ALL London branch   


Last update: 27/05/2012


Click here to download this invitation.

Click here to go to the school site for more info.


Headteacher: D.J Blow, M.A.

Ashcombe Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1LY

Tel: 01306 886312 Fax: 01306 742537




Free all-day Workshops

Effective use of ICT in Modern Language Teaching

See our ICT Multi-Media Rooms and gain hands-on experience

Following continued interest in our work, we are hosting further free presentation, discussion and demonstration days which will explain how we have used information and communications technology to enhance the teaching and learning of modern foreign languages. The event is promoted by the London branch of ALL (Association for Language Learning). If there is sufficient interest, we will provide further days.

For each workshop,  Monday 8th February 2010, Thursday 10th June 2010 there will be a seminar in the first half on ICT, Languages & Management. The second half will be an opportunity to see what we have installed and how it has influenced the teaching and learning of modern languages. These sessions are intended for managers (Senior Management, ICT Co-ordinators, Heads of M.L.), language teachers and those delivering ICT and are designed to look at the management required to make a success of using ICT within Languages in particular (and by extension across the whole school). No charge is made for these sessions. For more detailed information please see overleaf. We positively encourage groups of people to attend from the same institution e.g. language staff + ICT staff + Senior staff, thereby allowing discussion and planning time.

Outline Programme

9.30 - 9.45 Arrival at Bradley Building (see school website for School Map in info section; the school is opposite Dorking station)

9.45 – 11.30 Seminar on ICT, Languages & Management, including talking about the use of data projectors in classrooms; visits to ICT suites in the school

11.30 - 3.15 Hands-on experience in an ICT suite (1:1 on computer) and opportunity to see more pupils at work

3.15 onwards: an individual opportunity to explore the software, and discuss particular issues with staff for as long as you want to!

Coffee/tea/water and sandwich lunch will be provided.

More information is available on the school's website

There is a limit of 30 places, so we would be grateful if you would return the reply slip or e-mail us. We do not send out further details, but do not hesitate to contact us should you need further clarification.

You may also be interested in our annual CHINESE WORKSHOP (Friday Nov 13th) and PRIMARY WORKSHOP.

Please contact us for more details using the form below or e-mail.

Yours sincerely,

David Blow & Helen Myers

David Blow, Head

Helen Myers, Assistant Head and Chair of ALL London Branch


Please return to Language College Secretary, Ashcombe School (or e-mail

We will attend the presentation on: Monday 8th February 2010, Thursday 10th June 2010 (please indicate date)


Name(s) + e mail (or address) Position (s)

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The Ashcombe School as Language College

The Ashcombe School became a Language College in September 1998 and the bulk of the capital grant was used to create two language multi-media rooms with state-of-the-art facilities. The rooms have been used extensively by the Languages Department who have tried out different software and teaching techniques. As part of the project, we also installed a new backbone to our IT network linking our two buildings, designing it to upgrade our existing network and to allow for future expansion and upgrading, including NGfL input.

We are committed to sharing our experiences. Indeed, a key element of our bid was the creation of Dorking Schools Language Development Group, which has spread the specialist school’s benefits to the other secondary, special and primary schools in Dorking. These presentations will form part of our contribution to the Association of Language Learning (ALL) programme of events organised by the London Branch.

Downloadable documents about our work

These include "Frequently asked questions", "The Perfect MFL ICT lesson!" sample record cards for commonly used CD-ROMS and a copy of this letter

Resources for students to use in lessons or for independent learning
Resources for teachers to use with students and to assist in the preparation of activities
Resources to help with the planning and management of MFL teaching
Resources for Primary School teachers to use with pupils at KS 1/2 and to help prepare them for KS3
Site map: Alphabetical list with direct links to resources


Opportunities available at the presentation

Senior staff, language teachers and IT support staff will be available to answer questions, and there is an opportunity to see a class in action in the ICT room, and ask the pupils themselves!
Representatives from CSE, the hardware / software management suppliers may be present to answer technical questions
A representative from Eurotalk, publisher of modern language software, may be available for consultation
Over 50 language CD-ROMS available to try
See "Video-on-demand" and interactive quizzes in action
Receive a pack of documents explaining our work and including samples of the resources we have developed
Try out authoring software

Please note that because of class sizes and numbers of delegates, lesson observations will be in the large multimedia rooms rather than in classrooms. However, techniques for data projector + laptop will be demonstrated during the morning seminar.

Please note that the presentations do not include discussions about putting together a bid for Language College status (we would strongly recommend the Specialist Schools Trust for this purpose). However, we hope that the experience will give schools a more informed approach to making a bid.


Name(s) + e mail (or address) Position (s)

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The Ashcombe School as Language College

The Ashcombe School became a Language College in September 1998 and the bulk of the capital grant was used to create two language multi-media rooms with state-of-the-art facilities. The rooms have been used extensively by the Languages Department who have tried out different software and teaching techniques. As part of the project, we also installed a new backbone to our IT network linking our two buildings, designing it to upgrade our existing network and to allow for future expansion and upgrading, including NGfL input.

We are committed to sharing our experiences. Indeed, a key element of our bid was the creation of Dorking Schools Language Development Group, which has spread the specialist school’s benefits to the other secondary, special and primary schools in Dorking. These presentations will form part of our contribution to the Association of Language Learning (ALL) programme of events organised by the London Branch.

Downloadable documents about our work

These include "Frequently asked questions", "The Perfect MFL ICT lesson!", sample record cards for commonly used CD-ROMS and a copy of this letter

Resources for students to use in lessons or for independent learning
Resources for teachers to use with students and to assist in the preparation of activities
Resources to help with the planning and management of MFL teaching
Resources for Primary School teachers to use with pupils at KS 1/2 and to help prepare them for KS3
Site map: Alphabetical list with direct links to resources


Opportunities available at the presentation

Senior staff, language teachers and IT support staff will be available to answer questions, and there is an opportunity to see a class in action in the ICT room, and ask the pupils themselves!
Representatives from CSE, the hardware / software management suppliers may be present to answer technical questions
A representative from Eurotalk, publisher of modern language software, may be available for consultation
Over 50 language CD-ROMS available to try
See "Video-on-demand" and interactive quizzes in action
Receive a pack of documents explaining our work and including samples of the resources we have developed
Try out authoring software

Please note that because of class sizes and numbers of delegates, lesson observations will be in the large multimedia rooms rather than in classrooms. However, techniques for data projector + laptop will be demonstrated during the morning seminar.

Please note that the presentations do not include discussions about putting together a bid for Language College status (we would strongly recommend the Specialist Schools Trust for this purpose). However, we hope that the experience will give schools a more informed approach to making a bid.