A TiLT Webinar with Arjana Blazic: “Student voice and choice.”

14th October 2020 8 pm – 9 pm



ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar, held in a Zoom room and also viewable on an unlisted YouTube stream, is open to all MFL teachers.  We hope that you will like us and want to join!

We thank Joe Dale for co-ordinating  the TiLT (Technology in Language Teaching)  series of webinars, bringing together teachers who are interested in  developing their use of technology in their teaching.  As well as  enhancing our skills, we also get to meet other ‘keenies’  from across the globe, and can get to know each other informally by chatting before, during and after the webinar.

We also thank the presenters, who give freely of their time and expertise.  Where possible, most sessions are recorded and available for viewing later.


This webinar will give an overview of teaching strategies that can be used to encourage student voice in the classroom and to provide students with opportunities to create their own learning pathways and to demonstrate their learning.  We will explore choice boards, learning menus and playlists and give examples of how teachers can use them to differentiate instruction and boost student engagement.


Arjana Blazic is a language arts teacher, teacher trainer, education technology advisor and course designer. She holds a Master of Education from the University of Zagreb. She is a recipient of the 2014-2015 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Award at Penn State University. She is co-author of the Croatian National Curriculum for English Language Teaching and the National Curriculum for the Use of ICT as a Cross-Curricular Topic. Arjana likes experimenting with digital tools and learning how to effectively use technology in the classroom.


Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits!  https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/

Please read the Webinar page of our website for more information about how to join a Webinar.  In particular, please read our etiquette on participating in a webinar: http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/webinars/webinar-information/

It is very easy – you just click on a link and you can see and hear!  Please do not pass the link to people who have not signed up and read the etiquette as this can cause problems.  We look forward to seeing you!


Joe Dale generously organises these webinars for us ‘for free’.  He makes a paid living by supporting teachers.  To find out what he can offer, please contact him.