ALL London branch   


Last update: 27/05/2012


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National ALL

ALL  - a National Player

This page links to sections which complement the ALL national site, giving information and support from a 'national' perspective.

Index (most recently added on top!)

Language World 2008 - photos, accounts, links and documents
GCSE Review June-September 2007 - our guidelines and commentary

ALL asked about Dearing's report - primary languages - radio appearances

ALL 'critical friend' to 'Routes into Languages' bid

Language World 2006 - photos

Severe Grading - March 2006 - a Statement & related documents

National Executive Members - March & September 2006 - portraits!


QCA GCSE review - speaking test Radio & TV extracts
Severe Grading Page up-dated Letter sent to Alan Johnson, Dr Coe's presentation at  ASCL conference, BBC News article.
Language World April 2006

See some of the pictures taken during the conference - getting ideas from inspiring presenters, meeting publishers, awarding bodies and the DfES, and also having some time for socialising.

Statement on Severe Grading

Statement on 'Severe Grading',

March 2006


Teachers have always been accountable for the results of their pupils.   This can have a direct effect on the way in which they are managed and on their pay.  This page provides a sophisticated analysis of data and hard evidence to support members.

National Executive Members,March & September 2006

Photos taken during our meetings.   Nice to put a face to a name, and know who you are talking to!