August 5 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Julia is an enthusiastic adopter of Textivate and we are delighted that she is willing to share her practice with other Textivate users. (Non-users are welcome to come along as well!)
Subscription rates can be seen on the Textivate site here:
ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar is open to all MFL teachers. We hope that you will like us and want to join!
Julia will show us how she uses the online resource to provide ‘input flooding’ exercises (giving a flood of examples of structures so that learners notice and acquire the targeted form), especially effective when using the text-to-speech facility.
Julia will also demonstrate the way in which a sequence of activities can be designed by the teacher such that a learner can easily follow a path and self-mark, thereby helping teachers to manage and monitor learning effectively and efficiently in a remote or hybrid learning situation.
This session is being recorded so that teachers preparing for the new academic year have access to it for reference if needed. The recording will be available as a link from the ALL London website.
Introducing Julia …
Julia Morris writes:
I grew up and studied in Berlin and I have been teaching German and French in South-West England for 13 years.. Since Christmas I have been teaching at Millfield School in Somerset. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @JuschMo
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits!
Julia Morris- Textivate Webinar – 5th August 2020
00:31:44 Antonio da Silva: I am a member
00:31:45 Catharine Davidson: Yes – amazing resources and support
00:31:52 Ceri Griffiths: yes , I am a member
00:31:56 Clara Bouclier-Mulligan: I am a member
00:31:57 Greg Armstrong: Do you have to be a teacher in England to join? I am in Scotland
00:32:09 Negin Shabestari: I am a member of the wonderful ALL.
00:32:11 Caroline Okerika: Please join, it’s so worth it!
00:32:26 Cynthia Hitz: Is this membership available to those in the US?
00:32:30 Faisal Ibrahim Shamali: is it free membership ?
00:32:35 Fatima Khaled: yes a member and very proud of
00:32:39 Helen McFarlane: Yes, it’s a fantastic organisation – do join! You’ll never look back!
00:33:46 Negin Shabestari: @Faisal, the membership is not free.
00:34:23 Negin Shabestari: @Cynthia, as far as I know the membership is for UK.
00:35:26 Helen Myers: How lovely to see people from all over the world here!
00:36:28 Bella Bennett: very very worth it!
00:37:38 Lara Czerwenka: I’m not a member (yet!)
00:37:43 Fatima Khaled: can’t wait to learn about it. I heard of it but never tried it.
00:38:01 Helen Myers: Looking forward to welcoming more people to ALL!
00:38:10 Cynthia Hitz: I’ve used it since Beta version so I’m looking forward to hearing in what ways Julia uses it (to get new ideas) plus learn about Task Magic – never tried that
00:38:46 Beatriz: does textivate have some of the same game features as taskmagic ( like invaders etc)?
00:40:08 Fatima Khaled: can we use it for Arabic Language.
00:40:09 Martin Lapworth: Beatriz: yes, quite a lot
00:40:22 Beatriz: thanks Martin
00:40:26 Mark Doyle: German is on its way back!
00:40:47 Martin Lapworth: Fatima: yes, but the right to left nature of Arabic is problematic for many activities
00:41:21 Helen Myers: No need to make flashcards when you have this
00:41:43 rosariabonsignore-valcheff: I played your challenge…such a great tool and activities. I loved this tool.
00:41:49 Fatima Khaled: Thank you Marin. I will try it when I understand how to do it.
00:42:19 Helen Myers: Just a thought: I had a visually impaired pupil in my class .. having the audio for the English would have helped her
00:42:45 Greg Armstrong: Q – Can it be embedded/integrated with teams?
00:42:46 Cynthia Hitz: Can you make your own recordings for the sentences and vocabulary?
00:43:12 Fatima Khaled: this is great. I assume you can do your own recording.
00:43:19 Martin Lapworth: Greg: it doesn’t have any special integration with any LMs etc
00:43:51 Helen Myers: LInk to Catherine’s webinar – sorry – forgot to include at start
00:44:09 Martin Lapworth: Cynthia, Fatima: You can’t at the moment. It may be functionality we could add, similar to the way you can add images (i.e. an external link)
00:45:16 Helen Myers: I just love the way it is so easy to differentiate using this tool
00:45:36 Greg Armstrong: Q – For people who have used Textivate in class, how have you organised the football game? I tried it by assigning a “team captain” who picked a person to answer each time but it was messy. Same with 3 in a row – any golden ideas for exploiting in class?
00:46:31 Helen Myers: @Cynthia – yes
00:47:44 Helen Myers: whoops – sorry Cynthia – I was thinking of TaskMagic
00:48:04 Sara Tilleman: Q- all these tasks work on a cellphone?
00:49:19 Martin Lapworth: @Sara: Yes
00:51:32 Helen Myers: Being able to print out is brilliant for homework .. or a ‘settling’ activity at the start of a lesson whether in computer or class room
00:52:01 Sara Tilleman: @Martin – thanks!
00:52:02 Martin Lapworth: I thoroughly recommend Google Chrome for worksheet printing. Seems to print better, and it has a save as PDF option too.
00:52:20 Greg Armstrong: Sometimes I use the snipping tool for printing to put multiple copies of the same text in a word doc. Saves paper 😀
00:52:29 Fatima Khaled: yes, printing activities is great.
00:52:54 Sara Baulard: Q – Can I assume that if pupils all have devices in the classroom that they can work online with them? Do they get logon codes or passwords?
00:53:05 Joy: Q: Can you follow student progress? Joy Wilson
00:53:06 Helen Myers: The sharing option is so important – especially as a ‘user group’ it would be great to use similar tagging
00:53:25 Lara Czerwenka: Q – Do you mainly use this in class where each student has their own iPad or laptop to work with?
00:53:32 Cynthia Hitz: Folders would be lovely
00:53:41 Martin Lapworth: Tagging your resources is key!!
00:53:53 Helen Myers: Perhaps use the same tags as you use for your platform – e.g. as in Microsoft Teams
00:54:11 Martin Lapworth: Tagging is actually more flexible than folders. It works in multiple ways, unlike embedded folders.
00:54:52 Cathy Davidson : They can get their own individual passwords. Our students use their phones in lessons for 5 minutes for example as a starter. Will be amazing for the time in Septmeber when students waiting for me to arrive
00:55:05 Helen Myers: This is an excellent idea
00:55:44 Lara Czerwenka: That sounds great
00:55:52 Greg Armstrong: The textivate guides are a good source of info for some more advanced things 😀
00:55:55 Sara Baulard: Q – Would I be able to direct pupils to the task I want them to do?
00:56:42 Greg Armstrong: @Sara you can make a sequence and share the link with them. They have to do it in the order you specify. You can check what they have done if they have used their own usernames
00:57:00 Martin Lapworth: @Sara: you can share links with your classes, or with individual students, via email etc. Links can be to full resource menu, a specific activity, a sequence of activities, a challenge…
00:57:04 Helen Myers: I put everything into excel spreadsheets first, then copy an d paste from there into any program
00:57:39 Helen Myers: Love the ‘ta-da’!
00:58:18 Greg Armstrong: I wish textivate could make wordsearches and crosswords Martin 😉
00:58:44 Martin Lapworth: @Greg: we all do… 😉
00:58:59 Greg Armstrong: You are working on that?!
00:59:23 Martin Lapworth: @Greg: no… too busy on non-textivate stuff
00:59:41 Greg Armstrong: Ok :'(
01:00:12 Alex: That’s brilliant!
01:00:13 Greg Armstrong: Photoscan – new for me. Thanks for that tip!
01:00:17 Helen Myers: That is a brilliant tool – Photo Scan
01:00:49 rosariabonsignore-valcheff: if you are using a Mac, photo capture what you want.
01:01:10 Helen McFarlane: Ooh! I like Photoscan – what a brilliant idea!
01:01:42 Kate Williams: out of interest is anyone using this in combination/as part of the Gianfranco Conti style teaching?
01:02:09 Margit Alexy – Germany – English, French: Does anyone have a link for photoscan?
01:03:13 Greg Armstrong: @Margrit
01:03:15 Sara Baulard: Q – It would be great if there is time to go through the student sign up process.
01:03:25 Alex: I second what @Martin Lapworth says!
01:03:34 Martin Lapworth: @Sara: no sign-up required at all!!
01:03:47 Sara Baulard: Fantastic!
01:04:34 Martin Lapworth: @Sara: see this user guide on setting up classes:
01:05:20 Sara Baulard: Thank you. It is my worst nightmare at the beginning of the year when setting up Pearson accounts.
01:06:56 Helen Myers: So that is the link you can paste into Microsoft teams assignment / OneNote etc.
01:08:07 Greg Armstrong: I set up a class before and I made the usernames the same as their computer logins as they remember that. I made all the passwords the same
01:08:13 Helen Myers: Sequencing is such a good idea.. needed to force them to do the more demanding tasks
01:08:23 Helen Myers: Great ideas from Greg here – thanks!
01:08:37 Martin Lapworth: @Greg: good idea 🙂
01:09:02 Beatriz: When uploading images used for matching games – can the images be any of the usual formats – png? jpg?
01:09:25 Martin Lapworth: @Beatriz: yes
01:09:35 Beatriz: @martin thanks
01:09:40 Sara Baulard: Q – I work in a small middle school and am the only member of my department! Can my pupils get logins with a single teacher account subscription|?
01:10:05 Kate Williams: we have a subscription to the pearson activelearn and gianfranco Conti language gym and use quizlet- is there anything on textivate that cannot be created similar on these platforms?
01:10:13 Martin Lapworth: @Sara: with textivate you pay for teacher access. If you buy a single premium subscription, you can set up all of your classes and students
01:13:13 Helen Myers: This is SO usefuil for remote learning
01:14:13 Cathy Davidson : It has been so simple for me to add my own texts and the students find it really easy to use.
01:15:20 Greg Armstrong: If I stored images on my school OneDrive, would those work in textivate?
01:15:46 Cynthia Hitz: Can Julia demonstrate how to do something that I must be doing incorrectly – search for a text, example: weather, on public resources, then click on that resource. Then if she/teacher decides that isn’t the one she wants, does she need to retype in the search “weather” again (for whatever language she is in)? I always have to retype the search so I assume I’m doing something incorrectly
01:16:16 Liz Upton: This is magic!
01:16:46 Helen Myers: Agreed. Liz
01:16:47 hbrighton: Love this!!
01:17:05 Martin Lapworth: @Cynthia: what I do: right-click > open link in new tab
01:17:06 Cathy Davidson : Can you remind me what you typed in to do the speech?
01:17:35 Helen Myers: I am writing all questions down
01:17:44 Cynthia Hitz: @Martin good idea, that option slipped my mind but that should work
01:18:30 Helen Myers: The recording will be available almost straight away so that anyone can go back through this
01:20:30 Helen Myers: .. and you can create your own YouTube channel
01:20:56 Helen Myers: Yes – make them unlisted
01:22:51 Sara Baulard: Q – I am assuming that there are step by step instructions on the site for help when producing these resources?
01:22:52 Martin Lapworth: Yes! Giving parallel text (L1 or L2) notes as the basis for L2 text reconstruction works really well.
01:23:41 Beatriz: Sorry if I misunderstood – do videos and audios have to have url? Can you upload an mp3 or mp4 recorded/made by the MFL department?
01:23:44 Martin Lapworth: @Sara: the user guides, which Julia just pointed out, are on a separate blog.
01:23:48 Helen Myers: Wow! Really great idea – I am learning so many new things here!
01:24:02 Liz Upton: Fantastic
01:24:12 Helen Myers: Again, great for differentiation
01:24:38 Mark Doyle: I’m already thinking of songs that my students will love to work with!
01:24:55 Martin Lapworth: @Beatriz: image and audio have to be uploaded externally. Videos have to be in a specific format, as listed here:
01:25:28 Lara Czerwenka: I love trapdoor activities!
01:25:40 Lara Czerwenka: They take ages to create by yourself
01:25:46 Beatriz: @Martin – thanks will read
01:26:21 Cynthia Hitz: I love how this activity makes them start from the very beginning. It’s so fun to watch the students do this together as a class when I project it on the board 🙂
01:27:10 Negin Shabestari: Excellent webinar, many thanks. Sorry I have to go!
01:27:14 Cynthia Hitz: @Lara – what language do you teach and what level? I would love to create some more and collaborate/share with others to share the workload
01:27:47 Alex: Not used the trapdoor activity on textivate before – surprised at how easy that is! Great for input flooding, esp during online teaching (assuming pupils have access) and for homework 🙂
01:28:19 Lara Czerwenka: @ Cynthia – I teach German and French. Mainly German at the moment
01:28:41 Cynthia Hitz: @lara – aw, I teach Spanish
01:29:04 Helen Myers: Martin – do you have some sort of Textivate User group for sharing resources online / Favebook? etc
01:29:58 Martin Lapworth: @Helen: there’s a Textivate Teachers Facebook group:
01:30:12 Cathy Davidson : Thanks so much for all this. I have Textivate for ages but needed pushing to investigate and really exploit it
01:30:25 Helen Myers: Thanks Martin.
01:30:30 Greg Armstrong: Me too @Cathy
01:31:43 Martin Lapworth: Multiple resource sequences:
01:33:15 Sara Baulard: Wow! So simple to set up students!
01:33:15 Helen McFarlane: Thank you so much, Julia, Helen, Martin and everyone. Lots of food for thought during this presentation – your enthusiasm is infectious, Julia! Vielen Dank fuer alles!
01:33:23 Margit Alexy – Germany – English, French: I ask them to write their username inside the front page of their exercise book
01:33:33 Martin Lapworth: You can use any individual student password as long as it is unique among your students
01:34:35 Sandra Barth: This was an hour very well spent! So much useful stuff! Now for the gtry
01:34:50 Sandra Barth: Now for the trying it out. I’m a novice…
01:34:59 Sandra Barth: Thanks, Julia!
01:35:47 Greg Armstrong: You should change it from “student password” to “student username” @Martin?
01:36:17 Mark Doyle: How do they see the sequence of activities?
01:36:17 Cynthia Hitz: Thanks for everything – gotta run!
01:36:52 Mark Doyle: oh I see
01:37:01 Martin Lapworth: @Mark: they click on the sequence link that you have shared with them
01:37:08 Gosia: thank you Julia, great webinar!
01:37:26 Anita Romano: Thank you 🙂 very useful!
01:38:05 rosariabonsignore-valcheff: Thanks Julia, I did know about this …I will now have to try it out.
01:38:39 Antonio Silva: Thank you all. Great work.
01:38:50 Sara Baulard: Thank you very much, Julia. I had not realised that this existed. It looks so useful for all pupils.
01:38:55 Heidi Gibson: Thank you Julia. It looks like a really useful resource. I’m going to have a play with it.
01:38:59 samia saci: Thank you Julia, Martin and Helen. Great webinar.
01:39:11 Lara Czerwenka: Brilliant – I will get my department on to this. Thank you veyr much Julia, Martin and Helen.
01:39:11 Beatriz: Thank you Julia!
01:39:15 Maria Apalko: Thank you so much!
01:39:27 Cristina Jerez: Thank you very much. Great webinar.
01:39:29 Rebecca Jones @SVC: thank you!
01:39:32 Mark Doyle: Danke sehr!
01:39:37 Bella Bennett: thank you so much. very useful
01:39:40 Tetiana Katchanovska: Thank you Julia for this beautiful webinar! Good evening to everyone!
01:40:07 Alison Kirsch: Thank you so much Julia. So informative.
01:40:30 Julia Morris: Challenge
01:40:51 Greg Armstrong: Thanks Julia and hosts 😀
01:41:05 Mark Doyle: Dein Ratschlag war sehr hilfreich 🙂
01:41:09 Greg Armstrong: Biggest takeaway is Photoscan!
01:41:27 Julia Morris: Here is the guide:!Aj5VTk9OgpuWlCpH0VbgEMMO_Xkz?e=NuW0Ua
01:42:06 Vanessa Perrott: Thank you very much for such a practical introduction .
01:42:16 Sara Baulard: Q- Do you find other departments find this software useful?
01:43:24 Margit Alexy – Germany – English, French: Danke dir Julia, war ein super Webinar. Viele Grüße aus München!
01:43:29 Suzanne: I joined late but thank you for a great presentation, I really look forward to putting this into use, I love manipulating text activities so this is right up my street. Thank you!
01:43:37 Naomi Brown: I’ve got lots of other colleagues using Task Magic which is similar so I think they would.
01:43:54 hbrighton: Brilliant – thank you!
01:44:19 Clara Bouclier-Mulligan: thank you so much, very useful and informative!
01:45:10 nicola wyllie: Thank you very much for a good introduction to Textivate.
01:45:14 Greg Armstrong: 🙂
01:45:32 Beth Wills: Thank you so much – I’m excited to start putting all these ideas into practice!
01:45:49 samia saci: bye everyone
01:45:51 Cathy Davidson : Danke sehr!
01:46:39 Greg Armstrong: I think the biggest thing I struggle with is using it as a front of class tool. I’ve only really used the games
01:52:12 Sandra Barth: Could I have the link again please for user guide? It seems to have corrupted. Thanks
01:52:24 Sara Baulard: Q – Do the students have to subscribe individually to create their own revision?
01:52:33 Julia Morris: Here is the guide again:!Aj5VTk9OgpuWlCqU4JolAGhCZAqv?e=EsVShN