Thursday 2nd July 202Recording:
Class chat: Florence Lyons chat
Class photo:
ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar is open to all MFL teachers. We hope that you will like us and want to join!
Findings of an action research project regarding the provision of feedback as dialogue on Google Docs will be shared. The investigation took place with Year 8 students and two teachers with students learning the persuasive writing genre. The aim of the project was to determine to what extent the use of an online writing collaborative platform, such as Google Docs, when providing feedback could support the learning of diverse students. Findings suggest that the use of Google Docs when providing feedback has supported students’ learning of the persuasive writing genre. Furthermore, audio recorded feedback has allowed some literate cultural capital poor students to comprehend the feedback provided by their teachers.
Florence has been teaching Languages and Social Studies in secondary schools for 15 years. Her interest in education in general and equitable learning outcomes for students experiencing various disadvantaged situations in particular led her to undertake further studies. Formative assessment and Feedback, dialogic interactions between teachers and students, and literacy are some concerns of hers which she has been investigated during the Doctorate in Education She commenced in 2017.
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Florence Lyons – Chat – Thursday 3rd July 2020
00:29:22 Joe Dale:
00:29:52 Noria: I am a member
00:29:57 Karine Cook: ouiiiii and do join
00:29:58 Ceri Griffiths: I am a member
00:30:04 Paula Mourelle: Yes, I am, it’s a really supporting network and definitely worth joining 🙂
00:30:09 Karine Cook: #happypeople
00:30:16 Charlotte Rayner: Yes I’m member!
00:30:20 Helen McFarlane: Absolutely! If you’re not a member of ALL, why ever not?! It’s brilliant! So, c’mon and just do it!
00:30:26 samia saci: I am and already spread a good word about ALL
00:30:31 JOSEFINA LAVOLPE: I am a member.
00:30:35 Natalie Kerin: I am a member
00:31:25 Caroline Okerika: I’m a member, too!
00:34:45 Karine Cook: great line up
00:34:48 Karine Cook: thank you
00:35:00 Bella Bennett: wow
00:35:14 Helen McFarlane: Wooowwww! What a star-studded line-up! Can’t wait!
00:37:46 Laurence Gillham: number 1
00:38:24 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Thank you for doing this Florence!
00:38:48 Paula Mourelle: Appreciated, and very much looking forward to your presentation 🙂
00:41:30 Bella Bennett: i love your attitude
00:41:57 Paula Mourelle: I can’t see the screen – are we meant to? many thanks
00:42:53 Paula Mourelle: Thank you 🙂
00:43:12 Joe Dale: 🙂
00:45:12 Laurence Gillham: I love Florence’s definition of effective feedback – what supports a student from something they already know to something they have to learn 🙂
00:51:08 Helen McFarlane: This is such a “light bulb” moment! Love it!
00:51:17 Joe Dale: 🙂
00:52:30 Helen McFarlane: I agree, Florence 🙂
00:59:48 Helen McFarlane: Florence is so funny! She’s brilliant!
01:00:11 Joe Dale: I agree. Her findings are also fascinating
01:00:27 David Dogue: using QR codes or Loom is a great tool to provide verbal feedback and supports the teacher-student rapport
01:00:35 Deborah Monroy: Yes – very interesting
01:01:04 Joe Dale: Yes David or Mote Chrome extension for Google Docs, Slides and Classroom
01:01:24 Joe Dale:
01:01:59 David Dogue: thank you for this link. I will check it out after the webinar
01:02:25 Joe Dale: You’re welcome. Mote has multilingual transcription too
01:04:07 Helen McFarlane: The testaments are so revealing – the students’ voice is very strong
01:04:28 Katie Williams: Joe, can you use download any audio you record in Mote? And the transcripts?
01:05:04 Joe Dale: You can copy and paste the transcript. I’m not sure you can download the audio, but you can delete it
01:05:16 Katie Williams: Fab, thank you 🙂
01:05:42 Helen McFarlane: Florence – this is fascinating – spellbinding
01:05:43 Cristy Bohlen: Thank you, Florence !
01:06:23 samia saci: very interesting research
01:06:26 Katie Williams: This is fascinating, it is great to hear the ways this could be used for students who struggle with literacy. Been looking for ways to supports students with Dyslexia in MFL. Think this could really help
01:06:34 Helen McFarlane: Can you show us your contact details again, Florence? They are on the first screen which we missed! Merci!
01:06:54 Joe Dale: I’ll ask at the end
01:07:15 Helen McFarlane: Thanks, Joe
01:07:28 Joe Dale: She’s @froggieflo on Twitter
01:08:20 Helen McFarlane: I created an exemplar today for my students and it made a HUGE difference to their confidence levels. They now feel that they can write an essay, because they understand the underlying logic and reason behind the task.
01:10:21 Isabelle Pan: rubrics and success criteria seem quite similar – what is the difference?
01:11:51 Isabelle Pan: thank you
01:15:33 Laura: Q I have never heard of Mote before, is this something you use alongside google docs? Thanks
01:15:41 Joe Dale: Yes
01:15:50 Laura: 🙂
01:18:08 Jesús Santos: Do the students have 2 exercise books, one digital and the other in paper?
01:18:58 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: That’s brilliant!!
01:21:12 samia saci: super
01:21:26 Helen McFarlane: Does it work in Welsh, too?
01:21:30 Laura: Merci Florence
01:21:40 Paula Mourelle: Thank you very much for your presentation, your research is very interesting 🙂
01:21:42 Anouck Brenot: Q we (teachers) could add Mote extension but do students need the extension too to listen to audio?
01:21:44 Jesús Santos: your school
01:21:48 Jesús Santos: 🙂
01:21:54 Marilena: That is brilliant! I thought that the transcript is really bad as I have an accent. I’m so glad you’ve shown us how to change the transcript.
01:22:01 Fanta Traore: Q can you use mote on Teams
01:22:03 Caroline Okerika: Really interesting- many thanks!
01:22:31 David Dogue: Q: once the feedback has been given, does it still work once it’s been downloaded ?
01:22:37 Marilena: I thought it works with a link.
01:22:43 David Dogue: and possibly sent by email to another person
01:22:51 Bella Bennett: thank you Florence. very interesting
01:23:13 Natalie Kerin: Thanks you Florence
01:23:49 David Dogue: wonderful. thank you
01:24:15 Cristy Bohlen: Mote sounds great!
01:24:36 Cristy Bohlen: Thanks! So great to be here! 🙂
01:24:36 JOSEFINA LAVOLPE: Thank you Florence!
01:24:45 Marilena: Thank you very much! It’s been great!
01:24:55 Laurence Gillham: you know that you can write written comments in MSword under new comments, can they be turned into audio comments?
01:25:21 Joe Dale: No Laurence. Unless you used a Text to Speech tool
01:26:07 Laurence Gillham: Thank you!
01:26:26 K Johnston: Merci beaucoup Florence! ☺️
01:26:54 Helen McFarlane: Do you have the contact details for Florence? Thank you!
01:26:57 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Thank you very much Florence!!
01:27:15 Angie Grau: Thank you very much!!
01:27:19 Cristy Bohlen: Clapping!
01:27:25 Sabrina: MErci! super intéressant!
01:27:51 Valérie Smith: Thank you so much Florence! It was fascinating!
01:28:18 Laurence Gillham: Thank you so much! It was brilliant and so amazing to have feedback information based on your research. Great CPD!
01:28:22 Katie Williams: Do students generally engage more with the audio feedback?
01:28:28 Noria: Thank you very much Florence and Joe
01:28:49 Deborah Monroy: Thanks so much. Need to really look into this!
01:28:49 Fanta Traore: Merci beaucoup
01:29:05 Isabelle Pan: did you encounter pupils who didn’t have adequate access at home to internet / computers?
01:30:56 Helen McFarlane: Thank you Florence, Joe and Helen. My students are so pleased to have personal feedback – this is a real culture shock for them, as they are mostly from China, and they are not used to personalised feedback. They are “expected” to succeed.
01:31:06 Deborah Monroy: Yes – that is so annoying – as is global praise
01:31:30 David Dogue: a way around time consumption of individual feedback is setting assignments at different times
01:31:48 Laurence Gillham: What is your next step in your research Florence?
01:37:14 Helen McFarlane: I use Google Docs – add a new comment – then students have to engage with the feedback and click on “resolve” – this is another level of positive engagement!
01:38:25 Katie Williams: I like the idea of codes for the more confident students and more explicit feedback for those who are struggling.
01:38:41 Ester Borin Bonillo: It’s being amazing! Thank you very much!
01:39:21 Deborah Monroy: When teaching online, it is also another way to build connections with students if you record audio feedback. Much more personal-feeling than written
01:39:30 Helen McFarlane: Some of my students like audio feedback, as they say it is personalised. They say they can hear my voice, and they are used to my style, and they feel that I know their work.
01:39:48 Deborah Monroy: Especially important if we continue in lockdown mode and kids are isolated
01:41:02 Joe Dale: Yes Deborah
01:41:23 Katie Williams: Trying audio feedback for the first time tomorrow as a way of giving feedback for speaking work uploaded to onenote. It seemed much more logical to give verbal feedback for spoken work, rather than giving written work. I shall see what the students think of this style of feedback
01:41:39 Helen McFarlane: Thanks, Joe! They love the routine – they write – I comment – they respond – it is like a conversation between us.
01:41:47 Joe Dale: Fab
01:43:52 Helen McFarlane: Great timing, Florence!
01:45:04 Helen McFarlane: Good luck with your projects, Florence – you are such an inspiration!
01:45:25 Pilar Navarro: Many thanks Florence
01:45:30 Laurence Gillham: Thank you so much!
01:45:39 Deborah Monroy: Merci Florence. Bonne chance!
01:45:56 samia saci: Thank you Florence
01:46:30 Helen McFarlane: Where are you from originally, Florence?
01:47:16 Deborah Monroy: Languages are increasingly less valued in the US. Just for kids going to college really in my school. Viewed as “electives” and not core curriculum
01:47:33 Helen McFarlane: Brilliant! Mille mercis !!!!
01:47:34 Marilena: Thank you very much! 🙂
01:47:35 Katie Williams: Danke sehr Florence! That was amazing! So much inspiration!