ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar, held in a Zoom room and also viewable on an unlisted YouTube stream, is open to all MFL teachers. We hope that you will like us and want to join!
We thank Joe Dale for co-ordinating the TiLT (Technology in Language Teaching) series of webinars, bringing together teachers who are interested in developing their use of technology in their teaching. As well as enhancing our skills, we also get to meet other ‘keenies’ from across the globe, and can get to know each other informally by chatting before, during and after the webinar.
We also thank the presenters, who give freely of their time and expertise. Where possible, most sessions are recorded and available for viewing later.
This session will explore a range of websites and tech tools that, whilst first discovered during the period of remote learning, can be used to enrich and enliven lessons as we make the transition back to face-to-face teaching. From SEND pupils to rapid graspers, discover how these tried-and-tested tools can be adapted to support, challenge and ensure progression all pupils within the primary languages classroom.
WELCOME TO OUR PRESENTER (taken from Bio beneath)
Ellie Chettle Cully is a qualified primary teacher, with a degree in French and Hispanic studies, currently working as a specialist French teacher and Languages and International Lead at Hazel Community Primary School in Leicester. She is passionate about creating a buzz around language-learning through engaging and creative MFL lessons; designated curriculum days; international partnerships; trips; and extra curricular Spanish, Latin and Mandarin Clubs. She runs the ALL Leicester Primary Hub and also shares primary MFL teaching ideas through her blog.
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits! https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/
Joe Dale generously organises these webinars for us ‘for free’. He makes a paid living by supporting teachers. To find out what he can offer, please contact him.
Class Photo
00:31:01 Géraldine: Hi I teach French to 5-11 in Belgium.
00:31:17 Alessandra Lombardi: Hello, I teach French in two primary schools in Cambridge (KS2)
00:31:32 Sarah Austen: HI: I teach French and Spanish language clubs to primary and secondary.
00:31:40 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmIkLZdT3YVpvsG4I8o6gUcahtvPBE1mQEmKI0lt7T8/edit?usp=sharing
00:32:12 Lesley Thomas: Hello, I teach French in two primary schools in Wiltshire, and also some online teaching via Zoom to primary age children
00:32:42 Danielle Hennessey: hello, I am a Marjon PGCE student for primary in Plymouth
00:32:44 Elodie De Haan: Yes, I am a happy member 🙂
00:32:49 Janine Khoshnevisan: I’m a member of ALL
00:32:49 SVC.KMonument: Evening! Please can I be renamed from SVC.KMonument to Katherine Monument. Thank you. I work at Swavesey Village College, Cambs. I teach KS2 & KS3
00:32:55 Sarah Austen: ALL member! First time member since this March.
00:33:16 Louise Ives: ALL member
00:33:26 Marie-Odile Guillou : Bonsoir ! I am an ALL member too! 🙂
00:33:29 janetclarke: Fantastic Association, best thing I ever did was to join, Primary Representative for Manchester Branch.
00:33:38 Katherine Monument: Also an ALL Member!
00:33:39 Alessandra Lombardi: I am too an All member from this year for the 1st time
00:33:44 lauradanese: Happy Member too
00:34:13 Montse Gil Rivas: Hello, I’m an ALL member, do join!
00:34:14 Kerry Phipps: Long standing ALL member. Do join- its so worthwhile on every level!
00:39:26 Jo Barber: apologies for the delay – ALL member… well worth every penny and also very excited about this as we need to work on our links with primary and our delivery (plus I love working with SEN and now this will be useful)
00:48:17 Fiona Collier: Q Are the Wordwall activities that you pay for worth the extra expense?
00:48:28 Helen Myers: Great to see you all!
00:48:43 Marie Allirot: You have 5 free activities then you have to pay if you want to create more
00:49:43 Joe Dale: Once you’ve chosen your five activities, you can make as many examples of those activities as you wish
00:50:55 Joe Dale: Here is the price plan https://wordwall.net/price-plans
00:51:02 Helen Myers: It looks so attractive
00:51:53 Kerry Phipps: I love Wordwall- children have really enjoyed it!
00:52:04 Wilson family: Could you use a link to this in Teams?
00:52:14 Marie-Odile Guillou : It is so easy to use. It would be nice to share our resources.
00:52:15 Joe Dale: Yes, you could
00:52:30 Wilson family: 🙂
00:52:32 Joe Dale: Here are some WordWall tutorials https://youtu.be/Tl681GORqYE https://youtu.be/7clIANVFezk https://youtu.be/trZy6TlXebM https://youtu.be/wTw3JyH87S0
00:53:02 Joe Dale: Here are some more examples https://twitter.com/languages_ie/status/1366471673646571521
00:53:14 Fiona Collier: Yes. You can also embed as link in virtual classroom.
00:54:31 Helen Myers: Thanks for all the extra info Joe!
00:54:58 Joe Dale: No problem. I presented about Wordwall recently and these were the tutorials I found
00:58:13 Wilson family: Is Ellie sharing sound? I can’t hear the apps.
00:58:22 Marie Allirot: no sound
00:58:28 Marie-Odile Guillou : no sound
00:59:04 Wilson family: Thank you!
00:59:12 Marie-Odile Guillou : Merci !
00:59:26 Helen Myers: My Year 11 still struggle with that ….
01:00:34 Helen Myers: You need to keep revisiting everything. . that’s why I think all these ideas are relevant for all ages and abilities
01:05:42 Marie Allirot: Thank you for mentioning me
01:06:13 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:06:49 Helen Myers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/primarylanguages
01:07:09 Marie Allirot: Your classroom looks great
01:07:16 Helen Myers: There’s a link to the LIPS Facebook group – a really lovely, supportive group
01:07:36 Helen Myers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/247798133587241
01:08:15 Helen Myers: That’s the link to the newly forced and extremely popular Genially group for which Marie is admin
01:08:34 Helen Myers: formed, not forced
01:08:45 Joe Dale: Thanks Helen. Over 1000 members already
01:09:02 Helen Myers: (My keyboard letters hardly show now)
01:09:14 Marie Allirot: You can also embed learning apps, word wall, flippity, etc..
01:09:55 Marie Allirot: Thank you for mentioning the group. We are happy to help people with genially.
01:10:08 karine Early: Q: cd Ellie explain how she did the video she included in learningapps?
01:11:44 Joe Dale: She uses the Photospeak app, You can also use Chatterpix Kid or iFunFace. You need the Bitmoji app to create your Bitmoji then import the image into Photospeak
01:12:42 karine Early: Thx Joe I am going to try now!
01:13:00 Marie Allirot: @karine it is great and really easy!
01:13:21 Marie Allirot: I love manipulatives in flippity
01:13:29 Margarita Mortimer: Q how did she get the French audio on Flippity ?
01:13:37 Joe Dale: Cool. This should help too https://youtu.be/ACvZaaza3pc
01:13:40 Helen Myers: Quite a tongue twister that .. Flippity manipulatives …
01:14:01 Joe Dale: @Margarita – You record with Vocaroo and paste the link in the Google Sheet
01:15:03 Marie Allirot: On flippity flashcard just choose language for audio
01:15:13 Marie Allirot: at top of spreadsheet
01:16:58 Joe Dale: Now I know what guava is in French!
01:17:16 Sarah Austen: I was about to ask!
01:17:31 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:18:08 Joe Dale: You can use the dice for One Pen One Dice
01:18:16 Helen Myers: Great idea!
01:18:29 Marie Allirot: I did not know about sound level. That’ s good! Will use it!
01:18:47 Joe Dale: If you click on the Media option you can click embed and add wheelofnames and other tools
01:19:51 Lisa Parkes: Blooket has become an end of week treat as they love it so much!
01:19:52 Joe Dale: We covered Blooket in the second Show and Tell in January https://youtu.be/ijHOtD8os5o
01:21:36 Marie Allirot: never thought of doing two at the same time
01:21:39 Helen Myers: It’s like being at a disco!!!
01:21:42 Lisa Parkes: Shame there’s no other music options! Lift music!
01:21:50 Helen Myers: Yes – great idea!
01:22:29 Sarah Austen: Q: is blooket like Kahoot in that the kids need a second device to do it on? or can I use it via zoom and share screen?
01:22:30 Charlotte Beddoes: Q : What is the difference with Kahoot?
01:22:32 Marie Allirot: Deck toy is great!
01:22:47 Helen Myers: @LIsa – perhaps you could approach Blooket and offer some music! I think Ceri Anwen James did that for Quizlet
01:22:53 Marie Allirot: @charlotte, with blooket lots of different game modes
01:23:15 Charlotte Beddoes: Ok Thanks.
01:23:28 Marie Allirot: It is really engaging. They love it
01:24:00 Joe Dale: You only need one device for Blooket.
01:25:40 Alessandra Lombardi: I have tried deck toys for the first time in my school in a year 6 class this week to revise sports (thank you Marie Allirot) and it was the 1st time that every single child was engaged from the beginning to end of the session!
01:25:56 Marie Allirot: You are welcome
01:26:05 Joe Dale: Well done Alessandra!
01:26:07 Zoe Gordon: Q – can you embed wordwall activities that are not your own?
01:26:49 Marie Allirot: @zoe, yes you can
01:26:52 Elodie De Haan: Q: how are genially and deck toys different?
01:27:09 Zoe Gordon: @marie, thank you!
01:27:37 Sarah Austen: Q where do we find the Canva webinar? on ALL?
01:27:55 Mrs A Smith. (2): Help – is there an app that allows you to insert an extra day into the week to explore all these wonderful tools?
01:27:57 Marie Allirot: Deck group allows you to create learning path, Genially allows you to create presentation, quizzes, escapoe game. They look very different
01:28:15 Joe Dale: Canva Part 1 https://youtu.be/c54c9koipdk
01:28:32 Joe Dale: Canva Part 2 https://youtu.be/TyIePNKbc50
01:28:41 Elodie De Haan: Thanks Marie
01:28:46 Marie Allirot: Just started with Canva, I love it to create graphic for my Geniallys
01:28:49 Sarah Austen: Great – thanks!
01:29:06 Marie Allirot: Thank you Ellie, it was very good
01:29:08 Marie-Odile Guillou : Merci Ellie !
01:29:10 Iris Dutch: Amazing. Thanks.
01:29:15 Lisa Parkes: Fab…thanks so much Ellie
01:29:20 Wilson family: Thank you very much!
01:29:23 Katherine Monument: Thank you so much, Ellie.
01:29:28 Louise Ives: Thank you so much, great webinar
01:29:29 Joanna Box: Thank you Ellie – really informative! Diolch.
01:29:31 Danielle Hennessey: thankyou Ellie! this has given me so much inspiration for when I start as an NQT
01:29:32 Begonia: Amazing stuff! Thank you Ellie 🙂
01:29:35 Géraldine: Thank you, this is great!
01:29:37 Kerry Phipps: Thank you Ellie!
01:29:39 Severine Lingham-Dailliet: merci beaucoup!
01:29:41 Mrs A Smith. (2): Merci, Ellie !
01:29:44 Dawn Wilde: Really inspirational – thank you Ellie
01:29:49 susan: Merci Ellie!
01:29:49 Alessandra Lombardi: Amazing Ellie, thank you for inspiring us!
01:29:58 Zoe Gordon: Fantastic thanks so much. So many brilliant ideas that we can take away and use.
01:30:05 Gillian Smith: Great presentation – thank you!
01:30:13 janetclarke: Wow! some fantastic resources to use – just need time to play with them, thank you so much for sharing all your amazing work.
01:30:22 sarah putt: Gosh – so much and very efficiently delivered !
01:30:29 laura: Thank you Ellie – love the ways to differentiate activities
01:31:04 Lesley Thomas: Merci beaucoup! Great to have so much inspiration
01:31:52 Sarah Austen: Fantastic – thanks for all your help and sharing Ellie.
01:33:04 Rachel Mitchell: *WORDWALL* I pay for Wordwall as an individual user and pay £4 a month. You can freeze paying membership at any point and still access and use all your previously made activities. You just can’t made new ones without paying again. As Ellie said, it was definitely good value for me during lockdown, my students love being able to revisit and practice the activities outside of lesson time.But I particularly love LearningApps too!
01:35:23 Helen Myers: https://myprimarylanguagesclassroom.com
01:35:55 Mrs A Smith. (2): Is genially free?
01:36:42 Marie Allirot: Genially is free but you have to pay for extra templates
01:36:54 Marie Allirot: but you can do everything with free version
01:37:20 Marie Allirot: With edu pro account you can do folders and access more templates.
01:39:53 Marie Allirot: I did answer in chat
01:39:55 Charlotte Beddoes: Q : What fonts do you use to create your props? I love it!
01:40:15 Helen Myers: Kahoot is really good to take pupils through a sequence and check on understanding as you go .. as a teacher you see how many peple have grasped something. (I like Blooket, but I don’t find out until later who has understood what.)
01:40:50 Charlotte Beddoes: On the blog!
01:42:00 Jo Barber: With Blooket I always ask them to tell me their %
01:42:05 Elodie De Haan: THANK YOU so much for sharing all your ideas and good practice Ellie!
01:42:33 Mrs A Smith. (2): Fantastic presentation, Ellie. Thank you!
01:43:09 Louise Ives: Thank you so much
01:43:10 karine Early: amazing
01:43:11 Madame Birtwistle: Brilliant presentation! Thank you Ellie.
01:43:21 Helen Myers: Please open your videos ready for our class photo!!!
01:43:21 Jo Morgan: Thank you Ellie. This was fantastic.
01:43:24 Fiona Collier: Thank you, Ellie.
01:43:27 Marie Allirot: It is great to see how other people use different tools
01:43:35 Jo Barber: Thank you – really interesting.
01:43:47 Viki Anderton: Thank you!
01:44:00 sarah putt: Thank you,
01:44:08 Rachel Mitchell: Thank you so much Ellie, Joe and Helen.
01:44:45 Madame Birtwistle: Thank you for putting on a presentation with a primary focus!
01:45:31 Marie Allirot: Well done Ellie!
01:45:33 Janine Khoshnevisan: Thank you Ellie!!!
01:45:43 Elodie De Haan: Thank you Helen, Joe and Marie too!