVE THIS!!!!
01:24:10 Helen Myers: With Joe Dale dancing too!
01:25:02 Helen Myers: Q – for later – before I upgrade Camtasia, do I need to?!
01:26:15 Helen Myers: What a natural radio host!
01:26:37 marilyn: born to be so :))
01:27:11 Helen McFarlane: Joe’s on a roll!
01:27:22 Helen Myers: He’s happy, isn;t he?
01:27:44 ALICE Semple: In his element
01:27:53 Florence Barats: Soundtrap is not free is it?
01:27:53 Helen McFarlane: What we need now, Helen, is a jingle!
01:28:04 Helen Myers: We’re like doting aunties aren;t we?!
01:28:14 Helen McFarlane: Awwww, bless! Haha!
01:29:14 ALICE Semple: Woohoo
01:29:16 Helen McFarlane: Bravo!
01:29:36 Colette Browne – Weekes: Love it
01:29:47 marilyn: 👏
01:29:54 Ruta Dulbinska: WOW! Thank you so much!
01:29:55 Helen Myers: There was a real studio sound there.
01:30:35 Ismat Zarin: Great! Thanks for sharing the idea!
01:31:30 ALICE Semple: The Samson one was recommended to me and it looks v cute – on Amazon
01:32:37 ALICE Semple: Students could make something for virtual open evening?
01:33:46 Helen Myers: Yes. We teach CuBase with pupils in music lessons at school .. really overwhelming without instant help on hand!
01:34:30 Helen Myers: https://www.soundtrap.com/
01:35:26 Joe Dale: Samson Q2U
01:36:07 Helen Myers: https://www.soundtrap.com/pricing-education
01:37:37 Helen Myers: Perhaps somethng that could be bought at whole school level
01:38:20 Helen Myers: Lovely ideas
01:39:24 Ismat Zarin: Great ideas to use sound tracks in a multi- dimensional ways
01:39:24 Helen McFarlane: So reassuring to hear the teachers’ voices and for students to know that their teachers are thinking of them… love the empathy
01:40:18 ALICE Semple: Yes, it is doubly nice as it is in the target language
01:42:15 Helen McFarlane: It’s an excellent opportunity for cross-curricular collaboration and drawing on colleagues’/students’ expertise
01:42:46 Helen Myers: And avoids the embarrassment that some feel in being on video
01:43:47 ALICE Semple: Promotes feeling of community and I can imagine students would keep playing it
01:44:31 Helen Myers: Yes – we need to have another Mark Connolly session!
01:44:42 Joe Dale: Defo!
01:45:44 Helen McFarlane: absolutely, Helen – some of my students refuse to emerge from behind their camera, depending on their cultural background/personality – this would certainly help to avoid a potential dilemma
01:45:50 Helen Myers: There would be students who could do the compilation ..
01:46:26 Helen Myers: One of our star IT students is nowe a superb member of staff
01:46:49 Caroline Okerika: Thankyou so much. Really great!
01:47:11 Dalel: thank you so much. excellent job
01:47:25 Rebecca Jones @SVC: Looks lots of fun! Thank you!
01:47:55 Debbie McCorkle: Thank you all!
01:48:06 Negin Shabestari: Thank you.
01:48:36 Alina Hayrapetyan: Thanks a lot, it was great
01:48:42 Ismat Zarin: Thanks a lot for such an informative webinar!
01:48:57 Melanie Pearson: Thank you so much!
01:48:58 Florence Barats: thanks a lot once more!
01:49:01 Isabelle Jones: Thank you, Mark, Joe and Helen
01:49:06 mariana hood: thank you !
01:49:07 Catherine Horner – Childers, QLD, Australia: Thank you..lots of interesting ideas..!
01:49:12 ALICE Semple: Thank you very much for a lovely tech evening and so delighted too to see the second screen in action. 50!!!! Wow, we will all be experts too.
01:49:21 julietmil69: Thank you very much. It was very interesting.
01:49:22 Helen McFarlane: @ Mark-great inspiration – thank you so much! Thank you Joe and Helen, too, for your bopping DJ skills!
01:49:42 Colette Browne – Weekes: Thank you so very much. I am inspired.
01:49:44 Dalel: this is what we really need, practical tools. thanks a lot
01:49:54 Ismat Zarin: Thanks, Mark !
01:49:55 Tina Killackey: Thanks everyone
01:49:59 Tim: Thanks so much 🙂
01:50:15 Saci Samia: Good night
01:51:01 Sabine Pichout: Yeah!!!
01:51:21 Colette Browne – Weekes: Studio
01:51:32 Florence Barats: soundproof home studio!
01:51:43 Valérie Smith: Thank you so much , very inspiring!
01:51:54 Catherine Horner – Childers, QLD, Australia: sound proofing?
01:52:06 Deborah Ondet: thanks. good night.
01:52:29 Jenny Bluck: thank you
01:53:26 Florence Barats: Have to leave, have a lovely end of evening. Thanks again.
01:53:40 Joanna Barber: I think Joe was an expert den builder when he was younger!
01:53:42 Daniele Bourdais: Last time I recorded for BBC Bitesize, the tekkie guy told me to go tak my phone to my toilet and get under a blanket…
01:53:54 ALICE Semple: Great idea – did you take these photos Joe?
01:53:57 Jenny Bluck: bye now
01:54:05 Catherine Horner – Childers, QLD, Australia: Have to leave..time to get ready for work! Happy Wednesday!
01:54:24 Ruta Dulbinska: Thank you for the tip, Joe. Haven’t thought about that before.
01:54:29 Helen Myers: Thanks SO Muich for coming Catheirne – please come again!!!
01:54:40 Joe Dale: I got all these photos from Twitter
01:55:02 Helen McFarlane: Good night everyone, and thank you again, Mark, Helen and Joe.
01:56:48 Helen McFarlane: Q – quick question – where do I find a good banner as a background for a recording (audio and visual) if the students choose to present their “French radio” broadcast?
01:57:10 Helen McFarlane: Oops – I mean TV
01:57:43 Ismat Zarin: Good night, everyone! Thanks a lot Mark, Helen and Joe🤗
01:57:52 Joanna Barber: Thank you again everyone – especially to Mark…. really interesting.
01:58:54 Joe Dale: @MarcSettle
01:59:51 Joe Dale: Cleanfeed
01:59:55 Joe Dale: Zencastr
02:00:05 Helen Myers: https://cleanfeed.net/
02:03:22 Joe Dale: CDex
02:06:05 Joe Dale: https://cdex.mu/
02:07:04 Ruta Dulbinska: Joe, you are full of tips, LOL.
02:07:07 Ruta Dulbinska: Thank you!
02:07:19 Helen Myers: http://soundfile.sapp.org/doc/WaveFormat/
02:08:19 Mark Connolly: Pixabay!
02:08:22 Helen Myers: Google image search / choose non-commercial
02:08:29 Helen Myers: answers for Helen above
02:08:43 Joe Dale: unsplash, pexels, pixabay, photosforclass
02:08:45 Mark Connolly: freesound.org…for audio.
02:09:05 Ruta Dulbinska: What an amazing well of inspiration these webinars are!