2024 Trainee Teacher Event

Thank you to Camilla Smith for hosting our annual Teacher Trainee Reception at the Institute of Education, UCL.

Click on the photo above to see the start of our gallery.  We will be adding more!  It was just so encouraging to meet teachers of the future and their trainers – such dedication already, and such enthusiasm in the room!

After an icebreaker activity put together by Wanda Marshall [‘Find someone who..’] Helen presented information about (1) how to ALL gets people together and (b) how ALL informs people. [see pdf of presentation here] and urged everyone to join our lovely language family.

Committee members then  shared their ‘top tips’.

  • Darnelle Constant-Shepherd introduced her beautifully embroidered ‘sac de surprises’. Taking objects out of a bag just makes vocabulary learning so much more engaging and memorable.
  • Wanda Marshall expertly demonstrated how to make a mini-book.  The response of the teachers was one of great satisfaction… especially that final bit when you concertina in the slit.
  • Liz Fotheringham showed us how a collection of pictures could be used to stimulate all sorts of language – odd one out, guessing the country/region; opinons; making hypotheses about people shown; giving opinions (thank sto Greg Horton’s Group Talk) and describing authentic photos (who what why where when how)
  • Judith Rifeser elicited several idea on what ‘treasure’ a language teacher might store

Those who registered have access to the top tips presentations.

A ‘Top Tips’ booklet produced by the committee a few years ago can be downloaded here for free. (Thank you, Linguascope, for producing the hard copy and hosting this on your site).

We look forward to seeing as many trainees as possible at our events this year.  Please save these dates:

  • 1oth November- Language Show Live webinar
  • 18th January 2024 – The January Event