We are so lucky that Isabelle Jones offered to do a session for us on how to use music and technology to make language memorable. Isabelle is a superb presenter, has a wealth of experience and shares lots of examples, always underpinned by sound pedagogy and common sense! Her call to collaborate on Wakelet will be followed up! Let’s share!
Link to her PowerPOint presentation which is beautifully organised and packed with useful links:
1-TILT29Aug-Music and Languages (1)
And here’s a link to Isabelle’s blog where she has described her session and launched collaborative wakelets where we can share music.
Link to Chat on word doc (also copied and pasted below): Chat A TiLT Webinar with Isabelle Jones
Class photo:
ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar, held in a Zoom room and also viewable on an unlisted YouTube stream, is open to all MFL teachers. We hope that you will like us and want to join!
We thank Joe Dale for co-ordinating the TiLT (Technology in Language Teaching) series of webinars, bringing together teachers who are interested in developing their use of technology in their teaching. As well as enhancing our skills, we also get to meet other ‘keenies’ from across the globe, and can get to know each other informally by chatting before, during and after the webinar.
We also thank the presenters, who give freely of their time and expertise. Where possible, most sessions are recorded and available for viewing later.
Isabelle has always been an advocate for using music in the Languages classroom and she will share a range of tools and ideas for integrating music in a wide range of activities. This will include the use of streaming platforms like Spotify, recording tools and apps as well as sites to source free beats and loops to support pupils’ creativity and memorisation of language.
She will present tools to use melody, rhythm and lyrics in lessons to enhance pupils’ enjoyment and support their recall of key language structures.
She will show different approaches to link music and lyrics to the culture of the Target-Language countries and make the language memorable for pupils.
Finally, she will share how specific websites, apps and social media can support teachers in discovering new artists and tracks from a range of countries where the Target-Language is spoken.
Isabelle Jones is an experienced Head of Languages and a qualified translator/interpreter with more than 25 years’ experience in primary and secondary language teaching (KS2 to KS5). She is a member of ALL Executive Council and she enjoys sharing good MFL practice on her blog, My Languages http://isabelejones.blogspot.com and Twitter http://twitter.com/icpjones
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits! https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/
Please read the Webinar page of our website for more information about how to join a Webinar. In particular, please read our etiquette on participating in a webinar: http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/webinars/webinar-information/
It is very easy – you just click on a link and you can see and hear! Please do not pass the link to people who have not signed up and read the etiquette as this can cause problems. We look forward to seeing you!
Joe Dale generously organises these webinars for us ‘for free’. He makes a paid living by supporting teachers. To find out what he can offer, please contact him.
A TiLT Webinar with Isabelle Jones: “Music and Technology: Making Language Learning Memorable”
Chat 29/08/20
00:33:09 ALICE Semple: Argentina, cool
00:33:11 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmIkLZdT3YVpvsG4I8o6gUcahtvPBE1mQEmKI0lt7T8/edit?usp=sharing
00:34:38 Noria: I am a member and highly recommend anyone to join in
00:35:07 Ester Borin Bonillo: Just join few minutes ago, finally!!!
00:35:53 ALICE Semple: I am a member! Great webinars
00:36:16 Joe Dale: Thanks Alice 🙂
00:36:38 ALICE Semple: Wey hey the ortaniques revival
00:36:40 Elena Knight: Hello! All presenters sound loud and clear and it feels lie being with friends. Was a member in the past, not at the moment. Will bring it up with department.
00:36:56 Joe Dale: Thank you Elena 🙂
00:36:58 Elena Knight: feels LIKE
00:37:19 Ester Borin Bonillo: Thanks to all these fantastic webinars! I joined the association today
00:37:31 Joe Dale: Thanks Ester
00:37:37 Tetiana Katchanovska: Hello to everyone from Ukraine!
00:38:01 Karine Cook: Bonne chance Isabelle
00:39:06 Karine Cook: coucou Marie-Odile
00:40:04 Marie-Odile Guillou : Bonsoir !
00:41:05 ALL London: Great to read the chat an dsee oall our lovel yALL members. Welcome to the fold Ester!!!!!
00:41:55 Ester Borin Bonillo: Thank you 🙂
00:41:59 ALL London: Thanks Jennifer – great to see you from across the pond!
00:43:19 Ruta Dulbinska: I’m a Music and English teacher for little ones and in love with technologies, LOL.
00:43:55 ALL London: The perfect combination, Ruta!
00:44:01 Ruta Dulbinska: Really looking forward to this webinar.
00:44:36 Ruta Dulbinska: Thank you, Helen.
00:46:06 ALL London: So true about relaxing… I found a great youtube playlist fro calming a rather challenging class
00:46:15 Elena Knight: Probably even better if teachers is not a great singer, will encourage students to have a go without fear of embarrassment.
00:46:22 JF: what is the link for all these webseminars?
00:46:47 ALL London: http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/webinars/
00:46:56 ALL London: that’s the lonk to the list
00:47:03 ALICE Semple: I transported myself back to my year abroad the other day with music
00:47:07 Joe Dale: https://www.youtube.com/user/joedale100/videos
00:47:14 JF: Merci
00:47:17 ALL London: Link to database: http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/webinars/webinar-database-link/
00:48:23 ALL London: Yes – I am a radio 2 listener now .. so many memories jogged ..
00:50:04 Karine Cook: So am I
00:51:12 Catherine Horner: One of my students greets me with Rammstein lyrics every week before German…
00:52:26 ALL London: Lucky you, Catherine!
00:53:34 Morgane: Q – Where do you find the PowerPoint after the webinar, please?
00:53:37 Elena Knight: Q: Can we have the live links to the playlists in the chat box, possibly?
00:53:47 ALL London: I will put links on the ALL webpage
00:53:58 ALL London: I’ll contact you via th email list
00:54:10 Joe Dale: Thanks Helen
00:54:10 Elena Knight: Thank you!
00:54:15 Marie-Odile Guillou : Merci !
00:54:20 ALL London: Playlists! YouTube or Spotify (Targeted Playlists!) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtIBdyX48jxjLsWnWZrytBq0tTfUuxuwd (Spanish) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCF5168E6CDE163C6 (French) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7pDMytH35drKSOBqKKoidG?si=1gWbXKioRueRNdHWSs_e1A (French) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2eJ8CoNfHuLo8YKCp1wFMl?si=AW_RgkIqQ7encSMdnOgOzw (Spanish)
00:56:12 ALL London: Spotify (free): follow artists, explore radios and podcasts (browse) https://open.spotify.com/
00:57:09 Marie-Odile Guillou : Q. Have you got a list for Primary level please?
01:00:27 Helen Myers: https://www.talkinfrench.com/french-songs-children/
01:00:29 ltyler: Totally agree re Despacito!
01:00:47 Helen Myers: hare with pupils! Through links or social media (dept Twitter) Use Shazam to get the lyrics https://www.shazam.com
01:01:06 Jacqueline Harris: I like the idea of targeted songs. Thank you for this. Can we find examples of topic-specific songs in the playlists?
01:01:27 Marie-Odile Guillou : Thank you Helen. I will have a look.
01:02:41 Helen Myers: Marie Odile – I just did a google search ‘spotify primary French’ .. several came up
01:03:19 Joe Dale: I’m collecting the questions for Isabelle too
01:03:26 Elena Knight: “Charts” works on Shazam, just tried it outside the zoom room.
01:03:47 Ruta Dulbinska: I wasn’t aware of shazam. Thank you!
01:03:59 Karine Cook: thank you
01:04:13 Helen Myers: Yes – new to me. Isabelle obviously is actually ‘down with th e kids’!!!
01:04:53 Joe Dale: Pandora is US based. It supports podcasts too but is not available in the UK
01:05:20 Marie-Odile Guillou : Will check that spotify Primary French. Thx
01:06:26 Helen Myers: Free music loops/beats to work on vocabulary practice https://ibeat.org/free-rap-beats/ https://freeplaymusic.com/#/?mood=Positive
01:08:44 Elena Knight: Thank you, Helen! I have bookmarked all the links now.
01:09:57 ltyler: That is fantastic. Could also record verb conjugations 😉
01:11:01 Karine Cook: So much fun
01:11:25 Jennifer Eddy: Ibeat is great for creating a rap. Lyricstraining.com is an excellent app for lyrics. Easy to difficult!
01:11:41 Joe Dale: Rachel Smith has used Live Loops in Garageband to practise verbs and grammar https://musingsfromtheisland.wordpress.com/2016/05/23/lets-make-some-noise-using-garageband-live-loops-to-make-verb-songs/
01:11:49 Helen Myers: Phone : voice recorder or Rode reporter microphone app https://apps.apple.com/us/app/voice-recorder-audio-editor/id685310398 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/r-de-reporter/id1066635435?ls=1
01:12:12 Irene: Just wondering in practice how this works with a large class. It would be very noisy, so how do you get round that?
01:12:18 Joe Dale: I’d recommend RecForge II for Android
01:12:31 Helen Myers: Thanks Joe
01:13:32 Helen Myers: Lyrics training https://lyricstraining.com https://lyricstraining.com/fr/play/present/HI4Vxsif6I#uRL/w!icpjones Lyricsgaps https://www.lyricsgaps.com/ https://www.lyricsgaps.com/exercises/view/8848/Custom/9285#.X0p8QqwJQpU.link
01:13:33 Elena Knight: Can you not use the voice default voice recorder in a mobile phone?
01:14:02 Joe Dale: FluentKey is great too
01:14:03 Helen Myers: I was thinking that too Elena .. Samsing has a voice recorder
01:14:16 Joe Dale: You could Elena, yes
01:14:27 Ruta Dulbinska: lyricstraining is great!!Have used it for ages.:)
01:14:29 Jennifer Eddy: absolutely excellent. Thank you for showing us this demo! 🙂
01:15:10 Elena Knight: I used mine a lot during lockdown to send feedback to students on work they emailed me. They loved listening to it they told me.
01:15:24 Helen Myers: Great to hear Elena
01:15:36 ALICE Semple: Q what do you do if you can’t get the word for the gap?
01:17:05 Elena Knight: There is an app where the voice recording audio is converted into a QR code which they can scan and listen.
01:17:43 Elena Knight: Possibly useful to give out if we can’t mark their actual books due to Covid 19.
01:18:01 ALICE Semple: Yes, I struggled with this in front of the class and gave up and chose another song
01:18:08 Elena Knight: Give out QR codes I mean.
01:18:18 Karine Cook: Evidemment
01:18:59 ALICE Semple: Thanks
01:19:08 Joe Dale: You’re welcome
01:19:15 Karine Cook: Have you heard about Ed Puzzle?
01:19:38 Elena Knight: No, what is Ed Puzzle?
01:19:41 Helen Myers: I like the suggested dresses there …!!!
01:20:14 magsmay42: I often tell students – in the settings-to slow the song down to .75 speed, to build confidence
01:20:21 Elena Knight: Love the lyricsgaps!
01:20:43 Joe Dale: Paco Fernandez did a TiLT webinar for us where he talked about Edpuzzle. Here is the link https://youtu.be/44SNE9njedc
01:20:58 Elena Knight: Multiple choice = more language exposure
01:21:06 Karine Cook: yes Joe thats’s right
01:21:18 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:21:33 Elena Knight: Thank you, Joe!
01:22:04 Joe Dale: You’re welcome Elena 🙂
01:22:39 Marie-Odile Guillou : Even in Primary school, it is possible to do it 🙂
01:22:58 ALICE Semple: Some v creative ideas, thanks
01:23:07 Joe Dale: So do podcasts 🙂
01:23:20 Helen Myers: Great idea about guessing the topic … I’ll have to change my lesson ppt for next week now .. I fund some new ones for the world of work recently
01:24:49 Elena Knight: Q: Isabelle, how long in terms of lesson time do you spend on a song? Do you teach entire lessons based on a song or are they just one of several lesson activities?
01:24:52 Helen Myers: found
01:26:02 Helen Myers: Excellent idea to use cover songs.. might be good to collect some examples
01:26:41 Elena Knight: Kevin, Karla y la Banda – Spanish covers of English language hits
01:27:15 Helen Myers: Thanks – I see now
01:27:52 Elena Knight: Chilean group
01:28:05 Helen Myers: You could do this with Textivate exercises by linking a video
01:28:33 Joe Dale: Yes, you could I think
01:28:34 Helen Myers: A few tools: https://www.musixmatch.com/ (catalogue of lyrics & their translations) https://lyricstranslate.com/ (crowdsourced lyrics translation website) https://www.lyricsmania.com/ (catalogue of lyrics) https://genius.com/ (lyrics catalogue and video) Shazam
01:28:54 Elena Knight: Great! Thank you, Helen!
01:29:19 Elena Knight: Frantically bookmarking everything!
01:29:51 Helen Myers: Music and lyrics as way into the culture of the Target Language countries https://www.facebook.com/groups/2024151774569280 (Afro-Latino culture-Spanish) https://www.facebook.com/groups/381750586130899 (African Culture in World Languages Classroom
01:30:06 Catherine Horner: You could take screen shots as the link comes up Elena if you are running out of ‘bookmarking
01:30:09 Catherine Horner: time..
01:30:14 Helen Myers: Such a goo dideaq – especially for A level topic
01:30:23 Helen Myers: WE will share th eppt
01:30:37 magsmay42: Radio Garden is a great reference to listen to their language/country
01:30:49 Helen Myers: You will all be able to see a copy of this chat later
01:30:53 Elena Knight: Will give screenshots a go, thanks Catherine
01:31:01 ALICE Semple: Few music ideas of things to listen to tomorrow
01:31:34 magsmay42: Very grateful for freshening my ideas going forward using music..thank you so much Isabelle and really well done
01:31:38 Helen Myers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/221430324653150 (Musique Mercredi-Francophone Music) Change the country on Shazam to look at artists popular in different countries (desktop or app) https://www.shazam.com/gb/charts/top-200/france
01:32:12 Helen Myers: what a brilliant idea!
01:32:21 Honnorine.Harbridge: Thank you Isabelle, really inspiring!
01:32:34 Catherine Horner: Loving this Isabelle… any suggestions for avoiding the obviously ‘childish’ nature of children’s songs for beginner learners?
01:33:01 ltyler: Musicroamer looks brilliant! Can’t wait to have a go 😉
01:33:08 Marie-Odile Guillou : Intéressant !
01:33:42 ALICE Semple: Me too Wakelet
01:33:50 Helen Myers: https://www.musicroamer.com/ Twitter +> Wakelet French Music Wakelet https://wakelet.com/i/invite?code=5665d3a Spanish Music Wakelet https://wakelet.com/i/invite?code=882ab34 German Music Wakelet https://wakelet.com/i/invite?code=792a9af Pinterest https://pin.it/E4S0uxc (French)
01:34:53 Helen Myers: This site is wonderful
01:35:13 Joe Dale: Love Wakelet
01:35:15 Marie-Odile Guillou : Just discovered this site yesterday. Very good.
01:35:45 Marie-Odile Guillou : Thank you for doing this Isabelle.
01:35:53 ltyler: Thank you for sharing those Wakelet links
01:36:22 Joe Dale: 217,000 followers.. Not bad 😉
01:36:30 Helen Myers: 217,360 follower!!!!!
01:36:30 Karine Cook: Fantastique
01:36:50 ALICE Semple: Your students are very lucky
01:36:53 Joe Dale: We are not worthy!
01:37:34 Helen Myers: They are indeed, Alice!
01:37:44 Karine Cook: merci
01:38:01 Helen Myers: Pinterest https://pin.it/E4S0uxc (French) Facebook Groups https://www.facebook.com/groups/frenchmusic
01:38:47 Helen Myers: I’d love to collect more call and response songs
01:39:19 Karine Cook: Bravooooooooooooooooooo
01:39:23 Marie-Odile Guillou : Merci beaucoup !
01:39:28 Ruta Dulbinska: Excellent! Thank you so much!
01:39:31 Helen Myers: Please be ready to turn on webcams
01:39:34 Helen Myers: and mics
01:39:35 Helen Myers: for thanks
01:39:35 Ambrogio De Santis: Merci beaucoup!!!
01:39:42 Elena Knight: Wonderful topic, wonderfully presented!
01:39:50 Noria: thank you so much Isabelle, excellent and very informative
01:39:52 Jacqueline Harris: This has been amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of experience
01:39:54 Gregory Ogilvie: Thank you very much for the fantastic webinar!!!
01:39:55 Bryan O’Dowd: Merci beaucoup Isabelle
01:40:00 Carmen: Superb! – Thank you very much!
01:40:01 ltyler: Thank you that was fabulous
01:40:02 Honnorine.Harbridge: Many thanks
01:40:14 Susana: thanks
01:40:22 Negin Shabestari: Wow that was an excellent webinar, so inspiring. Many thanks Isabelle.
01:40:45 Pilar Navarro: Many thanks Isabelle. Lots of great ideas
01:41:12 Tetiana Katchanovska: Thank you very much for this webinar!
01:41:37 Marie-Odile Guillou : I use a lot of Alain Le Lait´s songs for French KS2
01:42:02 ltyler: Agree – Alain le Last good
01:42:15 ltyler: *le Lait!
01:43:07 Karine Cook: absolutely
01:43:28 Helen Myers: Kidzone also good for younger
01:43:41 Karine Cook: merci
01:43:51 Ester Borin Bonillo: fantastic webinar
01:43:52 ltyler: I love the songs of Mecano – very story-based
01:44:57 Jennifer Eddy: I love Mecano too…from way back! 🙂
01:45:26 ltyler: I know… I also like other 1980s Spanish pop 🙂
01:45:43 ltyler: Mi novia es un zombie … !
01:45:52 Irene: Thanks! It crosses my mind some teachers might be able to borrow space now and again in the music department of their school – where there are often individual stations with headphones
01:48:11 Ms Bravo: GENTE DE ZONA are brilliant and very current
01:48:27 Irene: Thanks so much for all of the ideas!
01:50:32 ALICE Semple: I made several sections in my wakelet
01:53:33 Ester Borin Bonillo: I have to leave, merci beaucoup Isabelle!
01:53:44 Joe Dale: Thanks Ester
01:53:45 Marie-Odile Guillou : Institut Francais started running a fabulous Songs/video competions for KS2, KS3 and KS4 last year, which is also brilliant!
01:53:58 Ester Borin Bonillo: Also, thank you very much to Helen and Joe x
01:54:01 Marie-Odile Guillou : *competition
01:54:43 Marie-Odile Guillou : It´s called Francophonie
01:54:49 Joe Dale: The Institut français do a song competition
01:55:04 Negin Shabestari: Many thanks to Helen and Joe. It was another great webinar.