16th July 2020
Class photo:
Class Chat: Carmen Scoggins chat
What a pleasure to hear Carmen’s session – packed with ideas and enthusiasm! Look at the chat to see the equally enthusiastic reception!
- ‘A very interesting presentation. Lots of practical ideas.’
- ‘Wow, there’s so many animated videos, thank you, Carmen!’
- It was just amazing Carmen, I will have to back to watch the presentation and go back to the chat! It was fantastic!!!! Buzzing of ideas!
Session description
As teachers we spend the majority of our time planning, assessing, grading, and replanning. Every day our best-laid plans sometimes take an unexpected turn and we are left having to rethink our ideas. This webinar will explore strategies and tech tools that help us determine if we need to completely reboot or simply recalculate.
Carmen Scoggins – Spanish teacher / Methodology instructor Watauga High School / Appalachian State University
Carmen Scoggins teaches Spanish at Watauga High School in beautiful Boone, North Carolina where she is also an adjunct Foreign Language Methodology and Spanish instructor at Appalachian State University. She earned a Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in Spanish Education from Appalachian State and is a National Board Certified Teacher. Carmen is an active member of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), the Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT), and the Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC). She is a past president of FLANC and currently serves as the past president of SCOLT. In 2007, Carmen was FLANC’s Teacher of the Year, and in 2008, she was named the SCOLT Teacher of the Year. In 2015 Carmen received the ACTFL Award for Excellence in Foreign Language Instruction Using Technology with IALLT (K-12).
Carmen has presented at the state, regional, and national levels on integrating technology into the world language classroom, personalizing the language-learning experience, and building student relationships. She is passionate about getting future world language teachers involved in the profession by presenting and attending conferences. Carmen is in her 27th year of teaching and sees herself as an eternal student.
ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar is open to all MFL teachers. We hope that you will like us and want to join!
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits! https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/
Carmen Scoggins 16/7/20 Chat
00:17:52 Karine Cook: Great team
00:17:55 Karine Cook: loved it
00:18:02 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmIkLZdT3YVpvsG4I8o6gUcahtvPBE1mQEmKI0lt7T8/edit?usp=sharing
00:18:06 Karine Cook: second family !
00:19:09 Ester Borin Bonillo: Thank you very much Carmen!
00:19:14 Karine Cook: ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
00:19:18 Negin Shabestari: I am a member
00:19:21 Karine Cook: do join
00:19:35 Karine Cook: guided by fab people
00:19:43 Chris Jadav: Yes ALL member and it’s been an amazing support
00:19:45 Caroline Okerika: Yes, I’m a member. Please join, because it is so worth it.
00:19:50 Nina Elliott: Yes! member in sunny Plymouth.. love the collaboration:)
00:20:04 Elisabeth Schaludek-Paletschek: Joe, could we have the link for registration? 22nd July 😉
00:20:15 Chris Jadav: Hey Nina, you’re only an hour up the road from not so sunny Truro!
00:20:19 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I like to be a member, it was a good idea to join (and there is a discount at the moment!)
00:20:30 Karine Cook: who will be there?
00:20:48 Helen McFarlane: ALL is such an inspiring organisation. Language lovers of the world all in the same place! What’s not to like?!
00:21:35 Elisabeth Schaludek-Paletschek: La Roche webinar – until now it has not been possible to register on Eventbrite, right?
00:22:38 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: What a nice introduction! I am very excited about this webinar!
00:23:55 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Mutual admiration! 🙂
00:24:23 Joe Dale: Here is the Eventbrite for 22nd July https://www.eventbrite.com/e/get-your-students-to-talk-with-extempore-tickets-113794951764
00:24:40 Karine Cook: good luck
00:25:00 Ester Borin Bonillo: I’m really excited with Carmen Webinar!
00:25:11 Joe Dale: She’s amazing!
00:26:24 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Definitely this one!
00:27:53 Joe Dale: IMGPlay is a great iOS and Android app for making gifs of yourself
00:28:14 Chris Jadav: Does It work on an ipad?
00:28:22 Joe Dale: Yes
00:30:02 ALL London: 6 core practices:
00:30:03 ALL London: https://wlclassroom.com/2017/03/19/corepractices/
00:32:39 Helen McFarlane: Thanks, Helen.
00:33:55 Elisabeth Schaludek-Paletschek: Is it already possible to register for the La Roche webinar?
00:34:33 Joe Dale: Not at the moment as we may be rescheduling that one.
00:34:55 Elisabeth Schaludek-Paletschek: Thanks for telling, Joe.
00:35:07 Joe Dale: You’re welcome
00:36:49 ALL London: Mctighe and Wiggins: https://www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/siteASCD/publications/UbD_WhitePaper0312.pdf
00:40:36 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Sooo sorry! I thought I had muted myself
00:40:54 Joe Dale: Bottom right is AnswerPad
00:44:52 Joe Dale: #authres
00:47:58 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Such a great idea!
00:48:19 Nina Elliott: ooh .. that looks cool!
00:48:30 ALL London: Brilliant!
00:48:43 Joe Dale: You can do this for free too using Apple Clips, but Clipomatic is very cool too
00:49:18 ALL London: for iPAD and iPHONE
00:50:20 Joe Dale: Love TextingStory. Works on iOS and Android too
00:50:28 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Omg I love it! Had never heard of it!
00:50:50 Joe Dale: Great for dialogue practice
00:51:03 Ester Borin Bonillo: I just in love of TextingStory!!!!
00:51:13 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: is this free?
00:51:21 Joe Dale: You have to pay to add images, but text on its own is free. You can add emojis for free too
00:51:40 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Brilliant! Thank you
00:52:04 Joe Dale: http://textingstory.com/
00:52:10 Nina Elliott: love slidesmania 🙂
00:52:23 Joe Dale: https://www.apple.com/uk/clips/
00:52:50 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Slidesmania is amazing! And it’s all free. The kids love the games
00:53:06 Florence Barats: Q Can you download the slides?
00:53:15 Joe Dale: Yes
00:53:24 Susan Hanna-Wicht: Slidesmania looks fantastic!!
00:53:30 Ester Borin Bonillo: Agree, slides mania is amazing
00:53:37 Susan Hanna-Wicht: So useful
00:53:46 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Slidesmania was on my radar to explore… more now that you are talking about it. Thanks, Carmen!
00:58:26 Nina Elliott: it looks like formative can also link to Google Classroom too? (Google says yes!)
01:01:53 Chris Jadav: Joe could yo say what you said about making pdfs interactive more slowly here please. Sounds great, but too quick to absorb, thanks
01:02:02 Ester Borin Bonillo: Q: Joe Dale, what was the name of the took you just said? thank you
01:02:09 Helen Myers: https://wizer.me/
01:02:34 Joe Dale: You can upload a PDF to Go Formative and add interactive elements to the worksheet then share with students
01:02:48 Chris Jadav: Thank you.
01:02:51 Joe Dale: liveworkshhets.com
01:02:54 Ester Borin Bonillo: Fab, thank you Joe!
01:02:59 Joe Dale: liveworksheets.com
01:04:06 Negin Shabestari: yes she is sorry I didn’t mean private
01:05:42 K Johnston: Q: Do students need an account to submit their work to you?
01:06:03 Joe Dale: For Wizer?
01:06:11 K Johnston: Yes
01:06:18 Joe Dale: I’ll ask
01:06:19 Audrey Lux: Can you add interactive items to the video on the worksheet? Like you can for example do on learningapps?
01:06:38 Joe Dale: I’ll ask
01:06:47 Audrey Lux: Thanks Joe
01:06:54 K Johnston: Thank you 🙂
01:06:57 Chris Jadav: Has anyone done any work on GDPR as far as using different apps and students needing to submit details?
01:09:02 Helen Myers: Chris – good quesiton. I assume this is why it is so good when apps integrate with an existing school system e.g. Microsft, Google Classroom ..
01:10:56 Florence Barats: Q Does it work with Microsoft teams?
01:10:59 Audrey Lux: ok, thank you
01:11:12 Florence Barats: Sorry!
01:11:22 Chris Jadav: I’m really enjoying learning about different apps and trying different things out and we have a great IT tea. Just wondering if when we look at these things we could flag up that aspect too. I know my own ignorance could trip me up.
01:12:15 Helen Myers: https://info.wizer.me/privacy-policy/
01:13:01 Audrey Lux: I have to go but thank you so much for this webinar
01:13:18 Joe Dale: You’re welcome Audrey
01:13:22 Helen Myers: Thanks for coming Audrey – we will send you the link
01:13:36 Joe Dale: https://www.prankmenot.com/
01:13:52 Joe Dale: Nice 🙂
01:13:53 Helen Myers: This is good for escape rooms!
01:14:13 Joe Dale: Yes
01:14:22 Helen Myers: https://giphy.com/
01:14:33 Helen Myers: I love this!!!
01:16:07 Helen Myers: (warning …If you put ‘love French’ in the search you get some rather ‘grown-up’images ..!)
01:16:28 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks for the heads up, Helen!
01:16:36 Isabelle Jones: what a surprise… 🙂
01:17:00 Helen Myers: !!!!!
01:17:15 Helen Myers: Je suis si innocente!
01:17:42 Helen McFarlane: :-))
01:17:48 Helen Myers: They look there anyway to be hionest – so yes Joe, proabnly not in class while I am watching!
01:18:06 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Joe: could you type the name of both gif apps you and Carmen use? I missed it…
01:18:27 Joe Dale: IMGPlay
01:18:49 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thank you!
01:18:51 Joe Dale: https://imgflip.com/
01:20:14 Ester Borin Bonillo: EDpuzzle is brilliant
01:21:00 Helen Myers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9WRp_3iKCOJx7gcoz56YmQ
01:21:07 Helen Myers: That’s Carmen’s YouTube
01:21:10 samia saci: Can we have a link to Carmen’s presentation please. I haven’t made notes of the apps
01:21:13 Joe Dale: Thanks Helen
01:21:32 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Me too… I always cry!
01:21:46 Joe Dale: Here is Carmen’s preso https://tinyurl.com/ybfbkzdo
01:22:18 Helen Myers: Playlist for animated shorts on Carmen’s site: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4Nm1YrpyDtMnvZKzzyl2HmqidMbMBBSh
01:22:21 Susan Hanna-Wicht: Thank you so much for this fantastic presentation.
01:23:36 Isabelle Jones: Thank you so much for this great presentation.
01:24:13 Deborah Monroy: Thanks so much!
01:24:13 Karen Pooley: Thank you very much, it has been extremely useful
01:24:31 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks very much, I have learnt loads and time has just flown!!!
01:24:55 Joe Dale: 🙂
01:26:04 Florence Barats: very French!
01:27:00 Helen McFarlane: Hahahaha!
01:27:33 Caroline Okerika: You are awesome!
01:27:35 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Thank you very much, Carmen! You inspired me a lot.
01:27:37 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Bravooooo!
01:27:43 samia saci: Nice
01:27:43 K Johnston: Thank you!
01:27:46 Florence Barats: Thank you so much!
01:27:59 Fi Barringer: thanks – so inspiring
01:28:11 Helen Myers: Coudl you all get ready for a class photo?
01:28:12 Valérie Smith: Merci énormément. C’était fantastique!
01:28:16 Michele IASONOS: thank you!
01:28:28 Negin Shabestari: That was awesome, many thanks Carmen.
01:28:33 Carmen Guzman: Gracias
01:28:35 Ester Borin Bonillo: Carmen, ha sido una presentación fantástica llena de ideas!Muchas gracias!!!!
01:28:51 Helen McFarlane: Thank you for a really energising presentation, Carmen. Such fab ideas!
01:29:59 Helen McFarlane: Thank you Helen and Joe, too. Great presentation.
01:30:01 Pilar Navarro: Absolutely amazing. A wealth of ideas to try out
01:31:23 Chloe Martin: Thanks a lot; really interesting and so much ideas!!
01:32:08 Florence Barats: Thank you again for everything. I have to go. have a lovely end of the week.
01:32:34 Helen Myers: http://www.longwood.edu/staff/goetzla/TeachingLanguages/THREE%20MODES%20OF%20COMMUNICATION.pdf
01:32:38 Helen Myers: modes of communication
01:33:10 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks, Helen!
01:33:17 Helen Myers: Interpersonal / interpretive / presentational
01:33:19 Marielle Fitzgerald: This presentation was well worth getting out of my warm bed at 4.15am for! (I am attending from Adelaide in Australia.) Thank you, Carmen!
01:34:01 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Wow, Marielle! That is true commitment! 🙂
01:34:49 Mart Wilmin: thanks, a super presentation!
01:36:12 carmenscoggins: https://scogginsc.wixsite.com/actflminibytes2018
01:37:20 Deborah Monroy: French seems to really be taking a hit right now …
01:37:44 Deborah Monroy: Also not that many teachers around it seems
01:38:19 carmenscoggins: Scogginsc.wixsite.com/actflminibytes2019; scogginsc.wixsite.com/actflyminibytes2017; scogginsc.wixsite.com/actflminibytes2016
01:38:25 Ester Borin Bonillo: I will do, sure!
01:38:42 carmenscoggins: Check out Leslie Grahn on Pinterest!!!!!
01:39:20 Vanessa Perrott: Thank you. A very interesting presentation. Lots of practical ideas.
01:39:36 Elisabeth Schaludek-Paletschek: #authorize? Is this right?
01:39:42 Helen Myers: authres
01:39:46 Helen Myers: #authres
01:39:50 Helen Myers: authentic resources
01:39:56 Elisabeth Schaludek-Paletschek: Thanks Helen!
01:40:31 Elisabeth Schaludek-Paletschek: Wow. What fab news <3
01:41:07 carmenscoggins: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4DA150A4B7E1D6B7
01:41:07 Elisabeth Schaludek-Paletschek: awesome indeed
01:41:10 Ester Borin Bonillo: wow! virtual realiy!!! I saw something with a project called TILA that it was like a Second Life
01:43:21 carmenscoggins: https://www.pinterest.com/grahnforlang/boards/
01:43:37 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Wow, there’s so many animated videos, thank you, Carmen! I love short films and really like to use them in language lessons
01:46:39 Helen McFarlane: Thanks – have to go now – still moving house! Bonne nuit, everyone! It was brilliant – feeling inspired…
01:46:47 Ester Borin Bonillo: It was just amazing Carmen, I will have to back to watch the presentation and go back to the chat! It was fantastic!!!! Buzzing of ideas!
01:46:47 Susan: Thanks Carmen!
01:47:09 K Johnston: Thank you again!
01:47:14 Isabelle Jones: Thank you so much for all the inspiration, ideas and resources.
01:47:23 Negin Shabestari: A huge thank you to Carmen, Helen, Joe and ALL.
01:47:23 Elisabeth Schaludek-Paletschek: Many THANKS
01:47:24 Hazel Aslan-Tipping: Thanks again!!! It was great and inspiring!
01:47:24 Pilar Navarro: Thank you again.
01:47:24 Orla: Thanks Carmen, very inspiring 🙂
01:47:30 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks again! You’re very inspirational!
01:47:37 carmenscoggins: Thank you all!!!!!!!
01:47:42 Karen Pooley: Thank you, brilliant
01:47:54 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks to Joe and Helen too for organising!
01:48:39 samia saci: Thanks Helen
01:48:41 Marielle Fitzgerald: Muchas gracias
01:48:58 Ester Borin