What a treat we had on this lovely Saturday afternoon! (Well, morning in Oklahoma!).
Dr Wes Fryer captivated us all with his lively presentation, demonstrating how to put sound pedagogical theory into practice by exploiting the creativity of online programs + the ability to use tools to give voiceovers, thereby truly engaging pupils in their language learning in a fun yet structured framework.
Thank you, Dr Fryer!
Recording :
Presentation slides
Go to Wes’ platform to view / download the slides: http://wfryer.me/language
ALL London organises webinars for the MFL community and this webinar, held in a Zoom room and also viewable on an unlisted YouTube stream, is open to all MFL teachers. We hope that you will like us and want to join!
We thank Joe Dale for co-ordinating the TiLT (Technology in Language Teaching) series of webinars, bringing together teachers who are interested in developing their use of technology in their teaching. As well as enhancing our skills, we also get to meet other ‘keenies’ from across the globe, and can get to know each other informally by chatting before, during and after the webinar.
We also thank the presenters, who give freely of their time and expertise. Where possible, most sessions are recorded and available for viewing later.
Dr. Wes Fryer will share a variety of lesson strategies and instructional ideas for language teachers in this engaging webinar. These will include ideas for using block based programming in “Scratch” for student-created ‘dialog projects,’ using the free platform “Loom” for Movie Talks, and using http://Floorplanner.com for creating labeled house designs. In addition, ideas for using Minecraft Education Edition for language design and scavenger hunt projects, and techniques for creating and sharing simple “finger puppet dialog projects” will be highlighted.
Dr. Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) is an outstanding teacher, visionary educator, author and sought-after conference speaker. Wes shares dynamic, inspiring, engaging and practical keynotes, workshops, and other presentations (including videoconferences) for educators, librarians, school administrators, and community leaders around the United States and in other countries. He is the author of several books on multimedia, technology integration and coding. Wes’ presentations and advocacy efforts focus on how students can “show what they know with media,” digital literacy, media literacy digital storytelling, and authentic/differentiated assessment strategies. He is the Technology Integration and Innovation Specialist at Casady School in Oklahoma City. In that capacity, Wes also teaches 5th and 6th grade Digital Literacy / Media Literacy classes and co-leads Casady’s Digital Citizenship Team.
Don’t forget to join ALL or renew your membership to ensure you have access to all the great member benefits! https://www.all-languages.org.uk/join/
Joe Dale generously organises these webinars for us ‘for free’. He makes a paid living by supporting teachers. To find out what he can offer, please contact him.
Class Photo
00:19:59 Wesley Fryer: Greetings from Oklahoma City, USA, where our storms are over and we’re looking forward to a sunny and warm spring day!
00:20:47 Joe Dale: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LmIkLZdT3YVpvsG4I8o6gUcahtvPBE1mQEmKI0lt7T8/edit?usp=sharing
00:22:07 Sarah B: Yes – Joe came up to our Dept a few years ago – ignited the tech + languages flame which has been burning bright ever since 🙂
00:22:33 Joe Dale: Thank you, Sarah!
00:22:39 Laurence Gastigard: Yes a member!
00:22:55 Jerome Nogues: I am a member! And should you! 😉
00:23:06 Natasha Anthony: Greetings from upstate NY!
00:27:48 Helen Myers: https://twitter.com/wfryer
00:28:03 Helen Myers: Follow Wes on Twitter!
00:28:35 Helen Myers: https://showwithmedia.com/
00:29:20 Sarah B: Ooh looks good – am doing house with S1 just now!
00:29:36 Helen Myers: Ref to John Dewey http://www.ucdoer.ie/index.php/Education_Theory/Constructivism_and_Social_Constructivism#:~:text=John%20Dewey%20(1933%2F1998),theorist%20among%20the%20social%20constructivists.
00:29:47 Helen Myers: Social Constructivism
00:31:32 Helen Myers: https://bookcreator.com/
00:32:29 Joe Dale: This is the web-based version https://app.bookcreator.com/ You can make up to 40 books for free
00:32:37 Helen Myers: https://www.sk.com.br/sk-krash-english.html
00:34:09 Helen Myers: Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/
00:35:58 Sarah B: Our pupils use Scratch in their ICT lessons – it would be great for them to use their skills in another curricular area ie languages
00:36:04 Natasha Anthony: Cute!
00:36:20 Karine Fowles: so cool!
00:36:25 Joe Dale: Love it!
00:36:40 Helen Myers: Great! And what a great performance!
00:36:48 Laurence Gillham: Ace!
00:37:01 Karine Fowles: this is so good if students don’t want to talk in person
00:37:17 Kirsten Baird: I liked how the pupils used the language to get into character!
00:37:25 Helen Myers: It gives them a reason to ‘perform’… less embarrassing if you are portraying a character
00:38:01 Helen Myers: I agree Sarah – great idea to link with IT skills
00:38:17 Joe Dale: Yes, Sarah
00:39:04 Jerome Nogues: Great for cross curriculum: IT, languages and a massive amount of creativity!! 👏
00:40:44 Helen Myers: This is right up your rue, Jérôme!
00:40:53 Jerome Nogues: Love it!
00:42:15 Helen Myers: Low bar – high ceiling – I like that idea
00:42:21 Sarah B: Love it – low bar/high ceiling – we found this with a stopmotion project
00:42:59 Karine Fowles: maybe a silly question: what is SEESAW?
00:43:29 Helen Myers: so good to structure this.. otherwise there is a danger of spending too long on the set up and not enough on the language
00:43:31 Sarah B: Careful planning and explanation is really important for a new project, even if pupils know the tool
00:43:41 Anna Grainger: Karine – it’s an online portfolio for students
00:43:53 Karine Fowles: ok thank you
00:44:19 Helen Myers: lovely dogs!!!!
00:44:28 Sarah B: @Helen I think you’re in my head as you’ve typed the same comment at the same time as me twice now!!! Great minds and all that 🙂
00:44:39 Joe Dale: It’s an Learning Management System based on a Facebook type environment which is designed to be used in education. It’s used around the world
00:45:05 Helen Myers: @Sarah – yes, I noticed that!!!!
00:46:15 Karine Fowles: How long would it take to prepare such a creative lesson/ project?
00:46:21 Joe Dale: Here’s a tutorial on Seesaw I did recently https://ppli.ie/teaching-and-learning/digital-technologies-and-mfl/?gresource=seesaw-tutorial
00:46:45 Helen Myers: So true – iT, maths and language probably the mot intimidating for pupils!
00:46:47 Joe Dale: @Karine I’ll ask
00:46:51 Laurence Gillham: Q – do you think that “scratch” is likely to be banned in schools and we would need special request to use it?
00:47:25 Sarah B: I’m in Scotland and it’s used – hurrah (I assume it’s the same version but will be checking Monday)
00:47:34 Joe Dale: @Laurence Why would it be banned?
00:47:46 Anna Grainger: It’s used in most primary schools in England
00:48:09 Sarah B: @Joe school/LA it depts. are a law unto themselves- we can’t use Flipgrid…
00:48:24 Joe Dale: I hear you 🙂
00:48:53 Laurence Gillham: Same as Sarah. Flipgrid is banned. Just wondered. Will try 🙂
00:49:05 Helen Myers: Great idea.. commenting on a moving image
00:49:23 Jerome Nogues: Loom is superb! I use it all the time. 😃
00:49:34 Joe Dale: We don’t have ‘fair use’ in the UK
00:50:04 Helen Myers: I must get back to using Loom – good rationale here for easier processing / storing / sharing
00:50:54 Sarah B: Q What is ‘maker space’ or a maker space planner?
00:51:10 Helen Myers: https://floorplanner.com/
00:51:44 Joe Dale: Good question, Sarah
00:52:18 Helen Myers: Good rationale for audio .. encourages practice.. reduces fear of doing it live
00:52:26 Joe Dale: Yes.
00:53:27 Jerome Nogues: This could potentially be done in PPT. Especially with the recording facility too.
00:53:43 Helen Myers: 1) Yes!
00:53:56 Steph: Seen my son play on it for years
00:53:57 Karine Fowles: I know my kids at home play it… but not me
00:53:58 Helen Myers: 2) Yes – but in English
00:53:59 G.Top: Yes, I know and played Minecraft
00:54:10 Jerome Nogues: Helen is Queen of Minecraft!
00:54:26 Jerome Nogues: My pupils love it.
00:54:32 Laurence Gillham: Sorry no on both accounts!
00:54:45 Helen Myers: we should set up a teacher group to play together!
00:54:47 Jerome Nogues: A big success in our school1
00:55:42 Helen Myers: My ideal would be to set up playing between schools l in different countries
00:56:11 Jerome Nogues: What a terrific idea Helen
00:56:12 Anna Grainger: That sounds good Helen. Would love to use Minecraft in my classes. My children tried to teach me once but I didn’t really get it, killed their dogs and my son cried.
00:56:13 Margarita Mortimer: Q do the students need to be physically together to record on scratch?
00:57:36 Sarah B: Thank you @Wes – sounds like the Technology Dept in a typical uk sec school – some heavy duty kit and some better spec computers than I have in my room
00:58:16 Helen Myers: Digital / virtual / face to face / synchronous
01:00:08 Helen Myers: Great idea – context .. and yes, they do have YouTube literacy!
01:01:17 Jerome Nogues: Really love this.
01:01:20 Helen Myers: LOvel yway to evidence learning – a selfie in Minecraft!
01:02:00 Sarah B: This is nice! Scarlet’s done well!
01:02:33 Helen Myers: Yes, bravo Scarlet!
01:03:41 Natasha Anthony: Do you give any webinars on synchronous classes?
01:03:54 Helen Myers: ‘Video is the pencil of the 21st century’
01:04:03 Aleksandrina Spasova: Thank you.
01:04:04 Natasha Anthony: I’m interested in crafting/designing successful online synchronous sessions in foreign languages.
01:04:15 Joe Dale: @Natasha – Can you clarify what you mean?
01:04:33 Natasha Anthony: Spanish class in Google Meet
01:04:36 Natasha Anthony: for instance
01:04:38 Natasha Anthony: or Zoom
01:04:46 Natasha Anthony: how do you prepare those?
01:04:56 Natasha Anthony: what elements
01:05:08 Natasha Anthony: do you find successful
01:05:13 Natasha Anthony: what doesn’t work
01:05:45 Natasha Anthony: How do you “materialize” their attention?
01:05:47 Helen Myers: Yes – interesting question Natasha.. I find that it’s tough to keep students all focussed on a collaborative project when they have the freedom to explore / do their own thing
01:06:24 Helen Myers: Let’s ask that question at the end ..
01:06:42 Joe Dale: Do you mean does Wes teach via webinars and what does he find works in that environment?
01:07:11 Natasha Anthony: Does he teach Spanish to students in real time?
01:07:13 Natasha Anthony: online
01:07:14 Helen Myers: I understand the question
01:07:39 Helen Myers: Let’s ask an ddiscuss at the end
01:07:48 Joe Dale: @Natasha – I’ll ask at end. Thanks for clarifying
01:07:49 Natasha Anthony: Many FL teachers teach via Zoom. They have difficulties connecting students not being physically at the same place/room
01:08:02 Karine Fowles: AWWWW!!! 🙂
01:08:10 Natasha Anthony: Cute!!!!
01:08:18 Rafa: Wow, amazing tools!!! Prompting to speak, great!
01:08:20 Joe Dale: Definitely
01:08:25 Esmeralda Balmaceda: Amazing work!!
01:08:35 Natasha Anthony: Super!
01:08:43 Sarah B: I had to be really strict with timing each lesson for the stopmotion – by the end of this lesson you should have done x. I was constantly chivvying them along. When pupils reflected at the end, several pupils were very honest that they should have made better use of their time but got distracted. Always the same with a new and exciting tool but that’s also part of the learning (for adults too!!)
01:09:04 Helen Myers: This s so good.. reminding me about things I have alway s meant to do more of!
01:09:13 Joe Dale: Thank you, Sarah 🙂
01:10:05 Joe Dale: It works on Android too
01:10:29 Joe Dale: it has transcription too
01:11:26 Rafa: Book creator is fantastic! Good tool to empower students’ writing skills and creativity
01:12:35 Joe Dale: app.bookcreator.com works in Safari on iPads too so I don’t use the app anymore
01:13:15 Jerome Nogues: Fantastic webinar. So many great ideas.
01:13:23 Natasha Anthony: Amazing! Creative!
01:13:25 Sarah B: Yes thanks – lots of inspiring ideas and I’ve dipped into your website – thank you for what you’ve shared
01:13:33 Laurence Gillham: Thank you so much! You have made me really curious. I now need to do some learning of my own! Thank you for being so inspiring 🙂
01:13:37 Maria Apalko: Fantastic! So much to learn myself!
01:13:51 Natasha Anthony: Thank you for sharing! Phenomenal!
01:15:08 Sarah B: Love it – ‘work with a young person’!!! Yes – they know more and certainly pick it up more quickly (yet still can’t type or attach files…..)
01:15:17 Wesley Fryer: https://mdtech.casady.org/spanish/lessons/spanish-scratch-dialog
01:17:44 Natasha Anthony: Thank you very much!
01:17:47 Rafa: As a beginner in gamification, where would you start? From the easiest to the hardest tool? And where do you get the best results?
01:17:52 Anna Grainger: Such great ideas. Thank you.
01:19:10 Rafa: Thank you for your answer and the book
01:21:55 Neil Reith: Thank you very much, Wesley. Very informative.
01:22:05 Liam Hanna: Thank you !!!
01:22:06 Wei F: Thank you very much!
01:22:09 Neil Reith: First one for me.
01:22:12 Wesley Fryer: Thank you all so much! So thankful to share with you all across the pond today 🙂
01:22:14 Karine Fowles: it was my first time
01:22:14 G.Top: That was my first one too
01:22:16 Kirsten Baird: Thank you very much! very interesting webinar and great ideas!
01:22:21 Rachel Persani: First time.
01:22:24 Rachel Persani: Thank you
01:22:39 G.Top: Thank you, that was amazing and very inspiring
01:22:39 Karine Fowles: how can we access your other previous webinars?
01:23:12 Joe Dale: They are on my YouTube channel. Search for joedale100
01:23:14 Sarah B: Thanks need to head
01:23:19 Pilar Navarro: Many thanks for these creative ideas.
01:23:35 Vance Stevens: thanks very much wes, as you said to me once, you do good work!
01:24:30 Karine Fowles: thank you ever so much, it gives us so many new ideas to engage our students sometimes very demotivated or unmotivated..
01:31:21 G.Top: We use “spawn” with a French accent as well
01:31:51 Wesley Fryer: https://www.wesfryer.com/after/
01:31:54 Rafa: Thank you!!