What Should Stay and What Should Go?
Thursday 7th October 2021
A great reflection on what we have learnt over the pandemic with suggestions about what we should now thorw out, and what we should keep. And with a fantastic title like this, we just have to have an intro …
The COVID-19 crisis has forced language educators to quickly learn new technologies, try new approaches to learning and rethink the roll of the teacher. Given this major change in the profession, what practices might endure? Dr. Gaugler will discuss what his approach to language instruction has been during the pandemic and provide examples of how it might forever shift his own approach to the L2 classroom. Dr. Kevin Gaugler is a Professor of Spanish and Interim Assistant Dean of the School of Liberal Arts at Marist College in New York. Dr. Gaugler is nationally recognized for his work in technology-enhanced language learning as a recipient of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages’ Award for Excellence in Teaching with Technology. He is the author on the chapter on 21st century technology in language education for the 5th edition of the Teacher’s Handbook by Cengage Learning and has presented published on the intersection of undergraduate research, community service and technology.
00:30:41 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmIkLZdT3YVpvsG4I8o6gUcahtvPBE1mQEmKI0lt7T8/edit?usp=sharing
00:31:46 Helen McFarlane: Member of ALL – never looked back!
00:32:01 Helen McFarlane: Hahaha!
00:32:11 Jerome Nogues: Do join, it’s fab!
00:33:06 Barbara Lindsey: I’m a long-time member of ACTFL, the American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Helen says it so well: membership in a language organization provides not only wonderful learning opportunities but also a real and valuable community of passionate, like-minded colleagues.
00:34:44 Barbara Lindsey: This is truly an incredible venue and I am SO GLAD I learned about it today thanks to Joe Dale via twitter.
00:35:02 Joe Dale: Thanks Barbara!
00:36:11 Helen McFarlane: It’s wonderful to be part of the company of linguists. *Sigh*
00:36:33 Joe Dale: Definitely
00:36:59 Michelle Moyles: Saw Joe in Abu Dhabi before – I think in BSAK? Or maybe in Dubai but I’m back home in Ireland now and thankfully saw this advertised yesterday on language/French/Spanish teachers in Ireland FB page
00:37:49 simon piesse: Peter Hyman / Big Education and Rethinking Education group in the UK seem to be lone voices wanting maximise this time to ‘shake the tray’. Easy but wrong to slip back to status quo…
00:37:56 Joe Dale: Thanks Michelle. I keynoted the MFL Conference at BSAK in Abu Dhabi in autumn 2019
00:37:57 ALL London: 5,000 Students! Wow!
00:38:35 Michelle Moyles: That was probably your last in person conference for a while Joe!
00:38:46 Joe Dale: Yes!
00:39:15 Michelle Moyles: Think it was mine too, it was a great day!
00:39:40 Joe Dale: Thanks. I really enjoyed it.
00:40:47 Jerome Nogues: Love it!
00:40:48 simon piesse: Love the name
00:41:53 ALL London: A beautiful image.. yes, Jérôme, I can see that this would be up your rue!
00:42:31 Jerome Nogues: En effet Helen. 😉
00:42:48 ALL London: True .. and now the online stuff I prepared for last year I can use now with students who are having to isolate
00:43:10 simon piesse: True, most of my ‘live’ classes have 3-4 students isolating at home currently…
00:43:49 Madeleine Rito: I hear that!
00:43:59 ALL London: (Jerôme always features delicious cuisine in his presentations)
00:44:47 Barbara Lindsey: C: It is so challenging to provide learning opportunities for students who at any time might be out for 10 days or longer. And you don’t know who it might be or when. Differentiation at its zenith!
00:45:09 Joe Dale: Absolutely, Barbara
00:45:34 simon piesse: Indeed, especially how/when students hand in work.
00:46:06 Florence Barats: Not mentioning those who can join online lessons, those who can’t, those who don’t want to!
00:46:17 Joe Dale: Yes
00:46:55 Barbara Lindsey: C: Which brings up equity issues as well, thanks for bringing that up, Florence!
00:47:29 Jaclyn Curnow: There are many with internet challenges and access to devices, caring for sick family members, caring for family members and struggling with motivation
00:48:26 simon piesse: Yes, and these issues often manifest when students are back together in the school.
00:48:26 Juan David Trejo: Absolutely, Jaclyn
00:49:06 ALL London: I tend to use ‘the book’ as a basis – it somehow ‘reassures’
00:50:23 Barbara Lindsey: C: Absolutely, Simon! And we’ve always had students with those challenges. I wonder if the pandemic has brought it more to the fore for those outside of education.
00:51:37 simon piesse: Great exit ticket task!
00:52:28 simon piesse: Sounds a bit like how Art/ DT lessons work with a clear end goal and iterative tasks to get there.
00:52:44 Joe Dale: Feel free to ask any questions you may have 🙂
00:53:25 Barbara Lindsey: Q: how long did it take to find these resources?
00:54:11 Helen McFarlane: I like flipped learning for this very reason – time to think *before* the lesson – especially if you have to share the laptop with siblings. You never know when the internet is going to go down or when you have time to yourself to engage with the learning.
00:54:56 Barbara Lindsey: C: Excellent point, Helen.
00:55:17 Helen McFarlane: Thank you, Barbara 🙂
00:57:22 simon piesse: I find Google Classroom v. Intuitive for this purpose. Other products from other providers are also available…
00:58:32 ALL London: True – so much already on YouTube! But yes, you need to be selective!
00:59:11 simon piesse: Ver taal website for Spanish and French adverts very useful.
00:59:16 Barbara Lindsey: C: I see Kevin’s point about ‘common technology’ but in my experience, some students had challenges with some of the tech as they only had mobile phones. So not Zoom, per se, but submitting assignments via an LMS has been challenging. Especially for students I work with, ESL students, many of whom had no experience with tech, including keyboarding skills. But I have found it getting better for those who have been with us since the pandemic.
00:59:34 Dorothy Anderson: I remember this. I spent so much time searching for engaging videos.
00:59:35 Jaclyn Curnow: Commericals are great as they are short and due to time can be watched again for confidence and focus
01:00:02 Joe Dale: Yes Barbara, and issues around students using their own mobile data
01:00:20 Barbara Lindsey: C: Agree, Joe!
01:01:50 ALL London: I have recently subscribed to TeachVid – a superb platform for creating activities related to short clips e.g. YouTube songs / poems etc. Having the transcript is so important
01:02:02 Jaclyn Curnow: Although I don’t speak Spanish, I’d love to see the videos as there are images to help with comprehension and, if there is printed text, it’s short. It can be easily looked it up in a dictionary.
01:02:31 Helen McFarlane: Yes, I’m trying to introduce more and more material from minority groups, disadvantaged groups, non-mainstream groups and challenge the students’ perceptions. They have become very grown up, all of a sudden!
01:02:54 Barbara Lindsey: C: Similar to Newsela for English learners!
01:03:05 simon piesse: Many UK textbooks are still v. eurocentric and white-centric though things are changing…
01:03:17 Jaclyn Curnow: Students seeing representation of themselves and others in our community in the media is so very powerful.
01:03:41 Joe Dale: https://www.emdl.fr/produit/hoy-en-clase/
01:04:25 Barbara Lindsey: C: Providing listening with reading can really support students’ building and supporting these two skills.
01:04:30 simon piesse: C: reading+listening modelling sounds very powerful, especially in French!
01:04:37 Elizabeth Black: That’s really great to hear, Kevin
01:05:14 ALL London: Yes – I so agree with this! I now tend to play text through Immersive Reader when doing a text with 6th form.
01:05:46 Jerome Nogues: Immersive Reader is super useful!
01:06:41 Jaclyn Curnow: Audio with text is powerful. I didn’t know how to say “Hermione” in the Harry Potter Series. If you don’t know how to say it, you avoid it, or say another word – The girl who is friends with Harry.
01:06:59 simon piesse: C: also using native/ near native speakers in the class also can help with modelling.
01:07:00 Barbara Lindsey: Q: Is immersive reader a tool from Microsoft? I did a quick google search.
01:07:34 Joe Dale: Yes Barbara
01:07:51 Barbara Lindsey: C: Thanks so much, Joe! Another tool for me to explore!
01:07:54 Jerome Nogues: Immersive Reader is everywhere in Microsoft apps. 😊
01:08:05 Barbara Lindsey: Thank you, Jerome!!!
01:08:32 Joe Dale: You’re welcome, Barbara 🙂
01:09:29 ALL London: Playlist for Teaching without walls: Michael Wesch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7vooDcxUaA&list=PLbYkdovMggXGALfVh80UDGKQYBRx1Z3ZO
01:09:32 simon piesse: C: love it!
01:10:26 ALL London: I think that’s why people liked to use bitmojis ..
01:10:39 Joe Dale: Yes, I agree Helen
01:11:01 ALL London: Good point – not an ego-thing, but to create community
01:11:09 Barbara Lindsey: C: Thanks for the playlist, Helen! Super helpful.
01:11:22 Helen McFarlane: Merci, Helen!
01:11:37 simon piesse: Interactive course design also via https://www.thinglink.com
01:11:45 Jaclyn Curnow: Connecting with their trusted teacher with whom they have a rapport. They are a learning community. and seeing us reminds them they are not alone in their learning journey.
01:11:51 ALL London: New to me.. looking forward to watching!
01:12:09 ALL London: Yes, Jaclyn
01:12:55 ALL London: https://www.remnote.com/
01:13:24 Dorothy Anderson: Love the sound of this!
01:13:33 ALL London: Sounds wonderful for languages!
01:13:37 Jaclyn Curnow: Can’t wait to explore RemNote
01:13:40 ALL London: Yes – we need a webinar on this please!
01:13:49 Dorothy Anderson: What was the other software? H5 something?
01:13:58 Jaclyn Curnow: H5P
01:14:08 Joe Dale: https://h5p.org/
01:14:11 Dorothy Anderson: 👍
01:14:29 Joe Dale: https://perusall.com/
01:14:49 Jaclyn Curnow: Thanks Joe for the links
01:15:00 Joe Dale: You’re welcome 🙂
01:15:12 ALL London: I thought we’d covered everything in our 130 webinars.. but apparently not …!!!
01:15:20 Jaclyn Curnow: Perusall – I love the “us all” in the title
01:15:30 Helen McFarlane: Thank you Joe and Helen
01:16:25 Joe Dale: https://languagelearningwithnetflix.com/
01:16:46 Joe Dale: https://www.languagereactor.com
01:17:06 Joe Dale: https://www.reverso.net/text_translation.aspx?lang=EN
01:17:09 Jaclyn Curnow: Amazing for differentiation
01:18:56 ALL London: So so true … don;t stop them using online translators!
01:19:31 Larissa Zamuraeva: Reverso is my jam too)
01:19:53 ALL London: I’m using DeepL all the time now
01:20:16 Jaclyn Curnow: DeepL is great
01:20:58 Jerome Nogues: I have been using DeepL when Helen pointed it out. It is very good indeed!
01:21:49 Laura D: We are totally absorbed! 🙂
01:21:52 simon piesse: C: So interesting!
01:22:58 Florence Barats: I use Reverso and word reference
01:23:06 Michelle Moyles: So many ideas, can’t wait to try out perusal!
01:23:31 Helen McFarlane: Linguee.fr or Linguee.de are good – really reliable apps! Contextualised sentences.
01:24:03 Jaclyn Curnow: I’ve been taking notes and saying “wow” during this inspiring session. Thank you Kevin.
01:24:38 Elizabeth Black: I use linguee a lot too, but I’m going to try out these new ones Kevin is talking about. The students like quick things
01:24:38 ALL London: DeepL is downloadable too
01:24:39 Jess Gullan: Thank you! I got so much from this!
01:26:05 ALL London: The suit matches the kitchen!
01:26:15 Helen McFarlane: I’ve made a long list of items – thanks Kevin. The immersive reader function with Read and Write is also great for students and annotating PDFs,
01:26:16 simon piesse: Muchas gracias!
01:26:20 Juan David Trejo: Thanks a lot! Greetings from San Juan de Pasto, again.
01:26:26 Michelle Moyles: Muchas gracias
01:26:33 Jerome Nogues: Thank you!
01:26:35 Dora Romo-Castillejo: Gracias
01:26:35 M C: So humble and helpful!
01:26:39 Matthew Nicholson: Thank you
01:26:51 Barbara Lindsey: I learned so much from everyone here—thank you!!!
01:26:55 Madeleine Rito: thanks so much!
01:26:58 Florence Barats: Lots of new great ideas, thank you!
01:27:20 Helen McFarlane: Just love your energy and passion for teaching language, Kevin. Some great ideas here for us to try out.
01:27:48 Elizabeth Black: Thank you very much! Really appreciated your talk a lot. Lots of new ideas. Brilliant!
01:27:57 ALL London: Please open your videos for a selfie!!! (But don;t go if you don;t!)
01:28:24 Jaclyn Curnow: Thanks for sharing. Thanks for arranging the session.
01:29:01 Matthew Nicholson: Thank you to the organisers as well
01:29:13 ALL London: WElcome, JUan and Simon – anyone else brave enough to open video?!!
01:30:08 ALL London: Hi Laura!
01:30:15 ALL London: HI Madeleine!
01:30:23 Helen McFarlane: Thank you to Barbara, Kevin, Helen and Joe, too – the dream team!
01:30:25 ALL London: I Knew you;d join us Florence!
01:30:35 Barbara Lindsey: C: There is IALLT, The International Association for Language Learning Technologies. Is anyone here a member?
01:30:50 Joe Dale: Yes
01:30:57 ALL London: Hi Larissa!
01:31:36 Helen McFarlane: @Barbara – I’d be very interested to learn more about IALLT – I will click on the website.
01:31:45 simon piesse: C: this is my new travel companion https://www.360cities.net/curated_sets/gallery
01:32:29 Barbara Lindsey: @Helen That sounds wonderful. And @Joe is always a wonderful resource on so many organizations.
01:33:00 Helen McFarlane: Thank you @Barbara!