A TiLT Webinar with Catherine Ritz: “Re-Tooled Practices for World Language Proficiency”



Many thanks to Catheirne for an absolutely superb session, bringing together essential principles and which she is aiming ot maintain in a hypbrid/virtual scenario, and practical suggestions as to how to achieve this.

Here is a link to her wonderful presentation.  How generous to ashare this with us – thank you Catherine!

Chat download here (and pasted below): Catherine Ritz chat

Class photo:


Some key slides:

One of the many examples of ‘frameworks’ for independent learning 

Phases of learning:

Key take-aways from this presentation:



Although we’ve had to re-think a lot about world language education during the pandemic, the principles that drive proficiency-based instruction should remain stronger than ever. In this webinar, we’ll look at how some of our tried and true practices can be re-tooled for a virtual or hybrid world. Building class community, designing learning tasks, supporting students in the three modes of communication, and providing feedback may look a bit different if we’re working with students remotely, and they certainly present different challenges than in-person instruction. But by keeping a focus on our core principles, we are better equipped to navigate these challenges while we adapt our practices. 


Catherine Ritz is a Clinical Assistant Professor and the Program Director for Modern Foreign Language Education and Curriculum & Teaching at Boston University. Catherine has taught French and Spanish at the secondary level for many years, is a National Board Certified teacher of French, and was the Director of World Languages in a public school district in the Boston area before joining Boston University. Her areas of interest include developing proficiency-based thematic curricula and performance assessments, effective world language methods and pedagogy, and world language teacher development. Dr. Ritz regularly presents at national and regional conferences on world language pedagogy and technology integration.

ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar, held in a Zoom room and also viewable on an unlisted YouTube stream, is open to all MFL teachers.  We hope that you will like us and want to join!

We thank Joe Dale for co-ordinating  the TiLT (Technology in Language Teaching)  series of webinars, bringing together teachers who are interested in  developing their use of technology in their teaching.  As well as  enhancing our skills, we also get to meet other ‘keenies’  from across the globe, and can get to know each other informally by chatting before, during and after the webinar.

We also thank the presenters, who give freely of their time and expertise.  Where possible, most sessions are recorded and available for viewing later.


Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits!  https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/

Please read the Webinar page of our website for more information about how to join a Webinar.  In particular, please read our etiquette on participating in a webinar: http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/webinars/webinar-information/

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Joe Dale generously organises these webinars for us ‘for free’.  He makes a paid living by supporting teachers.  To find out what he can offer, please contact him.




Catherine Ritz
A TiLT Webinar with Catherine Ritz: “Re-Tooled Practices for World Language Proficiency”
Thursday 29th October 2020 20.00 – 21.00

00:30:48 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmIkLZdT3YVpvsG4I8o6gUcahtvPBE1mQEmKI0lt7T8/edit?usp=sharing
00:31:51 Paula Mourelle Calvo: I’m a member, great network!
00:31:53 Kerry Phipps: Please do join- amazing organisation- so worthwhile on every level!
00:31:54 Katherine Collings: Hi I’m Kate and am a member of ALL
00:31:54 Florence Barats: Yes a member! A loving it!
00:31:55 Sarah Noble: Yes, am member!
00:31:57 Daniel Storer: Yes…I’m a member as a language teacher trainee.. it’s a great organisation and there’s a lot of support and resources to help!
00:31:59 Negin Shabestari: hello to everyone. I am a member and suggest if you are not please join in.
00:32:12 Joe Dale: joedale100
00:32:41 Olenka Villavicencio: Hello everyone. Greetings from Peru 👌😊
00:32:53 Helen McFarlane: Thank you, Helen – what a fab-u-lous idea!
00:33:34 Negin Shabestari: A huge thank you to Joe and Helen for all the webinars since March.
00:34:35 Joe Dale: Thank you Negin
00:34:47 susan wicht: thank you Joe and Helen for the consistently excellent webinars since March!
00:35:19 Isabelle Jones: I am a member and have been for a long long time. It is no brainer! Come and join us for CPD, inspiration and the fantastic community
00:37:21 ALL London: Great to see you al again!
00:38:37 Joe Dale: Dancing and juggling at the same time! What a quote
00:38:47 ALL London: Yes Joe!
00:39:38 Joe Dale: I loved Meredith White’s quote ‘Roomies and Zoomies’!
00:43:37 Helen Myers: So true … resources have to be really clear and retrievable
00:44:14 Olenka Villavicencio: I use Google Classroom too.
00:44:31 Olenka Villavicencio: I agree Joe.
00:44:44 samia saci: Are there any teachers, headteachers here, working in London schools and can help by offering placements for London Met Uni MFL PGCE trainees-Please?
00:46:31 Joe Dale: I agree. I think screencasts can be helpful here
00:46:33 Helen Myers: Samia – we can ask via ALL London
00:48:23 samia saci: Thank you Helen, it has been very difficult to find placements
00:49:16 Daniel Storer: Q: re cameras – is there any law/safeguarding issues which could cause issues?
00:49:42 Florence Barats: In my school we have been told no video on for students.
00:49:50 Daniel Storer: We have been told the same
00:51:17 Olenka Villavicencio: Zoom background really nice.
00:51:56 Helen Myers: Good ideas for zoom-breakers! We could try some out here!
00:52:31 Joe Dale: Game Night Buzzer is great I think http://gamenightbuzzer.com/
00:53:13 Helen McFarlane: @Florence Barats If you click on Chrome Extension and add Google Meets Attendance, you can monitor student attendance
00:54:19 Helen Myers: Love the idea of the last photo .. will definitely do that!
00:54:30 Florence Barats: @Helen We use teams would that make a difference? Though I guess you can still see the participants so I would know who is there or not if this is what you mean.
00:55:28 Joe Dale: Breakout rooms are coming to Teams next month apparently
00:56:11 Joe Dale: Great advice!
00:57:12 Sarah Noble: Yes, interested in the breakout rooms, will watch out on teams then
00:57:14 Helen McFarlane: @Florence – I guess it is the same principle – we have students who ‘attend’, although they do not respond in person or in the chat box – this is why Google Meets Attendance was recommended, as you can see which students are present/have left, etc.
00:58:42 Joe Dale: Slidesmania
00:59:22 Joe Dale: I like the click icons. You could use icons like this on flaticons.com
01:00:15 Olenka Villavicencio: Students love using emojis
01:00:24 Joe Dale: Bitmoji Craze for Educators FB group has 543,032 members!
01:00:45 Helen Myers: I can see how appealing this is
01:08:59 Florence Barats: Great song by the way!
01:09:16 Joe Dale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVmfGb8XKSg&ab_channel=SopranoOfficiel
01:12:07 Helen Myers: Excellent ideas here
01:12:27 Joe Dale: I agree
01:14:43 Sarah Noble: These pupils are so lucky, so well thought out and planned. It must take ages!
01:15:14 Helen McFarlane: These activities are really *up there* in terms of promoting digital literacy as a cross-cutting theme (WJEC syllabus)
01:16:29 Olenka Villavicencio: I agree Hellen
01:16:42 Negin Shabestari: Agree with you Sarah. I wonder how long does it take to put these resources together.
01:17:19 Florence Barats: I guess that if you use the same format all the time, for students’ sake and yours, it gets quicker….
01:17:35 Joe Dale: Here are 60 ideas for Jamboard https://twitter.com/joedale/status/1268461615181180929?s=20
01:17:48 Helen Myers: .. and if a department shared out thelessons using a common format?
01:17:50 Helen McFarlane: @Olenka this is really helpful for independent/autonomous learning
01:17:59 Joe Dale: Here are even more https://twitter.com/joedale/status/1315566189255561217?s=20
01:18:17 Olenka Villavicencio: Thanks a lot @Joe
01:18:40 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:18:43 Helen Myers: Good idea here Catherine.. presumably if we are on Microsoft Class Notebook we could use the pages in the collaborative area to monitor?
01:19:05 Sarah Noble: Yes, I think class notebook would be a good space for this.
01:19:18 Olenka Villavicencio: I use Google Jamboard and Google Slides with my students a lot in different ways.
01:19:54 Joe Dale: Great idea from Meredith!
01:19:58 Olenka Villavicencio: Yes I use Grid View
01:20:07 Maria F: This is brilliant!
01:20:25 Sarah Noble: Class notebook you can record straight onto which is great.
01:20:56 Joe Dale: They can post a Vocaroo link in a Google Form for collecting a class worth of audio
01:21:08 Joe Dale: True Sarah
01:21:09 Helen Myers: For those of us with Microsoft.. could this be done with a shared PowerPoint.. different pupilks on different slides?
01:21:14 Florence Barats: Still getting familiar with class notebooks, we just got Teams! A sharp learning curve!
01:21:39 Helen Myers: I’m totally sold on CNB!
01:21:42 Joe Dale: Yes, Helen I don’t see why not
01:21:55 Helen Myers: Thanks Joe
01:22:00 Florence Barats: @Helen they can do a slide each?
01:22:11 Helen Myers: Yes Florence
01:22:46 Helen Myers: voicethread is a great collaborative site for recording a group and maintaining the community while working remotely
01:23:37 Sarah Noble: I so agree with the class community idea. One of the things we have been looking at is how we can improve engagement in remote learning as it was so lonely for some during lockdown and school closure.
01:24:36 Catherine Ritz: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Mm4_ZSTUZS2aq9qvJU-Eozc_8xOnsHr/view?usp=sharing
01:24:41 Florence Barats: Thank you to YOU more than anything!
01:24:58 Susana Mg: how to manage hybrid learning when half of the class is in the classroom and online students?
01:25:08 Paula Mourelle Calvo: thank you so much!!
01:25:16 Sarah Noble: Thank you Catherine, so generous sharing your ideas, your students are lucky to have you!
01:25:34 Helen Myers: Please could you all open your videos for th ethanks?
01:25:46 Helen Myers: I’ll take  apic, then we can go into quesitoins ..
01:25:53 Olenka Villavicencio: Thanks a lot Catherine! You rock!
01:26:30 Myriam Lefebvre: Thank you so much!
01:26:36 Catherine Ritz: Thanks for coming!!!
01:26:38 Katie Williams: thank you so much, that was amazing
01:26:44 Maria F: Thank you so so much
01:26:46 susan wicht: Many many thanks Catherine! that
01:26:48 Daniel Storer: thankyou for the amazing ideas
01:26:49 susan wicht: was
01:26:50 julio caamano: Thank you !!!!
01:26:51 Kerry Phipps: Thank you so much- so energetic!
01:26:51 Helen McFarlane: Thank you so much, Catherine, Helen and Joe – I love the options for remote collaboration and trying to maintain student confidence and a high profile – so important for mental health and sociability! Fab!
01:26:52 susan wicht: amazing
01:27:04 Sophia Chen: Thanks Catherine! Very resourceful!
01:27:07 Helen Myers: This was so valuable, Catherine. Thanks so much 🙂
01:27:36 Helen Myers: Yes, but I’m not a clone!
01:28:08 Helen Myers: Yes, Helen a true doppelganger!
01:28:21 Susana Mg: thank you very much for such wonderful ideas
01:28:28 Florence Barats: Thanks again!
01:28:38 Negin Shabestari: thank you very much, it was amazing.
01:29:12 Saci Samia: Thank you all
01:29:21 Vanessa Perrott: Thank you so much. Very informative.
01:29:47 Helen McFarlane: Some of our students still do not have Chromebooks or hardware for remote learning – we have to find ways of including them, too.
01:30:28 Daniel Storer: @Helen that’s the case for many of our students too. We’re also in a pretty rural environment so many don’t have wifi at home.
01:30:48 Helen McFarlane: What is REALLY important is maintaining the relationship with our students – this overrides any technology or software
01:31:09 Helen Myers: Do feel free to open videos and auido and join in!
01:31:52 Florence Barats: I have to go I am afraid. Thanks a lot again.
01:32:31 Helen McFarlane: @Daniel Yes, I understand – what worries me is that these students will be entered for exams alongside those who have had access to all the hard/software since the outbreak of the pandemic – it seems to me like an uneven playing field
01:34:26 Olenka Villavicencio: Google Voice Typing really helps students’ pronunciation.
01:35:02 Joe Dale: Google Voice is not available in the UK
01:36:13 Daniel Storer: Very well said, Helen.
01:38:00 Helen McFarlane: @Daniel Thank you – we are all trying our very best to help our students!
01:38:10 Daniel Storer: Vocaroo is my favourite tool! It’s great, especially for us in MFL!!!
01:38:22 Elisabetta: Great suggestions, as usual from you All! Thanks a lot!
01:38:23 Joe Dale: QWIQR Conversations
01:38:55 Helen McFarlane: Thank you, Catherine, Helen and Joe – so inspiring, as always!
01:38:57 Maria F: Google is just so easy to use
01:39:08 Helen Myers: Helen – we need to reinstate our culture session!