2021 DfE GCSE MFL Subject Content Review

The DfE consultation on very significant changes to the content for Modern Foreign Language (MFL) GCSEs closes on 19 May, as does the related Ofqual consultation.

It is essential that teachers respond individually to the consultation in porder to make their voices heard.  We cannot depend on the DfE to take account of what ‘organisations’ think.  In the process thus far, they have not consulted organisations.  They need to hear from teachers.

Many organisations are calling for a halt to the process.

Actions and references are included below.


There are 3 high profile channels for influencing the process:

  1. Complete the DfE consultation online:  Link here.  
  2. Complete the OFQUAL consultation: Link here.  
  3. If you wish to ask for a halt to the process, add your name to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) page here.  Link here.

Helen Myers has written a blogpost here with a guide to the questions and advice on how to include your opinions despite the restricted and leading nature of the questions. Link here.


Key documents

Responses from organisations:


  1. ALL webinar 1: presentation  and documents.  Link to page here.
  2. ALL webinar 2:  discussion and polls.  Link to page here.
  3. ASCL presentation video: Link here